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I miss the days where this game took more skill to play


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you get this kind of salty thread about ember killing all enemies in the game from salty people almost every week.

Ember has been nerfed to oblivion, I actually feel bad for the frame.

TBH I don't mind an WoF ember or QuakeShee every now and then especially when I'm leveling multiple weapons at the same time.

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Let's return to damage 1.0 where all the weapons were best weapons and what you needed was only the rainbow build, with puncture  ignoring armor and the elements were only 4 and they all procd 100% of the timeand where enemies were slow motion burning paralyzed  while takin toxin damage that ignores armor 

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I try not to scum up a mission, if possible. Like when using the Zenistar in Akkad, I'll throw the disk closer to the entrance on either the left or right of the defense point. Never in the middle, because I feel it will take away from the others. I just like to think of it as taking my own little slice and leave the rest of the map to the others.

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On 3/12/2017 at 8:39 PM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

well its nice to know i was totally wrong to air my complaints or views about this game that i've been playing for years now just to be completely shut down 

ok so heres my take  on  this listen most warframe players..most are adults>meaning they have life..work ..problems etc warframe is their quick distraction place where they can have some fun so during the limited time they have(from work etc) they or even me would rather use say ember/ignis then something like the dread or some other OP but slow paced weapons because at low lvls you can kill alot get more resources etc this a game about grinding this was made 100% when they released HEMA!  and lot less about skills this game your up against endless amounts of enimies so making Enimies More skillfull wilth endless numbers and just 4 of you and with most AOE weapons getting nerfed...youll be rekt in 2 seconds and as far as i know this game never was skill focused and is NOW kind of skill focus and More then it was before so idk what you mean by when this game was "before" and as far as i know ember was overly used since the begining and and had to get her range nerfed ...so you saying people use her MORE now just shows are unresearched you are when you made this >.>

Edited by ShadowStalker
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Until Leyou think this game is too stagnant and saturated, they might push competitive esport into it to gain sponsors... 

But Powercreep loot rain horde mode won't lose its charm easily, consider it has driven wf for 4 years. Play other games while waiting for balanced challenges I guess? 

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I've been here from the beginning and there has always been a one button push solution to clear content. The flavors may change from month to month, but the nutritional value has always been the same. 

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On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 7:59 AM, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

OP you want a game that takes skill

Then you want 2d:

- battletoads

-street fight 3rd strike (hardest difficulty)

or get a PC:

-EVE online

-Star Craft brood war

-Dota 2


-Dark souls and bloodborne

* good luck to the OP




You forgot Ninja Gaiden series.  :D  I'll also add in the Tenchu series. 

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On 3/12/2017 at 9:47 AM, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

nowadays you have frames that you turn a power on and run wild and let that power auto kill everything in the mission, this takes no skill and doesn't seem to have any downside.

this also becomes a burden for other teammates trying to kill stuff for their own fun and leveling weapons and such. I myself enjoy the game when i didn't have a squad mate who would use Embers world on fire, Banshee sound quake,Mirage+Simulor

these types of frames or weapons tend to get real boring or annoying seeing this stuff in 90% of random groups and don't say run with clan mates since most of mine quit and it's a small clan to start with some our labs most stuff is cheap to make. before my clan mates went inactive we each specialized in 2-3 frames each and we almost never had doubles of frames so better synergy.

there is a lot of AOE related frames but only a handful you turn the powers on and kill everything really and along with banshee,ember,mirage, pre-nerf mesa's peacemaker 

the other AOE related frames tend to be manual use powers you use the power pay the energy cost each time it kills stuff rinse repeat this is balanced and fair most of the frames i have do this and some have a CC effect to help the squad when things get a chaotic.

Most likely someone will reply with git good or quit or something, or more likely say that the players i group in randoms that have these frames are more effective at killing but are they really ? when you turn a power on and just stand or run around and you don't have to aim and kill everything seems pretty lazy way to play and i do have the frames but i hardly use them i do forma them and level them for builds i have but again they don't take a lot of skill to play and don't seem like fun when you think you may be kill stealing from people trying to level something.

