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Can we please nerf Mirage + Simulor?


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21 hours ago, ColPresumptuous said:

Yeah but threads like this are like some guy on a soccer team *@##$ing to his coach that his teams goalie is too good and has to have his legs broken to make him feel better.

I play Equinox in Maim with a Zarr or Simulor, Every mission im in the 60%+ damage dealt with enemies killed usually 2-3 times larger than the next highest kill count on the sqaud... Am I the next one to be called out for a nerf when Mirrage and  simulor are nerfed? See where this sort of thing goes, and its a PvE game, I dont care if theres a frame with a perma toggle tactical nuke that kills level 100's before they even spawn... id be happy to have him in my mission.

These sort of threads remind me of other MMO's where you have various DPS classes or support classes in PvE environments yelling for nerfs of others since they feel like they are over looked or not as strong, thing is in Warframe with the way it works, everyones good and capable, some combos are just more good than others... so really I just dont understand the mentality for calling for a nerf... in the last 3 days ive had a total of 2 mirrage simulor players in my Sqauds... I mean, is that really a problem for some people?

Also brainless is relative, as a guy in his late 30's with dwindling reflexes and slowing mental capabilities (comapred to 20 years ago) sure WF isnt hardly rocket science level of a challenge but its hardly a breeze and sometimes i gotta carry the team even.

If you find it a dawdle, why do you even play?.. there are far more challenge games out there.

I don't bother asking those questions anymore. There seems to be "gamers" hell-bent on telling other people how they should play their games. I don't get it either.

The way I see it, if I join a public game, it's a mixed bag of beans. I get some sweet ones, some hardly palatable, but mostly pleasant. That's the nature of the beast and I accept that. Now if some bloke wants to play with only like minded people, then form a pre-made. I just don't see the logic in joining pub games, and go totally Mussolini at the slightest thing that fall below some arbitrary "standard".

Perhaps, maybe, some people are just masochistic. No matter, i don't see a need to nerf anything despite the mechanics being overpowered and getting irritated by it once in a while myself.

Edited by Currilicious
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On 04/12/2016 at 10:57 AM, SenariousNex said:

Not a big fan of this setup late-game. Dmg drops off eventually making it useless and mirage dies when a high level enemy just looks at her funny. Take it vs lvl 140 Battalysts in simulacrum and tell me how that goes.

yep pretty much the same for me I dont like the setup but I also dont care if someone uses it because its only good early/mid game. 

On a side note most frames would get completely rekt against lv145 Battalysts

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this is getting toxic = . = 

seriously , the damage fall off of the nuke frames is apparent, many complaints are playing with these type of frames in ...low teir missions

and whining that "i dont get any kills " , this is a team based game yes, but ya know if you dont want to play with that frame type, go to chat and request specific frames for squad 

, many who dislike playing with these nukers is usually on easy levels and missions that most frames nuke on, just are saturation damage types have a leg up due to the range and efficiency of killing enemies

in high missions 120+ lvl enemies its apaprant that cc and support tactics come into play 

 players enjoy OP damage builds when they start, because they like feeling op

and thats fine

as they progress they will have to tweak/ alter to make the builds more survivable , shifting away from damage to some more clutch life saving setups as they play

and with abc build setups made to  low tier, midtier, endgame builds  , its easy to change setup as the situation demands 

 normally if i find a build that works endgame i utilize it in lower levels , because im lazy and because i find it more then dependable in those situations


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19 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

yep pretty much the same for me I dont like the setup but I also dont care if someone uses it because its only good early/mid game. 

On a side note most frames would get completely rekt against lv145 Battalysts

So far I had good success with chroma, valkyr, and loki against them. I would imagine wu kong, ash, inaros, trinity would stand a fair chance and nyx, volt, ivara, rhino may have a tiny chance if you are really fking good.  But yeah, mirage, ember, saryn and your run of the mill "massacre lvl 30 greneer ad nauseam" frames do not have a  snowballs chance. Unless one of you brave forum salt miners are willing to take up a challenge. (20 Lvl 135-145) Battalysts in simulacrum)

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I was playing Mag in a sortie survival in pub recently. A mirage+simulor player was part of the team. It was fine. My magnetize and their vortex orbs made for some wicked combos/protective barriers. We then split up to take different rooms, so we could take full advantage of our personal play styles. We both performed very well in the end stats.

Balance passes are on DE as they see fit. For players, I think it's more about being able to recognize that pub games will include all play styles. Thus our freedoms enable us to work together, find other groups, recruit, and communicate to optimize the best experience for all players.

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2 hours ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

yep pretty much the same for me I dont like the setup but I also dont care if someone uses it because its only good early/mid game. 

