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So like... the Queens want to eat us.


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6 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

I think it's more due to the dirty talk.
But... could be either one.  >  _  >

It's gettin' hot over here... and it's 40 degrees outside.

Dude go to 28:10, didn't completely understand the pund but it sounds so kinky.


Edited by Stonehenge
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2 minutes ago, LadyBlacksilk said:

So essentially the Grineer queens are the Skeksis and want to turn young again using Tenno/Gelfling energy?

It's probably something to that effect, I honestly don't have a clue as to what they want the Tenno for. But it is most likely their untainted blood or something, or their inner power.

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3 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

It's probably something to that effect, I honestly don't have a clue as to what they want the Tenno for. But it is most likely their untainted blood or something, or their inner power.

I 'd say a simple vampiric relation would be too easy and simple. I believe in something more complicated and inter-dependant, wich involves your responsability way deeper.

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2 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

I 'd say a simple vampiric relation would be too easy and simple. I believe in something more complicated and inter-dependant, wich involves your responsability way deeper.

Like I said... I have no idea.
> _ >

But I'm excited to know what they really want. ;P

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10 minutes ago, TheGoodDarius said:

Didn't Vor say something in his quest about using the Tennos to make Grineer able to reproduce on their own? ("I'll be become father and grand-father") 

If i remember well, he desobey the Queens and tried to use the Tennos for his own dumb masterplan, wich consisted in taking over the grineer hive and becoming the "father" .

Maybe the thought the Tennos could help him stop the cloning degradation process, but he was mostly ambitious and disloyal. I mean, Tyl Regor achieved much more relevant results without the help of the warframe tech.

Edited by Stonehenge
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