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Your "god like" mod is not worth 750p


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11 minutes ago, TelemicusR said:

"god like" is a term ive seen used in trade to describe the new riven mods if they are good enough to make your weapon incredibly powerful. However it has lost its meaning.

that term works only on new players...and  that is problem... cz they pay for something what is not worth.. 50p

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12 minutes ago, TelemicusR said:

"god like" is a term ive seen used in trade to describe the new riven mods if they are good enough to make your weapon incredibly powerful. However it has lost its meaning.

I know what you mean. Ppl trying to sell "god like" rivens just becuz they rolled a stat they saw ppl were looking for on another weapon like crit damage but the weapon they are selling for isn't even a crit weapon. Then they get mad when you offer a lower price because you are just interesting in buying to reroll it. Lots of ppl have no idea what they are talking about but trade chat has always been like that. How about the people offering a CHEAP vaulted set for only 300p when you can buy the same set on warframe.market for 180p. But there are just as many uninformed people to buy from them because they didn't bother to do any research on the price and don't even know that warframe.market exist. Google is not that hard to use but plenty of people would rather go around clueless. And apparently those buyers and sellers were made for eachother. Unfortunately warframe.market has not found a way of listing riven mods yet because of their way too many random stats but they have recently added veiled rifle rivens to the listing incase anyone didn't know.

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3 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

If someone pays it then it´s worth it, simple as that.

You don´t want to pay it? That´s understandable, I wouldn´t pay it either, I am not buying any mod for the matter.


But bro like the OP (Original Poster of this thread) we want to cry. Cry when we don't get good riven mods and others want to make profits off their riven mods. We want to call them scammers as well. We'd even report them to DE if there was an option. xD


But Alas "Free Market"

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Not crying. Just attemping to get some discussion going about how to get ppl to realize what they ar doing. some ppl sone even understand what a free market is and repeating the fact that it is a free market does not help them. They drive up the prices on things not even realizing they are doing it. Yes some ppl will pay stupid amounts for things and yes there is nothing DE or anyone else can force on ppl, however a bit of shared knowledge can go a long way if some of us work together.

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57 minutes ago, (Xbox One)IStudioGhibliI said:

apple dont fall far from tree. greedy company geedy gamers   o.o

Greedy company eh?
So being a Business is greedy?

You can obtain all usable items ingame without buying plat. (Not really obtain all cosmetic types like from prime access packages)
You can trade plat.
I personally have spent 5 bucks on this game, and have all primes. (only paid for one set, because it was vaulted at the time, and this was frost around almost 2 years ago.)

They Are getting ready to take and give 20k CASH to the boys and girls club. 30k if 50k more gifts are given.
Yeah they are super greedy! pfft.

Dude. it could be worse, Yes the business needs to be kept a float. But to Call this company "Greedy" is idiotic.Lets have them disable trading, and make you buy plat. Then you can call it greed. Til then. Get your facts straight for the love of all thats unholy.

As for the players, Yes alot are greedy.. well some.

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My beef is less with the prices people put on the rivens and more with how completely $&*&*#(%& some people can be.


Someone calling a Burston Riven with:

  • +Crit Damage
  • +Crit Chance
  • +Fire Rate
  • -status Chance

'God Like'

In case you didn't know, that Riven is actually Worse than literally ANY OTHER MOD you could put in a burston.  The Burston has almost no crit chance, so the first 2 stats raise the damage of the weapon by maybe 5%. Since the Burston is burst fire, the fire rate does almost nothing.  The kicker is that there is -status chance, meaning that there is a penalty to one of the weapons strongest attributes. 


But instead of realizing that a Riven like that would lower overall performance of the weapon some people see OMG DOUBLE CRIT BIS LOL I STRUCK IT RICH and advertise it as 'God like'.  I can't help but cry.

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1 hour ago, zehne said:

My beef is less with the prices people put on the rivens and more with how completely $&*&*#(%& some people can be.


Someone calling a Burston Riven with:

  • +Crit Damage
  • +Crit Chance
  • +Fire Rate
  • -status Chance

'God Like'

In case you didn't know, that Riven is actually Worse than literally ANY OTHER MOD you could put in a burston.  The Burston has almost no crit chance, so the first 2 stats raise the damage of the weapon by maybe 5%. Since the Burston is burst fire, the fire rate does almost nothing.  The kicker is that there is -status chance, meaning that there is a penalty to one of the weapons strongest attributes. 


