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Sortie Reward 'Rework'


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Sortie Reward Changes

We are intending to ship these with Update 19.1.0! If that changes, we'll update you.

Right now the Sortie reward pool includes:

Endo (2K)
Endo (4K)
Riven Mod
Lens/Greater Lenses
Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint
Exilus Adaptor Blueprint
Legendary Core

New Sortie Rewards after this Update will be:

Riven Mod
Endo (2K) (radically lowered drop chance)
Endo (4K)
3 Day Booster
Lens/Greater Lens
3 Nitain
Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint
Exilus Adaptor Blueprint
Legendary Core.

new developer workshop/build status post went live telling us what to expect in the next patch, it told us about this sortie rework. 

Let me just say a few things that's been on my mind.

Forma, is already filler for most of the relics in the game. This is 100% useless to the end-game players who usually have 20+ blueprints of forma in stock. Not to mention, you get forma SO often from just running relics. 

Second. I like the idea of riven mods, but I think limiting it's acquisition  to the biggest, RNG based system in the game not vastly underutilizes the content we've seen from this update.

Sorties, thematically are fine. but it's reward tables are extremely diluted and it honestly turns away most of it's intended demographic. which are more end game players with multi forma'd gear and warframes. It's not enjoyable when you have to do an extremely tough 25 minute defense only to get focus lense for a very trivial at best mechanic right now, and it's gonna be a bigger slap in the face if you get forma, which I've already stated you can get so commonly, or 2000 endo (if you're drastically lowering it's drop chance, why even put it there?) when you can easily get that amount in 10 minutes without a booster. Don't get me started on nitain. Most people who commonly play warframe at least 3 days of the week will run into nitain alerts enough that this makes nitain a slog. 

Now, this is (in my opinion) the ideal drop list for sorties.

-Endo (6k)
-3 Day Booster (I honestly like this as a reward)
-Lenses/Greater Lense

-Legendary core
-Exilus adaptor (built)

this list, in my opinion will give people useful, rare, and fun rewards as incentive to play sorties. 

This is all my personal opinion, and I would love to hear discussion. 

I do hope we see a better way to acquire riven, it's odd that it's not even a reward in the new gamemode or nothing special in the new tileset (seriously, drifts were a cool concept and I'd love to see more.)


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My opinion:

Riven Mod - can take them or leave them, I hate their rng nature and the ones I've got now are for weapons I have no interest in keeping outside getting me MR points.
Endo  - Really needs to be a larger amount to make it feel we've 'won' something after sorte.  5-10k would be nice :)
3 Day Booster - like we don't get enough of them from login rewards ...
Lens/Greater Lens - While some might want them there comes a point when we don't actually need them... unless theres some future TWW plans for this where we need to earn more points on our focus schools
3 Nitain - so this will be the new endo along with lenses then.... while most of us likely need nitain it's not really a sorte reward is it....getting 3 nitain for fighting up to level 100 enemies feels like I'm being ripped off.
Forma - while I am still levelling weapons and building weapons that require it etc I'm not needing that many forma that relics aren't supplying my needs.
Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint - Now these I CAN use, they're rarer than hens teeth these days but based on comments from my clan getting them is near impossible. 
Exilus Adaptor Blueprint - I can get this pretty quickly from cephalon simaris...
Legendary Core - nice but really how many do you actually need...and I know for me personally I wouldn't get the full use out of one as most of my mods are 'part levelled' already.


Personally I'd like Kuva (2000 minimum) adding into the list too....

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Sorties need a token system and more unique rewards now that weapon blueprints and Nezha no longer drop from them. Get tokens to purchase stuff like lenses, forma, or reactors, and the more valuable rewards drop after finishing all 3 missions. Apart from rivens and maybe lenses there is hardly any incentive to do sorties. The rewards, at least in my opinion, are not worth it to play through them.

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I actually like the forma reward and I very much am an 'end-game player'.

