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im sure theres many out there that are outraged at how the riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market unless ur the rich wallet warriors who can get what they want with a klick of a finger but for the rest of us its not so easy plus the event currently on for the 2 frames that many ppl want but cant get takeing into account that the drop rate for the parts and even the relics that hold the parts is utterly pathetic u would have to be the most luckyest person plus 24/7 and caffine pump'd directly into ur blood stream to be able to get these 2 within 28 days

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4 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

rest of us

Who is "us" you speak of?

4 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market

Explain like im 5 years old, how does that work?

4 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

its not so easy

Ah! now i understand. youre outraged, because you have to WORK harder for something that others can buy.
Let me tell you , in case you didnt know.. its a secret. so here 


you can buy it too, you know, thats the EASY way


Edited by PiotrGracz
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i'm having hard time getting riven too and i'm not buying them i want to get them the hard way.

This has probably some impact on the plat market . That and the new prime released of course.

But wait is that enough to make you leave ?

i mean i dont know for you tenno but plat is usualy for cosmetics and slots ( for me anyway ) 

so i dont need to get a ton of it.

Edited by trunks013
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It's...really not as hard as you're making it out to be.

Let's address riven mods first.

Yes, riven mods have been quite a divisive issue, but at their core? They're not terribly difficult to get. Do a sortie. Don't get a mod? Do the next one. Maybe you just have bad luck, yeah, could be. It's not hard, however, to hop into an Axi or even a Neo fissure for Survival/Defense and do a bunch of relic runs, sell those off for easy plat, whoop, buy a Riven yourself (an uncycled riven can go anywheres from 30 to 80p, 100 if you're desperate).

As for farming Ember and Frost Prime, have you checked what drops what relics? They're not terribly hard to farm. Sometimes an Excavation, sometimes a Defense or a Survival. You run the nodes, get the relics, do it up, there you go.


Yes, of course DE has only given people 30 days to do it, because they know that's how it makes money. People want it NOW and don't want to work. But for the people who DO want to put the work in, it's a lot easier than you're making it out to be.

Also, how have rivens destroyed the prime part plat market? They haven't, in the SLIGHTEST.

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8 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

im sure theres many out there that are outraged at how the riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market unless ur the rich wallet warriors who can get what they want with a klick of a finger but for the rest of us its not so easy plus the event currently on for the 2 frames that many ppl want but cant get takeing into account that the drop rate for the parts and even the relics that hold the parts is utterly pathetic u would have to be the most luckyest person plus 24/7 and caffine pump'd directly into ur blood stream to be able to get these 2 within 28 days


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9 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

im sure theres many out there that are outraged at how the riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market unless ur the rich wallet warriors who can get what they want with a klick of a finger but for the rest of us its not so easy plus the event currently on for the 2 frames that many ppl want but cant get takeing into account that the drop rate for the parts and even the relics that hold the parts is utterly pathetic u would have to be the most luckyest person plus 24/7 and caffine pump'd directly into ur blood stream to be able to get these 2 within 28 days

I was able to grind for a full frost set in 4 hours. I just got on after school and went on the grind until dinner. I made 310 Plat and a rata cernos.

Edited by (PS4)TheANSER-42
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15 minutes ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

im sure theres many out there that are outraged at how the riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market unless ur the rich wallet warriors who can get what they want with a klick of a finger but for the rest of us its not so easy plus the event currently on for the 2 frames that many ppl want but cant get takeing into account that the drop rate for the parts and even the relics that hold the parts is utterly pathetic u would have to be the most luckyest person plus 24/7 and caffine pump'd directly into ur blood stream to be able to get these 2 within 28 days

calm down sir, take a coffee, a tea, a beer and go out for a walk, take 1 week break and then play again. One small tip : yes there are wallet warriors, but the feeling when you actually played for something instead of 1 click buy its different, i think you know what I mean. Don t desperate tenno, patience is key.

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Those whom have the funds for in game stuffs are mostly working peoples and the least kids with daddy-mommy's credit card. Those who play the game freely are live on whom pay. If noone pay noone buy with money. The riven mods for some a welcommed addition for others are bandaid. I would like to see them working on the old content and buffing old stuffs. Opinions.

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)TheANSER-42 said:

I actually have respect for working people. wallet warriors, however, in my opinion, kids using money that isn't theirs. kids with mommy's credit card are wallet warriors.

The thing is: if they dont outright say where they are taking their money from, we wouldnt know WHO is the "wallet-warrior" or the "Working people", even then we cant be sure because "The Internet".

This thread has no point aside from OP ranting about others having money while he doesnt and dumping all of them in the same degrading category.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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1 hour ago, Dragon_HEARTS_Bane_27 said:

im sure theres many out there that are outraged at how the riven mods have destroy'd the prime part plat market unless ur the rich wallet warriors who can get what they want with a klick of a finger but for the rest of us its not so easy plus the event currently on for the 2 frames that many ppl want but cant get takeing into account that the drop rate for the parts and even the relics that hold the parts is utterly pathetic u would have to be the most luckyest person plus 24/7 and caffine pump'd directly into ur blood stream to be able to get these 2 within 28 days

How exactly have rivens have destroyed the prime part plat market? Please explain this assertion.

The trade chat is saturated, sure, but I'll note that prime part trading is still successful and seems to mave migrated somewhat to Maroo's Bazaar with good results.

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Going to go ahead and lock this.

Sorry to hear you're considering leaving, but it's your prerogative. It would be a lot more helpful if you could create a constructive feedback post in the appropriate feedback subforum to explain how you think things could be improved in a constructive and respectful manner that doesn't insult or label players in a demeaning manner.

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