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Nothing Wrong with Red and Black FashionFrames


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3 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

Honestly, why the hate forwards players with red and black themed frames? Most haters say the most generic things like "everyone does it" "it's edgy." and honestly, I sometimes say edge jokes, but I've seen cases in the past where it leads to pointless bullying and name calling just because of those color choices. Fact is, the reason Red and Black is so popular is because scientifically, it's the most appealing colour combination to the human eye. 

Just had to vent there, because even I've had my fair share of verbal abuse because of the way I dress my frames, and there's literally no reason people should act this way. 

Let people fashion how they want! Who knew simple color choices could make someone go out of their way to ruin somebody else's day. 

It's the most appealing color? Which scientists say that? Any high contrast color combination would be the least appealing, imo. I'd think something with cool (as opposed to hot) colors, like blue and white, would be more appealing.

Either way, I'm no fan of any high contrast color combination (like black and neon green, or black and red, or black and blue). I usually prefer if the colors are more muted if that's the case, or if gray is thrown in there. But I don't hate anyone who runs with red and black.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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3 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Because they can't handle seeing Stalker wannabes. Well tough, I'm a proud Acolyte and there ain't nothing you can say to stop me.

Actually.... that just gave me an idea.... what if DE changes Stalker's default colors to green and black instead?  LMAO.

Then the haters will have one less thing to whine about.

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3 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Because they can't handle seeing Stalker wannabes. Well tough, I'm a proud Acolyte and there ain't nothing you can say to stop me.

Stalker isn't just red and black. He's gray, black, and red, in that order, with some more red coming from his Sentient armor.

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4 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

Honestly, why the hate forwards players with red and black themed frames? Most haters say the most generic things like "everyone does it" "it's edgy." and honestly, I sometimes say edge jokes, but I've seen cases in the past where it leads to pointless bullying and name calling just because of those color choices. Fact is, the reason Red and Black is so popular is because scientifically, it's the most appealing colour combination to the human eye. 

Just had to vent there, because even I've had my fair share of verbal abuse because of the way I dress my frames, and there's literally no reason people should act this way. 

Let people fashion how they want! Who knew simple color choices could make someone go out of their way to ruin somebody else's day. 

I get picked on because I like the spiderman character 'Carnage' and he's edgy, so I like edgy colours on my WF's...

But then I realise I'm not a little pussy, and I get the F*** over it.\

I joke, no1 but my "hilarious" clan mates have said anything about my colour choice...


I'm also confused on the "bullying"... how hard is it to tell some1 to 'suck a F***' and block them? seemingly impossible I'm led to believe. 

Edited by Carnage2K4
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personally I Love Black and Red, and I'll take Edgelord as a complement since it means trying to stand out. I like the combo because of the "edginess", and because people seem to think that heroes have to be all brightly-coloured and positive and all that BS. no. as any halfway decent anti-hero ever has proven, you can still wear as much black as you want and do good things. just because you want the bad guy's wardrobe doesn't mean you have to take the moral choices with it, and the bad guys nearly ALWAYS have the best wardrobe, they wear Black to be intimidating and imposing, and it works: you don't see Dracula wearing pink, do you? I'll fight the good fight, but I'll look a bit darker while doing it, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. shout out to every black/red Tenno out there, we do it because it looks good and nobody can say otherwise.

that said, there are other combos I use, mostly White/black and Gold for the Orokin look. the Orokin were pretty stupid and ignorant, and are technically the baddies, but once again, bad guys wardrobe and all that. this combo is used just as much, yet I see nobody mention it. I've seen countless others make their ships look prime, or their prime frames even more Primey. as far as I can see the "high-ranking Orokin" look is just as clichéd as the "Edgelord" look, but again, there's nothing wrong with that at all. if a colour combo works, it just works.

just be you. wear the colour you want and ignore cretins who say whatever negative things about you. at the end of the day, as long as you look good, that's what matters!


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Whoa, this is a cool post, I totally agree. I myself run mostly red 'n black color schemes (though admittedly with a few other shades of them and a few hints of other colors), because I tend to prefer demonic-looking frames since I think it's badass. But while I think I look badass, I never really get to feel 100% badass since I know this whole 'edge lord' debacle exists and that most people would think of me as nothing more than a 'stalker cosplayer' or a general edgeframe or something close to it. To put it bluntly, it kinda feels somewhat like the ugly duckling charging into the fray thinking he's cool.

I get that your own fashion sense and what you think looks cool should come first and foremost, and I totally agree. In fact nobody should really be bothered that much by what other people say about them... Still, liking it yourself only goes so far. Your sense of accomplishment in FashionFrame will only be fulfilled to a certain point, and while that point is admittedly high, it will never be fulfilled completely. This is exactly why you see so many people imitating primed color schemes, because it is generally accepted as being cool-looking.

This all combined forces players that actually like black-and-red not because it 'reflects the darkness of their soul' (as an edge example), but because it actually looks badass to them, to sit in their corner and feel badass all by their lonesome... While the ClownFrames run around being more accepted than them.

Speaking of that, I really don't get why Black-and-red is thought of as bad/edgy/meh, but all the ClownFrames, OneColorFrames, EyeRapeFrames and StandardFrames in Warframe are accepted for the most part.