Forma literally the only thing I don't have enough of (besides credits, lenses maybe - cause I haven't been doing sorties much lately and argons cause...you know how it is) I have like 40 potatoes, at least 7 spare exilus adapters, 56 nitain and pretty much trillions of every resource. Can you guess how many forma blueprints I have rn? Zero. I have 16 formas crafted atm, but that's because I've been saving them for quite a while now. And those 16 formas can be gone in like an hour when I decide to forma/craft the stuff I want.

So having forma as a sortie reward (if it's half as consistent as the 2000 endo was) would be pretty nice for me.

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I don't care anymore.

I've got some riven mods for boring weapons now and it seems the chances to get some more are not going to get better.

DE says Sorties and riven mods are meant to be endgame for those who have done everything else, too bad it's completely RNG dependend to get into that endgame fun club. So by definition there is now End-game for me to do - sucks to be me.

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I do not like resources in sorties, especially kuva or nitain. Forma is useful, but not needed as it is filler in most relics. Endo needs to be bumped to ~5k. Catalysts and reactors are alright, and subjective. Exiles built is alright. Legendary Cores barely drop so those can stay. Lens are a pain in my arse and I wish they would drop elsewhere. The boosters are alright, but should give us the option to choose which type we want. 

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These new sortie rewards confirm my suspicions: it seems that the DEV have a lack of planing or they are simply rushing things that we have to suffer about it.

Seriously i don't know who is in charge of the planing over there, something should be done about it.

I stopped playing sortie long time ago, and these new rewards will not make me wanna play them again.

I hope i will change my mind when update 27 or 35 is out.  :(   (oh wait, we are still on update 19)

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I believe the reason sortie rewards have suddenly become such a hotly discussed topic is because they're the only possible source for Riven mods. People want to actually try this new content, and it's incredibly frustrating to receive rewards that are easily farmable (2k endo) or useless junk (lenses) for days on end.

I was happy when they finally removed Nezha parts and special weapon pieces from the Sorties. It was an interesting way to introduce their acquisition but after several seasons it was getting rather old.

Unfortunately, now it appears the drop table is being further glutted. Three Nitain? What use is that to an endgame player? If I wanted three Nitain, I'd run three Nitain alerts.  Forma? I have dozens. Granted, they're useful even to experienced players, but not worth three difficult missions to get. Boosters? It's not that I don't appreciate them now and then, but they're really more of a login bonus than an actual reward for doing something.

Regardless, I don't think tweaking the reward table is going to solve the problem. If players are going into the sorties because they want Riven mods, they're going to be disappointed unless they get Riven mods. (Or a legendary core. I don't think anybody complains about getting a legendary core.)

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2 minutes ago, Syvarin said:

Regardless, I don't think tweaking the reward table is going to solve the problem. If players are going into the sorties because they want Riven mods, they're going to be disappointed unless they get Riven mods. (Or a legendary core. I don't think anybody complains about getting a legendary core.)

Correction: I don't see anyone got it. maybe the very rare lucky players.

I have never missed a sortie since day 1 (except 3 times), and i am among the unlucky players

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Lol this doesn't seem promissing...

2k endo is still there I can't understand why theres a need to have 2 endo rewards in the same drop table... to punish people who do the missions?
Today farming relics I got more then 6k endo without a problem.

Nitain this belong caches... Since there's really nothing worth droping from them...

Forma not really a sortie reward, but worth more then the 2k endo,if you want to dilute the table that bad,since it already does that for the relics really... The only positive point I see is that is already built, so if anyone is using some formas they can skip those 24 hours of waiting by receiving one from the sorties.

Boosters are a good reward :thumbup:.

1 out 4


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Nitain, Forma and Exlius Blueprint are a joke. It's actually worse than 2k endo.

I would also prefer lesser lenses removed and put someplace else - for example a chance drop for defeating any boss. We also have raids, but it as a bonus rewards there.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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