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Ember Players and My Distain

(XBOX)Requiem of One

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I think you missed the part where I said it was my opinion. I was not telling anyone to change their play style, I was saying what I see. Never anywhere did I explicitly say that other people's play style is wrong and needs to change to better my own. Please do not put words in my mouth, well fingers, DeluxeKnight.

also from your OP

Now no one likes to be accused of being "wrong" because then it makes that person feel offended. You know what, I can say I have been wrong and I'm not afraid to. I have even asked for what I could do to make certain frames better because nobody is perfect. Ember CAN be made to not be a glass cannon, but the internet builds aren't going to tell you how to do that exactly or even all of the time, you sometimes have to do it yourself. I modded my Ember Prime so she can easily go against and survive like all the other frames passed that "magical" number of level 30-40s without being squishy -insert amazement here-. Will I post how she is modded...no actually I won't. I won't feed the hive mind of Ember. Another thing is that, hold your amazement, I don't like to nor really use her ability World on Fire unless I need to -insert gasps of disbelievement here-. This can all come back full circle to Ash's Blade Storm ability. It was a "press-a-button-and-kill-everything" ability in the past, but has since been reworked. Now we have Ember who is still pretty much the same, but with a little more "over-a-little-bit-of-time-kill-everything" ability. With that said though, Ember DOES have more than just that one ability to use. Now people will complain saying that, "But that's her best ability, it has CC and a huge range and etc. etc.", which comes back to me saying that is an excuse, not a valid reason. She has other abilities to use other than that one. Suggestion: Use all of them. Every frame has more than 1 ability to use.



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Went a couple of solo runs in Sinai (Defense mission, which I sorely hate) in order to obtain Torment's mods. Not sure if I should be ashamed for using a WoF Ember or clever for reducing grind time. To me, Ember is just like any other frame: a tool given by the devs that specializes in something. That something just happens to be killing everything around her without doing anything.






Man, I just want to skip some grind, alright? :'(

Fun fact: if you use Ember's WoF, Torment will go to her 'slime-mode' and stay as a slime forever, in order to avoid damage. FOREVER.

Or until you deactivate your WoF ;P

Edited by Beggining
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One Ember, one Nidus. One hour on Kuva Fortress survival with enemies going up to level 110, looking for the new Ohma stance. Fairly similar end stats.


To use Ember properly, you have to synergize guns, elements, status and abilities. I won't tell you what build I use, but honestly, people severely underestimate her.

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I think you missed the part where I said it was my opinion.


Since when does 

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I'm going to have to ask you nicely to shush.

count as "opinion"? Seems like you have dangerously high hypocrisy levels in your blood, sir, you might want to get it looked at... Soon-ish.  


As for the "issue", it's simple really. 

All you people whining to nerf efficient weapons/abilities can fix ALL your problems by setting matchmaking to ANYTHING but public.One simple click.

But, if DE actually goes and destroys AoE frames and weapons, no amount of fiddling with matchmaking settings will EVER let players who like it the way it is to enjoy it. Ever again. Just imagine how it'd feel to have an AI-contolled, WoF-spamming Ember run in front of your frame during every mission, and you can't disable it. That's pretty much what you're asking - to destroy the game for people who DON'T share your specific values just because you can't be bothered to use invite/friends/solo option. 


Entitled much?..

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:


I didn't say that Ember was male....I don't know what you're talking about....

Also, its 2017, you can't just assume gender like that, check ur priviledge, maybe Ember wants to be referred to by a specific pronoun who knows. Check your privilege.




Kappa ;D

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7 minutes ago, Reifnir said:


As for the "issue", it's simple really. 

All you people whining to nerf efficient weapons/abilities can fix ALL your problems by setting matchmaking to ANYTHING but public.One simple click.

But, if DE actually goes and destroys AoE frames and weapons, no amount of fiddling with matchmaking settings will EVER let players who like it the way it is to enjoy it. Ever again. Just imagine how it'd feel to have an AI-contolled, WoF-spamming Ember run in front of your frame during every mission, and you can't disable it. That's pretty much what you're asking - to destroy the game for people who DON'T share your specific values just because you can't be bothered to use invite/friends/solo option. 


Entitled much?..