(Sorry for the rant-ish tone of this post, I've been sitting on this feeling for a while now. )

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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1 hour ago, sushidubya said:

Actually.... that just gave me an idea.... what if DE changes Stalker's default colors to green and black instead?  LMAO.

Then the haters will have one less thing to whine about.

Nah, then then you'll have FashionFramers on Xbox complaining because everyone runs around with that color scheme too.

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I once shot a black and red Nekros in a pub run because I thought that he was Stalker (we had a Stalker warning beforehand) took me a good five minutes before I realize that my Ignis is doing no damage on him.

We had a good laugh afterwards, him being the "Ultimate Acolyte". Good times.

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6 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

Honestly, why the hate forwards players with red and black themed frames? Most haters say the most generic things like "everyone does it" "it's edgy." and honestly, I sometimes say edge jokes, but I've seen cases in the past where it leads to pointless bullying and name calling just because of those color choices. Fact is, the reason Red and Black is so popular is because scientifically, it's the most appealing colour combination to the human eye. 

Just had to vent there, because even I've had my fair share of verbal abuse because of the way I dress my frames, and there's literally no reason people should act this way. 

Let people fashion how they want! Who knew simple color choices could make someone go out of their way to ruin somebody else's day. 

It's a bit overused, but hey, I used black/red for quite a while, I tend to main green/grey, red/white and orokin style mostly now.

Nothing wrong with any color design you choose, and it's ridiculous you'd get flak for it.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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Overused or not, I see just as much praise for black and red frames that are executed well, as I do for 'originally colored / themed' frames. IMO fashion frame comes more down to execution than anything else.

EXAMPLE: This isn't mine, but I doubt something like this would get criticized just for being black and red:


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50 minutes ago, HolidayPi3 said:

Overused or not, I see just as much praise for black and red frames that are executed well, as I do for 'originally colored / themed' frames. IMO fashion frame comes more down to execution than anything else.

EXAMPLE: This isn't mine, but I doubt something like this would get criticized just for being black and red:


3 hours ago, AntoineFlemming said:

Either way, I'm no fan of any high contrast color combination (like black and neon green, or black and red, or black and blue). I usually prefer if the colors are more muted if that's the case, or if gray is thrown in there. But I don't hate anyone who runs with red and black.

This is pretty much where I stand on this lol.

Yeah sure, I'll occasionally tease another Tenno [for example] when they have these over-saturated colours like they just came back from a Rave then decided to go paintballing for an hour, but they always know it's in good fun (:  If they think it's the greatest colouring they've done, who am I or anyone to say otherwise? We all got our tastes.

At the end of the day, if people want to "hate" on another by straight up insulting them, let them say their piece and try to not let it get to you. Pricks will be pricks, that'll never change lol. Basically "haters gonna hate" I suppose haha!~  You do you, and if you like Red and Black, then go all out! I mean hell, I have a huge bias for the Ice pallet and I believe just about every single Warframe I own to date has at least one colour-loudout of said colours. and sometimes a bit from other pallets as well

On a slightly related note,


I do genuinely appreciate the every-so-often Topic about asking for advice about how to colour X Warframe or Y weapon; it's really enjoyable to see everyone else's input and how they colour-coordinate their Warframes as well as giving my own ideas to help out. Seriously, some of my favourite ones I coloured that's stuck with me for a long time now are because of other players' Warframes they share in those kind of Topics!


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5 hours ago, Jobistober said:

That statement is exceedingly subjective. Since when are red and black colors excluded from creativity? Who honestly gives a rat's fart what other people choose to do creatively with their warframes?

What do you mean by "excluded from creativity"? If you colour your Warframe at all (or even intentionally go with the defaults), you're being creative. It's just that sometimes people aren't very creative. And there's nothing wrong with being uncreative.

The super-edgy, Red/Black colour scheme has been done to death for years. Seldom is anyone surprised by it. It's nothing personal, and if you make it personal you're getting angry at nothing important no matter what side of an argument you're on. If players want to do the predictable colour scheme, that's totally fine. It's their game. It's just rarely impressive.

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Actually, you would do a lot more well to do a quick search on color theory and why/what colors have impact on the human brain and for what reasons. 

If you want depth, a dark blue will be far more effective than any shade of black. then you simply find other colors that behave well with what you've chosen on the color wheel and you'll have a really nicely tied together peice, or at the very least, a reference.

Paletton is a really handy tool in finding color harmonies, as you can pick what kind of color relationship you want and find many different hue and shades to match! 


Black and Red are often used together due to their psychological meanings in society. Black, for instance, is known as a color of power and intelligence, and makes things look sleek. Red, is proven to make people look sexier, and is known to draw the eye due to its tendency to look closer than it is. It's also considered a color representative of excitement and energy. 

However, their combination is hardly the most popular or most appealing to the human eye. Though, when balanced, can certainly be found appealing!


Edited by (PS4)PWNG1801
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Personally, I think the red and black look is kind of painful in a sense that it just hurts my eyes to focus on the contrast when done wrong.

Dark, Dark blue with red highlights; Dark purple with red highlights. Both are more visually 'easier' on the eyes will portraying a generally more darker tone.

Black with light yellow; Black with deep green; Rustic dark brown, gray, and light yellow. Those are also good options for portraying something sinister or perhaps covert.

I think what most people have against red/black is it's overusage, assuming a lack of creativity on the artist's behalf.

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