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Nidus's 15 Stack loss. Fair, BUT...


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In my opinion Nidus has two major issues at present... plus a minor issue of imo being a bit too squishy for a no shield frame, especially considering the second issue below.

1 - losing stacks on death as the op mentions.  This is easy enough to fix by allowing us to keep them on bleedout or if they're not used.  As to the comments about every other frame loses their stuff on death, well they don't actually because all you need is an energy pizza in your kit and you can launch off your 3 and 4 quite easily within a few seconds. 

2 - trouble getting stacks when stuck in groups of instant high damage kit.  Because you need to hit enemies with your 1 and ideally have them in the same spot you need a 2 followed by a 1, in the time this can take your team can actually kill your 'stack bundle'....and all we get from it is wasted energy.   Until you build up your stacks you don't get any of it's bonus passives either.   I'd still like to see 2 get stacks from things being killed in his 2... 

I've had plenty of missions where, due to the loadout of other team members, I haven't even got anywhere near 15 stacks...



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plain and simple. stack loss should never happen on bleedout. if your team kills enemies caught in his larva then part of its intended purpose which is to pull enemies to one spot (CC) has been fulfilled. seems like some people think nidus has to be a solo frame inside of a full squad which is incorrect. the only non team ability nidus has is Virulence. dont like people killing targets in larva? stop playing nidus. Ravenous is double stack gain when using virulence to gain stacks. it is astonishing how many complaints there are with people not liking squad members who i dont know.... play as intended?

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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you guys that are all flanking this guy because he is complaining about the stacks less then 15 go down the drain is complete idiots for not paying attention to the situations that you end up with a nidus. involving room hopping players while your a nidus have to be grounded to one spot or room in order to take advantage of the parasite link. and that jerk boasting about it taking 8 rockets while in the simalcrum or what ever it is called is also an idiot for boast try tanking 24 rockets while being pelted by various other weapons that an actual high tier mission offers. and people bounching around rooms trying to wipe out a lot of enemies very fast isn't helping nidus at all especial in a rift mission were you need to get reactant. running around the place isn't healthy for a nidus to be doing because when the mission starts chucking out mobs that can drop hp like a rock being thrown into a black hole nidus needs to plant himself in a spot and not move out of parasites link or he will go through 100 stacks in 30 seconds. 

i swear you arrogant &#! holes tend to want to make every @(*()$ thing as hard and complicated as @(*()$ possible. this is how pissed off i am getting form you guys trying to demean, bully, pick on, and harass a player for having these problems.

and before you go and tell me i am being too extreme on this subject i would suggest looking at page 1 of this thread, op was putting plenty of solid reasoning that the stacks 14 and under going down the drain was unreasonable for the chances that the introduced rather too quickly. there was one person going as far as to tell the person to sell their nidus because they weren't being as effective as they expected. and there is a few more of this posts that i am validating my rather hostile post.

Edited by maddragonmaster
correcting something
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3 minutes ago, kyori said:

Sigh... another thread topic with some people bend on opposing the OP. 

People just like to try to prove other people is wrong.

i agree and i am getting sick of it. i just cant stand it when a flaw that was made when the update that changed nidus kit to be in even more of a mess. what people keep on forgeting even though nidus has all these strong abilities to his kit the issue is that you have to play really slowly and careful compare to the other frames. if you stay out of your parasite linked target range then you loose the damage redirection and if a nullifier jumps on your or walks to the parasite linked mob then it is nullified and then because high tier has fondness for a lot of things having knockback you then have to scramble to get out of the nullifier bubble and get the link back on. and then the need to use parasite link and ravenous to keep himself alive and he can't do that if going into bleed outs and die completely wastes the precious's stacks.

in other words they just made nidus players feel like smeagol trying to cuddle what precious's they have and tend to make them drift into preferring solo play in order to be able to gain enough stacks to be able to at the most effective. i was in a grineer axi tier rift and as soon as we started to head to extraction my stacks started to drop extremely heavily each 5 seconds so if you get into knockdown lock then you loose a good handful of stacks because the game decided to f you over. and i do tend to get frustrated when i loose my precious's. and i honestly can't tell if power drifts knockdown resistance even works if there is any because it seems like it gives you a poor amount of knock back resistance.last time i  remember going into a infested mission with a valkyr prime equipped with a power drift yet those infested moa still threw me around all the time.

