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Nidus: another Ivara situation


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Personally, i just find it hard to believe that they would take the most-loathed, most-boring part of the JV raid and turn it into its own mission type while calling it "new gameplay"...  This isn't going to spark more interest in the raid.  If anything, it'll make the raid seem more ho-hum ordinary.  It'll definitely not be enjoyed by veterans of the raid, since it's boring, very familiar, and requires a lot of cheese in order to succeed.  On top of it all, all the bugs that plague the raid are present in this "new gameplay."  There's a mission feedback thread that's been taking player suggestions on new mission types all year long, and this is what they release?  GFG.

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What's all this about Ivara and not liking spy? What else were you going to use her for? Spamming sleep arrows in a void interception run for infinite rewards? Well that's just...wait.

Also getting Atlas was fun as hell. Grattler'd the ever loving CLEM outta Jordas. Only the juggernaut farm was tedious but doubling up with Nekros got parts faster.

Though uh yeah that part in the Jordas raid people used to go out of their way to glitch past it. Glad they threw away that new assault game mode in favor of this and reintroducing C rotation rewards. :awkward:

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4 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

So in order to get Nidus's parts besides his blueprint, you need to farm the new infested salvage mission, a lot. Bringing back old nightmares from when Ivara first came out and I spent the better part of a full week farming for her parts. 

Why has DE not realized that having warframe parts dropping from missions is NOT a good idea? people hated the Ivara grind so they just do it again but even worse! at least with spy missions you could learn how they were done and blow through them in a matter of minuets, but this new mission is 1. an endless mission, so automatically its going to take 5 min just to get a chance at a very rare drop 2. boring as hell 3. too damn hard! now its not hard to complete the mission, but however its extremely hard to keep all 3 of the vaporizers alive and functioning! And for those that haven't played the new mission yet, if the vaporizers aren't blue which requires a constant supply of those cubes, then it doesn't count towards space moms decoding which slows down the mission even more!

Would it really have been that bad to just give us the parts to nidus as we were doing the quest? like every other quest we have. Or at lease guarantee us a nidus part at rotation C of the reward pool?


If only it was like Ivara i wouldn't even care about Nidus. Ivara was optional, it didn't matter if u got her or not BUT Nidus is not optional and DE forces us to either farm Nidus (i personally don't care about) or buy him.

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Everyone saying: "You can always buy it with plat" "If you don't want to grind for it, buy it" and others... Do you realize that DE makes it so tedious to get those frames/weapons in order for people to buy it with plat right? I mean... are you aware of that? 

The more people that goes "Meh, I'll buy it with plat" the more DE is going to continue making new frames and weapons that require hours of grind to get... 

My point is, if you buy it with plat... this only will get worse..

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The farm wouldn't be half as bad if you could do this fu mission. 3 Necros, 3 @(*()$ Necros and we had no container drop before our armor level was 0 and then we lost 2 of the consoles before we even finished the first round because this S#&$ didn't drop for us. we left the mission, because in this speed we would have lost even the last console before the first round was over. 

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Ugh, some peoples responses really irritate me.

On some other free games it takes months of free play to unlock a character. I found Inaros far too easy in fact, a few hours of wiki following and he was mine.

Titania wasnt bad, but only because the day/night cycle extended how long it took.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a fan of boring grind at all - but I dont want everything given to me straight away.

Quote me on this when im frustrated because I cant get him lol..

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

Ugh, some peoples responses really irritate me.

On some other free games it takes months of free play to unlock a character. I found Inaros far too easy in fact, a few hours of wiki following and he was mine.

Titania wasnt bad, but only because the day/night cycle extended how long it took.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a fan of boring grind at all - but I dont want everything given to me straight away.

Quote me on this when im frustrated because I cant get him lol..

no I 100% agree with you. The part that bugs me is that is locked behind RNG which no one likes. I actually liked Titania's quest because it wasn't RNG based. as long as you knew what tiles to go to it was completely fine because the flowers were basically guaranteed to spawn on certain tiles.

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Yeah it's a tad tedious, but past rotation C in the first one I did (and the only one I've done until I go back on later) we got a Nidus helmet BP - so maybe they drop on Rotation C and onwards? Idk - yeah it's tedious and I'd rather buy him because I'm an impatient person like that but I'm gonna stick with it and grind him (since I did so for Equinox before even though that was frustrating at times) since I'd rather save my plat for something else.

the drop rates of the serum was OK in the one I did, by the fourth rotation we'd lost two of the ventilators but before that we'd only lost the one up until rotation 3.

though I will say my preferred way of getting a frame would be via Boss drop or just through a quest like Mirage's or Titania's - because that was actually alright even if you did have to wait with the day/night cycles.

Edited by FlawedLegacy
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32 minutes ago, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

Ugh, some peoples responses really irritate me.

On some other free games it takes months of free play to unlock a character. I found Inaros far too easy in fact, a few hours of wiki following and he was mine.

Titania wasnt bad, but only because the day/night cycle extended how long it took.

Dont get me wrong, I am not a fan of boring grind at all - but I dont want everything given to me straight away.

Quote me on this when im frustrated because I cant get him lol..

Titania was great. But this is a joke. First try (best try so far we got to round 8 without much a problem, even without a necros) but everything after this was just a bad joke. next to no container drops and as I said in my post before. 2 of the 3 consoles lost because no containers drop. and this timer/% thing was on Zero before the first round was even half way through. We hat 3 Necros on this try 3. But nothing helped the S#&$ didn't drop. This is was makes the grind so annoying. I would love to go this mission type. it is not the worst, it can be fun with the right group. but if you can't enjoy it because the needed thinks won't drop. Than this is no fun because you are set up to fail. Because even if you kill everything there you can't win. And this is was is so bad at this. The RNG may be bad but how would I know I only got two C rotations in the first Try and only 1 part out of it but all the other rimes? we lost to rotation A because this things wont drop.

Tell me. Would you think it is fun to lose because the drop of mission Items is RNG and you just have no luck? No loot no nothing from this mission beside a big wast of time? 

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5 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Did you mean: Atlas ?

Even if you despise Archwing, you have to admit this new situation is far, FAR worse. Atlas had a 100% drop chance from Jordas and a taxi could knock him out in five minutes. Nidus has a 3/7 drop chance from this new cr@p that takes, what, 30 minutes?

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Yeah... I didn't even bother with Titania and Inaros' quests and outright bought their bundles. Nidus won't be any different if the grind to get his parts is any indication.

At least Ivara wasn't so tough to get. Took me 30-something missions, but I mastered spy missions at the end of that grind.

Edited by Kevlareater
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This is by far the worst game mode played too. There aren't enough serum drops and you die too fast if there aren't enough enemies. To make matters worse, you actually have to grind towards rotation C to actually get a chance of the blueprint instead of a close 90% chance... like what was DE thinking?

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Took me about a year to farm Ivara, but i did't mind that much, because the spy missions are actually fun, can be completed in a reasonable amount of time,and the more you play them, the better you get at playing them.Even when I finally got her last part i was still discovering new little secrets and shortcuts in some of the spy vaults.

The Nidus mission is just time consuming, badly explained( i still don't know 100% whats going on) all in all just plain boring.

I dont really see me playing this over the next 6 months....

Edited by Lecifath
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