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Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread


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1 hour ago, Balcora5601 said:

Ash is strong and always a good pillar when you got in a tight spot, even though he is useless when fighting Eximus ancient with Lv.90+. But this rework had delete, crash, squash every possibility for ash to be use in high level session with heavy enemy unit on rampage.

The targeting system is clumsy, you need to target them and then execute the sequence which take too dam longggggggggggggg and multiple target on one target is just absurd!! New damage output formula is also downgrade ash to a tee. And the comment is of going invisible to target is just a plain retard!! cause now you need to invest duration in order to have time in the smoke to target which make your damage output becoming ineffective even a level 50+.


I hope that the DE open up a thread for new idea for this "Balancing Rework" cause what's up right now is not good at all.

Exactly , i also keep hearing people say ashs 4 was never suppose to be a CC?....if that's the case they should remove it entirely not handicap it so its situational at best, especially when his 3(FT) is just as fast if not faster. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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I actually believe that this wasn't too bad of an attempt at reworking him, (and the little additions to smoke screen and teleport are very nice :D) however I feel that all this rework would really need to make ash good is just let him get stealth multipliers all the time with his ult. Even with the new koga skin description it shows that he's hyped up towards being a "spy" or a "ninja" yet he can't get stealth multipliers while something loud as all living hell (mesa's peacemaker,redeemer,etc) can. Also reducing his slash procs to 1/4 of the damage of what they used to be REALLY hurts him. Personally I don't know very much about ash as I used to main him a year ago and then quit but I can see that DE really made an effort to try and make him more engaging however the problem with the sloppy animation is still there. Now here's where I give some feedback that may or may not be possible to add within the game (just spitballin here). I feel like all ash really needs to be engaging is for the players to have a need to press keys within the animation. So in the end all I could think of was making bladestorm have a slower animation and adding quicktime sequences where you have to press a certain key to execute your foes. Every keystroke would feel satisfying as you mow down large groups of enemies. But anyways, enough about me with enough work ash could be great keep on trying DE. :D


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3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Only problem I can see is if we're aren't accurate when selecting an enemy, we would teleport forward and ruin our approach.
Sometimes that teleport whiff comes in handy when frantically trying to teleport to an enemy for a finisher.

You could simply make the free teleport a hold, and the targeted one a tap. Problem solved, no?

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2 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

I don't know why people say it's slow. I can target entire crowds pretty much by twich reflex, even pin point targets I want to kill while doing so. I guess my Conclave training really worked.

Yeah, it is slow.  There are several tricks such as wildly sweeping the cursor in circle or figure eight, or just leaving BS on and hitting "4" when ready.  That is fine.

The problem is when fighting higher level enemies bladestorm is too slow.  I'll explain why.

The previous version of bladestorm was a bit OP in targeting everyone.  However, what BS would do was continually attack the bigger enemies until the timer was over.

The problem now is a single target of BS won't kill many enemies in a sortie.  So a swing targeting only does a little damage but now the enemies are closer.  Now the player is out of bladestorm and there is a half second or so before he can start the BS targeting.  In that time, they are whaling on the player.  Let's say the player gets off BS again.  Once again, a single target won't kill them and now they are on top of him.

Maybe set up BS so it works in the previous way but continually expends energy until it kills the selected enemies in the order of selection until they are dead or the player runs out of energy or time expires like the pervious BS.

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3 hours ago, rudman88 said:

trhose guys that say ash bs now more fun, can you guys teach me step by step how you all aim each target x 3.

and at the same time has enough energy to cash st 7 different target x 3 b4 ur team kills em xd

I find myself Relying on the combo multiplier more than the BS stack.

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After a decent chunk of playing, I'm starting to enjoy it. I'm going with:

177 dur, 175 eff, 79 range, 170 str.

To save on the need to stack mutliple BS attacks, I use both combo multiplier mods on my melee and rely on sustaining the combo so I only need 1 bs attack + bleed to pull of reliable kills. While not as spammy as before, definitely feels nicer for me.

The only feedback regarding changes I'd suggest is somehow have more visible markers even on darker energy color and fixes to teleport/final teleport not triggering finishers properly on moas and such.

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19 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

Yeah, it is slow.  There are several tricks such as wildly sweeping the cursor in circle or figure eight, or just leaving BS on and hitting "4" when ready.  That is fine.

The problem is when fighting higher level enemies bladestorm is too slow.  I'll explain why.

The previous version of bladestorm was a bit OP in targeting everyone.  However, what BS would do was continually attack the bigger enemies until the timer was over.

The problem now is a single target of BS won't kill many enemies in a sortie.  So a swing targeting only does a little damage but now the enemies are closer.  Now the player is out of bladestorm and there is a half second or so before he can start the BS targeting.  In that time, they are whaling on the player.  Let's say the player gets off BS again.  Once again, a single target won't kill them and now they are on top of him.

Maybe set up BS so it works in the previous way but continually expends energy until it kills the selected enemies in the order of selection until they are dead or the player runs out of energy or time expires like the pervious BS.