The shushing part is so that I may give my piece and explanation of my dislike for ember with the players who use her. Of course, it's also because just because someone posts in a topic doesn't mean that they read the main post. Some people post, just to post. Not only that, you assuming that I want ember to be totally reworked. However, I said I would be okay with it, but that doesn't mean she will be. Don't call me entitled. The only thing that I am entitled to is my own opinion. Remember that when you assume, you make an butt out of me and you.

Edited by (XB1)Requiem of One
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We have to replay low level content over and over in this game.  Ember's World on Fire is simple, effective, and efficient.  

The OP exhibits the true cancerous mentality in this game:  players that condemn others for efficient or effective play.  "How can it be fun?" "Needs a nerf!" "It's too simple/takes no skill."  "I'm a better player than you because my playstyle is more complicated/presses more buttons for the exact same result."  "I'm a special snowflake because I use this weird build and refuse to use anything meta."

Please just stop telling others how to play.  You are the ones ruining the game.

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The problem is how the game made. Peoples are just use their favored stuffs no matter what weapon and frame that. The game in pve partly competitive because players play for stats and for fun.

Every frame can be annoying and peoples made guides what to use and where to use. The frames have roles but with mods you can play on your way but less effective than the standard use of a frame.

The problem mostly is everyone want to had fun and play the most efficient way It is possible. This force players to play rattly metholds and care less to others which is a huge problem in a coop game.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I'm going to have to ask you nicely to shush.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

So feel free to discuss.

These sort of exclude each other. Pick one.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

There is no "right" way to mod a frame, but there is a VERY common way to mod a frame, which all encompasses Ember. Which prompts my question of, could it be that you the player are modding her wrong?

If there is no right way to mod a frame, there is by extension no wrong way either. You contradict yourself.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

I don't even use her, to say the least. 

You talk about how you mod and use her earlier in your rant.

1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

Ember, in the majority of the community of people who play as her, are like a massive cancerous tumor that, currently, is incurable.



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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Requiem of One said:

In reply to people saying go solo, I would rather have interaction with other players.

So basically - 'I don't want to play solo, but people who play with me have to play the way I want them to'.
> Recruit chat.


As K05h said,

1 hour ago, k05h said:

Warframe is about grind and I want my grind done the most efficient way. Ember can do that and if you dont like me as a player because I like to play effeciently ... well I can live with that. 


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While I'm guilty of maximising wof on my ember like many others it came down to a simple question of what else could I actually maximise on her.  Her kit isn't exactly useful for anything other than dealing damage over a wide area of space when you think about it. 

Having said that in the right environment I have out killed ember...how you ask... big open map, defence mission (jupiter IO iirc) with mesa and then spamming her 4 which has a longer range lol.  Is that any better than wof... probably not.

As to spamulors... well they're just as bad as wof imo. 

These high damage easily activated abilities kind of screw over other frames that are more 'tactical' or need to build up stacks and at the very least just take away the fun for others.... at the same time I can see the benefit of some for speed runs or if you're carrying a team due to levelling weapons, which in a way could be part of the problem in that due to the way resources, forma on weapons/frames etc are handled and rng like it is we end up trying to do things in the most efficient and speedy way etc because we don't want to spend forever repeating things over and over trying to get that one thing that we actually need. 

Fixing the issue isn't easy, I'm like many others and I don't like damage nerfs (especially after investing forma) and I hate the way the ash 'change' was handled because they seriously nerfed his usefulness by sticking on ludicrous energy requirement for his bladestorm (I'm ignoring the motion sickness swipe to mark aspect) but in a way wof needs to prevented from being an instant action attack, same with mirage and it's clones.  So like I've said before I personally feel the only way to solve the issue is to make things like wof (a lot of other 'damage' frames could do with this too) need to be behind some sort of 'stacks' system similar to nidus to stop the simple press 4 to win you get with ember for example. 

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If you have ideas on how to improve Ember, you can leave those suggestions in our Feedback subforum.

Calling an entire section of the playbase "cancerous" because of the Warframe they choose to play as is not cool. We're all here because we're passionate about this game - there's no need to tear each other down. I get that you might be frustrated, but there are better ways to approach this issue, as these kinds of threads only lead to fighting and insults. Because of this fact, this post is now locked. 

Remember to be excellent to each other, Tenno!


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