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Did the Riven mods spark your love for an old weapon?


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Has the Riven mods brought life back to your old favorite weapon? All I see are people sharing and boasting about the top tier weapons with the mods. I know they added levels of effectiveness depending on the weapon but still.. I just want to hear if anyone picked up their olden golden guns with new hopes. (I'm looking forward to getting an Opticore Riven mod)

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My first Riven mod was great: +damage, +multishot and +fire rate for Boltor. Sadly, I don't care about boltor weapons and I don't even have potatoes installed in my Boltor Prime or Telos Boltor, so I sold it for 600 plat.


Other rivens I got were two for Vulklok, one for Burstron and one for Karak. The Karak one is great and I enjoy using this weapon now. If only we had a skin for Karak Wraith outside of conclaive, because PvP is dead now :(

I wish I get Opticor, Daikuy, Tetra, Dera, Rubico or Dread riven some day...

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My first one turned out to be a pretty nice Dread mod, so that's had me revisiting my stealth loadout a bit. More recently, I got a good one for the Ignis that's made me dust it off and take it to some Infested runs. Also got a Daikyu one, but I'm not a Daikyu fan and it's kind of terrible besides.

Still, I like the idea, especially now that Kuva siphons spawn a lot more reliably.

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28 minutes ago, Night4ce said:

Has the Riven mods brought life back to your old favorite weapon? All I see are people sharing and boasting about the top tier weapons with the mods. I know they added levels of effectiveness depending on the weapon but still.. I just want to hear if anyone picked up their olden golden guns with new hopes. (I'm looking forward to getting an Opticore Riven mod)

Hell, no. No way I gonna plunge into that Riven-Madness with all its current randomness, not even for top tier weapons.

But you're right - those mad enough to farm Riven Mods don't do it for their beloved Teta or Braton... and those who actually still use all the old crap weapons (newcomers) are blocked out from the whole affair by the necessary MR.

Edited by Toran
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Im going to have to say no. Flux rifle is my most used primary and my favorite weapon in the game. Riven mods just made it more viable. I always liked the tigris because im not good at aiming and it feels the best out of the other shot guns IMO.


Im still trying for that god roll though. so many negative damage value rolls T-T

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3 minutes ago, Toran said:

Hell, no. No way I gonna plunge into that Riven-Madness with all its current randomness, not even for top tier weapons.

But you're right - those mad enough to farm Riven Mods don't do it for their beloved Teta or Braton... and those who actually still use all the old crap weapons (newcomers) are blocked out from the whole affair by the necessary MR.

you take that back!!! they are not crap weapons.

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So far, not really since I have no riven mod that sparks up my non-meta weapons. I had something for Karak and Snipetron, but I don't like those two weapons, so I got rid of them. I did got something for Sybaris and Zarr though, but I don't think I can consider them as underperforming weapons.

One thing that might interest me is a +Slash +Status mod for Flux Rifle.

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Just now, Zhoyzu said:

you take that back!!! they are not crap weapons.

I take it back. And I even go further and out myself as a the proud member of the MK1-Braton Appreciation Club (members need to forma the MK1 Braton six times or more).

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yes for me , since the riven came out i was trying use my old crafted weapon n its works fine really . but the problem i see here even the most used (and one of my fav weapon) are getting riven too . its make me confused which one to use . rarely used weapon or my favorite one?
but here some example :



totaly feels great with the riven installed

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15 minutes ago, QuiteCrazy said:

2k endo, 2k endo, 2k endo  ---> repeat infinitely, that"s how my sorties goes. All hail RNG, best reward system ever

Hasn't DE implemented a restriction on how many Endo rewards you can get in a row? I mean I like Endo and all. Sortie is my biggest Endo income, though I should try actually farming for Endo. I find myself needing Endo to max these Riven mods more than getting my hands on the things. I agree the RNG on a RNG on a RNG is a bit daunting but doesn't it make you feel more accomplished to get a mod for a weapon you liked? And with Kuva easier to farm, rolling the thing isn't so bad.. till a certain point.. maybe there should be a cap on rolling..

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