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equinox is NOT a "she"


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1 minute ago, Rambit23Z said:

Oh boy, this reminds of a certain topic that reached 500 replies in the span of mere hours when someone said:

"The Second Dream isn't canon."

Man, what an adventure that was.

I definitely foresee a lock before 500 on this one.

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12 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

Gender =/= sex

Okay, you got me there! Let me change my posts. I'm glad you haven't lost sight of the overall meaning of the post rather than the smallest thing possible to gnitpick on. Very good.

Edited by Skaleek
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12 minutes ago, Naith said:

Equinox used to be both or at least it was suggested in the devstream, if I remember rightly.

Then it eventually changed as there were discussions on the forums and DE decided to put it to bed. It also confused some people with the order of frames released.

This is correct.

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11 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

And tell that the lizard species who are only females who reproduce without males.

As soon as you use the sex as something that determines ability to reproduce, then sex plays a part in reproduction. Think about it. 

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13 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

Thats... not how it works. Plenty of male operators that play Ember... Plenty of female operators play Rhino.

according to my theory, it only models after the original tenno to occupy the warframe. so the very first tenno to occupy Rhino would be super macho, which causes rhino to be as he is. after that, all the other tenno to use  rhino just use the theming given to him by his original operator.

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3 minutes ago, ZBanx said:

according to my theory, it only models after the original tenno to occupy the warframe. so the very first tenno to occupy Rhino would be super macho, which causes rhino to be as he is. after that, all the other tenno to use  rhino just use the theming given to him by his original operator.

The original tenno to occupy all of my warframes is me. I build them, then i occupy them afterwards. I think you're a little confused as to where our warframes come from. We build them, all except our original starter frame i suppose.

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3 minutes ago, ZBanx said:

according to my theory, it only models after the original tenno to occupy the warframe. so the very first tenno to occupy Rhino would be super macho, which causes rhino to be as he is. after that, all the other tenno to use  rhino just use the theming given to him by his original operator.

That's exactly what it is. Your THEORY. Stop acting like its right. Its only what you think, and one which most of the lore seems to disagree with.

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16 minutes ago, Naith said:

Equinox used to be both or at least it was suggested in the devstream, if I remember rightly.

Then it eventually changed as there were discussions on the forums and DE decided to put it to bed. It also confused some people with the order of frames released.


that's sad.

15 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

And tell that the lizard species who are only females who reproduce without males.

yes, species of lizards who are 100% lesbian exist.

9 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

Oh boy, this reminds of a certain topic that reached 500 replies in the span of mere hours when someone said:

"The Second Dream isn't canon."

Man, what an adventure that was.


someone... someone said that? if second dream is not cannon, then what is? does canon even exist anymore?

9 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I definitely foresee a lock before 500 on this one.

yeah, DE will probably settle it themselves if this post blows up. won't even need to post to feedback if a DE comments on here.

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4 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

The original tenno to occupy all of my warframes is me. I build them, then i occupy them afterwards. I think you're a little confused as to where our warframes come from. We build them, all except our original starter frame i suppose.


but the rhino you built is not the original rhino.

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5 minutes ago, ZBanx said:

but the rhino you built is not the original rhino.

So you're saying one of the original tenno occupied a warframe and it shifted its mass and size to reflect this original tenno, to which then the orokin reproduced this warframe for what purpose and how? I dunno man. I don't subscribe to your theory, sorry! Don't stop theorizing though, you could very well be right, only time and DE will tell.

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How can that even be an issue :D. It's a plattform controlled by an operator through some science-magic-stuff-thing, not a person. It's an object, are you also asking yourself if your trousers have a gender indentity :D? It's not like she ever complained about being called she...


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3 minutes ago, ZBanx said:


The orokin created weapons of war for the Tenno to control and fight with. They certainly didn't create magical machines that adapt to the personality of the Operator.


7 minutes ago, ZBanx said:

yeah, DE will probably settle it themselves if this post blows up. won't even need to post to feedback if a DE comments on here.

What is there for DE to comment about. They've already stated both forms are female, why is that so hard for you to understand.

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4 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

So you're saying one of the original tenno occupied a warframe and it shifted its mass and size to reflect this original tenno, to which then the orokin reproduced this warframe for what purpose and how? I dunno man. I don't subscribe to your theory, sorry! Don't stop theorizing though, you could very well be right, only time and DE will tell.


no, no, no! as in the warframes were deliberately designed to fit the personality of their original tenno.

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21 minutes ago, Rambit23Z said:

Oh boy, this reminds of a certain topic that reached 500 replies in the span of mere hours when someone said:

"The Second Dream isn't canon."

Man, what an adventure that was.

Oh man, I remember that post. God, it was a lot of fun, as fun as arguing with a brick wall could be.

Wish I could find it again.

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5 minutes ago, W3zeer said:

How can that even be an issue :D. It's a plattform controlled by an operator through some science-magic-stuff-thing, not a person. It's an object, are you also asking yourself if your trousers have a gender indentity :D? It's not like she ever complained about being called she...



they aren't people, yet we still refer to them as he or she, not it.

2 minutes ago, Sinanju0608 said:

The orokin created weapons of war for the Tenno to control and fight with. They certainly didn't create magical machines that adapt to the personality of the Operator.


What is there for DE to comment about. They've already stated both forms are female, why is that so hard for you to understand.


see my previous comment.

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Just now, NightBlitz said:

not worth discussing. DE has already stated that she is female in all forms, so accept that and move on with your life. is this really worth the time you're wasting?

6 minutes ago, Sinanju0608 said:

What is there for DE to comment about. They've already stated both forms are female, why is that so hard for you to understand.

Precisely these. The matter at hand has been resolved, why is this continuing?

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