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Are players enjoying the conclave TA, or is it just for the sigil?


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12 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

And what in gods name makes you assume PvP players have good computers and PvE players have bad computers..? Did DE say something on this, show some official graph? Or are you just making baseless assumptions?

There's absolutely no reason to just assume that the PvP crowd has better systems and that such must be why PvP was blessed with dedicated servers while the rest of us were not.

It's not that PvP players have better computers, it's that it has a larger ratio of players to players with good computers compared to PvE players to PvE players with good computers.

Think about it logically. Why would you play PvP if your computer can't run smoothly? Your frame rate would be choppy. This makes it hard to track players. That makes it difficult to score kills. Not being able to score kills means not being able to finish challenges or get sufficient standing. Thus, having a bad computer means you'd barely be able to Conclave standing, which means it would take an incredibly long time and a lot of effort to get any rewards from the Conclave, so why would you PvP of your computer is bad?

Think about how many posts there are with low quality screenshots or screenshots displaying a low FPS count, or the posts in which players say they have an old or bad computer that they play on. Then look at the Conclave categories of the forums and try to find examples of players with underperforming computers.

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I'm enjoying it a lot, but I'm also not taking it too seriously. Still, it seems like it's a little bit less serious than PVP normally is in general, just because everyone who doesn't normally PVP is playing it. So, it's leagues better than usual, for me.

I would quite enjoy more lighthearted modes like this.

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17 minutes ago, Tyrak said:

I'm enjoying it a lot, but I'm also not taking it too seriously. Still, it seems like it's a little bit less serious than PVP normally is in general, just because everyone who doesn't normally PVP is playing it. So, it's leagues better than usual, for me.

I would quite enjoy more lighthearted modes like this.

this is what i enjoy about it too, playing with "regular" players, and not those who have learned all the exploits. i actually like facing down an opponent that doesnt know how to bullet jump st 50 mph while headshotting you shooting backwards 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Havent played conclave in 2+ Years and i have to admit that i only tried the TA for the sigil, but it was pretty fun actually. I like conclave way more without any mods so people have an equal chance, but conclave mods just ruin it for me. Conclave hardcore players have all mods maxed out while others that may want to try it havent, and therefore die.

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18 minutes ago, Extroah said:

Havent played conclave in 2+ Years and i have to admit that i only tried the TA for the sigil, but it was pretty fun actually. I like conclave way more without any mods so people have an equal chance, but conclave mods just ruin it for me. Conclave hardcore players have all mods maxed out while others that may want to try it havent, and therefore die.

conclave has made huuuge improvements since 2 years ago. They wiped the slate clean and balanced every weapon individually. All pve mods were disabled, and then new mods were created specifically for pvp, and were either A) pure utility like swap speed, or B) added specifically and exclusively for a weapon or group of weapons to create a mechanic that couldn't have just made innate, like added damage while scoped for snipers or added damage to consecutive shots like latrons. If you don't have those mods, you just don't use those weapons. 80% of the weapons don't need mods like that to work just fine. Even then, getting those mods isn't usually that hard to get.


You should try it again, because it's nothing like when it had all the pve mods available. While it doesn't have the perfectly equal loadouts of the variant modes, it is all fairly well balanced.

Edited by Phasedragon
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17 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

this is what i enjoy about it too, playing with "regular" players, and not those who have learned all the exploits. i actually like facing down an opponent that doesnt know how to bullet jump st 50 mph while headshotting you shooting backwards 

That's not an exploit... Thats called experience. Getting a headshot with this non hitscan, arcing weapon while parkouring fast is pretty damn hard. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a snowball. Get Practicing.

Edited by Skaleek
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no, it sucks.  the latency issues in the game are most apparent when you and an opponent kill each other at the same exact time using weapons that hit instantly.

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