But instead of realizing that a Riven like that would lower overall performance of the weapon some people see OMG DOUBLE CRIT BIS LOL I STRUCK IT RICH and advertise it as 'God like'.  I can't help but cry.

Aksomati 5% base status chance

bad.png Around 6 - 7 sec to kill a lvl 125 corrupted heavy gunner, if close considering recoil. (exist better roll)

bad2.png Around 15 sec TTK, even with slash being crit dmg, or multishot it still would not deal the same dmg, as with status.... yes 26 damn rolls.

Asktilleto, we all know and love

bad3.png TTK 5 sec give and take, could go for better rolls, but thats what i have atm.

So to say, just cuz a weapon have a low chance of crit/status don't mean u can't make a diffrent with it.... Maybe my build could be better in some way then give me recommendation. Just trying to make a point, that full crit build on a crit weapon don't always pan out to be the best option. Keep in mind, not all mods was maxed as u can see. Did a simulare build with my Braton with status in mind and crit on the side, not that bad to be honest.

Paint OP!

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1 hour ago, TelemicusR said:

Not crying. Just attemping to get some discussion going about how to get ppl to realize what they ar doing. some ppl sone even understand what a free market is and repeating the fact that it is a free market does not help them. They drive up the prices on things not even realizing they are doing it. Yes some ppl will pay stupid amounts for things and yes there is nothing DE or anyone else can force on ppl, however a bit of shared knowledge can go a long way if some of us work together.

The problem is that nobody care about your "knowledge" (more like rant , but ok ...) .


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4 hours ago, KingNoobsta said:

But bro like the OP (Original Poster of this thread) we want to cry. Cry when we don't get good riven mods and others want to make profits off their riven mods. We want to call them scammers as well. We'd even report them to DE if there was an option. xD


But Alas "Free Market"

If that's how you're thinking, you might as well go sue Apple for selling their phones for twice the price of their competitors.

To be frank, I want profit. I don't care how terrible of a deal it may be for the other guy. If they don't like it, they aren't obligated to accept, and they can find someone else. I'm fine with waiting another few minutes to sell whatever good items I may have. You might think of people like me, who sell stuff for high prices, as terrible scammers, but in the end, we're just making money. And we like to do so as fast and efficiently as possible. While the rest of you are selling those Rivens for 50 plat because you like being fair, I'll be making 500 plat, and that's how I like it. Free market goes both ways. You don't want to buy for that price? Don't buy.


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3 hours ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Greedy company eh?
So being a Business is greedy?

You can obtain all usable items ingame without buying plat. (Not really obtain all cosmetic types like from prime access packages)
You can trade plat.
I personally have spent 5 bucks on this game, and have all primes. (only paid for one set, because it was vaulted at the time, and this was frost around almost 2 years ago.)

They Are getting ready to take and give 20k CASH to the boys and girls club. 30k if 50k more gifts are given.
Yeah they are super greedy! pfft.

Dude. it could be worse, Yes the business needs to be kept a float. But to Call this company "Greedy" is idiotic.Lets have them disable trading, and make you buy plat. Then you can call it greed. Til then. Get your facts straight for the love of all thats unholy.

As for the players, Yes alot are greedy.. well some.

Rivens is a source of free plat for players that need it. i dont see how this makes DE greedy. I really dont understand why so many people dismiss the MAJOR fact that we can trade for the games premium currency, and DE has all right to not allow that to happen without looking unfair. Even Vaulted primes seem to be a major source of plat for many players. This is one of the easiest games to not spend money on and still be able to bypass most of the grind with tradable premium currency. A greedy company would not let a gold mine like that be so easily attainable. It barely even cost credits to trade,

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

Rivens is a source of free plat for players that need it. i dont see how this makes DE greedy. I really dont understand why so many people dismiss the MAJOR fact that we can trade for the games premium currency, and DE has all right to not allow that to happen without looking unfair. Even Vaulted primes seem to be a major source of plat for many players. This is one of the easiest games to not spend money on and still be able to bypass most of the grind with tradable premium currency. A greedy company would not let a gold mine like that be so easily attainable. It barely even cost credits to trade,

Think you meant to quote someone else.. Reread.

