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Enough is Enough : RNG and The Glast Gambit


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The Glast Gambit has annoyed me like no other update released. 

An increased amount of RNG in Sorties : Having the Rifle, Shotgun and Secondary Riven Mods bundled together, reducing the chance of getting something you want by more than half. 

A poorly thought out, lackluster, boring mission that gives you the blueprint for Nidus, and then you go and farm for his parts a-la Pre-Relic Void Missions.

Insane crafting costs for a not particularly powerful new weapon. 

Continued use of Nitain and Kuva, just to add the grind a bit more.

Forced participation in the Index, which is broken all to hell, in which you can lose a LOT of credits very quickly. 

And this is all made even less palatable by the fact this was preloaded to work out any kinks, and yet there seems to be a significant number more than usual.


There have been so many great comments on how to improve the system, the communities response has always been fantastic, and yet they seem to be ignored more and more. All the while DE make almost universally poor decisions on mechanics even though the feedback is there. People have been complaining since their introduction that the Riven Mod system needs to be looked at, and yet it seems DE's answer is to make it even MORE RNG.  So long as Platinum and Prime Access is bought, it feels like they just don't seem to care.

Although, i'm happy to stay if this is just a blip on the radar. If things improve and Warframe starts becoming more fun and less grindy again i'll happily stay, it's one of the most popular Free-to-Play games on Steam for a reason.

However if this is the slippery slope of paywalls, RNG, and increased resource costs for crafting and research all to get more money being spent on the game that DE seem to be heading down, then i want no part in it's future. 


Update as of 23/12/2016 : Glast Gambit Hotfix

So the hotfix has been and gone, and unsurprisingly they brushed the asinine and stupidly high resource amount for the Hema to research as 'It was intended'. Yeah, 'it was intended' in order to make people purchase the weapon using platinum out of sheer frustration. This is a pseudo-paywall system, make the item so impossibly hard to craft, that you either wait for months to gather the neccessary resources or you buy platinum. I want no part in a game that uses a system like this, free-to-play or not, if you can call Warframe a free-to-play anymore.

I've been loyal to Warframe and a massive fan since it's inception, what it's becoming is not the Warframe i loved.

So it's the end of the line for me. 

Edited by ShogunNoir
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I am actually reinstalling warframe right now to see it but might not bother if its really this bad?

Like I've been here since frost prime and known DE can pull some really crazy stuff especially with weapon resource requirements but this really does sound like overkill and most people I've talked to about this told me its done for the sake of platinum sales for Nidus.

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1 minute ago, VermillionScourge said:

I am actually reinstalling warframe right now to see it but might not bother if its really this bad?

Like I've been here since frost prime and known DE can pull some really crazy stuff especially with weapon resource requirements but this really does sound like overkill and most people I've talked to about this told me its done for the sake of platinum sales for Nidus.

I desperately want to believe it's not all about the platinum. But then again, they're a business and they need to make money. I just feel like the community is being purposefully and selectively ignored when they suggest improvements to the game that would make it 'more fun' but would mean less Platinum being bought. 

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1 minute ago, VermillionScourge said:

I am actually reinstalling warframe right now to see it but might not bother if its really this bad?

Like I've been here since frost prime and known DE can pull some really crazy stuff especially with weapon resource requirements but this really does sound like overkill and most people I've talked to about this told me its done for the sake of platinum sales for Nidus.

I just finished the quest and liked it alot, aside from one mechanic during one of the Index matches that thankfully doesn't appear more than once.


I ignore Riven mods by principle though. They are by no means necessary, break more than they fix and add unnecessary grind.

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F2P games don't become less grindy over time. 

Players get better at cheesing the game, so they will buy less plat - but the devs gotta eat, so the cycle continues. Nerf after nerf, more grind on top of more grind. It is inevitable. 

Edited by xXx_mtv_xXx
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1 minute ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

F2P games don't become less grindy over time. 

Players get better at cheesing the game, so they will buy less plat - but the devs gotta eat, so the cycle continues. Nerf after nerf, more grind on top of more grind. It is inevitable. 

Until the grind is so impossibly tedious that the game loses its fanbase and dies a slow, quiet death.

Edited by ShogunNoir
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Just now, UltimateSpinDash said:

I agree it's a drag, especially if you've participated in the Preview, but there are worse things. The only thing that really annoyed me was the victory margin imposed in one mission.

worse things... Like the nidus grind ? Or the horrible map & mechanic associated with the nidus grind ? :D

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5 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:



But yeah memes aside I'm personally of the opinion that WF isn't gonna die anytime soon so long as they keep the game in the public eye. New players will keep it alive, if nothing else.

And it isn't as bleak as it looks in terms of keeping the vets in the game; all DE has to do to keep it going is finally ship out Damage 3.0, have damage 3.0 also fix the problems with enemy scaling, and add an endgame outside of once-a-day Sorties and whatnot and they'll retain the veterans too.

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1 hour ago, Jackviator said:

But yeah memes aside I'm personally of the opinion that WF isn't gonna die anytime soon so long as they keep the game in the public eye. New players will keep it alive, if nothing else.

