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My personal Apology to the Fans


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4 hours ago, AcceI said:


yeah...i mean...the blade looks completely out of place, like a kids action-hero drawing where they add stuff all over the place.

and am i the only one who thinks that the new "belt" looks like a strapon? yes i heard that ember was once a male model and later turned into a female frame, but come on...

not bashing against the art-team, those guys did some fancy stuff...but those ember changes? nah

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9 hours ago, Xeotroid said:

On the left you can see the original, on the right you can see the edited version by DE.


Oh wow. When I saw the right one on the stream I thought "Why on earth did they add that blade on her head!?". I'm very happy to see that the original actually made sense.

I'd buy the left one, but not the right one.

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Hey man, if you really want to keep working for them, maybe you should think about the situation. Give us details, ask DE why they made such decisions, and explain it for us and yourselves, and offer an apology to DE where and when applicable. It's not be all, end all.

I really like your work, it's bloody beautiful. It'd be a shame to see it stop now.

And it's probably a little repetitive at this point but when you're working for a contractor, the contractor gets final approval. 

It looks like they shaped it down a bit to fit polycounts.


Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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Well.... Sad to hear this, your work was awesome. Your Rhino Skin was the reason i could cope with him not getting PBR update for the longest time.

I don't know if we are even allowed "to take sides" on this but it really feels like DE art team were in the wrong here. The Ember skin comparison makes it obvious to me that original was better - more "refined", flashing out Ember's playful nature and femininity. The changes literally made her look ruined, like some infestation got inside the assembly line.

I honestly don't know if they did so just for the sake of it or they wanted to make emphasis on Ember's infested-like nature? (the one we clearly see in both the original and prime designs).


I hope at least 1 of the bridges survived, i really hate it when people don't get along especially when we get something so awesome as a result.

Dammit, now i'm fearing for the future of deluxe skins as a whole. Tennogen is cool at all, but your skins were truly unique both in looks and the vibes you get from them. I doubt they will be able to replace you any time soon, if ever...

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12 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

Oh wow. When I saw the right one on the stream I thought "Why on earth did they add that blade on her head!?". I'm very happy to see that the original actually made sense.

I'd buy the left one, but not the right one.

If DE really wants those adjustments then they should honestly just make auxiliaries.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Sad to hear that we'll never get Ignus skins for the rest of the frames. I'm personally very unhappy with what they did with my girl Nova.

But i'm grateful for what we've got. Palatine - is the only reason why i play Rhino. Strega - is just wow.

Good luck, Ignus, hope to see more of your works, anywhere. I will stalk your deviant account.


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9 minutes ago, novaliszero said:

You mean the half burned body wasn't enough of an indication that it's an Ember skin? Give me a break.

Maybe it's because every single one of Ember's helmets, be it Primed and even Tennogen all share the signature flame mohawk. It's funny to see people praising the Ember Graxx Helmet for having a bent machete on it's head, but complain about a tiny feature on this concept. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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12 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

Maybe it's because every single one of Ember's helmets, be it Primed and even Tennogen all share the signature flame mohawk. It's funny to see people praising the Ember Graxx Helmet for having a bent machete on it's head, but complain about a tiny feature on this concept. 


Why should Ember helms look the same anyway?

Who overwhelmingly praises the Ember Graxx helmet of the Graxx skin exclusively? I don't see too much talk about either honestly, likely because they are merely on display as a possible Tennogen, not guaranteed to come yet, and may possibly be changed before Ember officially gets a Graxx released in the Tennogen section of the market, The blade isn't actually randomly protruding out the back of the helmet either, like here, in this reworked deluxe skin.  Anyway, Graxx aesthetic is Grineer aesthetics, thus the crude razor blade it has is more fitting there to begin with.



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21 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

Maybe it's because every single one of Ember's helmets, be it Primed and even Tennogen all share the signature flame mohawk. It's funny to see people praising the Ember Graxx Helmet for having a bent machete on it's head, but complain about a tiny feature on this concept. 

Except the blade in this case looks like it was just copied and pasted off of the Athena tennogen helmet for Nyx.

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11 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:


Why should Ember helms look the same anyway?

