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Sorties / High Level missions and constantly reviving players


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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

He further specified the issues he had. You may wanna continue reading.

I finished reading, hoping I was wrong.
But I was right.
He kept moaning about redirection and vitality (that aren't a valuable way to survive) and he pretends random people to be geared as he wish.

Let me quote myself:

15 minutes ago, Prepotenza said:

If you feel like a random player is not good enough you shouldn't be playing public matches. If you think you might die reviving him don't do that. It's simple.

That's it.
No one has the right to moan about random players. They can do whatever they want. Everyone is free to play in his own way and to be as much noob as he wants.
There are plenty of clans and plenty of players in WF, just get a good group and play with them.

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Just now, Prepotenza said:

He kept moaning about redirection and vitality (that aren't a valuable way to survive) and he pretends random people to be geared as he wish.

Well, the problem is, he's right.

It's always better not to get shot at all, but it happens. Having survivability mods in gives you an edge when it does happen--and it happens a lot in PuGs.

I also see quite a few other tenno running at base stats and I see them kiss the dirt very frequently. Some don't (props), but most do. Whether I can revive them or not comes down to other factors. One would be can I see you? If not, then no revive (I'm not going looking for you). Another would be you've dropped four times in 2 minutes. Clearly, you don't belong here, so I'm not risking it anymore. If I'm playing something like Valkyr, Nyx, or Trinity, I might go the extra length to get you up again, but there comes a point where it's clearly a waste of time. If I'm playing something like Titania, well, sucks to be you; don't get downed.

Bottom line is if you're not dropping right and left in a mission, then I don't have a problem with you. If you are, then we have an issue. Namely, that being you don't belong where you are. Survivability mods are a buffer. They can help make the difference, particularly if your gameplay is a bit substandard.

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1 minute ago, Prepotenza said:

I finished reading, hoping I was wrong.
But I was right.
He kept moaning about redirection and vitality (that aren't a valuable way to survive) and he pretends random people to be geared as he wish.

Let me quote myself:

That's it.
No one has the right to moan about random players. They can do whatever they want. Everyone is free to play in his own way and to be as much noob as he wants.
There are plenty of clans and plenty of players in WF, just get a good group and play with them.

I can respect your opinion on that, but finding good players to play with regularly is not an easy task. After over a year, I've found 7 total, and 3 of them are gone. One currently has internet issues, and another just came back from a break of several months. I have other friends, but they come with issues I'd rather avoid talking about. My point is, public matches are my best bet for finding good players, and I assume the same goes for many others. Randoms matter a lot, especially with how punished solo play is.

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If he keeps dying then he's playing above his skill level. Making a proper build so that you don't become a liability to the team is also a part of that.


He got a few lives. Let him start using them after the 5th rez to let him know it's time to get good.

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I agree that a lot of people go unprepared for some missions and end up being a problem for the team. 

At sorties level, a reasonable experienced player can survive with no problems without using defensive mods. Of course they can die once in a while but not like 2 times a minute, because something is absolutely wrong with your build if that is happening. 

At really high levels, after a certain point, no defensive mods will save you from getting one shot. 

Maybe it is not only about defensive mods but the whole load out...



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20 minutes ago, Sloan441 said:

Well, the problem is, he's right.

It's always better not to get shot at all, but it happens. Having survivability mods in gives you an edge when it does happen--and it happens a lot in PuGs.

I also see quite a few other tenno running at base stats and I see them kiss the dirt very frequently. Some don't (props), but most do. Whether I can revive them or not comes down to other factors. One would be can I see you? If not, then no revive (I'm not going looking for you). Another would be you've dropped four times in 2 minutes. Clearly, you don't belong here, so I'm not risking it anymore. If I'm playing something like Valkyr, Nyx, or Trinity, I might go the extra length to get you up again, but there comes a point where it's clearly a waste of time. If I'm playing something like Titania, well, sucks to be you; don't get downed.

Bottom line is if you're not dropping right and left in a mission, then I don't have a problem with you. If you are, then we have an issue. Namely, that being you don't belong where you are. Survivability mods are a buffer. They can help make the difference, particularly if your gameplay is a bit substandard.