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If you don't want to pay what someone is selling, tough luck. Who are you to say how much something without a set value is to someone? If you're unhappy about someone's prices, all you have to do is say "no thank you, that's way to high for me". I'm assuming you're one of those people that blocks someone right after sending them a very rude message.

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5 hours ago, zehne said:

My beef is less with the prices people put on the rivens and more with how completely $&*&*#(%& some people can be.


Someone calling a Burston Riven with:

  • +Crit Damage
  • +Crit Chance
  • +Fire Rate
  • -status Chance

'God Like'

In case you didn't know, that Riven is actually Worse than literally ANY OTHER MOD you could put in a burston.  The Burston has almost no crit chance, so the first 2 stats raise the damage of the weapon by maybe 5%. Since the Burston is burst fire, the fire rate does almost nothing.  The kicker is that there is -status chance, meaning that there is a penalty to one of the weapons strongest attributes. 


But instead of realizing that a Riven like that would lower overall performance of the weapon some people see OMG DOUBLE CRIT BIS LOL I STRUCK IT RICH and advertise it as 'God like'.  I can't help but cry.

This really sums up the problem. A damage/critchance/critdmg mod for a soma is indeed "godlike" and people will pay 750 or even higher for it. I'm not one of those, but I can understand doing so. But your +crit/+grineer mod is not even close. It's literally only worth buying because of the weapon it is for.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)The_Octodad said:

Someone tried to sell me a crit mod for Tonkor for 1700p when I inquired. I said no thank you and he proceeded to yell at me for looking for mods I wasn't willing to pay for.

I mean I have plenty of plat, but I'm not an idiot. Sorry, but I can get a lot of other great things for 1700 plat.

And you were smart to do so.  Dem tonkor mods are now nerfed to oblivion.  You guys only got the first wave of the nerf.  Wait till you see how tonkor and Soma rivens are only slightly better than plain mods.  (I mean it's staying true to their name of "faint disposition" but yeah.) there are still people trying to sell Soma mods for 2.5k LMAO.

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7 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

If that's how you're thinking, you might as well go sue Apple for selling their phones for twice the price of their competitors.

To be frank, I want profit. I don't care how terrible of a deal it may be for the other guy. If they don't like it, they aren't obligated to accept, and they can find someone else. I'm fine with waiting another few minutes to sell whatever good items I may have. You might think of people like me, who sell stuff for high prices, as terrible scammers, but in the end, we're just making money. And we like to do so as fast and efficiently as possible. While the rest of you are selling those Rivens for 50 plat because you like being fair, I'll be making 500 plat, and that's how I like it. Free market goes both ways. You don't want to buy for that price? Don't buy.


Do u know the post was sarcasm. And if u are pointing my post against me I'd say u need to think again. Coz I was selling a spira riven mod for a good price and was called a scammer as well. XD 

Edited by KingNoobsta
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7 hours ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

Greedy company eh?
So being a Business is greedy?

You can obtain all usable items ingame without buying plat. (Not really obtain all cosmetic types like from prime access packages)
You can trade plat.
I personally have spent 5 bucks on this game, and have all primes. (only paid for one set, because it was vaulted at the time, and this was frost around almost 2 years ago.)

They Are getting ready to take and give 20k CASH to the boys and girls club. 30k if 50k more gifts are given.
Yeah they are super greedy! pfft.

Dude. it could be worse, Yes the business needs to be kept a float. But to Call this company "Greedy" is idiotic.Lets have them disable trading, and make you buy plat. Then you can call it greed. Til then. Get your facts straight for the love of all thats unholy.

As for the players, Yes alot are greedy.. well some.

it can be a business.. but dont act like they are not being greedy just dont  -_-

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Free market at its best : if you think the price is too high, it is because someone else might actually be willing to buy it instead. Sure, the price can get ridiculous... but if everyone charges the same price, it becomes the standard. And then, people hesitate to charge less knowing they can get away with that 750p if they wait a bit more... or run out of patience and lower the price a tad, like 700p, just to try and undersell others.

And once the rarity comes down and those pricy mods lose value, then you get to the point people sell them for what amounts to crumbs. Legendary Cores used to be an incredily rare type of mod simply because it was limited... now that it is part of the Sorties, it went down in price a LOT.

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Errrr you shouldn't just be pointing to the sellers, as your tone suggests. Those come from buyers too; especially the ones going in bid wars and raising the value from, say, 800 then ending at 1.75k in auctions (saw this on Trading Post).

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