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War Within: an interview for you!


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Hi guys, I got the idea to do a post where everyone can give their opinion on the new quest  and features introduced with the patch "War Within" in the form of an interview. The model to be respected will be the one explained below, I have done my own interview  to give you an example of how it should be the post. I hope you enjoy it and that from here could be gathered some good idea for the game feedback.


1) Quest

a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)


2) New features

a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

c) What about riven mods?

d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?


3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

4) If you want to add other things…



a) Unfortunately I do not know all the smallest details of the story, so there were several parts  I did not get completely but overall it was really exciting, shed light on the mysteries of Warframe is becoming a real passion. The quest is short but intense and keeps you glued to your monitor. I really like the direction taken by DE for the story of the game, till the release of the second dream quest I never cared about the story, but now is the part I most like.

b) On this point I must really congratulate to DE. Unfortunately, we are used to every kind of bug even in the simplest mechanics, but the quest War Within was perfect ! Everything worked properly even in the most "complex mechanics" as the infiltration with archwing and levels on the mountain where you have to avoid "mechanical worms" and even command them! Was very satisfied.

c) I love the opportunity in games to be able to alter the story or the results depending on the choices I make. It gives me the chance to change the events and then to be a real protagonist in the story instead of a simple "observer" who sees passively. The karma system also adds another side to customize and characterize our tenno depending on which direction we want to take. Who said that we want to be all good or vice versa? The choice is up to us!

d) As usual Warframe stands out in the market for the quality that brings FREE on our pc. The technical sector and graphic was just fantastic, from animations to new locations in the kuva fortress.  Graphic Improvements to the other  different levels  make the world of Warframe much more dynamic, although my dream continues to be that each planet has its own distinctive tileset.


a) The ability to use directly and freely our operator was since I finished the second dream, a “third dream” I had in my heart , that you have finally realized. But contrary to what happens in the quest, where the operator's use is enjoyable and useful, with normal levels of the game this utility is really lost, limiting itself to be required only in fighting the 2 new enemy types and in stealth games (giving the opportunity to make invisible any frame without the help of arbitrary external agents). Guilty of this "partial failure" are probably the limited life of operators, together with the penalty of the loss of all energy in the event of death. I was also hoping that tenno schools powers and operator mode would converge in one.

b) The new enemies are real, and I've had my fair share of frustration-fun to understand how to beat them  during the quest. For those few days I've got to fight heavies and siphons, I think they are really enjoying, although I guess that once mastered the method to kill them, if approached repeatedly become a bit boring and too easy to . But I'm really happy to have them been designed with the aim of giving a use to the operator and would not mind seeing more of this kind, maybe vulnerable to other combinations of powers.

c) I’m in a struggle for the riven mods…While I love the possibility that they improve the so-called "trash tier weapons", can replace the "must have" mods giving us more free slots in our loadout, to possess a mod that is almost "unique" ,that the traits give entirely new weapons and give us huge space for our creativity in the combinations, I cannot, however, ignore the cons. Why  we need other damage bonuses on weapons that already break the game? What sense does it make to give additional damage or modding space to tonkor ? More than half our arsenal can already obliterate whole  maps with a click and we have no place in which we can use the full potential of our weapons. Not to mention the amount of RNG behind to get the desired mod with the stats you want ... as other users in the forum have pointed out: limited time RNG to get the mod, RNG for the challenge, RNG to get the mod for the weapon you want and RNG to get the desired stats... news of the day: RNG is not funny! Give us a serious and intelligent challenge and give us the chance to choice our reward and let us go for it.

d) Well unfortunately I made only 2 sortie and I have not been able to test the new invasions, so I refrain from giving a full judgement.

e) The endless new system is intended to give us an incentive to stay longer in the missions, as it once was. Unfortunately, the bonus credits and resources and radiant relic for me is not enough as an incentive (at least from a veteran point of view). Not to mention that I find unenjoyable, at each rotation, having to collect all the reactants and load the new relic. I frankly would remove once and for all the need to apply to each rotation of the new relic and also put the riven mods and the kuva siphon respectively as new rewards and new enemies spawnable in the highest waves. In my opinion this would really encourage the return to '"endless" game. People also should not be condemned to farm kuva, riven mods and raw pieces for their selves  and ducats but could find everything they need in a single mission, much more enjoyable.


I really wanted to see some improvement both in the focus system and archwing. Both features really deserve a lot of attention and work, and I hope that the changes can take place in a not too long period as both are essential features in the gameplay.

