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Do you believe the wait was worth it? (Spoilers?)


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The quest was awesome, finally the transition archwing-foot, new invasion mechanincs, and new mods. I consider it well done and polished enough (nothing is bug-free on release). They need to organize better and stay tight lipped until the next big update is 3 months away, and even then give a 6 month deadline. Organization. The lore is awesome, the graphic is godly, new mechanics are actually pretty good and meaningful if u explore it enough without being superficial. The only thing i'm a little sad is we can't ...emh... tennoing...in relay. Gratz DE great update worth the wait. another thing, don't stray too far naming your updates because a few people understood how big the whole U19 is (U19 touched everything guys  consider that, sortie, map overhaul,chat fuctions,invasions,Void 2.0, endless,focus mechanics,lore, Baro prices, endo,kavats,vacuum,juctions,conclave,lunaro,new tilesets,lots of weapon,new frames, new primes,private servers.....i lost count).  GREAT HUG DE YOU MADE A AWESOME GAME, AND A AWESOME UPDATE (Even talking about U19 as a whole).

Edited by Sirfol
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Actually you know what, no. Forget that. I hate Archwing, I just want to play the real game but this god-forsaken "minigame" keeps getting in the way. It's annoying, tedious, and controls like an inebriated hippopotamus. This quest is only exacerbating my utter loathing for it. If I wanted to make Warframe un-fun to play, I'd do Conclave and constantly get sniped by people with hair-trigger reflexes all day long.

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7 months of delays.

That's all I really need to say I think.



But to expand on it - 7 months of delays, working on it since the second dream, (almost a year), but side-stepping for the Rathuum, the Index, etc, for a short quest, that's buggy, and features that feel incomplete.

Yes, there's a new location, which is great, and that seems like it will be interesting.

Yes, the quest that was there (aside from the glitches) was fun.

But the Tenno? Not worth the negatives 95% of the time (shuts off all warframe powers (even though Focus doesn't) slow, weak -  in all regards - and often (I think when hurt?) will drain ALL energy and shields from your warframe for using it).

It also adds 2 more layers of Grind. Kuva and Riven Mods.

Riven Mods that so far have only made my weapons worse than they already are. I get you're doing some 'build up' thing and they'll 'evolve' and 'we don't appreciate what we have now', but at the moment, it just feels like a really basic WEAPON > SUFFIX system.

I like the look and concept of Rivens, as well as the new cephalon and learning more about that, but again, they feel incomplete.

Edited by DarkOvion
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I'm going to be brutally honest.  The quest itself is definitely not worth the wait.  Granted it didn't actually took a whole year to make, but still.  As a F2P game, sure it is better than most if not all.  In contrast to previous quests in Warframe, sure it is the most elaborate so far.  But when compared to other single player games?  It is below average.  And not because there aren't enough cutscenes or dialogues or story, or set pieces, no no no.  I'm just talking about polish and some design decisions.

It really lacked proper hints.  Some of the segments are basically puzzles in an action game, that's not very intuitive.  There were a few moments where I had to just try everything I have to see what works.  Now looking back I feel like an idiot because it does make sense, the logic is consistent, but at the time my mind was still thinking I'm playing Warframe, not a puzzle game.  The enemies don't feel like enemies, they are just puzzles to solve.   

But more importantly, I don't find the missions fun to play.  The whole time I feel like I'm playing a tutorial, and tutorials are generally boring.  Not to mention I really despise forced slow walking segments.

And what's with the dialogue choices?  Was that suppose to be a morality / aliment system?  When I was playing it, I don't feel the impact of my choices, non of the dialogue choices were thought provoking.  It's just choosing white, grey, and black.  And that's because the context is weak.  At the end of it, I still have no idea what that thing really is?  How am I suppose to make an educated choice?  And if it wasn't an educated choice, why would I care during the moment?  The point is, the dialogue choices weren't making me think about the roleplaying side of things, I was still trying to understand how these symbols to the left was suppose to impact my account, because I have no idea if Warframe will turn into a CRPG, or it's still just a grind fest for more power.  At least in the Second Dream I knew the choice is for my Focus.

Basically, the quest just don't have the freedom of combat Warframe have.  The game isn't the Warframe I love and got addicted to.  If you're going to add aliments to dialogue choices, please explain what it is so I know how I'm going to make my choices, I don't like half-assing them.    

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Problem is: it was hyped to heavens, to bring "The Second Dream feels all over again".
The Second Dream brought something new, a bit unexpected, a good addition to the lore.
The War Withing brought nothing new that we didn't know, or didn't think about (maybe we weren't 100% sure, but at least 80% I'd say).
Teshin being a Dax. Yes, called it.
The Grineer Queens had Orokin origin. Yes, just like every other Grineer and the Corpus.
Nothing new.
We have figured out how to use our long lost Tenno powers, but all we can do with it is complete the quest and never look at it again, because with that 100HP and barely existant damage we are almost no better than level 10 Maggots.

