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Let Me Get This Straight...Tonkor "Nerf"


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16 hours ago, Gaki_no_Tsukai said:

Let's not leave out, the synoid simulor nerf now has the FUN aspect, the vortexes, removed, and is left with a gimpy little secondary fire explosion, talk about FUNNNNN...

Not only that, Cephalon Suda is now utter trash tier, the main weapon has now been nerfed into oblivion, the gammacore was ALREADY nerfed into oblivion months and months ago, and the heliocore came out as trash, and has remained trash.

Welp, if people want to be salty over something as trifling as the simulor, I guess it's time to put the troll pants on and see just how salty I can make groups. Mirage sonicor spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage azima sprinkler spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage spam in general? Oh yes. Slowva spam on farming missions? YOU BETCHA. Maybe a little vauban jump jet spam? I think people will enjoy being launched, to their death. A little sound quake tickle to keep enemies at the edge of the map? Yes, yes, YES. Oh, I know, time to just repeatedly kill myself with a grenade launcher? Let the group rez me or let me die? Sounds like a plan. Oh I am going to give people something to *@##$ about, let the games begin.

dont forget to put the brightest color you place on a weapon.

may the salt be with you.

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5 hours ago, Sahansral said:

Criticism where criticism is due, but all this whine and salt about peanuts especially in the aftermath of such a big, well-crafted (in my opinion) patch, is above my understanding...

Everybody knew that some meta weapons were far, far too powertul.

My god...


It's like when a parent takes away the kids favorite toy. Same story. Just look the other way when the kid starts the rampage and you should be fine...or be like me and laugh and enjoy the salt :D.

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14 hours ago, Elendir said:

I was using it like an explosive rounds shotgun. It's just a matter of gameplay feeling. Now the feeling I was looking for is gone, the weapon is basically useless to me (because I don't  have fun with the new way it has to be played).

Well, try modding shotguns for any number of blast damage, it's the same thing (except for tonkor's obscene damage).

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On 3/25/2017 at 4:15 AM, BaronVonHuggz said:

its not the blowing myself up part. there has been times where a team mate was body blocked and was throwing out too low dmg 1 quick slide in and grenade shot the mod was dead or knocked down stopping the bottom block. the thing is that the tonkor no longer has a uniqueness to it

I never see you guys complain about this on the Ogris, Penta, Javlok alt-fire, or anything else that had it to begin with, even though it's definitely something to consider when choosing them. Probably because there was no reason to use any other launcher after the Tonkor came out, which is the exact problem DE is trying to address with these changes.

It makes no sense to have 1 launcher not have the main risk in using a launcher on top of everything else it had going for it. I personally think the crit nerf was perhaps too much, but we'll see when I break mine out again. But the lack of self-damage? Had to go.

Edited by XanaSkullpulper
made it less rude
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"Some" Tonkor change was way overdue.

Warframe is a game. The point of games in general is for all the rules in said game to make sense when compared to each other. You would have to be clinically insane to be be able to say that the Tonkor was "in line with everything else" with a straight face.

BaronVonHuggz : Tonkor with 236 THOUSAND kills. Your "most used weapon" shows as Soma with 18% and 98366 kills, and you racked up over twice as many kills with a Tonkor.

DE is changing "abused" weapons. You of all people should not be surprised.



Edited by DSpite
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33 minutes ago, XanaSkullpulper said:

I never see you guys complain about this on the Ogris, Penta, Javlok alt-fire, or anything else that had it to begin with, even though it's definitely something to consider when choosing them. Probably because there was no reason to use any other launcher after the Tonkor came out, which is the exact problem DE is trying to address with these changes.

It makes no sense to have 1 launcher not have the main risk in using a launcher on top of everything else it had going for it. I personally think the crit nerf was perhaps too much, but we'll see when I break mine out again. But the lack of self-damage? Had to go.

The ogris is unused, the penta is a controlled detonation weapon, the javlok got its fair share of complaints about the self damage.

We had 3 threads about removing or modifying the self damage before the balance pass thread appeared in all of them people critized the way SD works.

I would be fine with self damage if my explosive weapons would all deal atleast 95% damage of what the tonkor is capatable, but currently theyre weak, dangerous to use and on overall not worth the effort just like the snipers.

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1 minute ago, DSpite said:

"Some" Tonkor change was way overdue.

Warframe is a game. The point of games in general is for all the rules in said game to make sense when compared to each other. You would have to be clinically insane to be be able to say that the Tonkor was "in line with everything else" with a straight face.

BaronVonHuggz : Tonkor with 236 THOUSAND kills. Your "most used weapon" shows as Soma with 18% and 98366 kills, and you racked up over twice as many kills with a Tonkor.

DE is changing "abused" weapons. You of all people should not be surprised.



Are you for real try to compare a single target weapon with an aoe one? REALLY?

Suprise, aoe weapons were designed to kill crowds. I could go back to Earth and move down lets say 6 enemies with the soma in one shot if im lucky enough, but the same can be achieved with the Torid with much less effort.

Just look at the new ogris, while its still not good enough to bring it to high level areas it can keep 6m circle clean of enemies with the nightwatch napalm mod and this is with base size without range increase.  In an ideal sceniario it will have more kills than my soma prime.

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On 3/25/2017 at 3:45 AM, Ryunokage said:

You really have yourself to blame for this, if you and others like you had moderated your use of meta weapons and not used them in such domineering fashion, it would never have come to this. As it stands I hope DE gets around to nerfing every other meta-frame or load out in the game. The secondaries like the sonicor need to go as well.


Moderating use of Meta Weapons I ROFL'd at that.