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1. Heck yeah!

2. Yep. Would love to see more.

3. It's a much needed thing. I hope we get much, much more.


5. Yes. Needs to be buffed damage-wise and given a bit more into the whole focus tree stuff.

6. Yes. Needs more.

7. Riven mods are interesting. Definitely not something we needed considering they want to do Damage _.0 (whatever number we're on now)

8. I'll combine both Sorties and Endless survival into one, but I like them both. Never been much of a Sortie fan though. Daily stuff always ends up being a chore so I skip almost all of it across all my online games.

9. We just need more story. Story, story, story.

With every little quest, every little tidbit we get, this game feels more and more... like LIFE. And not just a game. There's playing a video game and then there's immersion and being part of the story. As we get more of these cinematic quests and just generally learning more, you can see sparks of life in places you didn't previously.


Main example being before this update, your Operator felt like... y'know, someone just chilling in the back of the ship. I make my Operator look somewhat like myself but I can't control them, so I felt more like a Warframe than a Tenno and an Operator. Now, I'm my Operator controlling my beloved Warframe.


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1. I loved the new quest. It was short, I did expect more after the delays but what was there was solid and enjoyable. I love how the plot is moving along so far, the operators are my second favourite thing about the game right now after Trinity .... Trinity always wins.


2. I didn't mind the Archwing lasers. I'm not a big fan of Archwing, in fact I hate it but that part was tolerable. Sneaking in by using something to block the laser sight was fun.


3. I did enjoy the choices and how it went through the story. The only disappointing thing was the sigil. The light and dark ones have detail and look nice but the neutral one, that I got, was incredibly plain and boring. 


4. I loved the new graphics. I loved walking through the blizzard. I loved the cut scenes. 


5. This is what i've been waiting for since I made my operator. I really didn't like the focus thing. I couldn't get behind it and never bothered with it. The only lens I used is the one the quest gave me. I wanted to use my operator to move around and do .. something, anything and TWW gave that to me. 


6. I did like having to use my operator to take down the guards. Added a bit more depth to it.


7. I don't have any Riven mods.


8. I don't do sorties, don't have a good enough load out for them. Level 40 mobs are my absolute limit.


9. The old endless system caused me to quit the game. I was away for over a year and only came back because I bumped into someone I used to be in a clan with in another game and she told me about the new fissure systems. 


I hate to say the "if X happens i'll leave" but it was the old endless system that burnt me out. No, endless isn't incentive for me to play more. Depending how it's handled it might be incentive for me to move on. 



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14 minutes ago, Cloud said:


1) Quest

a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)

2) New features

a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

c) What about riven mods?

d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?

3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

4) If you want to add other things


I'll bite:

1a) Overall, yes. I realize this game isn't a full-bore CRPG, but within the restrictions DE is working, I liked what I saw.

1b) This...mmm...now I realize most of what we went through was a tutorial. At the time, I less than thrilled by it. I have some pretty strenuous objections to things like RPG vehicle combat and QTE, but after the fact I see why it was as it was. Nevertheless, I detest switches in control aspects in the game during quests. Also, I had some technical issues with the actual queen fight which were resolved with restarting that aspect of the quest, but at the time were way past frustrating. Still, tutorial. I get it now.

1c) Kinda remains to be seen. I play this stuff from the character's perspective (or what I feel it should be). It'll be interesting seeing how it turns out.

1d) Of course. More eye-candy is always good.

2a) It is what it is. I have some concerns about the control of these new abilities. We're needing more and more input and we're getting towards having too many keys to press to play the game. I'm getting a WoW vibe, where after 10 years of 'new stuff' a 101 key keyboard and a 15 key mouse weren't enough to do all you needed to do.

2b) The fat bastard grineer is troubling. The method of dealing with this guy is fiddly and awkward. Also, the control scheme we're given is awkward as all get-out. I understand these are now going to be a thing, but they don't flow well from our normal combat.

2c) I haven't done anything with them yet. No real opinion one way or the other.

2d) Again, haven't done either yet, but the new invasion system looks interesting. Sorties couldn't get much worse, so there's that.

2e) I have plenty of incentive already. It looks fine, but for the attentionally challenged, I doubt it'll matter that much.

3) Not sure. I think it was ambitious enough as it was. More is good, but how long are you willing to wait for this stuff? I like the storyline stuff a lot. I don't feel a strong need for new systems just to put the shiny back on. I'm getting concerned about input bloat with all this new stuff.

