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Balance Pass: Answer to DE


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I was quite impressed you finally decided to change tonkor protection to make it like EVERY OTHER grenade/missile launcher, but sadly i saw you took a step back (surely you got a lot of crying post about it). I just want to make a call to common sense, if tonkor is keeping a protection to player to avoid shooting your partner´s shoulder and killing you why not aplying that to the rest, zarr, ogris etc, I have to admit that saying you are going to change it and the last day saying you are not is quite insulting. Also i would like to hear other players opinions. I know this looks like a rage post, but since DE posted they are stepping back and then closed the topic i started this one.

 Have a nice day.

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Just now, NinthAria said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Zarr and the Ogris both have charge times and the Penta requires manual detonation. The Tonkor has much less room for accident prevention as things currently stand.

Zarr doesn't have a charge mechanic.

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3 minutes ago, Syln said:

legit or put a damage cap (100 for instance) or just get rid of self damage :p

Then some Frames with low health get hurt more by it then Frames with high health.
Why not cap it at a percentage of the Frames effective HP. Maybe 50%.

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Imho the least thing they should do is to let the grenades (etc.) pass through allies. I've often killed my friend because I ran in front of him.

But then again, pinning Talons on squad mates and sending them into a crowd full of enemies is fun too.^^

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they need to  reduce self dmg... only frame that can survive..hit is croma i hit self with 6 forma secura penta.. leave me on maybe 200 hp lol..but any other frame would get down insta..self dmg makes wepons hard to use in team play cz if anyone jump in front of u  ..and that is common thing... u kill self or u must camp.. on boxes entire game

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3 minutes ago, Ventura_Highway said:

I'd argue that you're capable of choosing when Talons explode anyways.

My point was that currently it is easy to kill/troll people with self damaging weapons (not all, I know) by being in front of them. Therefore I proposed for the grenades (etc) to pass through allies even though there are circumstances where pinning stuff on allies can help.

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21 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Zarr and the Ogris both have charge times and the Penta requires manual detonation. The Tonkor has much less room for accident prevention as things currently stand.

Zarr doesn´t have charge time, but the alt mode kind of helps on close combat situation. 

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38 minutes ago, HitokiriGuille said:

I was quite impressed you finally decided to change tonkor protection to make it like EVERY OTHER grenade/missile launcher, but sadly i saw you took a step back (surely you got a lot of crying post about it). I just want to make a call to common sense, if tonkor is keeping a protection to player to avoid shooting your partner´s shoulder and killing you why not aplying that to the rest, zarr, ogris etc, I have to admit that saying you are going to change it and the last day saying you are not is quite insulting. Also i would like to hear other players opinions. I know this looks like a rage post, but since DE posted they are stepping back and then closed the topic i started this one.

 Have a nice day.

didnt they remove self damage from the Zarr not to long ago? Which i thought was silly because the thing is mean to be a long shot. Ogris is a charge weapon that shoots in a straight line.

I dont know why people were so intent on self damage for the Tonkor when that weapon was super bad when it came to hitting enemies. That thing is basically a torid where all the damage comes from one grenade.

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1 hour ago, tsoa said:

My point was that currently it is easy to kill/troll people with self damaging weapons (not all, I know) by being in front of them. Therefore I proposed for the grenades (etc) to pass through allies even though there are circumstances where pinning stuff on allies can help.

And I figured that since one willfully chooses when Talon/Penta/Castanas detonate and have nice shiny lights on them that they shouldn't need that.

Though there are weapons where that feature would be useful, and consistency should be valued, I reason. Therefore perhaps this is fine.

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51 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Zarr and the Ogris both have charge times and the Penta requires manual detonation. The Tonkor has much less room for accident prevention as things currently stand.

The Penta kills you very efficently:

- letal comeback, your grenades have a suspicious tendency in bouncing right back in your face from wathever contact with the surrounding world.

- said grenades do a lot of damage themselves without need of exploding and can headshot

- armed grenades aenearly invisible on the ground and usually under your feet when you detonate the ones that you actually see

- usually with a penta i try to aim for airburst explosions so as to headshot enemies, this means detonating yust after launch... if someone crossess before your sights, well tough luck


Speaking of Zarr: when we'll see the same criteria applied on the kulstar? i.e. self damage only from main projectile and not from the bomblets it scatters around?

Edited by Ikusias
added comment abour kulstar
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I think just the opposite. The Zarr bomblets should do self damage. Actually, i think that should be all the launchers or none at all.

The thing with the Tonkor is that the weapon has been like that (no self damage) for a very long time. The change should happen long ago so people wouldn't 

invest so much in it, and now probably way less people would complain and rant about it.

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bombing enemies is fun

self damage is no fun all blast weapons should be no self damage instead

simulor drops damage in high lvl as brought it in sortie and do very low dmg

it is mirage combo that makes it op and only only on lower lvls

almost all weapons are op in lower lvls if formad and orokined imo

thanks de for ruining the fun.

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45 minutes ago, fibrizz0 said:

I think just the opposite. The Zarr bomblets should do self damage. Actually, i think that should be all the launchers or none at all.

The thing with the Tonkor is that the weapon has been like that (no self damage) for a very long time. The change should happen long ago so people wouldn't 

invest so much in it, and now probably way less people would complain and rant about it.

That is what i mean all or none. But saying that they will change it and then say no and step back it's insulting, you don't say hey we gonna change this and then oh better not.

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