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Hilarious & Sad Moments With High MR Players


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7 hours ago, ZombieLorde91 said:

We all know that low MR players pretty much don't have some mods or weapons or frames that a higher MR would. However this doesn't count for player skill/knowledge, which some people still believe (mind-boggling I know). This is common knowledge to players that understand this game.

But, I want to look in the other direction. We know high MR players usually have like... everything. You think they know their stuff but more often than not... they don't. Quite often it's both sad and hilarious at the same time. Yes, this doesn't include every high MR Players out there, but there is some you'd actually question... in a bad way on a daily basis (sometimes hourly).

Fellow Tenno, I want to hear your moments of high MR players you'd questioned. Remember, no naming and shaming.



My Funny Story - I was doing a Sortie Defense mission against the Grineer. This was the last one to complete before receiving our rewards. Knowing that it'll be a Operative to protect instead of a Cyropod, I decided to use Limbo to banish myself and the operative... basically making the VIP unkillable. A MR21 player in our squad went Ember Prime since all 4 of us had Corrosive Projection, a very understandable move. We got in our match and I quickly realized a few things. First was that he didn't have any Health/Shield increasing mods on and that he went with a WoF Build with the augment. Secondly, he wasn't using his gun and didn't need to since WoF killed everything, making this mission a very trivial matter. I started using banish on him for 2 reasons: make him immortal and gain 2 energy per second. Near the end of the match, he started cussing at me for doing so and complaining that he wasn't getting kills. As soon as that statement was made, a MR19 spoke up and said "You do know Warframe Abilities go through right? You do understand that you can simply back flip out of it yes? Cuz I haven't seen you once shot your weapon the entire time" The MR21 Player sounded shocked, cussed even more and immediately left in a rage. Later I got a very good compliment from the MR19 and said thank you for protecting him (since he was running into the Grineer Bombards consistently) and the operative, I hope this doesn't discourage you from playing this game.

MR19 Player, I want to say no it didn't and that I hope you doing great.

Sidenote - That MR21 Player managed to get 1253 kills, 87% of the total kills and 92% of the damage dealt to them.

Here's a nice bit of extra for you.

Limbos Energy boost for a player being in the rift, doesn't apply while Drain Over Time powers are active, so as long as World on Fire is going, no energy gain.

The immortality is important though, and helps massively, combine with being able to forward roll out of it at will, and there should be 0 issue.

I mean, this is doubly impressive, as to hit MR21, there's only 8 non-exclusives (Warframes count as 2), (potentially up to 72 items with exclusive items, though Archwing tuff accounts for 22 of that), you really should have encountered or used a Limbo in that time.


6 hours ago, (PS4)AleDiorio said:

I started using banish on him for 2 reasons" 

did you ask him first?


I main Limbo.

I tend to explain the basics of Limbo to newbies.

But also, if you ignore it, and/or go down more than 3 times in quick succession (especially for stupid reasons like trying to face tank the entire Grineer army with your 65 armour), I'm putting you in the Void for a time out, so I don't have to keep getting your &#! up every few moments and can do my job elsewhere, and so you can think about what you've done.

Edited by DarkOvion
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

I saw a guy once, cant remember the MR, but he was SPAMMING Molecular prime, I mean, he did that for 5 waves non stop every sec. It didnt make any sense but it was so fun that I never said anything.


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Haven't really seen any cases where a high-MR player acted like a complete noob, the worst I've seen are when from frost players (any MR really) don't know they can burst the old globes with their 1. How annoying that is depends on the mission type. (I get that you want to stay safe when reviving people but come ON, does it really justify leaving bubbles everywhere?)

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6 hours ago, Helch0rn said:

The week after Saryn rework I was playing some def and one of the pugs (yes I play public) was like: "hurr durr you are a noob because you use Saryn. Don't you know they nerfed her into the ground? Durr hurr"

A minute later he complained that I was stealing all of his kills

yeah...her spores do that :P she is almost as bad with kill count than a BS ash is :P

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30 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

....Senpai?  Don't you mean Sensei? 

How dare you disrespect Senpai :(


11 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:


You realize if you spam it it restarts the last molecular prime right?

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2 hours ago, DarkOvion said:

Here's a nice bit of extra for you.

Limbos Energy boost for a player being in the rift, doesn't apply while Drain Over Time powers are active, so as long as World on Fire is going, no energy gain.


What?  Rift plane energy works through channels.  I used to do so much T4D as Mesa, and we would always have a Limbo keeping cataclysm on the cryopod and keeping me banished.  It slowed the drain to a crawl.



But a lot of the things people are complaining about in here make perfect sense why someone wouldn't know them.  Because they were changed massively.  This game is incredibly unfriendly to returning players, and returning players tend to have high mastery since being "done" was the reason they took a break.  I'm sure there's still a ton I haven't caught up on.  Just yesterday I brought Nyx Prime into a sortie Hijack.  I ended up having to just run ahead of the group and taunt everything into me, or throw out some chaos. (I think I had re-modded myself to neutral duration since I had learned with Mesa about the channeling cost change, and hadn't farmed extra fleetings to do a more modern 2 slot efficiency build I went 3 slot with p continuity to cancel the fleeting).  I was thinking this would be just like that old tactical alert with the melee only hijack (only the modifier was something other than melee only I forget) but no, apparently sitting on the car now automatically forces your ult to pop.