4) New Valkyr Prime looks cool. I could add all sorts of stuff, but just really felt like expressing reactions to the TWW. I liked it, but have some mixed feelings about the new systems.

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1) Quest

a. Yes, I am loving how things are progressing with the lore.

b. I was awful with the archwing lazes but the rest I really enjoyed. 

c. Yes, I really loved that ability. ^^ 

d. I did.

2) New Features

a. I'm loving this ability greatly.

b. Yes

c. The riven mods seem stupid due to the RNG of it all.

d. I am happy with the sorties change and will start doing them again.

e. I haven't tested that part out yet.


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1) Quest

  1. I was kind of iffy on how they almost seemed to change their own lore about the queens. based one what I heard from the Kurias, they were supposed to be Strikingly similar to one another, in both mind and body. Such is not the case in the quest. As for the rest of the story, it was a little cliché, with the Teshin twist being kind of obvious, and many of the lines being pulled straight from a cheesy power-fantasy anime.
  2. I loved controlling the golden-maw! I kinda wish I could go back there and capture one as a pseudo-frame. NomNomNom. Anyways, the Archwing stuff was ok, but not something I'd seek out doing, and the Operator mechanic....well, I have a thread going about that:
  3. I thought the 'Changing of the story' was done fairly okay, but I personally ended up hating it, as the Karma system had me constantly worried: "Can I say what I want to say, or will this affect the rewards I get at the end? And I don't know how many karma choices there are...what if there is only this 1? Will I be stuck as having chosen the Dark-side or the Pretty-boy side? *sigh*....Guess I'll pick the middle option for every single one....."
  4. Don't care about graphics, so long as I can still see.

2) Features

  1. As a Plot thing, I think it's ridiculous that the Frail operator now steps out onto the battlefield, and somehow survives gunshots by magically teleporting back into the 'frame. As a Gameplay mechanic, again, see the above thread.
  2. *See above thread
  3. I have no use for these current riven mods, as they are rifle-only, and I generally play melee-only. From my not-using them perspective, I say they're a mildly power-creepy end-game time-sink.
  4. New invasion system makes it much more mandatory, like an actual invasion would be. It also changes up the gamemodes, so it's NOT a horrible repetitive grind. I'm kind of against the re-introduction of Formorians, as I would hate to risk losing yet another relay,  but other than that all is well on the invasion front. Sorties, at least for me, are generally unchanged: I ran them solely for focus lens's, now there are fewer things in the drop list.
  5. Endless relic system was meaningless to me in it's early stage as just a way of getting more Traces, but now that it potentially gives high level relics, my relic-spending can refund me relics. So it works for me.

3) Unfulfilled desires

  • Balance changes. I was hoping the War Within Update would be jam-packed with balance changes. I had no reason to expect this, and only hoped so because I figured "In the long time that it's taken for this update to come out, surely they could have had enough time to take a look at balancing"
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Well, here goes, I guess.

  • 1a)  I did enjoy the story.  The lore has started to greatly expand now, and I think the story is a very human one at its core.  I know the lore is hard to follow without reading heavily into it and/or making well-educated inferences, but overall it's been fun.  Greatly looking forward to Infested Door Quest now that we have Operator Mode and Kavats (the two things that will most certainly be required for that quest when it arrives).
  • 1b)  The archwing laser grid for landing would be an EXCELLENT raid mechanic for a possible future Grineer AW raid - something along the lines of "commandeer a spaceship and push it through the grid to shield your friends from the lasers".  The Ravenous Maw was an interesting idea, and certainly gave me the feel of "I do NOT want to run into one of those (I only got eaten once, and only because I got to the end and wanted to see what it looked like when I got nom'd XD).
  • 1c)  Is that what the light and dark was about?  Because it didn't seem to actually affect the story at all, only the cinematic that immediately followed the choice.
  • 1d)  The new tileset is awesome, the new graphics are hella, and the new animations are pretty on-point.
  • 2a)  I enjoyed it thoroughly during the quest, but the fact that you are literally less than useless in combat once you finish the quest means that I don't use it anymore.  The fact that your Focus power and Transference are bound to the same button makes it impossible to use my Focus power without using the mouse wheel, which is asinine.
  • 2b)  I like the mechanics of Kuva guardians in the quest, but only in the quest.  The way the Operator works outside of the quest makes it not worth the trouble.  I'm staying off Kuva until either we can damage the Guardians with conventional weapons/powers (even at a reduced rate) or they make the Operator able to survive for longer than eight frames before getting ganked.  If I can't even survive long enough for the "Operator emerges from the Warframe" animation to finish, then something is wrong.
  • 2c)  Riven mods are very interesting, and I think the current system is fine the way it is.
  • 2d)  I haven't had the opportunity to try out either, but from reading patch notes I think the idea is much better than what we had before.
  • 2e)  The new endless fissure system is awful.  No matter what they do, it's still a direct nerf to the old Tower system, which increases grind exponentially.
  • 3)  I would have liked to see a lot more balance fixes and tweaks, but it would have been unrealistic to expect them to fix anything of that sort until the tenth hotfix after the update or so.



