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This is why Ayatan stars should be able to be vacuumed up instead of picked up !


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4 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

I disagree with you. You find them a lot, so no.


9 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

No, you'll find plenty more just like it. Making them vacuumable defeats the purpose of treasure hunting. Then they're just another resource you accidentally pick up with vacuum.


@JSharpie1. You need to open/ break chests in order for them to drop. Thus, it does not defeat the purpose of treasure hunting. Because you're actively putting effort into actually opening the loot chests. Hes not talking about vacuuming the sculptures, so it shouldn't be a problem in my opinion.

@xXDeadsinxX2. Finding them a lot, doesn't warrant that they shouldn't be vacuum-able. If a very rare mod were to be changed to be picked up like the ayatan stars, and if it were to get stuck. What would you do? Now hold that feeling, and pretend that ayatan stars are very rare. Now, do you understand why OP suggested that it be vacuum-able? Ayatan stars are not hard to find, but its frustrating when you couldn't pick one that is arms reach.

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10 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:



@JSharpie1. You need to open/ break chests in order for them to drop. Thus, it does not defeat the purpose of treasure hunting. Because you're actively putting effort into actually opening the loot chests. Hes not talking about vacuuming the sculptures, so it shouldn't be a problem in my opinion.

@xXDeadsinxX2. Finding them a lot, doesn't warrant that they shouldn't be vacuum-able. If a very rare mod were to be changed to be picked up like the ayatan stars, and if it were to get stuck. What would you do? Now hold that feeling, and pretend that ayatan stars are very rare. Now, do you understand why OP suggested that it be vacuum-able? Ayatan stars are not hard to find, but its frustrating when you couldn't pick one that is arms reach.

But Amber stars aren't as rare as rare mods. Which is why it is a bad idea.

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1 minute ago, taiiat said:

that's not a solution to the problem, though.

just a bandaid, and not a reliably sticky one at that.
'just half a.. it' isn't really an inspiring argument.

you know you uh, could be useful and report that invalid location, so that it can be fixed.



15 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:

You need to open/ break chests in order for them to drop. Thus, it does not defeat the purpose of treasure hunting. Because you're actively putting effort into actually opening the loot chests.

yno, other than people walk forwards while spamming AoE's of sorts at all times normally, and Pots all open themselves long before they even get to that room, let alone close to it.

Edited by taiiat
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13 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:


@JSharpie1. You need to open/ break chests in order for them to drop. Thus, it does not defeat the purpose of treasure hunting. Because you're actively putting effort into actually opening the loot chests. Hes not talking about vacuuming the sculptures, so it shouldn't be a problem in my opinion.h.

If only there was a weapon everyone could use that would effortlessly break every container in a 25m radius.

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Stars are rare for people that don't have much time to play.

Yeah that sounds really stupid right?! "no duh!"  But it stands, I have a lot of stars because I play a lot. It's actually rare for me to run a mission and not get at least one star.
 I often get 3-4.

I have 2 friends I play with and they have very little time to play so to them Stars are really rare. For them every star is counts. When we play together if a star drops out of reach it's an annoyance for me. For them it's an actual loss.

Since there are those both For and Against the idea of Stars being vacuumed then what I would like to see is the "x" to pick up interaction range boosted to 4m. This seems to be about the usual distance away they end up. Now it could be that DE makes that change and I'm totally wrong about the 4m range, but like I said that seems about right from what I've noticed.

Anyhow, just an idea.


Edited by Rolunde
left out the word "don't", doh! =p
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14 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

But Amber stars aren't as rare as rare mods. Which is why it is a bad idea.

You have missed my point entirely.

IF, that is if the ayatan/amber stars were rare. Would you still think that it being vacuum-able is a bad idea? That is the point that I tried to get across to you. If something rare were to drop in some area that you couldn't reach, would you want it to be vacuum-able? Well, if you still think otherwise, then tell me how you would feel when a rare mod you really wanted, drops and you couldn't reach it. <--- The mod isn't vacuum-able.

9 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Making them "vacuum-able" won't solve the problem, the problem is "why the hell are containers spawning into walls ?!"

It certainly does solve the problem if ayatan stars were to drop at a place where you can't pick up, even if the chest did spawn at the normal locations in the map.


10 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

If only there was a weapon everyone could use that would effortlessly break every container in a 25m radius.

If only there were a weapon that everyone could use to open the lockers. My rebuttal is weak in this case, but like I said over and over again. IF, something rare were to drop at a location where you couldn't pickup. Is Vacuum a bad idea? Assuming that the problem itself of loots being dropped to a location where it couldn't be reached to never be fixed.