Well, you shouldn't be having an issue cause a random player is a random player.
You may find a skilled one with great loadout or you may find a bad one that dies once every minute.
Honestly even the last sortie can be completed with ease, unless a specific condition (radiation hazard or something as bad) prevents you from that.
I run Banshee in most mission (RQ can clear everything) and a tanky frame in survival.
I rarely find myself in trouble because of a bad teammate (except yesterday or 2 days ago, we were doing a defense in the first sortie, I was Banshee, clearing the map with RQ, a Loki was having fun swapping around the target, trying to hide him above a rock, then, somehow, the target dropped in the texture down under the map, and we lost).

17 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

I can respect your opinion on that, but finding good players to play with regularly is not an easy task. After over a year, I've found 7 total, and 3 of them are gone. One currently has internet issues, and another just came back from a break of several months. I have other friends, but they come with issues I'd rather avoid talking about. My point is, public matches are my best bet for finding good players, and I assume the same goes for many others. Randoms matter a lot, especially with how punished solo play is.

I know that feeling, but if you get good enough you can carry a whole team on your own.
The current game content can be cleared solo, sorties are a joke most of the time.
I would like to find some good players cause a lot of time has passed since I made a 2h survival or some serious stuff.

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I have noticed the trend as well and agree that it is annoying.   

Another thing I noticed was that spawn rates on Corpus sorties are crazy as well.  Seems to have been cranked up, and higher than the other factions.  Been seeing most of the team get downed on almost every minute on some of those.  Has anyone else noticed  as well?  I admittedly did not last with my Trin and could not even get abilities off as I would be downed in the cast time, but I never skimp on the Defensive mods.  The room would be overwhelmed within seconds of it being cleared.  What is normal for me is that in most runs I rarely hit the floor, even with my EV Trin.

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I play Ivara almost exclusively, and those are just two mods that aren't really needed on her with how I play her. In most cases I would die if hit with those mods on anyway. One thing I do keep is Life Strike on all my melee weapons.

Unless I'm grouped with teammates drawing enemy fire, I won't get hit. I learned a good while ago that to increase my survival chances in groups it was best for me to step away from them.

There are other frames that do need these mods at times. I think that also depends on play style and some form of common sense.

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No Redirection/Vitality Radial Disarm build Loki here, and honestly I'm freaking tired of reviving all sorts of players from lowest to highest MR's in Sorties, so I have one thing to ask to all players - when you are launching Sortie mission, ask yourself a question: "Can I do it solo with 4man spawn rates?" And If honest answer is "no" (and it MUST be a honest answer) either pick as much defense as possible or don't play Sortie at all untill you can answer "yes" to that question, thank you.
Allways your's Frustraited Loki player.

Edited by HorridaMessor
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1 minute ago, HorridaMessor said:

when you are launching Sortie mission, ask yourself a question: "Can I do it solo with 4man spawn rates?" And If honest answer is "no" (and it MUST be a honest answer) either pick as much defense as possible or don't play Sortie at all untill you can answer "yes" to that question, thank you.

It would great if that was done. It's something I do everytime I decide to do a sortie with a group.

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10 hours ago, Teloch said:

Don't bother yourself. Nothing will change because you vented on forums (except the fact you now might feel better :3)

Actually it's been scientifically proven that online venting makes you angrier short and long term.

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10 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

You're looking at this wrong.

Are you a player that drops twice a minute in a sortie?  I'm guessing no.

So I'm not talking about you.  :)

I'm not saying people have to do what I want.  Players should feel free to equip their warframe with whatever they like.  But if a player keeps dropping in a sortie and I see "300/300" next to their name, I'm not reviving him.

They specifically choose to be fragile for no good reason, I specifically choose not to revive them.  Just like @Teloch said, I don't revive other play styles as well.

@Teloch @Carnage2K4 @Calwon5 Ranked!

sortie corpus techs and ramparts dont give a single orokin eff how much shields or anything you got, really

Edited by (PS4)SektorZR1
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11 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:
11 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

I hate this.  It's selfish.  It's short sighted.  It's annoying.  I have no idea why any player would want to run around with no shields and no redirection on a sortie or high level mission and obviously be a liability for the team but they keep doing it.  

