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Well Done DE... The Sorties are completely broken now


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The RNG can be a bit rough, I agree. The last 4 drops from sorties have been terrible for me. 2 lenses for focus schools I don't use, 2K endo x2 (which i was under the impression wasn't supposed to happen twice in a row but it did to me.)


The sortie tables need a look at.


I'm no game dev but this is what I would do if I were to rework the sortie reward tables.


Remove the 2000 Endo

Keep the Riven Mod

Remove the focus lens and make them craft-able from either clan research or market blueprint (it makes no sense to me to have such a major game mechanic like this unavailable to the majority of the player base as it stands now

Change the 4000 Endo to 10000 Endo. (My reason for this as ANY mod worth it's space in your inventory easily takes tons of endo max out now most notably the primed mods which I'm fine with them being expensive to level up. I also feel having such a high amount of endo being a reward would change the player feeling like they were slapped in the face for all their sortie work to just being told good job champ, here's some cash for your trouble, not great but it lessens the blow)

the 3 day booster, I'm fine with this staying, boosters are always useful in some way or another (I however wish boosters were activateable rather than instant use as people have lives and I can't spare 3 days for gaming to level,farm and grind.)

Greater lens, this one a i'm a bit torn on, as on one hand I feel it too should be craftable (without having to get stuff from sorties) but on the other hand, getting one of these flat out saves a ton of time and crafting costs

Exilus adapter fine as it is

Orokin Catalyst BP, change it to a crafted one, and its perfect for me. You can ALWAYS USE MORE POTATOES.

Orokin reactor BP, same as above, MOAR POTATOES

Legendary core fine as is as it's already super rare for these to drop and that's just fine to me. (though with the addition of endo still calling these Legendary cores seems odd doesn't it? it does to me"




Again, I'm no game dev, this is just an idea.


Edited by SergeiTheBeast
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You do it for wrong reasons and not mention potencial gain from sorties. Credits and endo is main reasons. Learn to turn them into what you need. In this case you want rivens. After doing 15 sorties you should have enough credits and endo (some come as reward, some as sculptures, some can come from dissolving mods) to max a primed mod and sell it. Then buy 3-4 rivens.

Now you sounded like you cursing rng and that time you invested in sorties have not gave anything at all.

As for mentioned token system some would like, but some like sorties as it is. I imagine if it would be token system you maybe would be able to get a riven once every 5 sorties done. Cause you would have to stash special coins and spend them, while in between you would get nothing (no endo, no catalyst, no chance for 2-3 rivens within 5 sorties period). Possibly some would like, some do not.

20-30 sorties value even if you do not get any riven to me nearly equals legendary core. I kinda like current system because i get rewarded no matter what's on drop tables nor how bad rng is.

Completely broken - doubt it, hype for token system no thx. Game is too rng driven to expect reasonable token system to be made without it beeing heavilly grindwalled. Rivens are best rewards in sorties table apart from legendary core, would not be suprized if it would take aslong as 10 sorties to get one riven from token system. They are tagged as common for reasons (new system, obtainable only from sorties and not from market as most of the rest rewards are). Everybody would spend tokens on what they want which is rivens & did not we learned that DE is kinda bad at giving what players want or they give but with a catch.

In the end, if chance for riven drop is the only reason you doing sortie and its a burned for you & you completely do not need any other reward, might aswell just look for other ways to get that riven -> grind prime parts, grind arcanes, grind endo and credits turn them into riven. Or ask for new system which would end up beeing the same as mentioned grind in this paragraph if not worse.

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2 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

In the 6 sorties I've done this week, I've had 2000K endo 3 times, 2 riven mods and a lens... pretty much what I would expect.

out of my 381 sorties, I got the first Legendary core today. Previously I have gained around 9-10 legendary cores worth of endo, so by the time i was hyped to get this reward, I have 40 mil credits, 2 pedestial primed, and 120k endo. I am still happy to get free platinum but the amount of endo in sorties makes up for never getting the rarest drop.

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15 hours ago, Alcoholism said:

At the end of the last devstream DE Steve mentioned he will take a look at the Sortie reward table.
You're not alone in that thought; a lot of people are not bothering with the sorties because the rewards don't make much sense. E.g. rares popping up more than they should, 2k endo and lenses seem to be more common than riven mods. Some people get rivens quite often, which is just rng. But the majority are like you and me; getting things we don't at all want, such as the rare rewards and lenses.

