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Do not force Archwing onto your players by adding them to Sorties. [Devstream #86 feedback]


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Sheldon mentioned it would/could appear in Sorties in the future. 

Why force it onto 90% of your players (rough number) that doesn't want to play it?

Perhaps make a separate Sortie dedicated to Archwing mode with the same rewards as the regular Sortie offer.

For those who like Archwing can choose to either play Archwing Sortie or normal Sortie every day.


Just my opinion anyways. Thoughts? Ideas? Comment below, and be civil please.

Edited by Multicom-EN-
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Aaaaaaand this community has no idea how video games work!

You aren't making the game.

You can give your opinion, but DE will make the game how they want.

They said after heavy revisions, you and I have no idea what that entails.

They said they want to, not that they're going to.

Archwing is something they want in the game, they want it to be a part of it, we have plenty of content for it that isn't used because it isn't included well enough.

If your ideals of "I don't like it so lets scrap it" then this game would be a cookie clicker clone.

and in conclusion, can you at least think before you make a post on pure emotion?

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Archwing has a ton of problems, like playing just like regular missions but in "space" (including similar mechanics), lack of incentive, and -thanks to that "overhaul"- broken controls that make playing AW very uncomfortable to say the least. Now they want to force us to fight level 100 enemies just to keep that game mode alive? No thank you...


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The current archwing mode is a complete BS with kindergarten level mechanic and animation, the weapon isn't even pointing forward when you dash and shoot.

Although people should git gud for missions like archwing rush, but no, archwing isn't even complete by my expectation, far from it. And I don't want to see another wave of Amesha spam because of limited build choice and broken scaling.

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

Aaaaaaand this community has no idea how video games work!

You aren't making the game.

You can give your opinion, but DE will make the game how they want.

They said after heavy revisions, you and I have no idea what that entails.

They said they want to, not that they're going to.

Archwing is something they want in the game, they want it to be a part of it, we have plenty of content for it that isn't used because it isn't included well enough.

If your ideals of "I don't like it so lets scrap it" then this game would be a cookie clicker clone.

and in conclusion, can you at least think before you make a post on pure emotion?

have you ever played an archwing mission? like ever ? no ? that might be why . 

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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Aaaaaaand this community has no idea how video games work!

You aren't making the game.

You can give your opinion, but DE will make the game how they want.

They said after heavy revisions, you and I have no idea what that entails.

They said they want to, not that they're going to.

Archwing is something they want in the game, they want it to be a part of it, we have plenty of content for it that isn't used because it isn't included well enough.

If your ideals of "I don't like it so lets scrap it" then this game would be a cookie clicker clone.

and in conclusion, can you at least think before you make a post on pure emotion?

Maybe you're missing your eyes but I did provide a possible solution aswell. I apologize if I came off as "one of those" who want the game to play my way, and my way only.

That's not the kind of person I am. Most of the playerbase do not go near Archwing so why should DE make it a permanent addition to Sorties. Not saying they WILL do it, but it could happen. That alone will stop me from playing Sorties. But if they fix up Archwing I don't think I would mind much adding them to Sorties, but in it's current state it's not doable.

Edited by Multicom-EN-
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

sometimes i wish some of these ideas are trolls . Instead of taking surveys and stats to see what the players want, they decide to implement what they think we want 

AW in sorties was requested by players and with AW being a core part of the game (NOT secondary like PvP) it only makes sense that it's introduced in sorties.

LOVE that AW will get more playtime, finally the vocal minority that doesn't like AW can just shut it and avoid doing AW content (or suck it up and do sorties with AW). Did AW stop people from farming the Jordas Verdict raid? No, it didn't. AW is FINE, just not fleshed out.

Of course they have to fix the new movement system for AW before putting it in sorties, it's just a mess and nearly unplayable in tight spaces.

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Just now, JesterTheNight said:

AW in sorties was requested by players and with AW being a core part of the game (NOT secondary like PvP) it only makes sense that it's introduced in sorties.

LOVE that AW will get more playtime, finally the vocal minority that doesn't like AW can just shut it and avoid doing AW content (or suck it up and do sorties with AW). Did AW stop people from farming the Jordas Verdict raid? No, it didn't. AW is FINE, just not fleshed out.

Of course they have to fix the new movement system for AW before putting it in sorties, it's just a mess and nearly unplayable in tight spaces.

Saying archwing is fine is a lie oh and the vast majority of players dont even play archwing . ive never heard anyone call for archwing to be put in sorties , where are you getting your info from ?

