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Balancing PvE


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DE, can we see more balance changes weekly for old weapons like conclave does every update? We got riven mods because balance was needed for rifles and we just got powercreep and platinum sales. Why does conclave get balance every update and yet no one plays it? Raids got barely any updates(some bug fixes). Why are resources and time wasted on such a game mode?

To people say "there is a PvP team". DE is wasting time and resources as a company, PvP is not slowing PvE, but what they are updating is a lost cause and a waste of time that they could be using towards PvE if those resources were reallocated.

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 Balancing PvE would mean fixing enemy scaling, fixing stealth, removing nullifiers and removing the tools that make nullifiers a necesity. Reason why Conclave is balanced constantly is because balance is the whole point of it, and because unbalanced stuff would be instantly rejected and/or abused. In PvE most people prefer the second, just look at any "nerf miramulor already thread". Rebalancing the game means nerfing the cheese into oblivion, we are talking about something bigger than Specters of the Rail.

If you want a pearl you need to know where to look it for, but you also need to be willing to crack the shell.

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1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

Reason why Conclave is balanced constantly is because balance is the whole point of it, and because unbalanced stuff would be instantly rejected and/or abused.

But what is the point of constant balance if no one plays it? Big changes are needed for PvE, like scaling, but nerfing and buffing some old weapons IS NEEDED. The lato series is complete trash (even the 2 exclusive ones), vasto prime could use a touch up, and many more primary/secondary/melee.

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They could probably work on improving Warframe abilities more (because why should abilities be nigh useless for years?), but there aren't as many glaring balance issues in PvE and they're less urgent than in PvP. Also, yes, people do play PvP.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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10 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

But what is the point of constant balance if no one plays it? Big changes are needed for PvE, like scaling, but nerfing and buffing some old weapons IS NEEDED. The lato series is complete trash (even the 2 exclusive ones), vasto prime could use a touch up, and many more primary/secondary/melee.

Albeit small by comparison to the sheer scale of the game's total population, there is a dedicated and reasonably big Conclave community, and remember that Conclave rarely brings actual new content to the game, it's mostly stat tweaks, new cosmetic features (tilesets, skins). Buffing or nerfing is a short term solution, if you want PvE balance you need a long term plan and a big change. Personally I think DE is going to nerf pure damage in the future, why do I think this? DE has been releasing a lot of gimmick mods lately, which means that either they are experimenting new stuff or that they are going to nerf damage into the ground and are releasing this utility and gimmick stuff so we have tools when the damage is gone.

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Damage 3.0 is thrown out of the window due to Riven mods, and the older PA that is Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime.

This probably means they won't be rescaling enemies in the future, considering that top-tier weapons have become more top-tier, while low-mid tiers have been buffed, still incomparable to the top-tiers. There's also the bullS#&$ one-hit kill mechanics (Nullifiers and Napalms), massive AoE denial being hard to notice (Sapping ospreys + nullifiers), and broken interactions with Limbo and a certain unit (Hyekka masters damaging banished things, even while they aren't banished).

Warframe ability balances have been a hit-and-miss thing. Hitting nekros' 3 by making it a toggle is good, but made it slower due to delays in desecrating a corpse (almost 1 second wait time). SotD was just ripped apart IMO, and is a shadow (heh) of its former self.

The nerfs to stealth were just bad, and should be addressed ASAP IMO, but till now it hasn't changed. Seeing corpses is realistic, but no hard counters. Yes, enemies would notice dissolving corpses. Not to mention that arc traps affect non-alerted grineer only, and not the other states. Lastly, corpses seem to dissolve WAY LONGER than the 15 second timer DURING STEALTH.

On the weapons, they haven't really done much. Sure, they've rebalanced some weapons (Flux rifle, Spectra, Supra), but the other weapons aren't in the proper place (MR 5 Tonkor vs MR 8 Stradavar).

All in all, yes, PvE needs a SERIOUS overhaul on the mechanics.

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Probably because as a base conclave is small and pretty solid.  But pve overall is vast and every expansive in terms of new mechanics.  Balancing out pve would require DE to re examine what they want warframe to be and how it would play.  Then they would have to massively change to that.  Which would take more than a year to put up something even worth discussing with the fanbase.

As I see it DE uses absurd power to balance out us and the enemies. Gradually plugging holes with small fixes until they have the time/energy with a more polished idea and then they work on that and bring it to us eventually.  Aside from absurd health values and damage values the only things I really think are truly broken in pve is bombards and the sheer amount of enemies that drain/take your energy or block it.  especially on the corpus side.  I really wouldn't believe anyone if they told me they actually don't mind fighting that faction.

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I am agree with voltage but disagree on the pvp part because there are a decent pvp base in the Community. Old gears need more viability and that mean in long term they need buff the damage and give some utility. I am not sure about the dmg 3.0 because they added primed mods and riven mods to the table. See the long term plan is they not adding anything op stuff into the game while It is not fixed. That could hurt a lot of peoples if they just simply remove the damage mods because then in change they shoulg give back or compensate It the losses which means they add damage to the weapons by level ups but removing 2 slot avoiding the powercreep. If they leave It untouched the slots then they agree with the powercreep and again a lot of peoples will cry abou the powercreep. The enemy scaling is dependant on the mod system and on damage system so they should touch them which seems too huge what they can handle. Other Fact the mod system is a baseline in this game and It has flaws. They could fix only the problem if they entirely remove It but they spent a lot of time to improve this deadhorse but It is not really pleasant for the variety. Also They added a lot of bad mods which unused and unchanged by years now and there are a huge potential in It. Simply they Just drop out everything without planning the Next steps so we are the testers whom work on their job.

Edited by Sziklamester
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3 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I really think are truly broken in pve is bombards and the sheer amount of enemies that drain/take your energy or block it.  especially on the corpus side.  I really wouldn't believe anyone if they told me they actually don't mind fighting that faction.

I dunno. Bombards just stand there and spam slow moving explosives making them easy targets. Napalms kinda blend in with the other units and can sneak up on you and melt your health. Corpus side Techies can shred you within seconds even at lower levels. Nullifiers are second in the annoying bs category and frequently travel with the Techs compounding their unique form of torture. Besides that the rest of the Corpus are decently fun to fight.

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8 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

DE has been releasing a lot of gimmick mods lately, which means that either they are experimenting new stuff or that they are going to nerf damage into the ground and are releasing this utility and gimmick stuff so we have tools when the damage is gone.

I agree that this is in the works also.  When looking at the big picture, you can see that DE is testing the waters and preparing for something big later. 

As for why Conclave gets updates more often, that one is fairly easy to figure out.  Conclave is much smaller and controlled environment than the rest of the PvE game.  It's so much easier to make changes to it than PvE in comparison.  That's one reason and there are more than likely other very valid reasons as well. 

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There will never be any balance for the PVE in this game. 

The presence of endless content with infinite scaling just ruins that. Any setup that works in an endless setting is going to be broken in non endless settings. 

Besides, why bother with balance when you can just pump our more and more powercrepe?

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

I dunno. Bombards just stand there and spam slow moving explosives making them easy targets. Napalms kinda blend in with the other units and can sneak up on you and melt your health. Corpus side Techies can shred you within seconds even at lower levels. Nullifiers are second in the annoying bs category and frequently travel with the Techs compounding their unique form of torture. Besides that the rest of the Corpus are decently fun to fight.

their rockets cant miss. seriously. and well. fudge corpus in general.

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