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I feel like some people really missed the point the OP is trying to make, I get we need some kinda penalty for bleedout but drain all our stacks like that is kinda a bit much personally i would be ok if they just slowed the drain a bit so if so if a teammate res us we can atleast save some or make it drain porportional to how much time we have till we actually die.

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6 hours ago, omegazero101 said:

I feel like some people really missed the point the OP is trying to make, I get we need some kinda penalty for bleedout but drain all our stacks like that is kinda a bit much personally i would be ok if they just slowed the drain a bit so if so if a teammate res us we can atleast save some or make it drain porportional to how much time we have till we actually die.

I noticed it goes the same for focus. Bad luck when the circle is almost full then you got down and you have to wait for the circle to refill all over again lol

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3 hours ago, kyori said:

I noticed it goes the same for focus. Bad luck when the circle is almost full then you got down and you have to wait for the circle to refill all over again lol

especially if you havent used it for the first time in a mission yet...i thought they had fixed that ...guess not.

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On 13/01/2017 at 7:29 AM, achromos said:

Here, how about you use all the defensive mods you have, go into a simulacrum and pull out a lvl 100 corrupted bombard.  Stand there and get hit ONCE.  Tell me the results.  I'm eager to hear.  Btw, the 'hardest rewarding content' is a snarky way of saying that I shouldn't be fighting anything above Sortie level?  If so, it's Irreverent and just your opinion and not helpful to this discussion as you can even drop that down to lvl 80 and still get one-shot or close to it with most frames even nidus with 0 stacks.


But you also aren't getting the point!  How hard is it to read.  Here, for everyone not just you.






do i need to grunt, scratch my rear and use only one syllable words here to communicate nowadays?

what he said is if you use the 3 on a enemy you can tank the damage easily, i did a sortie interception with my friend ( Lvl 100) and i had to revive a ally all the time but i was tanking like they had the damage of a level 20.


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I honestly can't believe people agree with this.

You already get free revives. SIX of them, at 90 stacks. You're more than likely never going to burn through all 6 in a quick amount of time unless you hang around gajillion hour survivals.

You want QoL? This isn't QoL.

This is trying to MILK a frame.

Losing your stacks below 15 without benefit is INTENTIONAL, it's to PUNISH YOU. And why shouldn't you be punished?

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I can agree with Nidus retaining Mutation Stacks while in Bleedout (if that is all this is about ...We need a poll and /thread)



Following is in regards to Nidus performing a revive on downed ally:


If lvl 30 Nidus went down, I assume either a glitch(dumb fall through map then type /unstuck to find yourself being killed while exiting keyboard) or Nullifier woes.

Nidus with Parasitic Link is on par (possibly better than) with Trinity with Link & Blessing DR

Nidus gets the 90%DR over full Health pool in addition to His Armor also mitigating that damage as it is entirely Health and no shields. With the addition of constant passive health gen that can be further boosted if Ravenous healing is applied.

(Trinity gets DR stack from Link and Blessing applied to both Shields and Health, but also paltry Armor mitigation. Though she also has faster revive pick-up to minimize vulnerability)

Frost Snow globe, Rhino Ironskin, and Neza Warding Halo are Pick-up friendly if activated while under heavy fire when picking up.

WuKong and Valkyr are best if not using New Moon

(Nekros and Oberon revive Augments seem to be a combination of Skill and Luck. Soul Survivor needs aim and for projectile to not be intercepted by ally/enemy. Phoenix Renewal is just timing and placement.)

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After more experimenting I found a pair of things that make Nidus nerf non acceptable:

- parasite link doesn't protect at all, circustances are unclear but ofthen you get oneshotted (and lose stacks) even at 100 stacks, damage reduction remains debatable, considering that Nidus got no shield and thus suffers enormously from any bleed proc 

- bleed procs bypass parasyte link damage reduction and stack, idem with sapper ospreys balls of death

- stack loss on bleedout is total: beying immediately helped does freaking nothing, all stack below 15 go period

