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Discussion on Primed Regen


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17 minutes ago, k05h said:

The newest primed mod was rather unexpected. Multiple regens for sentinels was something I was hoping for for quite some time. I use my non-shooting 7 forma carrier utility build for everything including sortie. I got so used to medi-ray, sanctuary, ammo mutation and all the other nice passives that I feel the pain when carrier is gone. Therefore I want to keep it alive for as long as possible.
At sortie 3 carrier tends to fall apart and a single regen is just not enough. Our four legged companions do struggle less with permanent death because there is revive, medi-pet kit and link health (hello Inaros). Having something the provides 3 revives for our sentinels is a really nice thing to have.

Thank you! 

Don't forget the newest change to Regen, invulnerability of (rank+1) seconds after revive. 

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9 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:



I wrote out a whole response and just now deleted it, because there's just so many points here where you either strawman or skirt the point that it's not really worth trying to continue the discussion.

I will address the final point though: people aren't annoyed about getting free stuff, they're annoyed because they feel that DE are squandering the potential of many systems in the game by consistently moving on to the next big thing rather than consolidating existing work. It's a frustration born of love.

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1 hour ago, Mak_Gohae said:

dont mobs ignore the sentinel if you dont equip it with weapons?

From my experience of never using sentinel weapons, I've never had my sentinel targeted when I am down. It may get caught in the fire of enemies shooting at someone trying to revive me, but removing my sentinel's weapons has usually lead to them having a much higher survival rate overall all the time, before this change. I use my sentinels purely for support, shield regen, medi-ray, revive shield, animal instinct. Every other mod slot is used for a durability mod on my sentinels and I've really not had trouble keeping them alive in sorties or really extended missions, this change looks to be like just one more piece of durability to the pile, and I think it will help out my playstyle, at least.

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Personally I feel like it's another nail in the companion coffin. Sentinels just seem overall better. Utility based companions that are hard to go without because they've got a lot going for them. Namely, vacuum which allows you to safely take out sortie level enemies while you hide behind cover and still get loot.

At least Helminth Charger, when fully forma'd can kill sortie level enemies.

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now all they have to do is ADD THE INVULNERABILITY time to normal regen also....


Edit: patch notes SAY they did...sure as hell didnt notice with a normal regen as my sent took 4 rocket sto the face back to back to back...dead on both lives in less than 2 seconds

Edited by xcynderx
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Miracles do happen, I mean archwing got at least one prime mod. Though what would they prime? There's only link mods, open locker, and maul/bite. Actually scratch that, Primed Maul when?

Honestly, they need a Mod that increases their Status Chance.

They actually deal amazing damage with Slash Procs, problem is, they never happen, haha.

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I myself rely on me or squad members to take care of the killing. My sentinel is mainly n only there to vacuum up everything I run by. Havnt used sentinel weapons since mastery 3-6 other then to get the prisma riffle givin more time used. But sentinels are buggy as using weapons not made for that sentinel don't shoot sometimes and continues throughout the mission when it happens. But regen needs more of a delay as even using maxed regen still adds 1 life just like an unranked regen. Rank of the mod has no value to the mods ability itself which I feel is also broken.  

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1 hour ago, Mak_Gohae said:

I think DE should just get rid of Baro cause each week all we get is complains about free stuff.

I'm starting to think this myself. Literally every single time Baro brings anything new it's "this is garbage, it's useless, it's a slap in the face." I remember when he brought the primed bane mods, it was a case of direct powercreep without question, and people still called them useless. People called the Telos Boltace useless, they called the secura lecta useless, they called primed cryo rounds useless, and now here we are calling 3 revives and 11 seconds of invulnerability per revive useless. DE literally can't win.

I, for one, am very happy with the changes. In a sense it's better than a straight buff to ehp for sentinals, because at high levels that still won't matter. But this way I have the power to actually keep it alive. I would have preferred a way to "rebuild" them after death, but this will work as a compromise. I don't have enough endo to get it anywhere close to max (I spent it all on all my other primed mods, and my large collection of rivens), but rest assured this will be my project for a while. I may even be tempted to turn in some of my sculptures.

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2 minutes ago, Azrael said:

I'm starting to think this myself. Literally every single time Baro brings anything new it's "this is garbage, it's useless, it's a slap in the face." I remember when he brought the primed bane mods, it was a case of direct powercreep without question, and people still called them useless. People called the Telos Boltace useless, they called the secura lecta useless, they called primed cryo rounds useless, and now here we are calling 3 revives and 11 seconds of invulnerability per revive useless. DE literally can't win.


To be fair, most of the "this is useless" threads were made before we knew that they had upgraded Regen with an invulnerability phase, and without that it would be completely useless.

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1 minute ago, Littlerift said:


To be fair, most of the "this is useless" threads were made before we knew that they had upgraded Regen with an invulnerability phase, and without that it would be completely useless.

This is true. But I've seen threads after that was announced, and most people were still up in arms. Also, just take a look at this thread. People are arguing about whether or not the 11 seconds is "worthless." I think people are just determined not to be satisfied by anything Baro brings, ever.

I would say that people would be happy with Primed Serration, but even then I'm not sure. Do you remember the complaints about Primed Pressure Point? It was a straight, inarguable, easy to use powercreep mod. And yet people complained because it wasn't enough powercreep. As if we have some kind of fundamental right to periodic powercreep, or something.