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a) Meh, the story was cool, but I don't really play Warframe for the lore that much.

b) Not at all, honestly. I found it all to be frustrating and just wanted to get through with it to unlock Sorties again. Edit, the Archwing parts were cool, forgot about that. All that was burned into my memory was the extremely annoying worm parts and other operator shoe horn BS.

c) Since I have no idea yet what the choices are going to do to my gameplay going forward, no I did not like it.

d) Yes, this was all well done.

a) Not at all, I am among the crowd that likes to pretend the operators don't exist. Being forced to use him is not something I like

b) No, see above. They are locking the new resource behind using something I don't like.

c) Time will tell. They are broken at launch, but have potential. I don't know if I am willing to put in the time to get them however, seeing as how all my favorite gear is already plenty endgame worthy.

d) New Sortie rewards are a step in the right direction. I'd like to see them expanded beyond three daily missions though.

e) No reason for me to stay longer, you still use up the same amount of Relics. Swing and a miss IMO.

Edited by Dizzle22
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1) Quest

a) I was quite fond of the overall progression so far. I knew Teshin wasn't going to be a complete villain, given his relationship with the player, however, I would have liked to learn a bit more about him on a personal level. We know he's a Dax, and what that implies, but he does have his own views and I'd like to see more of that come through, as it did in small bits through the questline. With The War Within, I hope that the "Child/Angsty teen" attitude is updated to reflect these new accomplishments and focus more on the Operator establishing themselves in new ways.

b) The archwing infiltration was a cute and fun little thing and added to some cinematic tension as you got closer to the fortress. The ravenous golden maws were pretty interesting, I hope to see more constructs like this in the future and learn more about the technology. It provided some needed tension and bottoming out moment as the Operators situation keeps going from bad to worse.

c) I appreciated that the choices, while not having a direct and noticed impact on gameplay and ultimately resulting in the same outcomes as a whole, did have that  sort of impact within its own continuity. (IE: Spoiler for quest incoming:)


Choosing to kill vs spare the queen resulting in whether or not the queen is decapitated or slinks away in shame, regardless of the fact the Elder queen is removed from future scenes regardless of your choice or choosing to control, destroy or consume the Kuva, resulting it being removed in various ways, giving it to Teshin for safety, pouring it out or drinking it

They were small ways for the Operator to distinguish themselves in the narrative, though the "Sun, balanced, and Moon" emphasis on these choices felt too morally obligated. I would rather no morality be tied to the choices, leaving the player to decide whether their choice was right.

d) Turned up the graphics for the quest and everything looked great to me, especially the lighting. A few issues with the face textures of the operator in close up cutscenes, but that's about it. Animations throughout were quite good a smooth, from my experience.


2) New features

a) This was very much something I was excited about when I found out it was a thing. With the Second Dream adding in the Operators existence and what they could potentially do, I was right on board to seeing that progress and being able to use my Operator more fluidly. I don't think the mechanics are completely fine tuned and require more testing and ideas to make sure utilizing the Operator is consistently enjoyable. I'd also like to see the Operator viable for use in more aspects of the game, allowing me to choose to play the Operator in missions freely (with more balanced stats to accommodate).

b) I feel like the armor bashing mechanic needs more fine tuning, as stated above. It's not always a fluid and engaging experience as I feel it should be.

c) Riven mods were very interesting to me. Warframe, in many ways, celebrates the over the top and I feel that more so in Riven mods with their ridiculous scaling and variability. I feel like they're a good start that just needs more fine tuning with what weapons get them and the benefits given. Absolute random stats causes riffs between utilization and player interest. If you get a mod for a weapon that doesn't perform well with stats that don't help it perform, it doesn't make it feel worth while.

d) More time is needed. Too early to say whether I like it or not.

e) It's definitely a step in the right direction for relics, but I'd like to see it expanded further and introduced to the normal variants as well.


