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Riven drop rate


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I played nearly every Sortie since Pistol/Shotgun Rivens came out, but didn't get a single one until today. Getting saltier and saltier every day, I just want to know if the Riven drop rate is bugged right now, because THAT can't be intended...

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For something supposedly deemed as 'common', they feel awfully uncommon. I mean heck, I've received more reactors/catalysts since the table rework, oddness!

Tinfoil hats on but I don't trust the rating tables for rewards. However, guess that would be less in DE's favour as I bet plat sales have increased since too... Personnages-celebres-Troll-face-Troll-fa

I'm confused.

Edited by Naith
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Its okay, with the Hema research requirement they've now artificially created a need for a resource. So they'll add mutagen samples to the sortie drop tables. Cheers! Apparently the chances of getting a shotgun riven are around 1%. Feels good.

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Ah good ol' RNG. I love it sometimes and othertimes I hate it so much.

It happens man. When rivens first came out, I sheet you not I got a riven every single sortie 7 days in a row. I then went through a dry spell for over a week (still getting good rewards like greater lenses, reactors etc).

Lately I just went almost 3 weeks with 0 and today got another pistol riven. My last pistol riven was the day they came out I got one (actually think it was a shotgun one now that I think about it).

You'll have the up weeks and the down weeks. It should even out in the long haul though and you'll get a few in a row i'm sure. I'm just happy they aren't on the same tier as legendary cores. I got 2 of them the first week sorties ever came out, and haven't seen one since.

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I received only 2 rivens since addition of pistol and shotgun rivens, yet both are rifle rivens. Endo or lense all the time. Only today was exception when i got Forma instead.

I am not sure if it is rng or not, but before addition of pistol and shotgun rivens I had goog riven drop rate, about 2-3 on average per week.

Personally I would love to see 2k endo gone. I am k with 4k but 2k takes up that precious "common" slot.

Edited by Zarlockk
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

They're common.

Which in DE logic is 20%.

Even though "common" would be closer to 70% when used elsewhere.

20% is definitely common when the entire pool of results is as large as it is.

A roll of a 6 on a single 6-sided die is pretty damned common despite having only a 17% success rate.

Also, having a 70% chance of one drop would render the uncommon and rare drops even rarer than they already are.

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Well, lets do the math.

The chance of you not getting a riven on a particular day's sortie is 80%.

Figure 21 days, your chance of not getting any rivens is .8 ^ 21 or .009, or .9%

So if 1000 people do 21 sorties, 9 of them won't get a riven.

Given the size of the playerbase, you'd expect a fair number of players doing sorties every day don't get a riven mod in 3 weeks.


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I get a lot of them, BUT, that's not the issue.
It's random and you get one chance a day, as @Phatose illustrated, a lot of people will be soledad. For some of the most important rewards in the game currently. And even when you get them it's often a bleddy Flux Rifle riven or something. Too much RNG allows cases like yours to happen frequently, which is very frustrating, especially when there is NO control on the RNG, something many other RPGs do have (PoE and D3 have a few systems in place to modulate RNG on items that have as many random modifiers as rivens do. In fact most D3 items are LESS random than rivens).

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7 hours ago, Inarticulate said:

Also, having a 70% chance of one drop would render the uncommon and rare drops even rarer than they already are.

I am quite certain that nobody except DE would even care about those junk being rarer than they are right now.

Edited by Mattoropael
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12 hours ago, Coaa said:

Ah good ol' RNG. I love it sometimes and othertimes I hate it so much.

You love it when you get what you want and hate it when it prevents you from getting what you want, just like everyone else.

The problem with Rivens is that 99% of the time, we deal with the latter case. 80% of the time, you don't get a Riven mod, which for most players is the primary goal in Sorties. 90% of the time, that Riven mod will be for a weapon you don't care about and half the time you just won't get good stats on it.

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