And a huge failure in the quest: ZARAMIN. What? You mean Zariman? You mean at DE they don't even know their own lore?
Maybe I'm just too nitpicky about this one, but it's still bugging me.

The quest was short, frustrating, especially the Archwing and the Golden Maw parts. There were points where I got some bugs and had to Alt+F4 the game because there was no other option, then I had to start the mission from 0.
The Golden Maw... Where have I seen this one......... Oh yes, Darksiders. Exactly the copy of a part from that game. Also High Hrothgar and the Throat of the World, anyone?

Also the "endgame" feature. Where is it? Oh, it's in the RNG based Fissure missions, and nowhere else? Okay. I guess it's still not worth it to do any kind of endless missions, nor any Star Chart missions.

 Sorry if I'm complaining too much about it, but this is how I feel about this. It also doesn't help that the last update was 11 months ago.

Conclusion: not worth at all, but a bit still better than Specters of the Rail.

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was it worth the wait? No. 

I really enjoyed the quest, though it was a tad short, but I feel like we got an unfinished product...

we where promised more engame content -there is none, 

we cant improve our operator so getting out of your warframe is pointless other than the new enemies that you have to deal with via you operator, a whole new game mechanic that could be amazing but doesn't do anything or go anywhere. 

new purely RNG mods that can make your weapons worse. whats the point? 

It was heavily implied your choices meant something but other than a badge on your profile doesn't seem to do anything. 

7 months delay for half finished product. 

had this came out when it was supposed to and wasn't hyped to be this amazing 'better than second dream' thing by DE it would have been great and more forgivable. 

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I did not follow the hype at all and have been on break for a few months.

War within was an absolute disappointment and I wasn't really expecting anything.

The operator ruined the story. I have to deal with some edgy teen when we could have had stories about our mute war gods. But no! Operator this operator that dash through enemies like Sonic the hedgehog! Use you ancient Egyptian lazor beams!

What really annoyed me was that I had to do the Junction to get the quest. I ground and killed Sentients and trial mods enough when they were new. I did my time! Doing it again was just aggravating. Hell it actually reminded me why I quit. I'm tired of the gameplay loop and this didn't really fix anything as the story isn't going where I'd love it to go and that can't be changed anymore.

And then we get RIven mods. A randomly generated mod that really is just power creep which we don't @(*()$ need! The whole games balance is already #*($%%@ and has been FOR YEARS. The game did not need another feature in operators. It needed old features balanced!

Well least I got all of that out somewhere.

I'm just going to go back on break again.

What a disappointment.


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I finished feeling "is that it?" 

The new tileset is pretty cool, but the enemies just look like standard grineer with a different colour scheme and some different guns. Why aren't the kuva guard more common. I was really looking forwards to fighting them, as they look really impressive, but it was just a simple, stun>disarm>kill.

Also Kuva generally seems like it will be as annoying as oxium when it first came out, judging by the siphon spawn rates I've been hearing about.

Whoever designed the golden maw section, especially the first part, needs to be locked in a room and given a puzzle. Once they complete the puzzle they can leave. When they make any slight mistake someone will then scream at them for 5 seconds and reset the puzzle - That's what that section felt like, especially as you're not immediately given the hint that you can actually sprint when you start it.

The mods are.... interesting. I hate that you have no control over what weapon they are for and that is apparently permanent and it's just the stats that are rerolled. Slots cost plat and I'm not wasting plat keeping junk weapons so they will become slightly good with 1 mod I might get.

The story was pretty nice and I like that we got some insight into the orakin immortality (They're body snatchers!), however it didn't really answer any of the questions I did have.

I like that the operator is a bit more fleshed out, but the new system feels very clunky, maybe they should have put a system in place so your actual frame could do some of those moves, but it would require something rare per ability.


Overall this is a classic case of hype vs reality.

It was good, but not worth the hype DE had been pushing for a year.

Edited by WereFowl
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2 minutes ago, Ziegrif said:

I did not follow the hype at all and have been on break for a few months.

War within was an absolute disappointment and I wasn't really expecting anything.

The operator ruined the story. I have to deal with some edgy teen when we could have had stories about our mute war gods. But no! Operator this operator that dash through enemies like Sonic the hedgehog! Use you ancient Egyptian lazor beams!

What really annoyed me was that I had to do the Junction to get the quest. I ground and killed Sentients and trial mods enough when they were new. I did my time! Doing it again was just aggravating. Hell it actually reminded me why I quit. I'm tired of the gameplay loop and this didn't really fix anything as the story isn't going where I'd love it to go and that can't be changed anymore.