Well, that's where a Smoke Screen enters the scene. SS greatly reduces cost and gives you a brief pause from taking damage while you target new enemies. You can also cast it while rolling or bulletjumping now. You can't use the ol Bladestorm "stand still and cast on enemies" anymore, you need to stay mobile, use your whole kit, etcetera. Whenever I need to do two sweeps I bulletjump>sweep crowd while flying at blinding speeds>bulletjump again>sweep again at blinding speed>release the blade storm. You need to play Ash like ninja, not like a caster.

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15 hours ago, kageshi1 said:




no, seriously make the cone larger... you just made motion sickiness from the old BS and dialed it to 11. The fact that motion blur just makes things worse when marking alot of enemies, the added fact that throwing your mouse across the table is an added addition to using BS is BS

Then as soon as he is done spinning Mirage launches a tonkor or simulor round into the enemies and instagibs them all, and watches poor little Ash do it all over again.

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What's up Dank Homies! Meme Sage here. N' I believe i have came up with an AMAZING idea for Ash's 4th ability.

It's No Secret that the community isn't taking to well to the recent change to ash's 4th ability "Blade Storm".

And from talking to many people, it seems like the main reason people hate it, is because it's too slow, and isn't viable at all. unless a level 110 bursa spawns or a level 110 bombard spawns, and you need to take it out quicker then you normally would. other then that, it's useless because it's faster to just melee the enemies your self, or just shoot them. 


So This my idea for Ash's Blade Storm.

First, Ash's first ability "Shuriken" Would need a change. Instead of just throwing 1/1/2/2 Stars. it Should throw 1/2/3/4 Stars. 

Now this is Important. When throwing The stars. Enemies hit by the star, can become Marked (No need to mark them 3 times). Then after they are marked, you can spend 50 energy to then Blade storm those marked enemies. (or even just make it cost energy per a marked enemy right at the moment of casting Shuriken and make blade storm Cost 0 energy to cast)

Yes, the marking thing is still there, but it's not as bad as getting Sick from spinning your mouse left and right all the time. it would also make Ash's Other skills MORE USEFULL. And ash/Ash Prime players (like my self) could feel "more the part" as a ninja. 

Also Bladestorm's Damage needs to Scale with the mods placed on melee weapons again. There's really no reason it shouldn't. yes, the bleed damage is indeed pretty strong, but it's a MASSIVE nerf to what it was before. Like, high level enemies don't die from me using like, most of my energy just to cast. 


I'm not going to be one to say This change was the Worst thing ever, but i can indeed say based off of player feed back. it wasn't the best.


please Leave Feed back on this Post, and Hopefully, if the feed back is Good, then maybe DE could think about some of these changes.


-Meme Sage.

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OH and another note for Blade storm, the main reason it's Extreamly pointless. is being that it's really slow, by the time i tag 15 enemies, and then cast the skill, the team mates have already kills 10 of those enemies. making me only attack like, 5 of what i tagged. and i could have killed those 15 enemies my self with simple using smoke screen and melee.

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My idea (not opening another topic for it) is to have blade store build up "Charges" with melee strike.

lets say 1 charge every 5 hits. With a cap of 15 charges.

now at any pont bladestorm can be cast doing the same as before granting 1 attack for each charge.

still not interactive but not spammable and harder to abuse at higher levels 

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6 minutes ago, JamesMcJam said:

This would just make bladestorm slower.

Not Exactly. think about it, press 1, then press 4 = Dead. 

instead of

press 4, scan around for enemies and mark them 3 times, and if they aren't dead, Press 4 again = Might be dead.

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1 minute ago, JohnKable said:

My idea (not opening another topic for it) is to have blade store build up "Charges" with melee strike.

lets say 1 charge every 5 hits. With a cap of 15 charges.

now at any pont bladestorm can be cast doing the same as before granting 1 attack for each charge.

still not interactive but not spammable and harder to abuse at higher levels 

I Like this idea. it kind of remind me of Equinox's 4th Day ability (Which im 100% sure they will nerf next because it's more powerful then Ash's 4th ability ever was.)

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2 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Bladestorm currently is terrible...idk why they would make something like this - its extremely slow and breaks speed having to stupidly aim around and mark stuff just to find out its already dead.

Best thing about my idea, is that the Throwing Stars are heat seeking. so it doesn't break speed. 

The Change to Smoke Screen was so Ash can be more fluid. yet, the new bladestorm goes agenct that. My Idea keeps the fluidness.

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2 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

My idea would be to put it back how it was, it's 2 legged turtle slow now. 


I don't play Ash so it doesn't bother me directly but i'm not exactly a big lass and my shoulders are getting sore from carrying Ash players now.

now, a lot of Ash players Suck now because they don't know exactly how to use him now. I can still manage to get The most kills in almost any sortie mission. Because i Stay in Smoke screen and Melee/teleport to everything. but with that, his Ultimate Skill is completely pointless. Quote "ULTIMATE"

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