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Anyone else find it very weird that they're talking about Archwing Sorties before they've even mentioned archwing relics/void missions?

I dont play sorties anyway but, as someone who loves archwing, if the big revision is a huge step up on current and past archwing experience, im all for it.

One of the biggest problems with archwing is indeed the rewards though, Experience trickles in some mission types. It's also very easy for drops to be unsighted due to scale of drops vs the speed. Now whether its added in Sorties or in void, we do need more reasons to go back to archwing after we've got all the mods we want.

Right now i think i've hit a wall where i've got nothing else to achieve in Archwing so i'd kill for something new.

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2 minutes ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Maybe you're missing your eyes but I did provide a possible solution aswell. I apologize if I came off as "one of those" who want the game to play my way, and my way only.

That's not the kind of person I am. Most of the playerbase do not go near Archwing so why should DE make it a permanent addition to Sorties. Not saying they WILL do it, but it could happen. That alone will stop me from playing Sorties.

Sorry, I did fly off the handle.

I'm willing to see the revisions they're talking about and then make my opinion, and I do think that an Archwing sortie separation would be neat, but I happen to enjoy Archwing a lot. I like space simulators and I like not having an up or down, just space. I wish to see more diversity in builds and a redo on the melee system, but all in all I think adding them to sorties would be neat.

Dedicated roll buttons would be nice too. Holding alt and then pressing a and d is kind of uncomfortable.

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Just now, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

Saying archwing is fine is a lie oh and the vast majority of players dont even play archwing . ive never heard anyone call for archwing to be put in sorties , where are you getting your info from ?

AW is FINE NOT PERFECT, just fine, I said it has to be fleshed out and stuff has to be fixed. People don't play AW cause, there's really no reason to unfortunately, once you're done ranking everything up, there's not much to do with it. And my info is from questions in the devstream topic, you know, people asking questions directly to the devs to be answered on the stream.

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

Aaaaaaand this community has no idea how video games work!

You aren't making the game.

You can give your opinion, but DE will make the game how they want.

They said after heavy revisions, you and I have no idea what that entails.

They said they want to, not that they're going to.

Archwing is something they want in the game, they want it to be a part of it, we have plenty of content for it that isn't used because it isn't included well enough.

If your ideals of "I don't like it so lets scrap it" then this game would be a cookie clicker clone.

and in conclusion, can you at least think before you make a post on pure emotion?

Gods dude, do you have to white knight in every post? Seems like you dont see anything wrong with the game...

Sure i have no idea how to program a game, but that doest mean i dont know a thing about games. Introducing a broken, unpopular game mode to "endgame" yeah that looks like a great idea...

Yeah clearly AW is something DE wants in the game, and when it was announced i was excited about it. Then it turned out to be kinda boring, since its pretty much what you do in normal missions. Then we got that "overhaul" in mid 2016 that removed incentive for playing aw, and ruined movement in archwing, the one thing that didnt need a change. 

Instead of announcing AW in sorties, they should focus on fixing the damn mode, since its utterly unenjoyable.

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16 minutes ago, Multicom-EN- said:

Sheldon mentioned it would/could appear in Sorties in the future. 

Why force it onto 90% of your players (rough number) that doesn't want to play it?

Perhaps make a separate Sortie dedicated to Archwing mode with the same rewards as the regular Sortie offer.

For those who like Archwing can choose to either play Archwing Sortie or normal Sortie every day.


Just my opinion anyways. Thoughts? Ideas? Comment below, and be civil please.



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Just now, John89brensen said:

Gods dude, do you have to white knight in every post? Seems like you dont see anything wrong with the game...

Sure i have no idea how to program a game, but that doest mean i dont know a thing about games. Introducing a broken, unpopular game mode to "endgame" yeah that looks like a great idea...

Yeah clearly AW is something DE wants in the game, and when it was announced i was excited about it. Then it turned out to be kinda boring, since its pretty much what you do in normal missions. Then we got that "overhaul" in mid 2016 that removed incentive for playing aw, and ruined movement in archwing, the one thing that didnt need a change. 

Instead of announcing AW in sorties, they should focus on fixing the damn mode, since its utterly unenjoyable.

There is plenty wrong with this game, like with any game.

The melee combat is boring and underdone.

Parkour is awful, especially compared to some of the tricks from parkour 1.0.

The tutorial is atrocious, and the wiki is required right now to succeed.

The way chat works and is handled could use some improvements.

And many others I won't list because I'm lazy.