3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

Continue to take in constructive player feedback in regards to Riven mods and the Operators new abilities and change them as needed to make the requirements, risks and rewards more related (IE: Difficult challenges for mods resulting in more idealistic stats).

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a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

Yeah I thought the story was great, it mostly just expanded on what we already knew but made things clearer and gave more details, I was expecting a little more though, and didn't feel it was mind blowing compared to the second dream. which added so much more. 

b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

I loved the graboids I mean Maws. but I'm a tremors fan. heh

c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

I loved this idea, but it didn't do much more than change a few lines and give you a badge on your profile not the big game changing decisions that they kept implying. I hope the choices/ badge effects something in the future.

 d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)

the title set animations, critters and music was amazing, the voice acting was a bit naff at times but nothing that ruined it. some people had lots of bugs, though i was lucky and didn't have many. 

a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

An amazing mechanic they have done very little with. We need to be able to level and improve our operator, at the current state its only useful for farming the kuva/ the one enemy type, using it any other time ends up with you dead very quickly, not doing much damage and wasting your frames energy etc.  

b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

its the only time out new ability has any use, which is annoying. but the new enemies are fun and original. 

c) What about riven mods?

rubbish, all RNG based and a lot of them ending up making the weapon worse, and to re-roll you need kuva which the spawn rate of the extractor thingys is stupidly low. 

d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

seems silly that you can't get new focus lenses unless you have done the new quest (aka locking of sorties till after war within) and I don't know why 2000 endo is still a reward. 

new invasion thing seems fine though. 

e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?

not tried yet but is certainly an improvement to the really rubbish system.

3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?/4) If you want to add other things…

What we got and what we where promised didn't happen: the quest wasn't longer than the second dream, we have no new endgame stuff, the riven mods seem a bit tacked on the side 'because' and  as i said a great new mechanic of being able to walk about  as your operator etc but no way of making your tenno useful in a mission.  it didn't really live up to the hype. for 7 months delay what we got wasn't enough. 

Overall I felt let down by DE. 

love a kinda salty vet.







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Nice job organizing all these questions.

1) Quest

a) No

b) No

c) Idk actually. Concept is interesting but I hope we won't have to choose between different rewards with no chance to obtain the other.

d) Yeah, the Fortress looks nice


2) New features

a) No

b) No, but thank god they are not that hard to deal with

c) Some of them are too op but whole idea is really nice. Some challenges make you think and plan ahead. I like it

d) Didn't see anything special in the invasions yet. Riven mods as a Sortie reward is a good idea

e) Never was a huge fan of endless system, but it's always good to have more different missions


3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

Some real Archwing missions. We got new almost open space tileset. Why no Archwing? Also they need to work on the ways to farm Kuva. New resource is ok, but atm it's too tedious, siphons don't spawn at good rate, also people can finish mission while you're farming siphon and you'll get 0 kuva even if you "caught" some red clouds. We need missions just to farm kuva, not mixed with other objectives.

Another thing. If DE want to add another weapon with self-damage, I really would like them to remove or rework self-damage

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5 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

1c)  Is that what the light and dark was about?  Because it didn't seem to actually affect the story at all, only the cinematic that immediately followed the choice.

Only affecting the cinematic, and some dialogue, is sadly standard practice among "This choice has consequences" events in videogames.

6 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

The Ravenous Maw was an interesting idea, and certainly gave me the feel of "I do NOT want to run into one of those (I only got eaten once, and only because I got to the end and wanted to see what it looked like when I got nom'd XD).

Only once? 0-0 Really? holy-cow, cuz it took me about 10 tries to find all the darn platforms (the lighting was terrible, at least on my computer), and then another 4-or-so tries to actually get across.

Bravo :clap:.