I'd like to see a squad filter for what frames you want in a squad or don't want in a squad so you do or don't wanna play with certain frames, the results may vary but could add more enjoyment and don't ask me how this would work out exactly i don't work for DE.

 the vote to kick system players have been wanting for awhile for that one afk jerkoff mooching kills. 


out of the frames i own the most used would be

Nova Prime-Fast/Slow Nova builds with anti-matter drop aug

Frost Prime-Snow Globe build with Snow Globe aug

Vauban Prime-Bastille/vortex  build 

Loki Prime-stealth duration build

Hydroid-farmdroid build with pilfer aug

I look at these frames as more utility in most cases because i usually pick them for certain mission types 


the frames i have

Ash Prime,


Banshee Prime

Ember Prime


Frost Prime




Loki Prime


Nekros Prime



Nova Prime

Nyx Prime

Rhino Prime

Saryn Prime


Valkyr Prime

Vauban Prime

Volt Prime


it's a grind game, this skill thing people bring up, is non existant, it's who can grind the fastest, there will always be a meta, if one meta thing get's changed another will take its place, it is the nature of games with grind, maximizing how fast you can grind is what most people do

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1 hour ago, Proxy345 said:

Does anyone really expect a horde shooting arcade game to take skill? lol

Warframe isn't an arcade game.

Yeah, people do expect to see a degree of skill involved. DE has cited Left 4 Dead IIRC, a horder shooting game, as one of their inspirations before and that requires a degree of skill + teamwork. In Warframe, it simply takes one well-geared/crutch-wielding player to eliminate all teamwork, co-op, and difficulty in almost all content. You can't do that in Left 4 Dead, as it is very important to work together with your squad, if you don't your survival chances drop significantly.

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1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

Warframe isn't an arcade game.

Yeah, people do expect to see a degree of skill involved. DE has cited Left 4 Dead IIRC, a horder shooting game, as one of their inspirations before and that requires a degree of skill + teamwork. In Warframe, it simply takes one well-geared/crutch-wielding player to eliminate all teamwork, co-op, and difficulty in almost all content. You can't do that in Left 4 Dead, as it is very important to work together with your squad, if you don't your survival chances drop significantly.

take all of your mods off your weapons and warframe, play solo, do a sortie with mk1 series, there you go, difficulty.

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Bortis Badtouch said:

take all of your mods off your weapons and warframe, play solo, do a sortie with mk1 series, there you go, difficulty.

There are some problems with your suggestion. 

1. Warframe is a co-op game. If i wanted a single-player experience, i'd play one of those games.

2. A player shouldn't have to gimp themselves for challenge, it should be provided by the devs.

3. All of the above.


You can equip all of your maxed out mods, set up all your macros or w/e, play solo for reduced spawns, and do some base Mercury missions with some broken weapon. There you go, zero difficulty as i assume your prefer.

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I still want those continuous AoE as "% of life" damages, so you'll debuff mobs with your WoF, Maim (aura part), Spores, SQ, etc,etc... But you'll not instakill everything, you'll have a scalling debuff, and you'll have to use the other abilities of the frame to actually kill the low life mobs.


The run and die thingy is kinda annoying me too.

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yeah warframe hasnt changed much skillwise.

think the problem is that u guys base ur opinions on watching old videos of ppl that just started playing.



2013 defence 100 waves 

2014 7 hour survival 


2014 farming 

2013 volts shield+synapse 

and theres much more like 

god mode trin

tank ember

good ol miasma



so yeah, not much has changed..and thats a good thing.

Edited by -Neffy-
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8 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

There are some problems with your suggestion. 

1. Warframe is a co-op game. If i wanted a single-player experience, i'd play one of those games.

2. A player shouldn't have to gimp themselves for challenge, it should be provided by the devs.

3. All of the above.


You can equip all of your maxed out mods, set up all your macros or w/e, play solo for reduced spawns, and do some base Mercury missions with some broken weapon. There you go, zero difficulty as i assume your prefer.

Agree with all your points.

I do have to note however, that a lot of the meta-builds out there cater to the lowest common denominator and hence these people are going to be very strident about losing access to exploits and loopholes that enable them to play the game with a minimum of competence or engagement.

That said, i'm not sure if nerfing and balances are the way to go. Those aforementioned incompetents will always gravitate to whatever exploitative mechanic available, we need an significant change to warframe's underlying mechanics.

The measure that i'd prefer, is for the game to dynamically adjust existing reward mechanics according to how enemies are killed, with benefits for technically challenging feats and penalties for players who choose to take the easy road. An example below:

  • A headshot from a non-automatic projectile weapon for example, might yield the highest affinity/resource/credit/mod rarity drop, perhaps pegged at 500% of the current value. Or otherwise provide the highest chance of yielding a good riven from sorties for example. 
  • Kills from hit-scan automatic weapons would have moderate rewards or yields.
  • Kills scored through indiscriminate area of effect weapons like the tonkors, or the equivalent warframe abilities, like WoF, would yield perhaps 5%-10% of the current drop quantities and the lowest possible tier of riven mods.

