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Redirection or Vitality? What's your preference?


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Both, if I can swing it.

The people that say redirection is useless because shields are bypassed by damage types, those people confuse me.

Shields are bypassed by 2 things: slash procs, and toxin damage. The enemies that do worrying amounts of toxin damage are toxic ancients, and mutalist ospreys. Toxic ancients have an attack range of about 5 meters with their cough of doom, so as long as you aren't trying to melee every toxic ancient you see then it's not really a problem. Mutalist ospreys leave bright green clouds that show you were the toxin is. Just don't go into the cloud. If you must go through to make progress, then roll, which reduces the damage you'll take by 75%.  And slash status...   Occasionally it's possible to take a serious slash status that will kill you bad, but that is by far an unusual and extreme case (typically lucky enemies getting head shot crits).  Testing against a level 100 elite grineer lancer with a Zephyr (equal amounts of health and shield), I observed that it would take that enemy about 10 seconds to blast through both health and shields and kill me with raw damage, and several minutes to kill me through the shields with slash status alone.

Basically, toxic damage is avoidable and in the overwhelming majority of cases slash status is chip damage that can be taken care of by Medi Ray or a healing syndicate weapon. I choose to protect against the more immediate and more common threats, and not the occasional outliers.

Really my major frustration about the inequality of shields, is that we don't have anything like "Life strike for shields". It's less about shields being terrible, because they aren't, and more about the fact that we have half a dozen very strong ways to restore health and almost nothing works to restore shields outside of 2 warframe abilities and some hyper-expensive arcanes.  If we did have that kind of mod, people might change their tune.

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I myself only expose myself to threats in small bursts. So only a select few frames have Vitality. Due to my play style, using Redirection is a better for me. I also utilize max Arcane Barrier on a lot of my higher sheild frames. You'd be surprised at the abuse my Frost Prime can take reviving a teammate in a group of lv60+ enemies.

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What's Redirection?

2 hours ago, (PS4)theelix said:

I don't understand how this can be a question on most frames? Anything that's 150 armor or below gets redirection, and anything above gets Vitality. 


It's a question because even a frame with 65 armour doesn't block slash and toxin with its shields, and in a sustained firefight or anything like fire hazard, your shields are not coming back up. Where as medi-ray, Furis mod, Lifestrike and Hirudo work well regardless. 

I don't think I use Redirection or Vigor on anything, especially not vs infested. QT I do use on my Volt and one or two others, but I prefer medi-ray + Vitality + Hirudo and avoiding damage where possible. I feel like I get much better consistency out of it.

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I put both, because why not, i need all the things to keep me alive for solo.

And i have to admit i'm not good enough in playing Warframe, shooting games is not my forte.

I don't put Redirection in some frames because it has very low or no shield (ex : Valkyr, Inaros, Nidus)

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It depends on the build...


If I am using rage then I tend to skip redirection in favour of vitality + quick thinking. Having more shields will just get in the way usually.

If I am using a frame that can get over shields i.e. mag and trinity then I ditch vitality and go with redirection. 

If it is a tank frame then it has everything... redirection, vitality, quick thinking and other optional mods

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I use Vitality due to the frames I use. Inaros has no shields and i've played a lot of Nidus recently who, again, has no shields. Chroma I just started playing and quite like so will stick with for a bit has high armour and armour increasing abilities so I went with Vitality and rage.


I don't have Life Strike though so I have to be a bit careful how I play.


It's one mod I can't seem to get. 

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Vitality all the way. people who mod for shields fail to take Slash, Toxin and Viral Procs into account, and perhaps unsurprisingly, they always go down before I do, even if it's the same thing killing us both. health is objectively better, even with shield regen.

that said, I have some experimenting to do once I get Primed Vigor; lets see if i can sacrifice Redirection + Vitality combos for one mod that frees up room for more power, and still be able to survive (mostly trying this for Banshee.).

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I can't think of a single frame I use shields on at the moment, it's Vitality or nothing depending on the frame and content I'm facing.

When I was starting out I used to use Redirection or both, but once you get to higher content and a better understanding of how the game works Redirection just doesn't offer enough value to be worth a mod slot.

5 hours ago, (PS4)Francis_Boudreau said:

Redirection only on frames that can generate overshields, like Volt and Trin.

Overshields are capped at 1200 regardless of your normal shield amount, Redirection doesn't change that.

