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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Just a thought on the nuke problem.

Instead of reversing direction or nerfing Cataclysm into the ground another option is to make the strength of it's collapse inversely proportional to it's size. Meaning big bubble=less damage, small bubble=high damage. Concentrated if you will.

This way a damage build is still viable but cannot effect teammates as terribly. 

For the record, I can't stand nuking on Limbo so I wouldn't care if they got rid of the damage altogether. It's such a lazy way to go about a game. It's giving Limbo a bad name.

I just wish there was a better way to use stasis in team play without feeling like a troll whenever I use it. I think Limbo is a frame with a lot of potential and he is so close to where he should be. Just a few minor tweaks and he would be a great frame.

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8 minutes ago, Eldest89 said:

when I dodge into the rift my companion doesn't come with me... Is it normal?


No that's not normal. They should come with you. Did you have a Sentinel or doggo or kat? Also they will swap planes if they walk through Cataclysm, no matter which plane you are in.

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21 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

No that's not normal. They should come with you. Did you have a Sentinel or doggo or kat? Also they will swap planes if they walk through Cataclysm, no matter which plane you are in.

Companions or sentinels don't follow you into the rift through your passive. This leads to Kubrows and Kavats being killed while limbo is in the rift.

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8 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

Companions or sentinels don't follow you into the rift through your passive. This leads to Kubrows and Kavats being killed while limbo is in the rift.

Try it out. It's subtle, but if you stand still you'll notice the white rippling effect on your companion while you're Rift Walking. They changed the Rift visuals for Companions from white flames to the energy ripple effect.

The reasons why Companions die while in the Rift:

  1. A bug with damage from explosions going through the Rift.
  2. Because they will switch planes if they wander in or out from Cataclysm, so they will die by going outside.
  3. Banish no longer casts on Companions like it used to, so you can't protect them with it.
Edited by PsiWarp
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Seeing more Limbos now in public games makes my ask myself constantly ''Why the hell would I want myself banished?''.

There's absolutely nothing Limbo's team members benefit from it, no damage boosts, no shield/health boosts, no additional survivability unless you are the only one banished at the cost of being unable to do freaking nothing. There is no way for a frame other than Limbo to control when I enter the rift.

Not only that, the new Stasis ability is absolute garbage. I wish there was an option that I could turn off that allowed me to be unaffected by it. I and many other players do not need Limbos to stop the whole battleground for us. In addition to that if the Limbo player keeps the stasis up for unnecessary amounts of time, it forces people to use melee over their guns, and if I'm playing without a melee then I'm unable to do absolutely nothing.

I want Limbo to provide benefits for his teammates. At the moment he is an even bigger nuisance than he ever was. Let people other than Limbo enter and leave the rift freely whenever there is a Limbo in the squad. Give us back the damage boost of Rift Surge and give it to the team members as well. He is still a complete solo frame and a pain in the &#! for anyone else.

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1 hour ago, Eldest89 said:

when I dodge into the rift my companion doesn't come with me... Is it normal?


Were you the host? If you were then it is a new bug. If you were a client there is a bug that sometimes keeps Companions from entering the Rift. It was noted earlier in the thread by user main_antagonist on April 5th.

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I will not play another mission with a Limbo in the squad.

DE has taken one of the more challenging frames we had and turned it into another "push 4 to win" troll frame.

Having experienced the joy of the new Limbo spamming the old Draco tile set with Cataclysm, I was reminded of why so many players were infuriated by Excalibur spamming Radial Javelin. Limbo gets to kill everything—all other players have the honor of sitting helplessly and watching a troll show off.

This probably only works on low-level missions, and may be no more effective than a good Ember or Saryn build, but Limbo does one thing the other frames do not: Limbo affects other players directly, assaulting them with flashing special effects and sounds, over and over and over and over. It is beyond annoying. Reminds me of how no one wanted attenuation of Kavat wailing when those came out, so players had to suffer screaming cats mission after mission.

That Limbo gets to troll with Stasis and prevent others from earning Focus points is largely an argument for another post, but does add to the opinion that Limbo was created from the ground up to troll Warframe. He can even prevent Mobile Defense missions from working. How great is that?

I don't get it.

