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Bard Warframe Speculation, Discussion and Feedback Thread


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I immediately started thinking of a kit and how to min-max it...yeah that's me.

I keep imagining that she's a support frame cuz it's been a while since the last one, and I can't think of  fun skills that won't conflict with what Banshee's got if she's a damage frame.

But really now, I can already imagine:

-ivara quiver/vauban tool kit type of ability that shuffles through some songs that give certain buffs/healing over time, something similar to Lucio's aura from Overwatch.

-a "compose your music" kind of ability, hitting the ability key just right to create some small hidden songs composed of a few notes, hitting them successfully with the right timing would be difficult in battle but would be very rewarding with all kinds of effects or attacks.

-ability color changing the instrument she uses while playing (or the one that you imagine her playing), which is also tied to her passive, (eg: red colours = electric guitar = more damage for whole team, or blue colours = violin = increased energy regen for whole team, or brown colors = drums = increased health and armor for the whole team, or purple colours = synth = increased speed, casting time, reload time, melee attack speed, or green colours = piano = increased shields, shield recharge speed, and decreased shield recharge delay...etc, you get the idea)

--an ultimate based on her used instrument (see above) which does something else with each of them, having 2 effects, one of them amplifying her passive further, and the other effect a damaging/CC effect for enemies, red (guitar) could send out energy waves similar to excalibur's ultimate towards the closest 5 enemies (which can miss if the enemy moves and also plays a sick guitar rift in the background to match the waves), brown (drums) sends outward explosions from Bard (again with music to match them in the background) that damage enemies and have a chance to knock them back (% to CC based on how many beats, so it won't be overpowered), etc...

Basically, diversity, music is diverse, why shouldn't the frame be?

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So as some of you probably know, the Bard Warframe was showcased and we had a sneak peak at its design.

Now as someone who absolutely adores support play, I must say that this Warframe brings a lot of interest to me. Before DE gave us a sneak-peak of it, I always thought of a cool Bard Warframe named Odante who specialised in support, and I am glad that they made one.

What are your guys' thoughts on the design and concept of the Warframe? I personally love it, and can't wait to see what lore lies behind this mysterious minstrel.

I have heard some complaints about its design, but I actually love it. It looks like an actual maestro space ninja. What about you lot?

Edited by (PS4)ChrissySilly
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I really don't like the headpiece design, but I really like the rest of the character design. I hope It gets a rather awesome alt helmet. And for the name I would like to put forward Herald

Skillwise I hope it gets activatable buffs/debuffs/shields rather than actual damage abilities. 

On what they just showed at pax, I would really prefer if you could use more notes than what was shown. I would really love to add chords and notes to make a melody rather than the 10 or so notes it showed. (I used to play archeage and we got 1000 notes to use per song. I think I got 1/3 of a song made with 1000.) Doesn't have to be that much, but I don't think you could get even a tiny lullaby out with what was shown. 


I thought titania would be my main... but then they showed this.. and I really hope it'll be my main

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well, it kinda turns out that these 'blades' on her arm and thighs are just horns of some sort, you can see when Steve was showcasing the step sequencer that in the left end of the 'blade', there was a horn-like end which I think the music comes from....if that's true then that's a genius design  

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-I know the bard frame is not released, posting about how I couldn't possibly know anything concrete about it is NOT productive this isn't that type of complaint.

-I am not trying to burst anyone's bubbles, I want, I NEED the bard frame.

-This post is highly based on a "If, Then" Scenario.  If DE allows the Bard's music to be spammed endlessly, Then do we have a measure to mute SPECIFIC players music?  If the Bard cannot spam her music, then this thread loses half it's importance out the gate.

-This post will not steal your children, so... don't bite my head off.

Thank you.




I know I will love hearing the new and creative Songs brought into the game by players utilizing the Step-Sequencer (Heck, I wouldn't even mind hearing Zelda songs or other already made songs from time to time).  I actually plan on playing this warframe ASAP, however...  I feel like this frame could become the next Limbo.


I know, I know.  It's hard to judge first off, however while the Bard frame is still cooking in the Development Oven I would like to know how other players feel about this idea and suggest a preemptive "Anti Ear-Griefing" function. Just for a moment, could you imagine people with End-Game Resources constantly spamming their Step Sequenced song and some might not even be creative, maybe one... long... held/repeated note meant to resemble nails on a chalkboard for-instance?  Or overused Songs that aren't creative but just fond to them but you've heard it 20 times last mission?