Who overwhelmingly praises the Ember Graxx helmet of the Graxx skin exclusively? I don't see too much talk about either honestly, likely because they are merely on display as a possible Tennogen, not guaranteed to come yet, and may possibly be changed before Ember officially gets a Graxx released in the Tennogen section of the market, The blade isn't actually randomly protruding out the back of the helmet either, like here, in this reworked deluxe skin.  Graxx aesthetic is Grineer aesthetics, thus the crude razor blade it has is more fitting there anyway



I believe the Graxx skin has already been included in the next batch of releases. It gained traction on the Warframe reddit, which lead to its approval.

Why shouldn't Ember's helmet look the same? This was true for all the other deluxe skins. Trinity kept her Halo, Loki kept his sharp-horn-things, Oberon kept his horns and goat/tree like appearance. If you took the original skin and recolored the flame bits to a neon blue/purple, it could pull off as a Nova skin. 

I'd like to ask, before Ignus' announcement, were there ANY complaints over the Ember deluxe concept shown on the devstream? As it stands, most of it's recent criticism seems like redirected rage from this post, which we don't even have any information about who is actually at fault. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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The more I read this thread the sadder I become; I don't know what caused this issue but I guess it was something that both parts couldn't really let go.

Now, being selfish and looking only at the players side, I'm honestly worried for the upcoming skins: if we look at the released ones, the most well received were IgnusDei skins and the few issues the community seemed to have with them were in most cases only because of DE altering the concept(Banshee, Loki).

DE premium skins are honestly....................odd, to say the least; Excalibur and Nyx ones are cool mostly because of the lore they bring with them rather than because of the actual skins quality.

Look at how Nova's skin was received, or Zephyr and Chroma ones even; now look at how every IgnisDei skin was received. I guess the difference is pretty clear, isn't it? DE probably made a mistake by letting a single designer creating so many skins, at the point that IgnisDei is synonymous of premium skins, everything else always feel like a step out of the track.

With 10 out of 16 skins that are made by the same artist and 2 of those other 6 which are taken from another game so without a fresh creation, it's pretty clear that the style and signature of a Warframe deluxe skin is the one IgnusDei gave to his works; DE was probably ok with it, considering how well those skins were received, but now I see it as a big mistake.

Hell, I bought all the skins and I use a Tennogen one for Nova, the Prime version for Saryn and DE was so proud of the Gersemini to base Valkyr Prime on the vanilla frame; I don't want to bit the hand that feeds you, as I love Warframe design(mostly early days tho), but on the other side it's undeniable that DE is not able/not willing/not interested/whatever to do Premium skins as good as IgnisDei ones.

It sucks, it really, really sucks.

sad star wars depressed disappointed yoda

Edited by siralextraffo
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Still hopeful things can be patched up. Seems like you got very personal with your designs. It must suck to have others alter your vision, but I hope for all of the fans of your design work with DE that you can appreciate that your style and beauty still rung true, even for Ember.

Give it some time, hope things improve. :)

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Speaking as a founder and a long-standing player, I am highly disappointed in this turn of events. The original design was better, 100%. If this is how DE treats people who are making them money mostly out of love for the game, I'm not sure if it's the kind of company I want to keep financially supporting. I would also like an explanation from DE's side of things immediately, but I'm sure it's going to be yet another thing they decide to pretend doesn't exist as an issue.

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20 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

They also designed the Zarr, and pretty much every other weapon. 

There is a lot of people in that word "they".

Mynki is the primary designer for most of the warframes and is the art director.

I think Janice Chu is or was one of their weapon designers and UI designer that makes the little ability icons who makes artwork like this:

Fan art for the game I work on, WARFRAME! ~ Weeeeeeeeee enjoy and stay frosty. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a concept and UI artist on Warframe :D

The designer of the zarr is Sean Bigham, who also made the Orphid skin:


Plus a ton more artist in the company, each with their own unique style and flair that makes them special.

Saying DE is losing a lot when Ignus is leaving is really undercutting the hardwork and talent that the artist at DE have. The artist that DE hires all have their own unique flavor  and style to them, and hiring Ignus feels like that was a match made in heaven. They kept to Ignus' original style as much as possible, but also placed limits on what he can do. Warframe has a really unique style, but also has some limit to keep some coherency. Imagine how inconsistent the game would look if all artist at DE could do whatever they want without placing some sort of guideline to what they can create. The game would be an incoherent mess of different styles that would fail to keep a consistent universe.

