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Limbo Rework Discussion and Feedback


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12 hours ago, felipe3402 said:

And think the Mini-Cataclysm's created by the Rift Surge is made for a simple reason, Them your stasis thing get's on the cap, You cannot enter on the rift plane again with the roll. So, With that, I Think the way is "Trying" to stay on the Mini-Cataclysm while your Stasis power is recovering. (That's what I Understanded on the Devstream)

This is probably true. The mini rift bubbles design could be back up for Limbo if his Stasis cap is reached and is unable to go into the rift using other abilities. This is assuming that the smaller rift bubbles and the main Cataclysm bubble itself do not pop if his Stasis cap is reached.

Personally, I don't like the little rift bubbles causing clutter on the already busy battle field. Why couldn't it just be the same rift lightning they were talking about that triggers from inside the rift? But instead of damaging another enemy, it damages the same enemy that was charged.

Edited by (PS4)mahoshonenfox
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So the Limbo Rework was shown off to us a couple of weeks ago. What do we think about? Do we think it'll be enough to push Limbo up from a lower use frame? I personally love the Rework however I still think that Cataclysm should have some sort of DoT, Idk if this would be over powered in anyway and I'd love see feed back on the topic

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Dont think so. It will definitelly help him in defences and solo play, but he will still be nuisance to random pubs. He still isn't cast and forget frame, you still need to manage when and where banish or catabubble enemies or allies, due to rift mechanics. You still cant get items while rifted. Time stop is excellent defensive ability as its completely disable area, like vauban bastille. Rift surge cant comment until I try it out, but i will probably miss old flat damage multiplier. Creating little cataclysms might be either good or bad, too much area covered in rift will force allies to search and go though another rift bubble to finish those enemies. Cataclysm damage buff and stun on cast and explode is a good thing, should be from very start. Probably best thing is free Rift Walk via rolling.

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i like the idea especially if as limbo you can stay in the rift as long as you want
i did many sorties when trying to revive someone when my timer ran out :crylaugh:

and with the time stop i can put cataclysm over the mobile defence target (in other sorties) and never have to worry again :devil:

think about this, if you are surrounded by enemies a regular roll probably wont save you and entering the old rift takes long enough to die, now limbo is save:cool:

i like limbo, my first contact with limbo was when a friend of mine got him and started trolling us
since i got him i try to not troll with him

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So after watching the dev stream, I am excited about the Limbo rework but I have two suggestions that I think would make it better. The first is that I think the third power is not very useful the way it is currently. Now I heard that the cataclysms will be bigger but I think that even that will not help them that much. What I was thinking was that the mini cataclysms could be different such as heal the player when the enter them, recharge there shield, or maybe give them a buff (it could also debuff the enemies instead). Another idea I liked was that if enemies enter this mini-cataclysm they go crazy for a little while and start attacking everything from their allies to the walls. The other suggestion that I had was an aesthetic change to the rift. I have seen other people talk about making it look brighter or turn down the wall of flame but I had a different idea. Seeing as the rift is a place between dimensions it should look like there are things from other worlds seeping in. Odd infestation like plants, and inhuman phantoms coming in and out of existence all of which can only be seen inside the rift. Also maybe instead of a wall of flame on limbo, he could glow like he is cutting through the rift while the enemies are being consumed by it. Anyway, these are just some thoughts.            

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48 minutes ago, Eclipi said:

Now I heard that the cataclysms will be bigger

Keep in mind this was the build used on the devstream limbo demonstration


I do like your ideas though, random effects for allies/enemies for each random void pocket would be pretty neat.

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Great ideas. I really hope the mini-bubbles don't look like Cataclysm, since it's hard to see through that swirling vortex of energy from the inside.. imagine having to look through multiple bubbles.

Since Rift Surge has a Void Lightning effect on kills, maybe the mini-bubbles would also proc Electric stun on enemies that move through them? Of course, Radiation would be much more awesome and help Limbo survive better without having to Stasis everything.

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I think there still needs to be more adjustments.

The currently shown rework provides Limbo with multi-target Banish, a hard CC ability with drawbacks, collateral damage from Rift Surge kills, mini-rifts from moving surged enemies out of the rift, Cataclysm stuns enemies on creation + allows pickups inside it + potential detonation nuke damage depending on amount of enemies inside it/the rift.

All of them are good changes, but they don't address the sub-optimal team-friendliness of the powers and the Rift Plane. There's a list of trolling potential from Banish and Cataclysm, and now we'll have to deal with mini-rifts from Rift Surge too? I hope most if not all of these annoyances are dealt with before the rework is finalized.