1 minute ago, Haldos said:

1) Quest

a) I was quite fond of the overall progression so far. I knew Teshin wasn't going to be a complete villain, given his relationship with the player, however, I would have liked to learn a bit more about him on a personal level. We know he's a Dax, and what that implies, but he does have his own views and I'd like to see more of that come through, as it did in small bits through the questline. With The War Within, I hope that the "Child/Angsty teen" attitude is updated to reflect these new accomplishments and focus more on the Operator establishing themselves in new ways.

b) The ravenous golden maws were pretty interesting, I hope to see more constructs like this in the future and learn more about the technology. It provided some needed tension and bottoming out moment as the Operators situation keeps going from bad to worse.

c) I appreciated that the choices, while not having a direct and noticed impact on gameplay and ultimately resulting in the same outcomes as a whole, did have that  sort of impact within its own continuity. (IE: Choosing to kill vs spare the queen resulting in whether or not the queen is decapitated or slinks away in shame, regardless of the fact the Elder queen is removed from future scenes regardless of your choice or choosing to control, destroy or consume the Kuva, resulting it being removed in various ways, giving it to Teshin for safety, pouring it out or drinking it). They were small ways for the Operator to distinguish themselves in the narrative, though the "Sun, balanced, and Moon" emphasis on these choices felt too morally obligated. I would rather no morality be tied to the choices, leaving the player to decide whether their choice was right.

A: ah, yes, I forgot to mention that in my post. The Operator really was quite the Child in this quest. While it's perfectly okay to have characters and such, it was to my understanding that the operator was meant to be a player-surrogate, and that simply isn't accomplished for me when they start making brash and childish decisions that I wouldn't.

B: Now that you mention it, I would like to know what the deal is with those GoldenMaws. What purpose does a mass-grave-burrowing metal worm serve to the orokin empire? Seems rather odd...Almost feels as if it was a dream sequence (Which would actually make sense).

C: Exactly my thoughts. I didn't give it as much attention in my post, mostly because I wasn't sure how to word it.

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4 minutes ago, chainchompguy3 said:

Only affecting the cinematic, and some dialogue, is sadly standard practice among "This choice has consequences" events in videogames.

Only once? 0-0 Really? holy-cow, cuz it took me about 10 tries to find all the darn platforms (the lighting was terrible, at least on my computer), and then another 4-or-so tries to actually get across.

Bravo :clap:.

Aww, thanks!  :D

But yeah, I may or may not have stood in the same place for ten minutes painstakingly scouring my screen looking for the next rock...

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1) Quest

a. Overall I didn't actually enjoy the plot for the war within, or at least not in the way I wish I did, a good portion of the quest felt painfully rushed, like DE was trying to cram a whole saga into a single hour long venture. The explanation of our tenno's origin were brief and unpolished, the way we got back to fortress after our first conflict felt incredibly lazy and uninspired, Tenshin's involvement was minimal at best albeit him supposed to be one of the more significant characters in the quest, which also Lotus was also remarkably absent from these events albeit her very intrusive nature, and most of all I was very upset with how the queens were handled in this quest, i was expecting so much more to be done with them (the elder queen in specific for this quest) than to be just one more b list enemy who is bested after the first encounter.

To put it all together though, the storyline for this quest felt incredibly average/bland, which is not something I want for warframe.

b.  I'm not at odds with any of the mechanics introduced in the mission, but their practice outside of it i'm not so fond of.

c. Outside wishing there was a more clear indicator that these choices were going to have a long term impact, as to remind me not to haphazardly make my choices, I loved having options when it came to certain moments in the quest. If there was anything I would keep the most from this quest, it would be this.

d. I think there could have been better animation for the operator, but beyond that everything else was stunning, the new map is amazing, as are the new lighting effects, and I can't express how much I enjoyed the expressions our operator made in the quests, so rarely do games do that right. 

2) New Features

a. It's nice to walk around as the operator on the ship, albeit only slightly, in missions however it is largely pointless beyond kuva extractors. 

b. I do not like this new enemy unit in the least, it's just another form of restrictive design, like with nullifiers and like with the sentients, for a game that preaches gameplay diversity enemy units should not revolve so heavily around forcing you to use one specific playstyle to progress.

c. Not even sure how Riven mods got past the suggestion phase to be entirely honest, they are just as bad if not worse than what Primed mods presented, and seeing as DE quickly realized and acknowledged that they were a mistake, I don't know how they are doing this same very mistake all over again with a new mod pool. All these mods do i feed into the already unpleasant issue of power creep and mandatory mods in this game, and with an entirely new tier of rng to boot, if I could have anything taken out this update it would be riven mods. 

d. Don't mind the changes here. 

e. The new endless relic system isn't bad, but it definitely hasn't given enough value to endless missions to bring them back to where they used to be. Maybe if you are already flush with relics you'd do it, but most people are still just as fine spamming quick runs because the rewards for going longer aren't substantial enough to bother.