Overall, Ayatan/Amber stars doesn't need to be vacuum-able if there weren't any problems such as chests in the walls, and the low chance of it being stuck somewhere unreachable. It's just a safeguard, because I doubt these problems will be fixed anytime soon.

Edited by Calwon5
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1 minute ago, Jackel7 said:

when they were Vacuum-able that would fall off the map! I had first hands experience with that, lost plenty of stars

Yep, there's a lot of problem, but why does these problems occur in the first place? Sure, I would think that some coders/programmers would say that it's hard to fix something without breaking another thing. Except, if there weren't any problems in the first place, this wouldn't be suggested in the first place either.

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8 hours ago, Rolunde said:

Stars are rare for people that have much time to play.

Yeah that sounds really stupid right?! "no duh!"  But it stands, I have a lot of stars because I play a lot. It's actually rare for me to run a mission and not get at least one star.
 I often get 3-4.

I have 2 friends I play with and they have very little time to play so to them Stars are really rare. For them every star is counts. When we play together if a star drops out of reach it's an annoyance for me. For them it's an actual loss.

Since there are those both For and Against the idea of Stars being vacuumed then what I would like to see is the "x" to pick up interaction range boosted to 4m. This seems to be about the usual distance away they end up. Now it could be that DE makes that change and I'm totally wrong about the 4m range, but like I said that seems about right from what I've noticed.

Anyhow, just an idea.


This......  This would solve alot of problems without losing any of the intended mechanics.  Though it would be a convenient easy solution to make them vaccumable, as someone else pointed out it may not actually solve the problem.  The other issue is Containers spawning in walls and such, and that reeks of sloppy map design, but I highly doubt DE is going to take the time to check every single spawn location on every map tile they've ever made....  (I could be wrong, but I doubt it....).  Extending the pick up range notably does a few things.  It also makes them easier to pick up without breaking the mechanic when you're in a rush, like when the rest of your team is trying to leave at the extract point, and you got 50 mobs on you, and you're just trying to grab the damn star but you keep getting ragdolled.....  Or any number of similar circumstances.


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10 hours ago, Calwon5 said:

It certainly does solve the problem if ayatan stars were to drop at a place where you can't pick up, even if the chest did spawn at the normal locations in the map.

No it does NOT.

We don't ALL play with vacuum at all time.

"make everything vacuum-able" doesn't solve the fact that the game IS bugged and crates shouldn't spawn in walls.

And even if the crate doesn't spawn in the wall, the star shouldn't bounce in a way that make it bugged. Yesterday I found a star below stairs and I couldn't grab it, what if I didn't have vacuum hm ?


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On 10/23/2016 at 1:59 AM, Trichouette said:

Making them "vacuum-able" won't solve the problem, the problem is "why the hell are containers spawning into walls ?!"


Don't ask for stars to be vacuumable when the best solution would be to get rid of caches stuck in walls.

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This isn't a big problem.

I've already picked up 100+ cyan and amber stars and only 1 time it ever fell between a crack that was unreachable.


I'd argue that vacuum should pick up Antiserum Injector Fragment.

But leave cyan / amber stars, syndicate medallions, and ayatan statues be pick up only.

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This highlights one of the major problems that Vacuum solved for people, and has been a band-aid on the Warframe's looting system for years now.

Loot stuck in walls, loot stuck in floors, loot falling out of the map. It just goes even further to the need for DE's next big focus (after Damage 3.0) to be on LOOTING in Warframe.

It's a set of systems that hasn't really been touched comprehensively in years. AND IT NEEDS IT!

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On 10/23/2016 at 7:16 AM, Sepharoth said:

As you can see, the star was lost because the container was in the wall. I find a great deal that are so to combat this issue, just let the stars be vacuumed like everything else.

Let me get this straight. You're basing all of your notions... on a bug that is apparently not intended? Just... one of the weakest arguments I'm seeing with universal vacuum threads. Everyone's complaining how the items get stuck through walls and fall out of tile sets, then jump to the conclusion that universal vacuum is necessary on everything to pick them up, completely negating the possibility that DE would patch this sooner or later if we report it as a bug. Seriously, it's not the reason WHY ayatan stars need to be vacuumed up. 

On 10/23/2016 at 6:36 PM, Trichouette said:

"make everything vacuum-able" doesn't solve the fact that the game IS bugged and crates shouldn't spawn in walls.

And even if the crate doesn't spawn in the wall, the star shouldn't bounce in a way that make it bugged.

And pretty much this. You can't cure a symptom without dealing with the problem in the first place. At best it's going to be a bandaid solution while everything else keeps suffering from inflammation. It's hardly a valid argument to say it needs to be vacuumed just because of glitches and bugs.

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