- stack loss inside nullifier bubble is even faster than in bleedout and if by bad luck multiple bubbles overlap the effec is even worse

notice that nullifier power stripping on Nidus is much worse than on any other frame: you massively lose power strenght and your passive by losing stacks - a rhino or Inaros losing their armor suffer a minimal setback, idem for all other frames except Titania with her buffs (that suck badly), Nidus instead gets robbed of a lot of player investment simply by coming in contact with a nullifier and in most corpus tiles this is inavoidable due to their fieds ignoring walls and floors

- any enviromental effect that damages shields directly attacks nidus healt with no reduction from armor

- Nidus passive at times burn all your stacks for no reason, or lets you die instantly after activation

- Nidus passive is currently the only one not active at mission start and its downsides are extremely damagin

- power #2 is still full of bugs - in the same way as scorpions and ancients, needs fixing asap or immediate recastability

- power #4 nerf on maggots was debatable, currently Nidus has only one way of geting stacks and depends on having any energy left

So far my impression is that Nidus got potential but also a lot of problems - DE nerfing to satisfy naysayers was a bad move - Nidus passive has a completely different mechanic compared to Wukong defy - Wukong just needs an energy pizza to become unkillable, Nidus needs to compete against its own squad to have a chance to enable its passive

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On 2/3/2017 at 1:36 AM, Ikusias said:

After more experimenting I found a pair of things that make Nidus nerf non acceptable:

- parasite link doesn't protect at all, circustances are unclear but ofthen you get oneshotted (and lose stacks) even at 100 stacks, damage reduction remains debatable, considering that Nidus got no shield and thus suffers enormously from any bleed proc 

- bleed procs bypass parasyte link damage reduction and stack, idem with sapper ospreys balls of death

- stack loss on bleedout is total: beying immediately helped does freaking nothing, all stack below 15 go period

- stack loss inside nullifier bubble is even faster than in bleedout and if by bad luck multiple bubbles overlap the effec is even worse

notice that nullifier power stripping on Nidus is much worse than on any other frame: you massively lose power strenght and your passive by losing stacks - a rhino or Inaros losing their armor suffer a minimal setback, idem for all other frames except Titania with her buffs (that suck badly), Nidus instead gets robbed of a lot of player investment simply by coming in contact with a nullifier and in most corpus tiles this is inavoidable due to their fieds ignoring walls and floors

- any enviromental effect that damages shields directly attacks nidus healt with no reduction from armor

- Nidus passive at times burn all your stacks for no reason, or lets you die instantly after activation

- Nidus passive is currently the only one not active at mission start and its downsides are extremely damagin

- power #2 is still full of bugs - in the same way as scorpions and ancients, needs fixing asap or immediate recastability

- power #4 nerf on maggots was debatable, currently Nidus has only one way of geting stacks and depends on having any energy left

So far my impression is that Nidus got potential but also a lot of problems - DE nerfing to satisfy naysayers was a bad move - Nidus passive has a completely different mechanic compared to Wukong defy - Wukong just needs an energy pizza to become unkillable, Nidus needs to compete against its own squad to have a chance to enable its passive

So pretty much the fact that nidus was well designed initially with all 4 of his powers ( although noting that 2 still has issues) and each had there uses but combined made him a true infested but the nerfs negatively impacted him so much they set him back. Also it seems weird that they did some of these changes.

Nidus and inaros are already weaker to the corpus do to their no shied nature and combining that with the odd DNA drain from nullifers  and losing nearly about 1/6 of power of death leads to a horrible situation. Also I have played Nidus and the 3 does work, its just not as effective against corpus or taking damage from too many sources.

4 changes were awful as the maggots love to do what they want and go far away. Also your last sentence is correct, to satisfy the minority of  people calling for nerfs it seems this was a bit knee jerk and while they mentioned testing it seems like it was either solo or low level as it seems to have no factored in teammates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nidus is a Warframe that walks on the edge of shadow and light. His growing power clouds his mind, but what of the Tenno within? It's your choice -- will you succumb to your growing hunger as a parasite, or will you remember what it means to be a Tenno?

No patch needed.

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The QOL sounds nice, but it only affects multiplayer. It's not going to be like inaros where it affects both (single and multi). I don't think it's worth the time for DE to code that, but it does bring up the point that the system of getting downed is outdated and may need some looking at. It's a weird double standard from single player to multiplayer.

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