The previous version of Cataclysm was neat. Limbo did extra damage to enemies in the Rift. There were all sorts of cool builds we could create, new ways to play the game. Now, I've got some troll spamming 4 and grating my nerves with special effects I can't get away from. It's crap, quite frankly.

The Limbo rework is dreadful in most every way I can imagine. The previous version was more challenging and less of a troll. The new version is just a troll.

If Limbo is to dominate the battlefield this way (or even just low level missions), then please put Ash back the way he was, buff Ember, Saryn, Excalibur, and all the ultimate abilities of every frame, so that we can all just press 4 and feel like gods. And make them all LOUD, so that everyone can hear just how godlike we are.

Again, after today, I will not play with a Limbo. I'll abort missions until finding a squad that does not have one. I've never felt this way toward any other frame—not even Mirage with Synoid Simulor, and that was annoying.

Please do something about Limbo.


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21 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Looks like they are trying to go for psn cert by the end of this week. Lets hope they dont bull rush this into a bad accident.

If that's true, it might look like they're really keeping him this way. Most likely they'll be aiming to buff all the other warframes for their respective reworks so that's something to look forward to.

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5 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Seeing more Limbos now in public games makes my ask myself constantly ''Why the hell would I want myself banished?''.

There's absolutely nothing Limbo's team members benefit from it, no damage boosts, no shield/health boosts, no additional survivability unless you are the only one banished at the cost of being unable to do freaking nothing. There is no way for a frame other than Limbo to control when I enter the rift.

Not only that, the new Stasis ability is absolute garbage. I wish there was an option that I could turn off that allowed me to be unaffected by it. I and many other players do not need Limbos to stop the whole battleground for us. In addition to that if the Limbo player keeps the stasis up for unnecessary amounts of time, it forces people to use melee over their guns, and if I'm playing without a melee then I'm unable to do absolutely nothing.

I want Limbo to provide benefits for his teammates. At the moment he is an even bigger nuisance than he ever was. Let people other than Limbo enter and leave the rift freely whenever there is a Limbo in the squad. Give us back the damage boost of Rift Surge and give it to the team members as well. He is still a complete solo frame and a pain in the &#! for anyone else.

Indeed. They need to make some exceptions for ally and enemy targeting/effects in his abilities, because as it is his whole kit can be incredibly annoying without doing it on purpose and extremely easy to troll with.

Look at Rift Walk. That dash is a good maneuvering skill, but do it too often and portals for everyone. Banish, affecting everything in a general direction and can be spammed; good if you're dealing with only enemies, sucks for the other players if they keep trying to roll out. Banish lets Limbo make other Limbos stop Rift Walking, just why?

Then look at Stasis, stopping all air traffic of gunfire and projectiles, even your allies' while they were just happy blasting through enemies without your help.

How about Rift Surge? On its own, not a big deal. Combine it with high range Cataclysm double-tap, oh my god everything but you are in the Rift, better have high damaging abilities and energy to burn. Or not, since all of the enemies within a 80 meters diameter already died from the collapse damage, why even be playing if there's nothing to kill? Oh, and other Limbos on your team, out of the Rift with you guys after blowing up Cataclysm.

Limbo has always been a control freak, in every sense of the word, but this is just ridiculous. Why make it so easy to screw other people over?

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15 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Seeing more Limbos now in public games makes my ask myself constantly ''Why the hell would I want myself banished?''.

There's absolutely nothing Limbo's team members benefit from it, no damage boosts, no shield/health boosts, no additional survivability unless you are the only one banished at the cost of being unable to do freaking nothing. There is no way for a frame other than Limbo to control when I enter the rift.

Not only that, the new Stasis ability is absolute garbage. I wish there was an option that I could turn off that allowed me to be unaffected by it. I and many other players do not need Limbos to stop the whole battleground for us. In addition to that if the Limbo player keeps the stasis up for unnecessary amounts of time, it forces people to use melee over their guns, and if I'm playing without a melee then I'm unable to do absolutely nothing.

I want Limbo to provide benefits for his teammates. At the moment he is an even bigger nuisance than he ever was. Let people other than Limbo enter and leave the rift freely whenever there is a Limbo in the squad. Give us back the damage boost of Rift Surge and give it to the team members as well. He is still a complete solo frame and a pain in the &#! for anyone else.