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1) Quest


a) I liked it a lot! It was good to get more knowledge on Teshin and such, and it was kind of...feelsy to see my Operator grow up. I hope we get more soon--I think the current path is a good one.

b) ...Not really, except the Kuva guards. Those were fun once I got used to them. The others, though, were very, very irritating, especially the lasers.


c) I did. I like decisions that aren't just black and white.


d) Graphics were great! I want to go /everywhere/ to see them.


2) New features


a) I do, and I hope we see more use of them and more expansion on them. Little things that we can only get with them and such.


b) Yes, though I don't want /too/ much more expansion on that. It's tricky.


c) I'm...eh on the Riven mods. If they come out with melee ones, I'd be very happy, but I don't use a ton of different primaries (technical limitations), so I have no real desire to work on them.


d) I think it should work, though I'm...a liiiiitle irritated that I got Nezha with plat now...


e) I look forward to testing it, though I think it's a little...odd on the excavations?


3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

Hm. I'd like to have seen a little more explanation of what the karma meter meant. Also, a sigil would have been nice--I don't use different glyphs.

4) If you want to add other things…

Next time, DE, don't hype so early. Otherwise, good job!

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1a The story was excellent and cinematics were great!
1b The operator was clunky to play, the control scheme i did not care for
1c I am not sure that the choices affected anything.
1d The quest animations were great, the new tileset is too dark and seems to be designed towards stealth frames.

2a It is slow, and annoyingly bound to the same key as focus
2b Maybe if the abilities were better, it would be neat.
2c New Sortie system seems OK, really not all that different then the old one.
2d Since running a 25 wave fissure defense mission without popping relics is the same as running a fission capture mission for rewards.
   I see little to be gained by spending the time in a fissure defense run (the "bonuses" are not very motivating)

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1) Quest

a. Story is good, slow and bumpy at times but I guess that's how character build up is now-a-days. I believe the plot is progressing, with our new powers, we kind of have a way with dealing with the sentinets now. (Now that I think about it... Can we Void dash/blast through them to remove the element resistance that they build up...?)

b. Yes. Actually, I'm hoping we get sand worms on Mars from the "Golden Maws." The laser detector thing was kinda annoying from my experience and the siren gave me a headache.

c.  Yes. Can't wait for them to force us to either be good or evil. Cause you know... We all have to choose one day.

d. Graphics... You mean the lighting? Yes. at times... wish they could be interacted with (I.E Spot lights on the fortress should be breakable.) Animations? I actually expected Teshin to use his DUAL Nikana. Disappointed.

2) New Features

a. Yes. Hope we have more use of them... (Directing to 1-a.)

b. Yes. Though at times it could be inconvenient. 

c. RNG on RNG on RNG. Remove it. 

d. Love it. I wish on the starchart you can see the invading fraction fighting the ship/node.

e. Haven't played it yet. Never really liked "endless" mode.

3} What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?

Kuva farming... the amount of Kuva we get should be tied to how much the siphon has absorbed. 500-600 per pop is fine and all but the chance of it showing up is kind of rare.

4) If you want to add other things…

I find that when we "exit" our warframe, they just stand there. I seriously hope this changes with the next update/quest. 

Edited by DaMasque
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1) Quest

a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

It has its highs and lows, really. Whilst I enjoyed learning more about the Tenno and how they came to be, there are just some details that are bothering me right now, such as the voice speaking from the Operator in the end ("Hey kiddo" - who the f are you, Handsome Jack? Is this Tales from the Borderlands? Get outta my head) Until we get more revelations this is just too uncomfortable to me. And the fact even though we killed one of the Grineer queens she just might come back through whatever kuva ritual her sister's working on, which imo kinda defeats the purpose of all the trouble we had. Besides, they said there would be 'meaningful consequences' to our actions, but I don't see any consequences other than our Tenno regaining their memories, but that part wasn't optional. (Maybe we'll find out what these consequences are in the next cinematic quest by October 2017...)

b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

I was fearful of the Archwing sections of the quest when I first heard of them, and now I'm glad they didn't involve any sort of combat. So, yeah, the lasers were cool. The parts with the golden maw felt awkward at first, since mechanically it was completely different from anything we had in Warframe so far, but it wasn't all bad.

c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

Yes! It felt like a step forward in storytelling and character customisation. But at the same time I can't feel good about it without knowing what the consequences are!

d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)

Yes. The lighting is amazing and the Operator facial animations were really nice, if not funny.


