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Why Zephyr


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- her 1 has occasional use on wider maps, problem is there isn't many of them. I like using Tailwind to reach good vantage points for sniping or to survey the area, but Bullet jump generally covers most verticality-based needs.

- Divebomb is the least useful, since you have to be in the air for it to be used anyway. it's not a particularly powerful or large AoE, and plenty other frames have something better.

- Turbulence is definitely her best and most useful skill, essentially a better version of Mesa's Shatter shield. if this gets touched in a rework, there WILL be salt.

- Tornadoes are mediocre CC, the elemental thing they have is a cool gimmick, but I've never seen a corrosive tornado kill an Armored enemy any quicker than a fire tornado.

what Zephyr needs is a rework, plain and simple: make her 1, 2 and 4 more useful, leave her 3 as it is, and most of all - GIVE HER THE ABILITY TO FLY!

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- her 1 has occasional use on wider maps, problem is there isn't many of them. I like using Tailwind to reach good vantage points for sniping or to survey the area, but Bullet jump generally covers most verticality-based needs.

- Divebomb is the least useful, since you have to be in the air for it to be used anyway. it's not a particularly powerful or large AoE, and plenty other frames have something better.

- Turbulence is definitely her best and most useful skill, essentially a better version of Mesa's Shatter shield. if this gets touched in a rework, there WILL be salt.

- Tornadoes are mediocre CC, the elemental thing they have is a cool gimmick, but I've never seen a corrosive tornado kill an Armored enemy any quicker than a fire tornado.

what Zephyr needs is a rework, plain and simple: make her 1, 2 and 4 more useful, leave her 3 as it is, and most of all - GIVE HER THE ABILITY TO FLY!

Flying is for archwings. No need to give a frame an ability to fly when we already have godlike parkour maneuvers.

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3 hours ago, xXxBeasTxXx said:

In the right hands yes. Still i do get tired of having to revive volt players all the time. But lets ignore my volt comment this is about zephyr being completely useless frame. 

I never ever sell frames after i lvl them, but this will be a first, not worth the inventory slot

For me, Volt is one of the best Frames for speed running and CC. Plus, Volt Prime is pretty much my solution to everything.


As for Zephyr, she need more buff than a rework. Her Tornados need a buff to their status Chance. Her Divebomb and Tailwind need more CC such as ragdolling enemies and be capable of being used in the ground. Turbulence is so powerful that it pretty much negates the reasons not to use her.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Ginger Bruhv said:

Flying is for archwings. No need to give a frame an ability to fly when we already have godlike parkour maneuvers.

Godlike parkour you say? If it is so "Godlike" like you say, then why does no one use any of it beyond bullet jump? Oh right, most of the tilesets in game are counterintuitive to Parkour 2.0.

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24 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Godlike parkour you say? If it is so "Godlike" like you say, then why does no one use any of it beyond bullet jump? Oh right, most of the tilesets in game are counterintuitive to Parkour 2.0.

"no one use any of it beyond bullet jump"

Who do you play with, special ed kids? A ton of people don't bullet jump, there are faster alternatives. You should know.

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I'm an avid Zephyr user. I find her perfect for damage+ sorties with max range turbulence deflecting everything incoming. The first skill is insane movement speed, especially when you need to get to a downed player who is normally out of reach. The second skill, normally sucks, however a couple of mods change that. Augment pulls in enemies in the area, max range makes this pretty big AoE, then pop in the heavy landing mod and you get a triple CC combination that stacks. Keeping the entire pile all clustered around you for fast killing. The forth skill. Indeed it is good when you need to rex and don't want melee guys coming up and tearing into the lightly armored frame. 


Use some imagination, a bit of ingenuity, you can undo alot of stuff with combinations.


Now that said, Zephyr could use a bit of love to make her fit for the new Parkour setup.

She's lightweight, give her a passive that extends her wall hangtime.

Add a shockwave effect to the first skill, doing damage within a certain range with an added knockdown effect. Fly through the crowds and send them toppling.

The second skill has her doing a crash landing... a bit painful in my mind. Change it to a hover skill, draining energy while Zephyr hangs in the air. No movement unless she uses the first skill but giving her a birds eye view from above. 

Turbulence, fine the way it is. Will protect her while she hovers in the air making it a perfect defence for an areal sniper. =3

The tornado's.. they do some decent CC... unless you use that worthless augment. Removing the CC to make smaller tornado's that do bubkus for damage. Instead of splitting them up, why not make one heluva sized tornado that sucks enemies into it and does some serious damage as they slam repeatedly into each other. The bigger enemies dealing more damage than the smaller ones. 

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5 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

Some warframe are hard to mastery but still good...

It's more like :

1) Not really good for moving since parkour 2.0 but useful to knockdown enemis. You also can't take damages during the power, so useful to evade.

2) Not really useful in every situation but like the first one, really good to knowdown enemis but also fall down rapidely because it's the faster way currently. This one also make you invincible.

3) One of the best shield in the game because let you take less damages but also reflect projectiles, so useful against heavy units like bombards.

4) Great CC and damages. The tornado taking damages on your weapons make them very flexible because adapt to your equiped mods, generally choosen depending on the facing enemis if you are player an high level mission.