Theres an energy regen in rift

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Ok. After a month/weeks of casually playing random matchs which has limbo in the team


Srsly. just please I don't want limbo to be this way, Ohh ex-limbo mains I miss you all.


Well it's getting frustrating.

I think a good way to rebalance limbo is to take away his damage scale from the cataclysm and buff the rest of his kit.

Mainly change the functionality of the Stasis and Buff his Rift surge to be scaling ability

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28 minutes ago, nameomnz said:

Ok. After a month/weeks of casually playing random matchs which has limbo in the team


Srsly. just please I don't want limbo to be this way, Ohh ex-limbo mains I miss you all.


Well it's getting frustrating.

I think a good way to rebalance limbo is to take away his damage scale from the cataclysm and buff the rest of his kit.

Mainly change the functionality of the Stasis and Buff his Rift surge to be scaling ability

make rift surge scale and apply to allies too? I'm up for it. But statis is fine. gives lots of benefits to the team, the fact that you can't dakka is not an issue. I use it scarcely and for brief amounts of time, to give the team a brief respite, then deactivate so that bullets get to their objectives. While I agree some players abuse it, playing with a limbo has lots of benefits, like infinite status duration on stasis affected enemies. Just reming him to deactivate and recast stasis every 10-15 seconds so it doesn't hinder teamplay. I don't think that all limbos are troll people. Otherwise, carry a good melee and you will be able to damage in stasis. a great ability should have downsides, and an ability that nullifies incoming damage and makes status eternal is a great ability,

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18 minutes ago, -CM-Limbo said:

make rift surge scale and apply to allies too? I'm up for it. But statis is fine. gives lots of benefits to the team, the fact that you can't dakka is not an issue. I use it scarcely and for brief amounts of time, to give the team a brief respite, then deactivate so that bullets get to their objectives. While I agree some players abuse it, playing with a limbo has lots of benefits, like infinite status duration on stasis affected enemies. Just reming him to deactivate and recast stasis every 10-15 seconds so it doesn't hinder teamplay. I don't think that all limbos are troll people. Otherwise, carry a good melee and you will be able to damage in stasis. a great ability should have downsides, and an ability that nullifies incoming damage and makes status eternal is a great ability,

Players abusing stasis is exactly why it has to be change.  Stasis also affects other lImbos rift's as well, playing with multiple Limbo can be annoying as they can freeze enemies in your rift as well. Not everyone carries melee, Mesa even get's bonus health when it is not equipped.

I personally like stasis but i'm not going to pretend that it's not easy to be a massive troll with it. 

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7 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

Players abusing stasis is exactly why it has to be change.  Stasis also affects other lImbos rift's as well, playing with multiple Limbo can be annoying as they can freeze enemies in your rift as well. Not everyone carries melee, Mesa even get's bonus health when it is not equipped.

I personally like stasis but i'm not going to pretend that it's not easy to be a massive troll with it. 

from what I've seen, most people still run melee on a mesa. read somewhere that the HP buff is minuscule and not worth sacrificing the CQC that she needs some times, so while what you said is true, its not representative of real world gameplay

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7 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

Mesa even get's bonus health when it is not equipped.


Lmfao lemme tell you that 50 bonus hp -read 50 FLAT BONUS HP- is not saving your &#! anywhere near as much as life strike or rejuvenate aura.

Any no melee mesa in content that matters, for that hp bonus, is a fool.

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18 minutes ago, AlaskanWolf said:

from what I've seen, most people still run melee on a mesa. read somewhere that the HP buff is minuscule and not worth sacrificing the CQC that she needs some times, so while what you said is true, its not representative of real world gameplay

The buff IS low. most mesas I've ever seen carry melee

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

Theres an energy regen in rift

At the expense of not being able to pick anything, including energy orbs. There's also zenurik, efficiency mods, flow, energy siphon, trinity, arcane energize and energy restores which restore MORE THAN ENOUGH energy whenever I want and need it.

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31 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

At the expense of not being able to pick anything, including energy orbs. There's also zenurik, efficiency mods, flow, energy siphon, trinity, arcane energize and energy restores which restore MORE THAN ENOUGH energy whenever I want and need it.


But the thing everyone whines about you can indeed pick things up inside it.

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