And then we get RIven mods. A randomly generated mod that really is just power creep which we don't @(*()$ need! The whole games balance is already #*($%%@ and has been FOR YEARS. The game did not need another feature in operators. It needed old features balanced!

Well least I got all of that out somewhere.

I'm just going to go back on break again.

What a disappointment.


Funny thing about the Riven mods - with how much Drain they cost, and what they actually do, ATM, it's often worse than not bothering. xD

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I liked the writing, I liked the story, I liked the aesthetics; but I did not like it as a gameplay experience. While we got to discover a whole lot about the universe of Warframe and this is what I absolutely love in these quests, the War Within felt like an interactive movie, a series of quicktime events that you have to do at a specific time in the right order and there was very little of anything else.

To me that does not represent good game design, and it does not represent interesting gameplay experience either. Yes there were sections where you did use your actual Warframe but the were mostly inconsequential filler, and yes I do like to see the operator also playing a greater role, however I just wished they would have done something a bit more interesting with that. I think the Second Dream struck a more balanced experience with subtle but fitting mix of both styles without being artificially inflated to be " hard ", when in truth the only hardness was figuring out the unexplained gameplay mechanics.

Though as an after thought, perhaps I was spoiled by the anticipation, by waiting for the War Within so long and projecting the Second Dream as the novel new standard to aspire to, perhaps I set myself for inevitable failure. At the same time though I think that good design should not make me question the experience but to embrace it as fun and interesting. Yet I missed that feeling from the War Within. It just wasn't there for me.

Was it worth the wait? Probably not for me. Despite all of the goods in the War Within, the bads outweigh the goods because ultimately nothing can replace gameplay in games, and that is the War Within's greatest weakness in my opinion.

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I totally enjoyed this quest. Golden Maws only took me three tries across all the sections. Neato history and morality system. Not sure how I feel about the riven mod system, but it's a step in a new direction so I'll take it. It wasn't the gamechanger Second Dream was, but that is a high, high bar to clear.

I did appreciate Teshin going "yeah man you bailed me out of a jam. Thanks, and sorry about all that."

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41 minutes ago, Casval_Rouge said:

And what's with the dialogue choices?  Was that suppose to be a morality / aliment system?  When I was playing it, I don't feel the impact of my choices, non of the dialogue choices were thought provoking.  It's just choosing white, grey, and black.  And that's because the context is weak.  At the end of it, I still have no idea what that thing really is?  How am I suppose to make an educated choice?  And if it wasn't an educated choice, why would I care during the moment?

Pretty much this ^, There were neither build-up, nor predictable consequences of decisions, Stuff is thrown at players out of blue, and vanishes soon after the players take a guess. I agree, there was not much of a context to work with. .

And I feel like they misplaced so many crucial points in the narrative. For example, IMO the vial with blood (or w/e is in it) should`ve been introduced to us at the early stages of the quest, they should`ve emphasized its importance and meaning throughout the middle-stages of the quest, and let us know that we`ll have to chose what to do with the vial at the end of the quest. Instead of that it was shown to us and explained in 1,5 sentence right before the very decision. This can`t be considered as good storytelling.. 

Same goes for other plot points. So frustrating. 

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i loved the quest it felt great 

but there are a couple things i didn't like and i will list them off before i go into what i liked


First, the quest wasn't as much of a quest and more on the lines of a tutorial for the new feature of playing as the operator. Second, the fact that your frame loses all energy when you get hurt as your operator grinds my gears, it makes the game favor tank frames even more because what good is it to want to farm kuva on say my titania if she can't rely on quick thinking if one of those enemies guarding the kuva collector are next her when i get sent back to my frame? Third, the void energy limit in the final boss of the quest really made the experience feel choppy and slightly ruined the flow of it. We need another way to get riven mods, even if it is something stupid like trading a charged ayatan statue for it from Maroo. Lastly, raise the kuva collector appearance rate PLEASE or atleast lower the kuva costs for riven mods

now what i liked





I liked the story even if it felt like a tutorial, it shows that there is what looks like a beginning of a wedge between the lotus and the operator because the operator is a teen. I like the choices we got to make and how we can see other people's choices (right?). I like the aesthtics of the new tileset, it is incredible hands down favorite tileset aside from the void one. I like how there were not many bugs during the quest run, something that was fantastic over the second dream experience which had its fair share of bugs. Ordis had a good part and shows a bit of his personality. we got assault mode and it is amazing. It had amazing flow for the most part till the queens fight. The golden maw things gave me such a spook after my first death to them. Riven mods can make some bad weapons decent if you get a good one.


all in all it was nice to have after the wait it expands the story abit but i wished it was longer than it was for amount of delays this thing has had :/


not going to talk about the "choices" because they may be used later down the road~

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I think the wait was worth it.


Story: Enjoyed every second of it. Well, maybe it was little short and I had a small "oh, it's over already?" feeling at the end. But I still enjoyed it from start to finish and can't wait for more!