I cannot wait to hear the people who have even a minute dust particle of musical creativity in their soul, It actually has me intrigued.  So I wouldn't want to suggest a "Anti Ear-Griefing" measure that would blanket mute the Bard's song, that would both do a disservice to the developers who put in the blood, sweat, time and effort as well as players that actually are creative, or make unique songs or don't spam them just to get a rise out of people. 

So, what is my suggestion you ask?  While in mission...  Hit Escape  run your mouse over to the players name as if you were going to check their fabulous profile and use the same Mute function as if you were to mute their specific Voice.

Maybe I'm Suckerpunching a idea that doesn't even need it and if so, I fully apologize.  I just want a bit of QoL to the rest of the playerbase IF the bard is able to endlessly use his song over and over.



Edited by achromos
Reduced the Size of the Images a tad.
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3 minutes ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

these must be those obnoxious things kids today call "memes" 

the ones that they put tastelessly everywhere

it's like and an ignorant school teacher is trying to act all hip for the class or something

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4 minutes ago, UseNet said:

Couldn't you turn your volume down. Like on a case by case basis, if you didn't like the players music or whatever?

I'm willing to bet that you will still hear it unless you lower the volume entirely until it's off, and forcing players to randomly turn their volumes down/off just because one player likes John Cena or something else probably wouldn't be fair to the player base at large.

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Just now, achromos said:

I'm willing to bet that you will still hear it unless you mute it, and forcing players to randomly turn their volumes down/off just because one player likes John Cena or something else probably wouldn't be fair to the player base at large.

I honestly couldn't care less what music people make with the new frame. There's already people that run with hot mics with dogs barking kids yelling and (un)healthy amounts of mouthbreathing. It all seems the same to me. Maybe i'm more thick-skinned when it comes to audio-trolling, i spent a long time on consoles a few years back. XBL will teach you chill and patience.

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8 minutes ago, UseNet said:

I honestly couldn't care less what music people make with the new frame. There's already people that run with hot mics with dogs barking kids yelling and (un)healthy amounts of mouthbreathing. It all seems the same to me. Maybe i'm more thick-skinned when it comes to audio-trolling, i spent a long time on consoles a few years back. XBL will teach you chill and patience.

I don't play on XBL, however this all goes with my whole "Anti Ear-Griefing" idea.  If some random dude comes in with "Heavy mouth breathing, Kids yelling, or dogs barking."  I will most likely want to mute him/her and the game already allows their players to Mute the other players Mic on your end so I believe that my idea would be a rather seamless and painless suggestion.

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33 minutes ago, achromos said:

maybe one... long... held/repeated note meant to resemble nails on a chalkboard for-instance?

I reckon you didn't see the paxaus stream last night.  Rebecca actually brought this up on there and its one of the things they are working on.  I wouldn't worry overly about it since, as you said, its hard to judge when its not even released yet.

It may be one of the reasons it will be the second new release rather than the first.  We'll see.

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3 minutes ago, UseNet said:

Do you think it's worth (worth their time and money) DE redoing their UI so that players can mute one frames powers?

It's utilizing a function that is already there and drawing from it.  Will it take a bit of code?  Yes.  How much?  I don't know.  On the surface just linking Warframe ability sounds (specifically the bards) to the Mute function that is already in game and working seems like the easiest solution.


8 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

I reckon you didn't see the paxaus stream last night.  Rebecca actually brought this up on there and its one of the things they are working on.  I wouldn't worry overly about it since, as you said, its hard to judge when its not even released yet.

It may be one of the reasons it will be the second new release rather than the first.  We'll see.

No, I didn't see it and I am quite thankful that Rebecca brought this up, I guess I'll have to watch it again.  I was distracted by the announcement of the Infested warframe.

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2 minutes ago, achromos said:

On the surface just linking Warframe ability sounds (specifically the bards) to the Mute function that is already in game and working seems like the easiest solution.

I sometimes wish the same could be done with certain weapon sounds, they are fine in short bursts, but when spammed to high heaven I just have to turn off my sound.

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