Before someone says "But I can do it!!!!"  Yes, a SMALL number of HIGHLY SKILLED players playing THE RIGHT WARFRAME know what they are doing and can do this.  I'm not talking to the MR22 Loki's that have 80% of their playing time in a Loki.  This is about the squishy Mags, Volts, Mirages, Embers, and so on who don't want to install an extra forma.




I agree, me personally I don't run redirection and vitality unless I know I'm doing something crazy (like power leveling a frame in a sortie or using a frame I don't play often) i like the squishy frames like volt, Ember, and ash (my ash build has him really squishy) but I at least don't charge in and die over and over again, and while it takes some time, Forma makes things better, and I really wish some people would use it, I'd give them some if I could haha.

EDIT: While I agree with some points of this, I also can't fault those players, public matches aren't really the best for flawless builds, there are people that will have wildly different builds than the ones that work with you and me but could work really well with others, so while your frustration is understandable I would say it's understandable if said person is doing it as a troll. the best way is to actually speak with the group before getting into the match.

Edited by UniversalPixle
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Just now, -CM-Kinnison said:

most of my raid builds don't bother with Redirection or vitality, because i rely on CC ability, Power range and efficancy.  Same with sorties.

got a problem with it, don't do pubs


I think the issue he has is people being overly cocky, causing issues for the whole group because they "think" they can handle it, not if they actually can handle it.

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Well, I guess I Have to explain you certain things, OP.

First your statement "It's selfish": My main warframe is Vauban, Vitality and Redirection are two mods that I find useless in my build, Instead, I try to increase the effectiveness of my powers. I must say that I may fall from time to time, but with my build I can give enough CC to make any kind of mission fairly easy. It's not selfish if you are doint it to help to acomplish the objetive of a mission, even if you fail at doing so.

Second, your statement " a SMALL number of HIGHLY SKILLED players ..." Well, I don't know about this, yes, it took me some time to learn and know how to use certain warframes in a way I feel comfortable with, but I'm sure that everyone knows how to use at least one warframe. And I dn't think you need THAT much skill. And something that you should know is: S#&$ happens from time to time. Someone could be having a bad day, or a S#&$ty conection or could make one mistake, and you can't blame them for that. If you can't revive them without putting yourself in danger of being downed, then don't try it, but don't call them useless for that.

And then you say your last statement. Yes, Warframe is a teamgame, and as a team game you too have to think for the team. If they think their build can help in the mission, then see what they do to help the misison, either by using powers or whatever, But I will assume that you already tried that. What about your build? Is it meant to resist damage? Is it mean to do a lot of damage?

An advice that you could use : Some warframes don't benefict a lot from using redirection and/or vitality, try making some build that doesn't have them and you will see how much more variety you can have.

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Well in high level Sorties, enemies can and will one shot you no matter what so it's pointless. Try taking a hit or two and you'll be down in a second. Or try bringing a sentinel with the mod to protect you while you're reviving people.

Even Inaros will go down in a few shots. Mirage without any additional shields is pretty much the same as Mirage with more shields in a high level sortie. Adding more HP or Shields to a squishy frame makes very little difference.

Let's say Volt Prime with a Maxed Vitality. He only has 100 armor! He will still go down in seconds. So the difference is very minimal. They will still die a lot. 

I've played enough Volt to say he will die a whole lot if you don't avoid attacks. I've tried to make him tankier and although he can take quite a bit of damage, he abandons the ability to help his team and revive others. 

There was also this one time that I brought Nyx with Vitality. I couldn't spam Chaos as often I just kept dying. Think about that.

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50 minutes ago, UniversalPixle said:

I think the issue he has is people being overly cocky, causing issues for the whole group because they "think" they can handle it, not if they actually can handle it.

There are people who I have seen do no shields NM missions with something like Volt or Mag without a vitality mod.

after about one or two revives I just let them die since I always go into a mission with the idea to carry the whole squad so I will never be disappointed or fail

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You're going into a public match expecting the best out of people, but 90% of the time that's not what you're going to get.

My advice is just keep your expectation in check, or go into a sortie with a premade team or with friends that you can rely on.

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9 minutes ago, texrei said:

It's not like you are carrying your squad, you know?


There is a very powerful phrase: "Nobody but me".

That's how you should think when facing tasks or difficulties.

Don't expect anything  aside from your competency and powers

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