Fortress: I think the new tileset looks and feels awesome, I'm just not sure if there is any reason to go there after the quest? I did try the spy mission only twice, so no idea anything special drops from those, or from the sabotage.

New weapons: They look awesome, but some of them have little meh stats (like the polearm has low crit and status). I've to craft and try em all before I can really judge them.

Riven mods: Really cool idea, just needs some more work and tuning. For example completely useless stats, like +max ammo for sentinel weapons and crit stats for weapons that cannot crit should not even happen. It would also be nice if you had at least some control over what the mod will be for. For example; if you complete the challenge while it's equipped on a sniper, the mod will be for one of the snipers. If it's on a bow, it will be for one of the bows. If it's on sentinel weapon, it will be for one of the sentinel weapons. etc. etc.

Will have to wait and see how the sortie and invasion changes feel and play out :)


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On the balance of things I would have to say no, not at all.

I appreciate this took a lot of effort but it appears to have been applied in the wrong direction. 

An example: Riven mods. Please stop with the RNG? 

Sorties: still no token system yeah? 

Archwing: this stuff is still in dire need of attention, but none appears to be forthcoming. Why is it still part of major quest lines in its current state? Yes you don't have to do much in The War Within's AW sections, but perhaps that is avoiding the issue purposefully?

Can't use elevators.....Really? 

Theres another newly introduced Rare resource to grind, to the surprise of no one. New items are obviously gated behind it, with nothing to use up old resources on.

Quest took maybe an hour to complete - normally I'd say that's par for the course but this was just far too little too late.


tldr : it's the same ol. None of the underlying issues with warframe have been addressed, its fresh lick of paint time. 

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The quest was good, about as good as Second Dream, but if the wait was a couple months shorter then I'd say it was worth it.  
Sadly I'm rather disappointed that there wasnt a new useable mechanic added, instead we got a gimmick and crappy RNG upon RNG with the Riven Mods.  
Basically, story was good but rather short for the wait time, Tenno/Operator swap mechanic isnt really useable in 99% of cases due to enemies being able to instantly kill you and losing all energy if the operator dies and lastly the Riven mods... we really, really didnt need more RNG, we needed guaranteed progression, not RNG gated by RNG gated by more RNG. 

Edited by KesslerCOIL
Wasnt done ranting xD
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Until I heard this update was coming out, I hadn't played Warframe in months.  I reinstalled it to see what the AMAZING NEW CONTENT would be.

The writing was half-assed at best (let's not even talk about the dialogue itself), and the entire quest felt like a tutorial for fighting ONE enemy type.  That being said, it's a crappy tutorial because NOTHING IS EXPLAINED.  You have to use trial and error to get through it, which isn't good, bad, or even stupid.  It's just AGGRAVATING.  A game is not supposed to be aggravating, it's supposed to offer a challenge to overcome.  Those are two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.  The whole game has shades of this, switching gears from a blood-spattered cakewalk to any one of an annoying mess of a mechanics that deliberately knock you on your &#! without warning to add the illusion of difficulty (READ: NULLIFIERS, SENTIENTS, KUVA GUARDIANS).

The Grineer Queens were a major wasted opportunity, as were their Kuva Guardians.  Instead of an enigmatic pair of leaders, we got an annoying shrill witch in a stupid hat with an unhealthy obsession with children's bodies, and a monkey-lizard with two lines of atrocious dialog.  Their guardians are morbidly obese bulldykes with stupid voices and annoying attacks, who can only be killed with the shoehorned-in mechanic.  

The game already has a problem with WAY too many different resources, so adding ANOTHER resource was an absolutely asinine decision.    The new mods are just another way for RNG to waste your limited time in life, being restricted to specific weapons and having random stats.  Also powercreep, etc.  The new weapons are just like every other: more junk to be added to an ever-growing heap that nobody cares about because there are already weapons that to their jobs far better.  At this point they could shift to alternate weapon skins/muzzleflashes/projectiles/whatever, and it would probably amount to more interesting content.

The new cosmetics are pretty good (imo obviously), but only because I can put them on the community's excellent Grineer-themed Warframe skins.  More of that, please and thank you.

I really like Warframe, and it really has come a long way and gone in a mostly positive direction, but every time I play it I see something that makes me wonder: "WHAT were they THINKING?!"  

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I am back and I have 1 more gripe with this update

The infested door does not get solved or dealt with...

Even Ordis mentions it.

I won't talk about RIven mods since i don't have enough information about them beside the crappy one i own.

Edited by Data-Zero
Fixes and addons
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56 minutes ago, Apocalypse_Later said:

I really like Warframe, and it really has come a long way and gone in a mostly positive direction, but every time I play it I see something that makes me wonder: "WHAT were they THINKING?!"  


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