There are so many weird changes you would never expect.  Nothing works like it used to and having to re-learn everything is a massive pain.

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13 minutes ago, Callback said:

What?  Rift plane energy works through channels.  I used to do so much T4D as Mesa, and we would always have a Limbo keeping cataclysm on the cryopod and keeping me banished.  It slowed the drain to a crawl.



But a lot of the things people are complaining about in here make perfect sense why someone wouldn't know them.  Because they were changed massively.  This game is incredibly unfriendly to returning players, and returning players tend to have high mastery since being "done" was the reason they took a break.  I'm sure there's still a ton I haven't caught up on.  Just yesterday I brought Nyx Prime into a sortie MD.  I ended up having to just run ahead of the group and taunt everything into me, or throw out some chaos. (I think I had re-modded myself to neutral duration since I had learned with Mesa about the channeling cost change, and hadn't farmed extra fleetings to do a more modern 2 slot efficiency build I went 3 slot with p continuity to cancel the fleeting).  I was thinking this would be just like that old tactical alert with the melee only hijack (only the modifier was something other than melee only I forget) but no, apparently sitting on the car now automatically forces your ult to pop.


There are so many weird changes you would never expect.  Nothing works like it used to and having to re-learn everything is a massive pain.

Yup, stopped doing it about... a week after I started playing (and using Limbo, since I got 3 missions into the tutorial)

So that'd be what... almost 2 years now?

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I bring vauban... everywhere, and it gets me a lot of abuse. My load out usually has the jat kittag and kulstar for aoe damage, given that the voob has none. An Mr 21 heckled me in chat, talking about my peanut frame and how bad vauban was for... infested excavation. I explained what a bastille was, but this ash wasn't having it, so I bounced him.entertainingly enough, he didn't seem to understand what had happened, or that the bounce pads made him, well, bounce. He left after a string of abuse, and the mission went on.

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8 hours ago, ZombieLorde91 said:

That MR21 Player managed to get 1253 kills, 87% of the total kills and 92% of the damage dealt to them.

Apparently 'level-all-the-things' is a thing! I guess they also wanted syndicate faction too.

Although not exclusively, I often go by hours played these days :)

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Pretty much all of my stories involve high MR players using meta frames telling me that Oberon is useless only to then stop complaining when I show them what I can do with him.

None of them are bad people for saying what they said, either. They've just never seen a decent Oberon player before and they finally had.

Though my favorite version is when a Bladestorm Ash thinks he's the top dog and spams at every enemy while I just casually toss Hallowed Reckonings around and end up doing more than them. That one's always fun.

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7 hours ago, Skaleek said:

I think this whole thread breeds negativity towards a specific group of players. Surprised its been allowed to live so long.

I am not here to breed negativity towards a certain player demograph. If that was my goal then I'd would be shouting out the name of the player, hold many videos to show how bad a player is when have a high MR and straight up try to get the players remove.

This is not the case and never will be.

Besides, there are many other topics that do breed it although quite a lot of them are either archived due to it being old or taken down due to how bad it is. 

7 hours ago, disco_inferno6 said:


Here's an abridgement of your story:


1) You are supposed to know how Limbo works and you only lack the mods to show your true skills in the game.

2) You met one guy that didn't know how Limbo works.

3) He was MR21

4) Hence, all MR 21 don't know how Limbo works.


Very enlightening. Thanks.

With this kind of attitude in the world of real martial arts and real ninjas, your Senpai would kick you out the Dojo, flying.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, funny, trolling and/or serious.

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lol, well personally, i'm an MR 22 player with 2000 steam hours behind me, but i've met a crap tone of players my rank who have no idea about certain things. I think it's just that they rushed to MR 22 using draco or, now, bere.

They don't take time to stop and smell the flowers and thus don't actually learn about the game. There's a lot of different stories I could tell, but one of my fellow MR 22 friends was with me when we did a long survival, and he had brought a very specific volt build (for excal turret if anyone remembers that) with any life or shield mods. Now you must understand, my friend hates these mods cause to him, they waste a space. But anyways, after about 40 mins in the survival (this was that one with 400% extra dmg or something) me and one other guy both went down. And all I can remember was my friend shouting: "Don't worry, I got this" before immediately going down. Me and the other guy couldn't stop laughing. And we bring this story up constantly to remind him of how s**t he is :P

side note: He's a draco boy. He used and abused draco to the point of no return and rushed his way to MR 22. Any weapon or frame that took to long to craft or farm, he bought with plat. He was rich, so it didn't bother him. :P

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Ran into a "Draco-21" player that didn't use point strike on their Soma build.

They thought because it was a common mod it wasn't worth using.


that's just sad... like I can't begin to get over how stupid that is..... I cri

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