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On 3/25/2017 at 1:59 AM, Gaki_no_Tsukai said:

Let's not leave out, the synoid simulor nerf now has the FUN aspect, the vortexes, removed, and is left with a gimpy little secondary fire explosion, talk about FUNNNNN...

Not only that, Cephalon Suda is now utter trash tier, the main weapon has now been nerfed into oblivion, the gammacore was ALREADY nerfed into oblivion months and months ago, and the heliocore came out as trash, and has remained trash.

Welp, if people want to be salty over something as trifling as the simulor, I guess it's time to put the troll pants on and see just how salty I can make groups. Mirage sonicor spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage azima sprinkler spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage spam in general? Oh yes. Slowva spam on farming missions? YOU BETCHA. Maybe a little vauban jump jet spam? I think people will enjoy being launched, to their death. A little sound quake tickle to keep enemies at the edge of the map? Yes, yes, YES. Oh, I know, time to just repeatedly kill myself with a grenade launcher? Let the group rez me or let me die? Sounds like a plan. Oh I am going to give people something to *@##$ about, let the games begin.

I mean... It wouldn't have been nerfed if it wasn't abused by Mirage players.

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7 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

The ogris is unused, the penta is a controlled detonation weapon, the javlok got its fair share of complaints about the self damage.

We had 3 threads about removing or modifying the self damage before the balance pass thread appeared in all of them people critized the way SD works.

I would be fine with self damage if my explosive weapons would all deal atleast 95% damage of what the tonkor is capatable, but currently theyre weak, dangerous to use and on overall not worth the effort just like the snipers.

Self-damage just does not work with most Warframe tilesets. 75% of the tiles are narrow indoor environments where launchers will kill you faster than any enemy. 

With this patch Tonkor will just go the way of the Dodo and become MR fodder like the rest of the self-damage dealing weapons.

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On 3/24/2017 at 4:59 PM, Gaki_no_Tsukai said:

Let's not leave out, the synoid simulor nerf now has the FUN aspect, the vortexes, removed, and is left with a gimpy little secondary fire explosion, talk about FUNNNNN...

Not only that, Cephalon Suda is now utter trash tier, the main weapon has now been nerfed into oblivion, the gammacore was ALREADY nerfed into oblivion months and months ago, and the heliocore came out as trash, and has remained trash.

Welp, if people want to be salty over something as trifling as the simulor, I guess it's time to put the troll pants on and see just how salty I can make groups. Mirage sonicor spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage azima sprinkler spam? Oh it's coming. Mirage spam in general? Oh yes. Slowva spam on farming missions? YOU BETCHA. Maybe a little vauban jump jet spam? I think people will enjoy being launched, to their death. A little sound quake tickle to keep enemies at the edge of the map? Yes, yes, YES. Oh, I know, time to just repeatedly kill myself with a grenade launcher? Let the group rez me or let me die? Sounds like a plan. Oh I am going to give people something to *@##$ about, let the games begin.

So let me ask you, why? The simulor and Tonkor are being nerfed, nothing you can do about it. So why go out of your way to be the person no one wants around? Is this patch so bad that you have to ruin the fun for every person? Are you twelve? Guess mommy told you that you were a special snowflake and deserved whatever you want. 

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I like the nerfs. I had 5 forma in each of the nerfed weapons and tbh i dont care at all. Means my ogris will get some attention, ive dusted off my panthera after so long, and im rebuilding the harpak. 

If youre so worried about self damage go play ODD or other defense maps. Theres a place for launchers.. its just now not in every single mission

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

Wat?, all those months grinding for resources, prime parts, Keys, Relics and syndicate rep to get SSimulor and then DE goes and nerfs it? i dread to think what other nerfs are included in the patch when we eventually get it.

Literally how long did it take you to "grind" to get the ssimulor? When it was released, we already had syndicate secondaries and we were given lots of advance notice in the devstreams. And if you were new at that point.. you probably shouldn't have been handed the weapon anyway since theres about 250 other weapons you had the option of before you rushed to get the mainstream "god" tier weapon. 

As far as nerfs go it was needed, and it's not like they haven't nerfed weapons before. May I point to the synoid gammacor that got so gutted it was worse than the original one in most cases? 

And if you were curious.. it took me about one month to grind up 3 syndicates to max rank. And I didn't do it just for a silly weapon. It's an investment and now you have a max syndicate to do whatever you like with. Theres more to the syndicates than just one weapon

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5 hours ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

So let me ask you, why? The simulor and Tonkor are being nerfed, nothing you can do about it. So why go out of your way to be the person no one wants around? Is this patch so bad that you have to ruin the fun for every person? Are you twelve? Guess mommy told you that you were a special snowflake and deserved whatever you want. 

Why, you ask him?

We could have toned down effects for them along with slight damage decrease, but no the nerd brigade wanted to destroy this weapon so no one ever uses it. They came up here and filled the forums with their whining of how "powerful" the boltace and the simulor is when the data ingame shows otherwise. I say let them suffer in Akkad, they wont gonna ever get top kills because the mirage will be there waiting for them with the brightest color weapons to shred everthing what appears.


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11 hours ago, (Xbox One)Harper Lord said:

It always amuses me how people complain about weapons in a Co-op game where the goal is to be as powerful as possible and work together to complete the objective. Didn't realize we were competing with each other for kills, assists, etc.

There's not a lot of "working together" involved when somebody in your squad had one of those weapons. In fact, it wasn't really "working" at all--more just standing around doing nothing because everything dies before you can draw a bead on it.

I mean, yeah, it was probably good fun for the person doing it. But most of us, I'd wager, join public games to actually play the game, not to watch one or two people play for us. And that's not even beginning to touch the fact that those weapons had a grossly disproportionate relationship between their power and the skill/risk required to use them.

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