On a side note most frames would get completely rekt against lv145 Battalysts

there's no end game missions as of now + if your simulor gets fall off past lvl 140 enemies you're building it wrong *cough traumatic redirection *cough avenger * cough grace *cough crit rivens *cough viral *cough

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6 hours ago, (PS4)TheANSER-42 said:

I do agree with many of your points but there's one I just don't get. how are spamulors causing toxicity when it's anti spamulor people who are making the "NERF NERF NERF" threads. I haven't seen in game toxicity for not using simulor but I have certainly seen A LOT of toxicity coming from the opposition.

It is toxic to the interactive spirit of the game.  The people making the...sigh..."nerf" threads are acting more like a person's immune system responding to a toxin, pathogen, or illness.

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My only issue with the combo is that it sucks the fun out of the game. You might aswell walk all the way to extract and wait there for the Miroid to finish it up for ya. I mean seriosly, if the person is going to bring that combo to low - mid tier planets, then what's the point in playing?

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10 hours ago, Krumplifej said:

Yes. It wouldn't change anything besides players switching loadouts to mirage+any AoE weapon without self damage, or telos boltace or whatever. Those players who used simulor+mirage would be upset about rendering their xForma weapon "useless" (according to them), and the poeple like the OP of this thread would write posts about the next "meta" loadouts.

I guess I didn't put enough emphasis on the word "good". That's my bad.

This horse has been beaten six ways to hell and back, so I'm gonna keep this short: "There are other/better options out there" isn't a good justification for anything. Like, not even a little bit. The existence of other overpowered tools doesn't make the Spamulor (I guess that's what people are calling it?) combo any less ridiculous. 

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15 minutes ago, Flashbinder said:

My only issue with the combo is that it sucks the fun out of the game. You might aswell walk all the way to extract and wait there for the Miroid to finish it up for ya. I mean seriosly, if the person is going to bring that combo to low - mid tier planets, then what's the point in playing?

normally activate wof /maim and nuke map , the mirage gets nothing 

not hard, spam cast ash 

1 hour ago, XaelathRavenstorm said:

Ash is trash and now people want Mirage dead too? PVE mate PVE you're not getting rekt in conclave with simulor mirage get a grip.

read my tactcis thread on it, youll enjoy nuking again 




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On 12/4/2016 at 1:04 AM, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Keep playing with that, just don't be surprised when it gets the hammer.
It's too advantageous to use, not in the sense of pure strength, but the sheer nature of SPAM that comes from the S. Simulor + Mirage HoM.

Bladestorm wasn't really a spammable ability/feature either, just a Press 4 and Wait ability. Only reason it got changed was to make it a bit more active. Still deals the same damage now, but instead of an instant target acquisition on button press, you have to scan for targets.

It actually does less bleed damage in testing. You also get less results out of only marking once.

Then you got the marks which are buggy and don't always maintain, and then you got tanker enemies which make you use up most of your energy, nevermind eximus which drain you super quick while you are stuck in the annoying Bladestorm animation. Which brings up the other problem that they claimed they were trying to solve, the non-interactivity of Bladestorm. The non-interactivity is still there because you still have to sit through an annoying cutscene, for a move that's less effective to boot.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Are we still talking about this? I thought We have already discussed this and everyone already gave their oppinions, but alright, I will do it again:

I consider that Simulor + Mirage combo should be nerfed, perhaps making each orb of mirage not interact with the others of its mirrors, That would still be OP since then Mirage would have around 3 orbs appearing more or less at the same time, but at least she will no longer be able to run around leaving orbs of death everywhere she walks. There are probably are other ways to fix the problem, but I can't think of anything else. (I don't mean that the weapon or Mirage should be nerfed, only this combo, if that ruins a warframe or a weapon for you, then you never really cared for that warframe or weapon in the first place)

Sorry for bad english.

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10 hours ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

yep pretty much the same for me I dont like the setup but I also dont care if someone uses it because its only good early/mid game. 

On a side note most frames would get completely rekt against lv145 Battalysts

exactly mirage's shields with 350% power is completely trash. + All other health stats. DPS frames are mean't to be supported or they die fast. Yet they deal massive damage.

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1 hour ago, UrielColtan said:

Relying on outside things only strengthens other people's point.

They are in the game, DE gave us means to use them

Even the tenno councellor advise you to use them when you are loading the game

And you think we should not?

Why Zenurik gives us energy, why we have 10x Large team energy pads... these things that you call them "outside" exist to be used.

Why do you rely on Mods? or these you consider them not outside but inside?

in my perspective, outside is something outside your gear

Pads comes within  your gear

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Just now, W.AxlRose said:

still using as my secondary after nerf. Works like a charm with Nova's 2!

I'm talking about the people who used it religiously, including during DS (too many Rhinos and hand held void lasers back then).

If you use it as a secondary or back up weapon, then its fine. I can destroy an entire map with the Lex P, but I'm not using it exclusively throughout the tile. :/

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Perhaps if the changed the simulor to a ball of energy that is tethered to the rifle that slowly drains energy.   Then it'd be more if an active use weapon.   The primary problem is anything that is fire, forget, and profit.  I don't think beefing the gun is necessarily the best thing, but changingbits functionality may be a better approach. 

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