I've gotten MORE greater lenses than Rivens, More lesser lenses than Rivens. That's simply shouldn't happen. 2K endo more than rivens is fine since they are both common and may not be equally common but getting a rare more often than a common and an uncommon more often then a commen (when there are only 2 common sand more rares and uncommons) is very very odd.

I think they made the table wrong. it's like 60% of the time you get a common, 30 uncommon and 10 rare. But then it does a roll to see which one and it's like 90% 2K endo and 10% Riven... so the Riven ends up mathematically less common than rare and uncommon rewards even though it's in the "common" table.

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2 hours ago, -Voltage- said:

out of my 381 sorties, I got the first Legendary core today. Previously I have gained around 9-10 legendary cores worth of endo, so by the time i was hyped to get this reward, I have 40 mil credits, 2 pedestial primed, and 120k endo. I am still happy to get free platinum but the amount of endo in sorties makes up for never getting the rarest drop.


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7 hours ago, I3jionaa said:

You do it for wrong reasons and not mention potencial gain from sorties. Credits and endo is main reasons. Learn to turn them into what you need. In this case you want rivens. After doing 15 sorties you should have enough credits and endo (some come as reward, some as sculptures, some can come from dissolving mods) to max a primed mod and sell it. Then buy 3-4 rivens.

Now you sounded like you cursing rng and that time you invested in sorties have not gave anything at all.


For lack of a better way to say it----screw that.

How about we just fix the idiotic system we already have so that people can get what they want in the first place?  Once Baro got his loot table expanded for every visit so that people could actually get things, he's been quite popular and not a subject for complaint.  He's a token system, incidentally.

You're actually suggesting running sorties to get resources in order to use the token system to get mods to trade to get the mods you actually want.  So....15 days worth of sorties per Riven, plus enough ducats to buy the mod, and then still needing to sit in trade to make it happen, trusting that someone else got what you want, and another someone actually wants what you've got, and all of this in some kind of timely manner.

Just to experience mods whose actual existence is to give you a chance to have another look at weapons you'd otherwise not play at all.  If a person values their time, or even their self respect at all, two weeks worth of invested entertainment time per instance of these things is pitiful.


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19 hours ago, Alcoholism said:

At the end of the last devstream DE Steve mentioned he will take a look at the Sortie reward table.
You're not alone in that thought; a lot of people are not bothering with the sorties because the rewards don't make much sense. E.g. rares popping up more than they should, 2k endo and lenses seem to be more common than riven mods. Some people get rivens quite often, which is just rng. But the majority are like you and me; getting things we don't at all want, such as the rare rewards and lenses.

"They don't bother with Sorties"

Pfff, like they can do any other missions for like 20-30 mins and get better rewards that they can get into Sorties. Even 2k Endo which is the lowest and most common reward can't be farmed reasonably fast constantly, to be better than in Sorties. Greater Lenses are 40p, Rivens can be even hundreds.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)Sharingan_Karasu said:


Well.. I kinda envy you.

Even though I got few riven mods from Sorties (4*), most of my luck stops at 2000 endo.

I'd love to get some lenses too, really!


* And I couldn't even open 2 of them because they were gated by "you need this specific mod equipped, that costs 300p, to even try to open them"


Also this:

1 hour ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

Even 2k Endo which is the lowest and most common reward can't be farmed reasonably fast constantly,

It's untrue! You go for judgement points arena, level 60-85~ and after 1 fight you end up with 300-400 Endo.

Edited by deothor
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1 hour ago, Thrymm said:

For lack of a better way to say it----screw that.

Yes^^, but you don not even get what you want after you get veiled mod, - it can be kraken, sentinel weapons, panthera category rivens. It's much more reliable to go to that hated trading chat & try buy low rolls riven (s) for weapon you want.

2 hours ago, Thrymm said:

You're actually suggesting running sorties to get resources in order to use the token system to get mods to trade to get the mods you actually want.

Just pointing out positive. An opportunity that can be taken to advantage, but if that also a burned, then just do not do it. Make a list of 5 weapons you want rivens on. Wait new 'fixed' sortie system, you wont get those exact 5 rivens in a year of doing sorties, cause hmm unveiling is rng. Also time spend on doing sorties is not 15 days rather than 3hours of gameplay of 45 missions. If DE would want everybody reliably getting riven in one hour gameplay, they would might aswell put them into market.