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people hype over baro way too much: the Strata Relay was full an entire HOUR before his arrival. there were 11 versions, and all were either busy or full, when Baro was still nowhere near arriving. then he appears, and relay chat is filled with toxic comments towards him (granted, he's an NPC with no feelings to hurt, but if he wasn't, he'd probably have a mental breakdown).

so it was Primed Regen huh? I can see why people are salty, and this also serves as another Band-Aid fix for Sentinels; rather than buffing base stats so that sentinels other than Carrier can actually take a few bullets before exploding, they decide to give you a marginally better chance to get your dead Sentinel back.

never expect anything good from Baro, why don't people get this into their heads?


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7 minutes ago, Azrael said:

This is true. But I've seen threads after that was announced, and most people were still up in arms. Also, just take a look at this thread. People are arguing about whether or not the 11 seconds is "worthless." I think people are just determined not to be satisfied by anything Baro brings, ever.

I would say that people would be happy with Primed Serration, but even then I'm not sure. Do you remember the complaints about Primed Pressure Point? It was a straight, inarguable, easy to use powercreep mod. And yet people complained because it wasn't enough powercreep. As if we have some kind of fundamental right to periodic powercreep, or something.


I think the real concern with the release of Primed Regen is that it indicates that DE aren't going to bother working on improving Sentinel health any time soon, and just dumping a stat-buffed mod that takes 12 seconds of time to code could be perceived as something of an insult to those who've been asking for Sentinel health improvements for well over a year now.

I remember some buzz around Primed Pressure Point, but tbh I swear most of the complaint threads were precisely about the power creep and not about it being too weak. I could easily be wrong though.

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2 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

What a load of bull. You have no idea how useful Regen is when you got bombarded by AoE mobs (Sentients/Juggernaut/Bombard/Napalm/Scorch/Hyekka Master/etc).

Oh but that's right, you hate Sentinels. You have no idea how they work and what people using them want. I for one find Primed Regen a very useful QoL mod that will greatly reduce the amount of times that I'll have to intentionally get myself killed to get my Sentinel back.

good for you, I don't

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3 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

What a load of bull. You have no idea how useful Regen is when you got bombarded by AoE mobs (Sentients/Juggernaut/Bombard/Napalm/Scorch/Hyekka Master/etc).

Oh but that's right, you hate Sentinels. You have no idea how they work and what people using them want. I for one find Primed Regen a very useful QoL mod that will greatly reduce the amount of times that I'll have to intentionally get myself killed to get my Sentinel back.


Why do people on this forum always escalate these arguments to a ridiculous degree?

"I don't like this Sentinel mod"

"Yeah well you wouldn't because you're an idiot who hates Sentinels because you're a space racist and don't understand literally anything"

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7 hours ago, Greenshockclaw said:

gonna have to disagree, it's a lot harder to enjoy the gameplay when you have to stop to grab some loot every 15 seconds

I don't want to disagree, but some people (like me) enjoy to pick up stuff from the floor xD
I mean, I move fast as hell, and as I am a veteran player already, I don't need everything that is in the floor, so I pick up some stuff that don't slow me down while I fight. 
But to each his own.
I enjoy a lot to personally pick up things, open lockers and breaking containers :s 

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1 hour ago, Littlerift said:


I wrote out a whole response and just now deleted it, because there's just so many points here where you either strawman or skirt the point that it's not really worth trying to continue the discussion.

thanks for letting us know that you will not discuss certain parts...?


I will address the final point though: people aren't annoyed about getting free stuff, they're annoyed because they feel that DE are squandering the potential of many systems in the game by consistently moving on to the next big thing rather than consolidating existing work. It's a frustration born of love..

how is DE squandering the concept of giving you free stuff for items that you dont use?


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I dunno, seems like a pretty decent "band-aid" to me. Sentinels are squishy against high level enemies, but so are the player, and even kavats and kubrows get minced by endgame enemies.

WIth the current mod, you can have you sentinel die three times per player life. That means it can in theory revive 18 times for a player with 6 revives due to having two arcanes. Add to the fact sentinels get invisible when you do, and you can get sentinels that last a hellalot longer than they used to with this mod.

Not perfect, of course, but still a good bandaid. Now if only they could make universal vacuum a passive on frames so I would actually have a free slot to put the mod on my sentinels... Too many must own mods for sentinels, too little room.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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7 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

thanks for letting us know that you will not discuss certain parts...?

how is DE squandering the concept of giving you free stuff for items that you dont use?


Well I simply don't know how to discuss something with somebody who responds to


To start with, this is a incredibly high-end mod that costs a huge amount of credits and endo to reach max rank. It also requires a huge energy pool on your Sentinel, and as it's not an essential mod this mostly means that your Sentinel will require a fairly sizeable Forma investment. All of this means that it's utility is severely hampered for anyone who isn't in Warframe's "Ultra-late game" scene with a huge amount of in-game disposable income, so to speak.



So you want the stuff to be handed to you?

there's clearly nothing I could possibly say that could convince you because you're not actually reading what I write. The fact that you think that my point in the post you just quoted was that the issue is that DE is squandering 'the concept of giving free stuff for items that you don't use' is pretty clear evidence of that.

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