Honestly, she needs her 1 and 2 to be put together, get a new ability for her 2, and have her 4 pool together and spawn in one spot, so we can somewhat control and shoot at whatever her CC is affecting. Then she'll be just fine, well, in my opinion anyways, haha.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Ginger Bruhv said:

"no one use any of it beyond bullet jump"

Who do you play with, special ed kids? A ton of people don't bullet jump, there are faster alternatives. You should know.

Er, sorry mate, but what?

If you know how to properly Bullet Jump, you can go ffaarr faster than any other moving method, especially with Exilus Mods. Adding onto that, Zephyr's Passive gives you plenty of time to get the most out of your Bullet Jumps.

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12 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Er, sorry mate, but what?

If you know how to properly Bullet Jump, you can go ffaarr faster than any other moving method, especially with Exilus Mods. Adding onto that, Zephyr's Passive gives you plenty of time to get the most out of your Bullet Jumps.

Bullet jumping on Xbox is pressing left button and A at the same time, correct? Spam it, and it's not considered bullet jumping anymore. It's more of a outburst, and it doesn't give the bullet jump animation.

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33 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Ginger Bruhv said:

Bullet jumping on Xbox is pressing left button and A at the same time, correct? Spam it, and it's not considered bullet jumping anymore. It's more of a outburst, and it doesn't give the bullet jump animation.

Emphasis on "properly". You have to time your jumps to get the most out of a Bullet Jump, that's kind of a given.

Edited by (XB1)Graysmog
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10 hours ago, xXxBeasTxXx said:

Short and simple

Why spend time on frames that are "ok" reworking them when Zephyr is what it is.

1 is useless

2 is useless

3 No comment

4 is useless

passive is just anoying but thats my personal openion.

Plz de get to work

I agree that the passive is bad but...

1# It has its uses. Like when you pick up a bomb against the raptors and need to get to the other side of the room in 5 sec.

2# Don't know if it's useless, I never use it.

3# One of the strongest defenses in the game.

4# Useful when you have to defend a room that is getting swarmed with strong enemies from multiple sides.


Her 1, 3 and 4 scales nicely into endgame.

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10 hours ago, xXxBeasTxXx said:

In the right hands yes. Still i do get tired of having to revive volt players all the time. But lets ignore my volt comment this is about zephyr being completely useless frame. 

I never ever sell frames after i lvl them, but this will be a first, not worth the inventory slot

We're all ok, she needs a rework.


But if you are useless in a game while playing Zephyr, it's not the frame fault... But yours.

When you exagerate to much things to make a point, you're just proving how much you really know the game

Edited by Xgomme
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1. does what it's used for, short and simple. Obviously it's not meant for every map.

2. meh, not sure about damage aspect since I never modded enough strength to use this. I'd only use this to get to the ground faster but there's melee ground slam too. Imo, should be merged with her 1. Point towards the ground.

4. decent cc with enough duration, but damage sucks. Great for defending objectives, reviving fallen teammates, etc. It's also the oh shet panic button for zephyrs. Unless they can somehow improve this, leave it as is. Instead, improve the augment which completely removes the purpose of this skill being for crowd control especially when damage still sucks with augment.


Overall, it's just her 2 that's lacking. I'd want her 2 to be combined with 1, and have a new ability. Either to fly like Titania or maybe summon a tornado at where we're aiming.

Edited by SunsetChaos
accidentally pressed enter
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Zephyr is one of my favourite frames.


I'm going to go back to a saying I keep having to bring up, there are no bad frames, only bad players.


It's not zephyr that sucks, it's the one controlling her. 


Not only one of the most mobile frames but also one of the tankiest. 

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Well, there are many reasonable points to criticize Zehpyr as implemented now:

-Bullet Jumps have made Zephyrs 1 more marginal, especially considering how nice Bullet Jump combines with Zephyr's passive.

-DiveBomb has always been rather marginal and every new CC skill overshadows it more. By now, I mostly use it to clear Sapping Osprey mines.

-Not being able to shoot through Tornados is a rather awkward side effect of the status loading gimmick.


But there are also good reasons to love the frame:

-It's fast as hell

-Turbulence is one of the best damage avoidance abilities in Warframe

-God-tier fashion frame


All the OP does is showing how to undermine his own points with excessive hyperbole.

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Another one of those players who can't see beyond "their likes" and labels something as useless. I can do sorties with Zephyr and she's hella fun once you learn how the game works. Does she need some love from DE, yes, but is she useless: NO!


Seriously its so lazy to just write her off. 

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Another one of those players who can't see beyond "their likes" and labels something as useless. I can do sorties with Zephyr and she's hella fun once you learn how the game works. Does she need some love from DE, yes, but is she useless: NO!


Seriously its so lazy to just write her off. 

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I wish we could recast the tornados.

Her first ability is garbage by the fact that any map that I want to use it I reset out of the map anyway. Her number one can launch you so frickking high if you build for it and you can just orbit and shoot. But the maps screw that all up. It fun on secura Pluto  

The old Draco map had a tower in the middle you could get that high and sniper. now it resets you before you hit the top. 

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