Ignus had an opportunity to work with DE and with the design of Warframe, one that was more open and creative than any other art styles that I have seen. This could unfortunately be his last gig to show off his creativity, as all other developers are much harsher with their art style. saying Ignus would find a job that allows him to shine with this style would be really hard and rare, as most games try to look more modern or fantasy, rather than the mythical sci-fi fantasy that is Warframe. Hopefully he can find a job that would like to use his style.

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3 minutes ago, IgnusDei said:

Oh, i'm not too worried about showing off my creativity, Mr.Toast

turns out, I'm also a very good Mechanical designer.



Awesome mech and art as always, but could you please shed some more light about the situation at hand?

Edited by heskaroid
did some dumb mistake
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7 hours ago, Excalibur said:

It's a bit early to jump to conclusions about why Ignus and DE have parted ways (though we can infer from Ignus' comment about 'butting heads' that it was less than pleasant) but I think it's better if we keep this civil rather than go on the rampage insulting all of DE's design choices.

This thread shouldn't have been made in the first place. It's started a fire that's not going to be put out easily. If bridges weren't burnt before, they certainly are now.


EDIT: As pointed out by Soulgazer, it really was probably just creative differences.

I don't technically think 'he' is the one who started this fire.  No, I'm not saying [DE] is.  What I'm saying is that it is our responsibility on this forum to restrain ourselves from posting in topics that we feel could really start a mob riot (Which I've been exercising since this topic was created), The main issue here is that it's not all on one man, it's all of us.  Do we all have very strong opinions one way or the other?  Do we like the person's skins?  These all make it personal to these people and you know how the internet will find out about these things, and I believe that if OP didn't make this topic, it would have been made by someone else, someone who enjoyed his skins and someone who is a bit more of a irate customer.

Look at the 13 pages here, this isn't just a simple rage topic that wouldn't have popped up if someone didn't light the match.  This topic is/was a pile of tinder waiting for a single sneeze and I feel like at least in terms of the OP, if you read what he wrote, and how he wrote... he didn't incite anything against DE, he admitted he messed up and the community on the forums picked up their pitchforks and began their little verbal protest/mud slinging because they are unhappy.

Me?  I'm staying far away from discussing anything like that but, I just had to respond to this one as my answer can be far more neutral.

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12 hours ago, Agentawesome said:

I believe the Graxx skin has already been included in the next batch of releases. It gained traction on the Warframe reddit, which lead to its approval.

Why shouldn't Ember's helmet look the same? This was true for all the other deluxe skins. Trinity kept her Halo, Loki kept his sharp-horn-things, Oberon kept his horns and goat/tree like appearance. If you took the original skin and recolored the flame bits to a neon blue/purple, it could pull off as a Nova skin. 

I'd like to ask, before Ignus' announcement, was there ANY complaints over the Ember deluxe concept shown on the devstream? As it stands, most of it's recent criticism seems like redirected rage from this post, which we don't even have any information about who is actually at fault. 

You believe, so not guaranteed. I didn't hear much about the traction or being guaranteed. A Graxx is ideally planned for all the frames, but changes in exact model may happen if it is not actually included in the next batch, either way, its Grineer design, more fitting to have a razor blade and it looks less stupid to boot, this one in the reworked deluxe Ember skin especially clashes with the original helm design. Trinity's default helmet actually has no halo, you are confusing her Aura helmet as her main. Trnity's Meridian and Tennogen helmet also don't exactly have a halo. Oberon traded up goat horns for tree branch ears with leaves, he also gained fairy wings, looking less like a satyr and more like a forest fairy.  You can name anecdotes if you want but the need for helmets to all look the same is not set in stone or necessarily desired. Yes, I know that if you smear vaseline over the ember deluxe it would look like nova but I don't do that to my eyes.

The only skin I knew of was the original one, didn't catch the ember part of any devstream, though if I saw this better design or saw that this reworked design compromised and let go good talent just to put in that mere auxiliary fodder, then yeah, I likely still would have reacted the same if I did see that part of a devstream.

If you want the deluxe skin to have a razor blade, then you could put the Graxx helm on it instead, if it comes out.

Edited by UrielColtan
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