  • Banish can be cast on teammates to make them drop datamass or power cells. Already removed in a recent hotfix. Now Limbo cannot cast Banish on players carrying things, the power will not cast and will say "Invalid Target".
  • Banish can be cast on teammates while they are hacking a console, rudely stopping their hacking session and they have to restart the hack from scratch.
    • I have not tested Banish to see if this is also prevented now that the above change was made in a hotfix. Better safe than sorry.
  • Cataclysm will stop players from doing both things related to Banish from above. If he can't troll you with Banish, he'll just make the bubble and watch you squirm.
  • You can roll out of Banish to activate objects, but you can't activate objects that are inside Cataclysm with you. That means:
    • No hacking consoles
    • No calling elevators
    • No activating LIFE SUPPORT
    • No putting the datamass into a Mobile Defense Terminal
    • No putting coolant cells into the Sabotage thing
    • No bringing power cells to the Excavator, the list goes on.

Like, seriously, that's taking the whole "limbo is a state where no progress is/can be made" thing way out of proportion; the rift is hindering 3 other players' (7 in a Trial) ability to proceed with mission objectives in so many different mission types, because of the 1 player playing Limbo intentionally or unintentionally being a Martian Oasis Jellyfish. Who thought this was a good idea??

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20 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Oh don't get me wrong, i would love this very much since it makes no sense why Limbo can't hold onto a datamass he is tightly gripping with his hands, plus I know just how much of a death sentence it is to be stationary while outside the rift. The holding part I really hope gets added, but for the console-banishing... considering that Spy 2.0 and LoR Trial were the likely reasons for DE to enforce no-object-interaction-consistency, I just find it not very probable to be added. Though who knows, they've been back and forth with their decisions before, maybe they'll cut us dapper hackers some slack ;)

On a related note, I really want to know if we can press X to use objects inside Cataclysm and Rift Surge mini-bubbles. That can't be far behind since Cataclysm allows pickups to be collected, right? If objects are allowed to be used when inside any bubbles, I can think of a way to get what you want in a few steps:

  1. Rift Dash into rift.
  2. Banish an enemy or a group of enemies close to the console you want to hack.
  3. Rift Surge.
  4. Unbanish enemies to make mini-bubbles around the console.
  5. Get into position to hack, activate Stasis to freeze any enemies coming near you, hack in peace while staying in the rift.

Complex way to achieve a simple result, but it does get things done x)


Hmm I suppose you're right, with stasis we don't really need to be able to interact with things outside of the rift, and it would kinda break spies. Yeah I take it back, I don't want that, but holding objects while entering the rift should rly be a thing imo

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Limbo Rework thoughts


So i just leave the link

Contains of a topic: 

Well, as a Limbo player, I was quite excited to hear and see about his rework. But now i'm thinking, will this rework fix Limbo's issues, or the issues, that other than Limbo players have with him?

Limbo's bigger problem was how his mechanics works in cooperation with another players. And in 90% of times it sucked. Pretty badly. And that's why if people do like him, they like him as solo frame, who is capable of destroing everything in solo.

He can save the day as a patch-frame, for example: tough survival missions- he will res teammates; No frost bubbles? Limbo will cover; In desperate need of energy? Limbo. And so on.

But in his current state, his mecanics, mostly cataclysm, can ruin everything. Especially in uncommunicative team.

His problem is cataclysm and overall zoning abilities. One cast can literally ruin survival mission, because it can block the life support pod at 3% oxygen. Cataclysm also zones teammates, forcing them to change locations to perform some actions, like to come in point blank range, to get in cataclysm itself, to kill enemies. And one solved problem: resource drop lock.

Overall, what i'm trying to tell is that rework should be primarilly pointed at removing all the chaos surrounding cataclysm. But with all the great changes came chain cataclysm.

Basically, limbo will now be able to spam cataclysm bubbles around a huge area, with all following problems of zoning and confusing players.

From all the changes, i would reconsider Limbo's cataclysm skill as a whole. Stasis looks insanely nice and pretty powerfull, however, when tied to cataclysm, it can probably lead to new way of trolling at defences and exterminations, even with stasis brake mechanic.

Chain banish is nice, especially with stasis, that is a huge benefit. But accidental banish of players should be, and probably will be considered by DE.

Rift dodge is perfect, unlike riftwalk, which was more like: "rift-standstillanddie"

I was really surprised, that rift surge was cut out of the game as a whole, despite it beign an insanely powerfull skill, that gave an ability to destroy lvl100+ enemies in one hit, even bombards. New skill is nice, and if it will give an ability to damage out of the rift enemies, it will be neat. Just no more bubbles.

