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4 hours ago, Omnijack said:

When i started the game i looked through the list of warframes, decided on valkyr, powered through the game to get her, and played no other frame but her for some 600 hours of gameplay.


19 minutes ago, (Xbox One)InfernusXcanis said:

Had 60% on my old valkyr before i sold her after getting her prime.


4 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

I know that feel, I main Valkyr since her release lol, ofc I switched to the prime when that came out.

3 Valkyrs. I'm not sure what to think, but I'm interested in knowing more about why you all chose her.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:



3 Valkyrs. I'm not sure what to think, but I'm interested in knowing more about why you all chose her.

I chose her because I am often melee focused in every game where I can and she fits me the most in that aspect with her very direct approach. The other reason is her lore, I found it awesome that she even had her own event and I could experience the whole thing :D.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:



3 Valkyrs. I'm not sure what to think, but I'm interested in knowing more about why you all chose her.

The power.

my go to tactic is to find something that's powerful with a single, most often, crucial drawback and make it work.

hysteria is limited to melee, perfect for my playstyle: rush in and kill everyone.

i also researched the frames before even getting the game and considered her as the most suited for my style. Her cat theme played a good part in choosing her. Bought plat straight away, and despite starting with banshee(no regrets with that choice either) and mained her since.


not afraid to die, just dying gets in the way of killing.

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Do you feel it's difficult to accomplish tasks with any other frame, or do you just enjoy playing Oberon, suffer from withdrawal when equipping another, and have a hard time coming out of your comfort zone? If it's the latter, there's really nothing wrong with simply enjoying one frame over others. I can't relate to the former.

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Used to main Excalibur, then fell in love with Nyx...Also I've always been a huge Xforce fan and when Venka P came out I've been maining Valkyr( My sexy X23 :inlove:)...since I can't have a "jedi" frame that is...

But now it all depends on mission type.

Sorties: Loki, Nyx, Valkyr 

Credit farm:  Fast nova

Resources: Nekros..naturally 

Interception: Vuaban 

Endless Corpus: Mag

Everything else Valkyr. 

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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6 hours ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:



3 Valkyrs. I'm not sure what to think, but I'm interested in knowing more about why you all chose her.

When i started the game i was intent on using only melee weapons. I'm pretty proud that i managed to beat all the bosses with only a melee equipped (Galatine for the most part) but i was forced to realise that it was incredibly ineffective and that i'd have to use guns, but that only came later.

I picked valkyr because she is one of the best melee focused warframes and because she is one of my favorites aethetically and lore-wise. I got very used to playing her and she just stuck.

Another draw to her were her stats and powers. My general philosophy to any mission is that the most effective way to win is to murder the F*** out of everything that moves and to not die in the process, strategy is good and all but i'm not really suited for it. I have a bad habit of hardly using my powers no matter what frame i bring so valkyr's great base stats and limited powers were a perfect fit for me. I could go ham with my heavily forma'd equipment, only using powers when i needed to hysteria my way back to full health.

*BONUS REASON* She's also the only frame i've spent real world money on for cosmetics, so i feel a little guilty if i'm not putting that fashion to good use.

Edited by Omnijack
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Valkyr. Was sitting at 78% usage before Prime came, now sitting at 24% of her Prime and growing,, with around 2k hours in-mission time. Reasons, pretty much summed up in the post above. I came here to enjoy the melee aspect of the game. She is the melee-frame, is self-reliant and hell a lot of fun to play. Eternal Warcry Valkyr makes about all melee weapons fun or at least tolerable to play, aside of being such a truckload of fun for a melee'ist like me.

Do I have a problem? No. I just go f.. meta and learn & play the game the way I enjoy it - to me, people who feel the need to dictate what others should or shouldn't play, are the ones having a problem. :)

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Not really.  In regards to frames I play them all fairly regularly.  If I think I'm neglecting one I tab into the 'used' and see which one I've played least.  There are frames I enjoy less than others,but that's often due to personal tastes. I still go back to them to see if I change my mind though.  In regards to weapons Rivens have given weapons I truly like new life they lacked before.  

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Used to overuse mirage, on her glorious day to crash your teammates enemy using explosive weapon (angstrum / glaive) or blinding laser rifle.

Simulor meta doesnt exist (it was shunned upon) due to cc it has. Surprisingly effective (with extra bug with her kit) Mirage+simulor can bypass boss invul randomly.No longer overused though her since everyone used her as sim-nuke with white energy.

Now already switched to Nidus due to his kit more catchy and helpful but with less blinding

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gotta say, I haven't met many who rely on Oberon, but that's no bad thing. if anything, you're one of the ambassadors to that frame, ensuring people know he is still played and not yet forgotten (but arguably in need of a rework)

I try not to rely on anything, but I guess my favouritism towards Rhino means maybe I rely on Iron Skin? I try to change and run different loadouts all the time, but I always come back to Rhino at some point. I'm basically like that one guy at the Buffet who grabs a handful of everything, rather than standing by his favourite food all the time.

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10 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

Do you feel it's difficult to accomplish tasks with any other frame, or do you just enjoy playing Oberon, suffer from withdrawal when equipping another, and have a hard time coming out of your comfort zone? If it's the latter, there's really nothing wrong with simply enjoying one frame over others. I can't relate to the former.

It's difficult to use other warframes.

9 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

... If you've only played the game since last October... How were you playing in July? Does time work in reverse in your universe?

I assumed that it would be understood in this context, and didn't bother to make sure I was technically correct. LOL

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There're about half a dozen frames I use routinely depending on the mission type.  Outside of those six....I'm really quite out of touch with most of the roster.  I usually just boost a new frame to max and shelf it.  I can't remember the last time I sat down and spent more than an hour with a new frame.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Mag, obviously.

I have almost all of the Warframes, basic meta builds on them and a general idea of how to play them, but there are times (many) where I try to use Pull and wind up dead.  More than a few PUG's have gotten on my case when I say "fck this isn't Mag!" after going down. XD

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with specializing.  I used to try to play multiple 'frames just to stay "viable" incase someone wanted something specific, but the longer I play, the less I see it needed.  If you know your frame inside and out, you'll be able to handle just about anything the game can throw at you.

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