After having decent rivens for 15 different primaries, i realized i only using 2-4 weapons constantly and others there is no time to play with them. Have a riven for atomos (aoe) have no riven on askileto and that's it i do not need more, following trend even if u have more you gonna play with few weapons anyways. It's diminishing results, so conquer system via trading chat fast to say its done and not worry about it anymore, its much better than believing rng would drop what you want.

But if you fanatic and really need 60 unrolled rivens for 60 weapons you like, be prepared cause rolling them to decent will take hundreds of hours of actuall gameplay. And i can reasure, you still would be using like 10 weapons constantly from that list, and others would just be there lying in the dust.

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14 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

with all that plat why dont you buy some mods, then?

I honestly don't care about rivens, they are fun when you get a nice one for an old forgotten weapon (like my mitter shooting discs 3 by 3 and sometimes 4) but they're an awful feature.

Right now i'm just waiting for a sortie reward rework (again) and hopefully a token system this time.

At this point I would prefer a forma over any kind and quantity of lens

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I've straight given up on riven mods and sorties at this point. Timetable of my last sortie rewards

  • 2 days, 2k endo
  • 2 days, 4k endo
  • 2 days, 2k endo
  • catalyst blueprint

Yep, this is pointless complaining, but at this point I don't care. Not like I'll get one for a non-sniper rifle.

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On ‎1‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 7:11 AM, (PS4)Magician_NG said:


Like [DE]Steve saying the research cost for the Hema is just fine.


I believe he said he understood the complaints about the research cost but decided to leave it as is because a lot of Clans have already sunk a lot of time and effort into farming for the Mutagen Samples.

The reasoning can sound like an excuse and BS. But looking at it from another side, and coming from a player who has invested some time into farming towards Hema, refunding 4K mutagen to me is rather useless and more a kick in my pants for spending time. There's a reason why I had 4K+ Mutagen samples banked to start with.

In summation, damage has been done, so backlash is inevitable if they were to fix it one way or another.

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1 hour ago, Kevlareater said:

I've straight given up on riven mods and sorties at this point. Timetable of my last sortie rewards

  • 2 days, 2k endo
  • 2 days, 4k endo
  • 2 days, 2k endo
  • catalyst blueprint

Yep, this is pointless complaining, but at this point I don't care. Not like I'll get one for a non-sniper rifle.

You can make a significant amount of platinum with that 16k Endo. And with that platinum, you could easily buy a few Riven mods. I often see pretty good Riven mods for like 50p in Trading these days.

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1 minute ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

You can make a significant amount of platinum with that 16k Endo. And with that platinum, you could easily buy a few Riven mods. I often see pretty good Riven mods for like 50p in Trading these days.

That still doesn't adress the point. RNG on sorties is S#&$. Normally I get 2k ends two days in a row then am prevented from doing the next days by work or something and the next 2 days I get 2k endo again. On the rare occasion I don't get endo I get forma or a lens I can't even use, sell or trade for more than 5p so I end up giving it away to fellow clan mates. The system is broken and I see no good way to fix it. 

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Just now, -Akeva-Banshee- said:

That still doesn't adress the point. RNG on sorties is S#&$. Normally I get 2k ends two days in a row then am prevented from doing the next days by work or something and the next 2 days I get 2k endo again. On the rare occasion I don't get endo I get forma or a lens I can't even use, sell or trade for more than 5p so I end up giving it away to fellow clan mates. The system is broken and I see no good way to fix it. 

That is because there aren't good ways to actually fix it. I have also heard of players that have gotten Rivens only and have no Endo to rank them up lmao. I was lucky enough to get a so-so drop of Rivens, but I would have had nearly nothing of what I have now without the trading.

Trading enabled me to get my well desired Riven collection when I lacked luck. So I am thankful that at least they provided us with the means to acquire them in several ways.

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33 minutes ago, SethCypher said:

I believe he said he understood the complaints about the research cost but decided to leave it as is because a lot of Clans have already sunk a lot of time and effort into farming for the Mutagen Samples.

The reasoning can sound like an excuse and BS. But looking at it from another side, and coming from a player who has invested some time into farming towards Hema, refunding 4K mutagen to me is rather useless and more a kick in my pants for spending time. There's a reason why I had 4K+ Mutagen samples banked to start with.

In summation, damage has been done, so backlash is inevitable if they were to fix it one way or another.

Yup, I know.  I was indifferent to the Hema research cost being what it is.  Although some of my fellow console tenno were hoping the cost would be lowered before we get our next update.  Ultimately I didn't care how DE handled the backlash, I was just enjoying the show.



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