And it isn't as bleak as it looks in terms of keeping the vets in the game; all DE has to do to keep it going is finally ship out Damage 3.0, have damage 3.0 also fix the problems with enemy scaling, and add an endgame outside of once-a-day Sorties and whatnot and they'll retain the veterans too.

Yeah, but definitely not like this.

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1 hour ago, Jackviator said:

But yeah memes aside I'm personally of the opinion that WF isn't gonna die anytime soon so long as they keep the game in the public eye. New players will keep it alive, if nothing else.

And it isn't as bleak as it looks in terms of keeping the vets in the game; all DE has to do to keep it going is finally ship out Damage 3.0, have damage 3.0 also fix the problems with enemy scaling, and add an endgame outside of once-a-day Sorties and whatnot and they'll retain the veterans too.

I kinda doubt that.  Rahetalius made a video regarding warframe after the war within and despite the spike it gained during the update one month later the active playerbase dropped by 30%.

Yes this game has a heap of registered lo- I mean users but the issue is a lot of those accounts aren't even active anymore or the only time their is a surge of activity is during a content update which then dies down pretty much after.

Edited by VermillionScourge
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Regarding Nidus grind... From SOLO-experiences. The bad map generation based on RNG can sometime forced me to play with 1 Box, rather than 2. 

  • 1 Box: Bad mapping, A is on Bottom floor, B is on middile floor with poor lighting and passage, C is on top floor which must pass-by B.
  • 2 Box: Same ground/level.
  • 3 Box: unable due to poor spawn rate.

Regarding the index... Reduce the credit fee... Needing at least 100k just to do a quest is credit-wall to any player, when it's just a BP.

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2 hours ago, ShogunNoir said:

All the while DE make almost universally poor decisions on mechanics even though the feedback is there. People have been complaining since their introduction that the Riven Mod system needs to be looked at, and yet it seems DE's answer is to make it even MORE RNG.  So long as Platinum and Prime Access is bought, it feels like they just don't seem to care.

Unfortunately their past actions and responses mean I simply can't expect or hope for this to change.

It's not even necessary to make people more inclined to spend money on the game, but this is the path they choose to go down.

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2 hours ago, VermillionScourge said:

I am actually reinstalling warframe right now to see it but might not bother if its really this bad?

Like I've been here since frost prime and known DE can pull some really crazy stuff especially with weapon resource requirements but this really does sound like overkill and most people I've talked to about this told me its done for the sake of platinum sales for Nidus.

Don't pay attention to the OP. RNG has always been a thing here (anyone else done thirty runs for Atlas parts? Anyone else had to do over SIXTY runs to get the Miter?). Yes, there's a bit (a LOT) of grind -especially with getting Nidus' parts and the Hema. I expect DE to lower that threshhold soon though (after all, they DID just make Sortie Survival and Defences easier by cutting down the time needed for them, when there was no real issue there anyway, jsut because some people whined about it.

So, welcome back fellow Tenno and enjoy the brand new game that is Warframe :D

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Just now, Lyravain said:

Don't pay attention to the OP. RNG has always been a thing here (anyone else done thirty runs for Atlas parts? Anyone else had to do over SIXTY runs to get the Miter?). Yes, there's a bit (a LOT) of grind -especially with getting Nidus' parts and the Hema. I expect DE to lower that threshhold soon though (after all, they DID just make Sortie Survival and Defences easier by cutting down the time needed for them, when there was no real issue there anyway, jsut because some people whined about it.

So, welcome back fellow Tenno and enjoy the brand new game that is Warframe :D

Nah I already uninstalled thanks though. The grind is what put me off especially Atlas. Not because it exists but because its insanely unreasonable or designed to be off putting in the worst ways possible.

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Oh yeah..... 3 runs... 3 parts... Building in foundry now. 

The right team can get it done in a fortnight.(or 3hrs)

I already knew the forums were gonna flood when I saw the JV bit there.... (hahaha new mode: infested salvage, OH DE..) 

Edited by Cynaren
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After finishing the drag that was this quest, I expected at least something good.

Nope, your frame parts are in another mission.

A long, dragging mission that only has a chance of giving the part.

After I managed to get 4 waves done and got rewarded one mod, I got annoyed.

The on my second attempt, no mobs dropped serum and the mission failed. I just left the game and will spend my time on some other games for a bit.

'Infested Salvage' has a meaning. Its just a bunch of random missions salvaged and stitched together into an abomination of grind and rng.

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Absolute bullS#&$ update! Why could you not listen to YOUR COMMUNITY when so many people had ideas for the Riven mods. Myself included, I suggested that they are universal and locked to whatever weapon you place it on. Once unveiled, it will give random stats as per usual. 


 BUT NO! You guys just keep adding more and more RNG!!! THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!!

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I have to assume to research cost for Hema is a mistake.

I can buy 191 Hema from the market for Plat but I can't come close to the research cost of 15k Mutagen.

Outside that, the quest was alright. Little boring since I've already done the Index plenty.

The Nidus farm however is not good at all. The rotation rewards are garbage. There's no reason to do this mission outside Nidus.

Put some Endo or something in there and how's this going to work once players have Nidus? Just a wasted of Rotation C? This was poorly planed.

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