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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.7


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15 minutes ago, wendiena said:

I think the spawning for Prosecutors might be bugged. Can't seem to get any to show up no matter which mission I run.

Run a rescue mission and let them sound the regular alarm before rescuing the target, not the alarm of the cell. Then after a few minutes almost every time a prosecutor will appear.

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34 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.7

For those that missed Devstream #85, the cyst cure is aimed to come next week on PC. 


  • Made more diagnostic changes for ‘Network Not Responding’ messages when our network is actually fine. Players may see this intermittently but rest assured it's not indicative of a widespread network issue. 
  • Optimized a 'room' in the Landing Craft (being vague for spoilers).
  • Changed Interception to prevent new players joining right before the round ends (it now locks the mission at the 60% mark).


  • More potential fixes have been added for players seeing ‘Session is Full’ messages when trying to matchmake on a session that isn’t actually full.
  • Fixed being able to infinitely stack Mod, Arcane, Reactant and Endless Fissure Relic-cracking buffs when switching between Operator Transference at the right time. *Please note that we are investigating a UI bug where the Round 2 buff icon does not display during an Endless Void Fissure Mission. 
  • Fixed the on-foot transition cinematic being repeatable multiple times in The Jordas Verdict.
  • Fixed a script crash in the Trial lobby.
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when a Host migrates during a Relic mission while the countdown to the next round is active. This resulted in being kicked back to the Landing Craft.
  • Fixed a script error that resulted in degrading performance issues. 
  • Fixed a script error when using the Broken Scepter. 
  • Fixed a script error from Nidus’ Parasitic Link ability. 
  • Fixed a script error with Nekros’ Shadows of The Dead.
  • Fixed a script error when using the Twin Kohmak.
  • Fixed Bullet Dance not showing up in the Codex properly.
  • Fixed Sparring weapons appearing as embedded in the back of Nekros Prime.
  • Fixed Warframe abilities appearing blocked (but still castable) after simultaneously being nullified and falling off the edge.
  • Fixed Ordis follow-up transmission always playing when you exit a certain room on the Landing Craft (should only play when you stay in the room for a while).
  • Fixed a tileset hole in the Grineer Galleon.
  • Fixed a Login reward Mod being tradeable. 
  • Fixed a missing door frame in the Orokin Derelict.
  • Fixed Nidus’ Virulence cast sound being doubled for Clients.

Thank you for the updates!

Edited by 0RION7
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I'm not sure if this is a good area to place some in game problems, but I'll just put them here.

Some animation stances seem to be broken. The first one is Oberon's agile stance when he dual-wields. It looks almost like he wants to hold a bow. Another is Mag's agile and noble stance when she dual-wields. She also looks like she wants to hold a bow. And the last one I've found was Ivara's agile stance when wielding a bow. The last one I'm honestly not too sure about, but I thought that she originally was close to the ground. Also, there are probably a few more messed up animations regarding bows and maybe dual-wielding secondaries.  If it's possibly, can other people verify that these animations are messed and it's not just me.

(Reposting this so it can get a bit of attention.)

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5 minutes ago, SlayerAxell said:

Try verify on the launcher options, too bad if u done that and its the same

This has nothing to do with launcher. It's not same, it's worst. Ever since they disabled TAA + SMAA (I was using only TAA back then) and put a new shader for TAA, it is horrible. Petty attempts at fixing it with sharpness adjuster is not the solution for this. It's been going on for couple of patches and it's the same on every computer.

This is not "only my problem". It's how current TAA implemention is.

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