A change as described above would remove the benefit that supposedly drives people into using idiot-proof AoE builds, and allow players obsessed about efficiency, but otherwise wanting to play the game as so claimed, to move away from such playstyles and more towards what DE might have envisioned.

There are also economic benefits to this sort of a change, something like this would very likely end large volume farming by veterans and allow newer players to acquire resources, credits and mods at a rate that does not require for them to be carried. Overall this might enable DE to avoid setting excessively high build/research requirements for future items *cough* hema *cough*, given that the inflow of resources into the game economy would take a sharp and drastic hit, since the drooling masses are no longer able to easily and readily farm. 

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Remember when Ancients in general were a huge threat? Getting near a Toxic Ancient could shred you a new one even with Rhino or Frost and Disruption Ancients practically flashbanged you AND took away all your energy with a single hook.

Nowadays the only remnant of OP Ancients is the Tanky as Hell Healer Ancient, so it's nice to see that their legacy is continued in some way today. 

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12 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

There are some problems with your suggestion. 

1. Warframe is a co-op game. If i wanted a single-player experience, i'd play one of those games.

2. A player shouldn't have to gimp themselves for challenge, it should be provided by the devs.

3. All of the above.


You can equip all of your maxed out mods, set up all your macros or w/e, play solo for reduced spawns, and do some base Mercury missions with some broken weapon. There you go, zero difficulty as i assume your prefer.

i run pugs all the time, and no i don't really care about what other people do, this "challenge" you speak of, it is a horde shooter with a heavy emphasis on grinding, people are going to take the easiest route possible, here are some suggestions for difficulty:

super house of dead ninjas

salt and sanctuary

the dark souls series

the witcher 3 ( hard difficulty)

hollow knight

have fun torturing yourself with challenge =D

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3 hours ago, DestroyerOmega said:

Remember when Ancients in general were a huge threat? Getting near a Toxic Ancient could shred you a new one even with Rhino or Frost and Disruption Ancients practically flashbanged you AND took away all your energy with a single hook.

Nowadays the only remnant of OP Ancients is the Tanky as Hell Healer Ancient, so it's nice to see that their legacy is continued in some way today. 

Yeah because having your sentinel die in 1 second was always fun, toxic ancients got their passive aoe poison nerfed because it was beyond silly.

Ancients were a big threat, but the way they were handled wasn't particularly good.

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On April 9, 2017 at 4:40 PM, (Xbox One)Bortis Badtouch said:

i run pugs all the time, and no i don't really care about what other people do, this "challenge" you speak of, it is a horde shooter with a heavy emphasis on grinding, people are going to take the easiest route possible, here are some suggestions for difficulty:

super house of dead ninjas

salt and sanctuary

the dark souls series

the witcher 3 ( hard difficulty)

hollow knight

have fun torturing yourself with challenge =D


Anything that isn't challenging won't last. If players aren't given harder challenges, they get bored. Those are some hard games, which is what made them hits. Even Dark Souls gets easy when a player sticks with it and continues to actively get better.

 A lot of this game would be more interesting if strategy were bigger at play at higher levels. Keep the low levels as the horde. Make the higher levels management of horde centric. Vantage points shouldn't be a room with only one way in. That just doesn't make sense as a strategic point, and the game is more fun when the squad actively has to work together to hold the dogs at bay.

I don't think just nerfing everything will work, but to make someone's argument absurd by referencing the game type is ridiculous. Take a look at Left for Dead, albeit Valve, it's not a game you can expect to last long staying still, you will die many times before you get a hang on with the limited arsenal and traps you are given access to... but it's fun when you are finally able to run through on the hardest difficulty because the challenge is rewarding.

When your Frames, Weapons, and Focuses are maxed, you shouldn't be left without a challenge, the game should keep going to new unknowns. Maxing MR and equipment should only be the first half of the game, after that, the gates of hell should open to a new chapter of learning new and better ways to play.

I'm also in favor of a smarter AI. They make a lot of dumb decisions, especially in sizes of, arrangements of, and time between mob squads. 

What I mean: For instance, Nullifiers are typically flanking with Oxmium Ausprey and Crewman. It would make more sense, since this is an uncommon mob to have Sapping Ausprey and Attack Drones with nullifiers from the Corpus perspective. Grineer Scorpions come out ahead of Elite Lancers, Bombards, and Scorches instead of being protected by the heavier units to drag them in. I know they are Grineer, but predator satiation isn't working as their battle tactic. The infested are the smartest overall, although it's hard to determine the true AI value of them because they horde out with all different types.

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