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Inaros NEEDS an Augment


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3 minutes ago, Greenshockclaw said:

You clearly don't play inaros

i do. but if you tried to support your point with more than silly assumptions that would be great.

4 minutes ago, Greenshockclaw said:

Can't perform finishers if there's nothing to finish

try to be a little faster than a snail then.

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So yeah, Inaros' Augments.

Desiccation - staggers and blinds already, very negligible damage and HP gain almost not worth mentioning.

Any Inaros worth his salt has Rage, so energy is never an issue. His kit and even the passive grant more than enough ways to heal, an Augment for those would just increase the redundancy. Give him something new for his 1.

Devour - utterly useless as a health pick-me-up for teammates (they'll just kill it on sight). Sand Shadows never see the light of day beyond low-mid levels enemies. Good single target disable with long duration however. More of a feast for Inaros himself most times.

Here's one: enemy in quicksand is invulnerable to outside damage (but not Sandstorm and Sarcophagus damage). It stores damage dealt to it, which will all be instantly dealt when a player attempts to drain or when Devour duration ends. Healing from Devour matches the damage dealt to the target. Sand Shadows can spawn if the target dies from drain and the stored damage.

Scarab Swarm - more armor is always good. Healing falls off hard because it matches damage dealt, high level enemies turn this into another negligible Desiccation heal over time. Nice CC though if you can line em up and combo with Sandstorm.

Another one: can be directly cast on allies and can spread to allies (and Inaros) from swarm hosts, granting bonus armour and allowing them to spread scarabs to enemies.

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2 hours ago, aligatorno said:

If we include Hysteria and Defy, then yes, Wukong and Valkyr are above Inaros as is Nyx. If we are talking about pure Tankiness, EHP and all that, Chroma and Inaros are neck in neck together at the top, Followed by Nidus, Valkyr, Mesa, Rhino and Nekros. 

This guy got it right . 

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honestly, Inaros has the problem of his powers being a bit too good for augments. his first move alone blinds, opens enemies to finishers, CC's AND synergises well with his passive, it pretty much does all it need., and it's 10x better than the 1 power on so many other frames. for it to do anything else would be a bit much for some I reckon. once you get to his other powers though, Augments could potentially prove useful:

- Devour already grants invincibility and massive heals, so anything health related is off the table. I would like to see Sand Shadows get an upgrade though, maybe have partially eaten foes converted to friendlies and run around with decaying health or something. it would still be a bit niche, but I can't think of much else that devour needs improving on.

- Sandstorm already has an augment, and I'm not sure how useful it is, if at all.

- Scarab armour protects Inaros, and can CC and heal teammates when deployed on an enemy. problem is that I never really have a good reason to let go of Scarab armour; it seems more profitable to just keep it at 100%, and even if teammates go down, I can easily revive them due to my extra tankiness, and if a Trinity is there, any other forms of healing are made redundant.

I do have an Idea for scarab armour though, in a similar concept to Nezha's Aug for Warding Halo: the augment would allow allies who feast on scarab'd enemies to not only heal themselves, but also obtain some Scarab armour for themselves, maybe 25% per enemy, provided they are fully consumed. either that, or have enemies affected by it become a quicksand trap that greatly slows enemies over an area, to give players a valid reason (in the form of effective CC) to sacrifice and then rebuild their scarab armor

I think Inaros' augments should reward players for taking chunks out of their own health and energy pools for the good of the team, and give him a risk/reward play style of "should I cast and risk death for my teammates or keep the armour for myself and let them suffer?", as opposed to the "put armour on and done" playstyle he is now.

and best of all, this would revolve around augments, so it would be OPTIONAL: those who just want him for tanking can continue to do so.


Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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9 hours ago, aligatorno said:

So efficient / well designed = broken now? 


Yup which is exactly why Nidus got nerfed which was basically nonsensical parroting/hive mind mentality.


Well designed and efficient in the communities etc (generalizing) is broken and needs a nerf.



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3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

honestly, Inaros has the problem of his powers being a bit too good for augments. his first move alone blinds, opens enemies to finishers, CC's AND synergises well with his passive, it pretty much does all it need., and it's 10x better than the 1 power on so many other frames. for it to do anything else would be a bit much for some I reckon. once you get to his other powers though, Augments could potentially prove useful:

- Devour already grants invincibility and massive heals, so anything health related is off the table. I would like to see Sand Shadows get an upgrade though, maybe have partially eaten foes converted to friendlies and run around with decaying health or something. it would still be a bit niche, but I can't think of much else that devour needs improving on.

- Sandstorm already has an augment, and I'm not sure how useful it is, if at all.

- Scarab armour protects Inaros, and can CC and heal teammates when deployed on an enemy. problem is that I never really have a good reason to let go of Scarab armour; it seems more profitable to just keep it at 100%, and even if teammates go down, I can easily revive them due to my extra tankiness, and if a Trinity is there, any other forms of healing are made redundant.

I do have an Idea for scarab armour though, in a similar concept to Nezha's Aug for Warding Halo: the augment would allow allies who feast on scarab'd enemies to not only heal themselves, but also obtain some Scarab armour for themselves, maybe 25% per enemy, provided they are fully consumed. either that, or have enemies affected by it become a quicksand trap that greatly slows enemies over an area, to give players a valid reason (in the form of effective CC) to sacrifice and then rebuild their scarab armor

I think Inaros' augments should reward players for taking chunks out of their own health and energy pools for the good of the team, and give him a risk/reward play style of "should I cast and risk death for my teammates or keep the armour for myself and let them suffer?", as opposed to the "put armour on and done" playstyle he is now.

and best of all, this would revolve around augments, so it would be OPTIONAL: those who just want him for tanking can continue to do so.


Honestly, the only thing Inaros needs is his Coffin to deal far better percentage based damage to enemies, so he can actually revive himself and follow Nidus into the whole "never dying" aspect of the two of them. That, and it shouldn't steal health from allies, that's super irritating to randomly die due to an Inaros and not even have him revive. His 1 is fine, his 2 is good due to the invulnerability, his 3 is a nice "oh crud" button and his 4 is great for CC and locking down enemies. As for the Augment, it's not bad, but honestly, due to it's energy consumption, it's just not practical. If the Augment reduced its energy consumption by half of it's original cost, I could see it being far better for Armor shred and crowd control.


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Got another augment idea for Devour:


Devour augment - when cast by holding, Devour now traps its target in the Sarcophagus and no longer draws the target to Inaros. Players gazing at the Sarcophagus automatically drain the target. Sand Shadow will spawn when the target is killed via drain by any player. Only 1 Sarcophagus at a time; recasting via hold will trap the new target in the Sarcophagus while freeing the old target. Tap-cast still traps targets in quicksand normally.

Always wanted the Sarcophagus to be an ability when they first teased it before showing us Inaros. Maybe an augment can help with that.

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I really wish they'd start pumping out more threads for mods in the design council.  I'd like to a plethora of options for each frame.  Then some unique mod slots specifically for them.  I think it could really create some unique frame setups and allow players to get more creative.  

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