However, what are clearly either business decisions to keep the game afloat or pushes to make it so content isn't gobbled up in a week are not bad things. Being inconvenienced is no one's problem but yours, and demanding change is not the way to go. I have yet to see someone give an argument that wasn't based on "my clan is inactive" that makes the hema cost as bad as they try to make it out to be.

However, I don't appreciate attacks on my character, and just because I think differently from you, does not make me a white knight. DE is not a perfect game developing company, no game developing company is, but they do a helluva good job when their community acts like this. 

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6 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

AW in sorties was requested by players and with AW being a core part of the game (NOT secondary like PvP) it only makes sense that it's introduced in sorties.

LOVE that AW will get more playtime, finally the vocal minority that doesn't like AW can just shut it and avoid doing AW content (or suck it up and do sorties with AW). Did AW stop people from farming the Jordas Verdict raid? No, it didn't. AW is FINE, just not fleshed out.

Of course they have to fix the new movement system for AW before putting it in sorties, it's just a mess and nearly unplayable in tight spaces.

Never seen a post requesting AW in sorties, not saying that there arent any, but its a clear minority. I've seen more posts about how broken archwing it is, and ways of fixing it, than posts requesting aw be introduced to sorties.

AW fine? oh really, do you even play the game? No rewards for playing, has pretty much the same mechanics as "groundframe", has for the most part similar kinds of missions, has completely broken controls, has poor collision detection. But hey im sure its fine, thats why you always find a squad in AW... oh wait, most missions are always empty...


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1 minute ago, John89brensen said:

Never seen a post requesting AW in sorties, not saying that there arent any, but its a clear minority. I've seen more posts about how broken archwing it is, and ways of fixing it, than posts requesting aw be introduced to sorties.

AW fine? oh really, do you even play the game? No rewards for playing, has pretty much the same mechanics as "groundframe", has for the most part similar kinds of missions, has completely broken controls, has poor collision detection. But hey im sure its fine, thats why you always find a squad in AW... oh wait, most missions are always empty...


See, here you go again being rude to people.

I enjoy archwing, and I'm pretty good at it. In what way are the controls bad?

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8 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

AW is FINE NOT PERFECT, just fine, I said it has to be fleshed out and stuff has to be fixed. People don't play AW cause, there's really no reason to unfortunately, once you're done ranking everything up, there's not much to do with it. And my info is from questions in the devstream topic, you know, people asking questions directly to the devs to be answered on the stream.

exactly, no one plays it. the controls are terrible, the maps are unpractical and boring even frustrating and that is why it doesnt belong anywhere near sorties till it has been fixed 

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Just now, John89brensen said:

AW fine? oh really, do you even play the game? No rewards for playing, has pretty much the same mechanics as "groundframe", has for the most part similar kinds of missions, has completely broken controls, has poor collision detection. But hey im sure its fine, thats why you always find a squad in AW... oh wait, most missions are always empty...


Do I play the game? Dunno, just MR23, never missed a login reward and never skipped a sortie since they were introduced.

Yes, AW is fine, rewards have no meaning anymore since they have been moved to syndicates unfortunately, same mechanics of course, it's a shooter, what innovations can you introduce in a space shooter? Missions I agree, they introduced new modes but they're just not fun. Not gonna comment on controls since it's all up to player skill, and collisions are kinda junk in tight spaces, I agree. Empty missions just like irrelevant nodes in the on foot missions, if there's no incentive to play those, no one will waste their time with it. But hey, JV sure does get played a bunch.

As I said, it's just FINE but definitely not PERFECT.

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59 minutes ago, John89brensen said:

Gods dude, do you have to white knight in every post? Seems like you dont see anything wrong with the game...

Sure i have no idea how to program a game, but that doest mean i dont know a thing about games. Introducing a broken, unpopular game mode to "endgame" yeah that looks like a great idea...

Yeah clearly AW is something DE wants in the game, and when it was announced i was excited about it. Then it turned out to be kinda boring, since its pretty much what you do in normal missions. Then we got that "overhaul" in mid 2016 that removed incentive for playing aw, and ruined movement in archwing, the one thing that didnt need a change. 

Instead of announcing AW in sorties, they should focus on fixing the damn mode, since its utterly unenjoyable.


Only 5 wings, even including the prime version? √

Enemies with invincible front shield and missile shenanigans? √

Broken navigation that requires a New-Type to operate? √

Undying Amesha spam? √

Missing every single loot? √


Maybe we'll have to wait a few years before this thing reaches the standard of a regular mission.

Edited by KamishirasawaKeine
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