2) New features

a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

It's a feature I probably won't bother using much, maybe for fun. Right now the Operator is way too squishy to be enjoyable anywhere outside Mercury.

b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

No. Until I can remap Operator controls separately this feels terrible and completely breaks the flow of the game. Using the same key for going into Void mode AND Void dashing? So when I need to dash through the Kuva guards my Operator merely goes Loki and walks through the guard because for whatever reason me tapping LCtrl+Space doesn't register properly? Yeah, no.

c) What about riven mods?

Don't even get me started. I got a mod for Latron which adds punch-through and reduces recoil. Then a mod for Harpak which adds cold damage (less than Primed Cryo when maxed, but with a higher cost) and fire rate, but reduces mag capacity. And it costs kuva to re-roll the stats. And the cost increases every time you re-roll. And you have a chance of getting even worse stats. And apparently it's weapon locked? And whilst I'm at it people are getting ridiculously OP mods for Tonkor and Simulor? Nope. Just remove this RNG garbage already if you're not gonna rework it.

d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

I like it. I mostly do Sorties for credits and endo since it hardly rewards anything outside of that, so I don't know. As for invasions, not sure how they work? Kappa Sedna became Corpus again after what, 2 years? But I don't see any progress on this Razorback army on navigation? Er...

e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?

Maybe, haven't tried it yet.


3) What would you have liked to see in this patch ?

The ability to name our Operator! Biggest miss in this update. It's just weird watching a little girl running around with 'DerMetzgermeister' as her name.


That's all. Thanks for taking the time to put this together, it's a nice feedback form.

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Number 1

A. Really great, as i want to know further about the tenno (operator) or just like waiting for the next episode after the war within

B. So far, i find them fun

C. like point 1A, want to know further about the tenno (operator) or just like waiting for the next episode after the war within

D. Great, but my graphics card won't be strong enough to render them HD :sad:. Making my computer gone laggy


Number 2

A. I like it, but can we mod the operator as well as the warframes should be? Plz DE :P

B. Idk ._.

C. I really want to say it's very great! especially when you would like to change your build plans. But i think DE should add a counter of times of the mod being rerolled, or don't make re rolling cost increases from time to time

D. Not that bad, but especially i look forward into wraith and vandal weapon battle pay (i also noticed about that balor fomorian and razorback armada construction status. Will they make a comeback? :o ). But for sortie system, I don't think it has changed so much. I expecting something new and interesting in sortie mission ._.

E. It's just like a comeback of endless prime farming system. It's like making me to have to plan more and further for it


Number 3.

dunno, but I think I just want look forward into:

-the next story after the war within

-other riven mods for pistol, shotgun, melee, warframe, even companion & sentinel


Number 4

For players: plz don't bash DE too much ._.

For DE, plz don't set up hype too much (if the development progress is too far and gone unplanned)

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a) Story telling: Did you like the story in WW quest and how in general the plot of Warframe is developing?

Yes, it's enjoyable. I particularly like the choices in dialogue and the weird karma ting on this one. Spent an hour or so on the last choice.


b) Did you like the new mechanics you found in the mission? (archwing lasers, robots worms, etc…)

Lasers were meh, seen it before. Worms were cool. The new tenno powers are too gimmicky to use them aside of a kuva farm session.


c) Did you like  the ability to make choices which alter the story development and Tenno karma?

Yes I did. I only hope there will be consequences for such actions.

d) Did you like the new graphics and animations? (cinematics, new tileset, graphic quality etc…)

Everything is top notch for how the engine can handle it. The engine and some texture do feel old tho.



2) New features


a) Do you like the ability to directly and freely control your operator and his void abilities?

Yes, although they are gimmicky and not really gamplay viable.


b) Do you like the introduction of enemies focused on the use of our new abilities?

If they are not too many, sure. Better than f-ing bursas.

c) What about riven mods?

Completely broken. I love it. Give me WF riven mods.

d) What about the new invasion and sortie systems?

It's fine. Nothing really changed that much.

e) What do you think of the new endless system? Is enough as incentive to play more?

Nope. Endless was good because of multiple rewards for one key. No reason to waste time if you can do the same but waaaaaay faster with capture missions.



3) What would have you liked to see more in this patch ?


More lore. Can't have enough.

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