My opinion is that cataclysm and chain catsclysm should be removed, since Limbo has chain banish. Instead of cataclysm DE should give rift surge further buff and turn it into an ultimate ability.

Why? Because rift surge was in fact a skill, that encouraged Limbo player to banish enemies rather than turning to their plane. And also, rift surge has an insane augment: rift torrent, which boosts damage to enemies in rift, based on the number of enemies in the rift.

Final words: limbo's rework is halfway great, and can potentially be halfway disaster with it's previous problems literally multiplied. Let Limbo be Limbo and don't force aoe/teamplay in his playstyle. With some changes that i listed Limbo rework should remain extremely potent and give Limbo an ability to contribute more to a game.

From Quanlain to DE with love and best regards

Edited by Quanlain
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I agree on Cataclysm, but I kind of like the idea of random spontaneous mini rift pockets all over the map.  How those will affect game play or whether the squad will be forced into annoying situations because of them remains to be seen.  

My take on that would be instead of a direct banishing, they really do act as tears into the rift, physical objects actually in the the 'bubble' are in the rift and cannot interact with those outside, but those outside can go inside (ie bullets, damage). 

The actual cataclysm should just be replaced by these tears and an entirely new 4th be added.  I don't know how they plan on working the old 3rd into the rework, maybe they already thought of that or think these chain-clysms are enough.  We'll see.

As for banish being aoe, that is lovely IMO, can't wait for that.  I did have a thought on other players though, probably not the greatest idea, though.  What if, just like we can now to get out of banish, be able to roll to enter rift ourselves (or dash, whatever), just like limbo when we are within affinity range.

There is already a lot of controversy over this being Limbo's only way to enter/exit the rift but until we actually try it or see a whole lot more game play on it, it is still up in the air for me.  It could very well not be as terrible as people are presuming it to be.

Edited by Xekrin
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I think your right as their will be a bigger possibility for trolling/ taking over the entire screen , however rift surge being a ultimate is to ... well boring... cataclysm at least has some very unique and quirky fun things about it , even in it's current state. Definitely agree that it needs changes from the concept they showed but that isn't supising to stick with limbo's current lore it's quite hard to think of a fun ultimate.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)V animalz x said:

I think your right as their will be a bigger possibility for trolling/ taking over the entire screen , however rift surge being a ultimate is to ... well boring... cataclysm at least has some very unique and quirky fun things about it , even in it's current state. Definitely agree that it needs changes from the concept they showed but that isn't supising to stick with limbo's current lore it's quite hard to think of a fun ultimate.

At some point i was thinking that giving Limbo chanelling ultimate would be neat. (basically, turned every hitscan/projectile into a unique projectile with unique properties, i. E opticor, soma, bows are shooting the projectile with the same properties.) 

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10 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

The thing is: Rebecca was able to pick up items that were inside Cataclysm, if she was on her own, she couldnt. But items inside the bubble were pickable.

Yeah, i've mentioned that problem was partially fixed (still no pickups from banish however)

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Just don't get rid of the energy regain while in rift and we're cool. Limbo needs that energy regain anyway since abilities like Banish drains it in seconds. either get rid of it and give him more energy capacity or just don't remove it at all >_>

Not to mention it supports your team in a way when they can get free energy inside the rift with no problems

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They said the cap is for performance reasons which I'm sure is true but it's also to keep limbo from being OP. If they're gonna shutdown our powers than at least allow the Riftwalk so we can wait it out if necessary and I'm good. They didn't take away (as far as I know) any powers so I'm cool with everything else. 

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On 2/22/2017 at 4:42 PM, ashrah said:

i am ok with that to frame be squishy   if have good skill set like  loki for example...and even after this rework we still cant pick up... orbs items so more or less he will have same problems... and on high lvl go out of rift... is  risk to go down 80% of time

From the footage that we have he was picking up loot in the Cataclysm which is the most important part of loot pick up. He doesn't need to be able to pick it up when he is in the rift by himself due to the amount of energy he can get.

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1 minute ago, ChameleonBro said:

From the footage that we have he was picking up loot in the Cataclysm which is the most important part of loot pick up. He doesn't need to be able to pick it up when he is in the rift by himself due to the amount of energy he can get.

u can get energy on many wayes u can climb on places where enemy cant hit u and pop up some plates...as long we have frames like nyx walking imortal mod why not give limbo utility

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Just now, ashrah said:

u can get energy on many wayes u can climb on places where enemy cant hit u and pop up some plates...as long we have frames like nyx walking imortal mod why not give limbo utility

That is something I can completely agree on. If Nyx can be pretty much immortal why not give Limbo the utility.

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