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Both, as I rely on rage for my energy. That doesn't mean that I want to have poor defenses - a sudden energy surge as a result of heavy damage is not desireble, it's a consequence of being sloppy and rage is a way out. It's always better to manage your energy. Unless you're on defense or survival.

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5 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

Both, as I rely on rage for my energy. That doesn't mean that I want to have poor defenses - a sudden energy surge as a result of heavy damage is not desireble, it's a consequence of being sloppy and rage is a way out. It's always better to manage your energy. Unless you're on defense or survival.

Eh, to each their own I guess, but for me that's two wasted mod slots. Shields that really don't help your survivability that much and a Rage mod that doesn't give consistent energy supply.

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8 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

Eh, to each their own I guess, but for me that's two wasted mod slots. Shields that really don't help your survivability that much and a Rage mod that doesn't give consistent energy supply.

You know what I see every time I do an alert or nightmare that has the stipulation of having no shields? People dying constantly. I can tell from personal experience how much harder it made it for me. Some people prefer to avoid getting hit, but considerings how much fire that is often pointed your way, I just don't see that as realistic. Expect to get hit and be able to take it, and time spend dodging it time not spent attacking. I'd rather be able to take a beating while still cracking down enemies.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Bigjoe1627joseph said:

I use both except on frames like Valkyr and Inaros, having both can be very useful because you won't have to worry about your health going down every few seconds.

Same here, it may be a bit unusual compared to most folks, but I do tend to use both on just about any frame that has sufficient default shields.

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2 minutes ago, Oxstarz said:

You know what I see every time I do an alert or nightmare that has the stipulation of having no shields? People dying constantly. I can tell from personal experience how much harder it made it for me. Some people prefer to avoid getting hit, but considerings how much fire that is often pointed your way, I just don't see that as realistic. Expect to get hit and be able to take it, and time spend dodging it time not spent attacking. I'd rather be able to take a beating while still cracking down enemies.

Shields require you to dodge or keep out of the line of fire for periods of time, as they don't regenerate when you're being hit.

Point for point you'll always get more survivability from health as it's enhanced by armour and protects you from the effects of toxin, slash and viral procs.

There are also ways for all warframes to actively regenerate health (Hema, Winds of Purity Furis, Hirudo, Life Strike, etc.) that can suit any playstyle.

If people die a lot in 'no shield' modes then it's probably because they haven't modded appropriately or chosen a suitable warframe as it's one of the easiest nightmare modes.

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It really depends on the frame:

  1. Chroma - needs it maximise his damage and armour potential (both, waiting for primed vigor)
  2. Wukong - for his defy (vitality)
  3. Nidus - optional (vitality)
  4. Valkyr - need it for most builds (vitality)
  5. Inaros - need that extra health though (vitality)

I personally use vitality all the times since shield can be taken out in higher level mission, the frames (listed above) require vitality more than redirection.

Edited by (PS4)Deception_Pharo
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I generally use Redirection but it does depend on both frame and mission and it takes just a few seconds to swap out to something more suitable if required.

I'm usually very mobile so shields get a burst of damage and then I'm no longer there so they recover.  I spent a very very long time using Telos AkBoltos as my secondary of choice so damage bleed though was reclaimed easily, though AkStilleto Prime is the flavour of the month atm.

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I tend to use both, but if i need points for a build I ususaly go with less shields.

Shields regen after a bit, health wont unless you have some mods that make it do so.

If shilds blocked all damage from an attack befor going down id say they would be more of a concern, but it just bleeds over into health so...

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Im at the point where I start to remove health/shield mods to fit another utility or power mod. 

But mostly vitality when i do use em.

The fact that the 95% Mesa could still deplete her shields Im quite possitive that 0 damage reduction on other frames‘ shields isnt even going to delay your death.

When these mods are being challenged it not going to be non endless, when endless is down the road, I hardly find a any breathing room and the shields take way over 10secs to regen and will stop for another 3sec if you got hit again, pretty much unless you are running with a Raksa, shield is pretty much always 0 in endless survs, so I really dont see the point of using redirection when you actually want put both to the actual test.

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Like some people say , depends on the frame, because its percentage, percentage of a high base value gives you more right (e.g. armour mod on valkyr, hp mod for high hp frames, and shield for only selective frames like mag)? Having said that, i have used vitality on more frames because of slash procs etc.

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