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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Yeah tinkering with him on pc, seems like instead off repeat wave banishing you instead want to cause passive banish through pushing put banished enemies via 1 or 4 to continue feeding the rift.


Power strength doesnt mean much to him anymore since rift torrent is his power strength mod.


Him.being unable to pull enemies inside the rift while he is in the rift is there to offset the fact he has no time limit and can pick up stuff.


The 10 energy per kill is great too once you cause enough passive rift pulling.



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Can we please get a small patch where frozen and petrified enemies can receive status procs?

This has held back frost and atlas' (and to a lesser extent unairu users) potential damage output for quite some time now. I figured it was a a balance thing, but now that i see limbo with his stasis, still able to inflict status procs, it feels a bit unfair. Especially since he also has a damage buff on top of this excellent cc, which neither frost nor atlas have. 

If by some miracle, someone that can control frame balance reads this, any responds in any fashion would be greatly appreciated. You guys have been doing a rock solid job at DE after you stopped focusing on the war within, lets keep the ball rolling!  

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Now that i've slept on it - The only two things I seriously think need addressing are banishing different planes (which is pretty much a must otherwise you are instadead on higher levels) and the fact that rift surge needs to be targeted. I feel that it should affect anything already in the rift so once you've got that big group of enemies in, wham, surge and they're all ready for murdering, whereas the stasis should just be stacked up before banishing.

Edited by Frenjo
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After getting a bit more time with Limbo I've come to the following conclusions.

(1) Banish needs to affect targets across dimensions. (It was his staple ability before so why does it suddenly not work now?)

(2) Casting Cataclysm then leaving the Cataclysm range forces Limbo out of the rift. (Not sure if it's a bug but it's really annoying to suddenly find yourself on the material plane and soaking up all those bullets. Shouldn't you stay in the rift if you were in it before you entered a Cataclysm?)

Otherwise I like his changes.

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9 hours ago, IcicleFerret said:

Limbo used to be able to pull enemies into the rift with him as Banish was just a toggle effect pre-rework. As an avid Limbo player, this is (currently) the only thing about Limbo 1.0 that I want back.

Agreed. Even if it temporarily (just while he was casting) forced him out of the rift before plopping him back in, I would've been pleased. At the moment it feels rather clunky getting enemies into the rift. Love the rest of the changes though.

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In another thread someone talked about an "order of operations" to use Rift/banish/surge/stasis with a good synergy, and it was neat, but would take about 10 button presses on a controller under the normal scheme (as opposed to many fewer key presses with a mouse and keyboard setup).

Does anyone use a controller on PC? How fiddly is it now, compared to earlier?

Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Does anyone use a controller on PC? How fiddly is it now, compared to earlier?

I don't use a controller, but it is super jarring and clunky compared to before. Can't imagine a controller will be much better.

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Just now, Frenjo said:

I don't use a controller, but it is super jarring and clunky compared to before. Can't imagine a controller will be much better.

On standard* Xbox controller layout (I don't quite use that, but most of it) you have to select a power before activating it, and you do that by scrolling left or right through your powers (including focus). Once the power is selected, you can activate it. This can insert up to 3 button clicks between power activations.

This is the case for all frames--it's the nature of the beast--but it becomes especially troublesome when frame powers are explicitly designed to work together in a tight sequence like Limbo's. I worry that DE hasn't adequately thought out the ergonomic side of using the new Limbo.


* You can configure around this, if you sacrifice other control options like waypoint setting, gear wheel, alt fire, or something like that. 

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Am I the only one that thinks Limbo's rift portals/tears left behind when going into the rift are just annoying to the user himself? I've already lost count of how many times I try exiting the rift with a dash and just run into one my old portals and go right back in. 

I'd vote for them to not affect the Limbo that made them or maybe even ANY Limbo, because he can already go into the rift if he wants, no need to have those affect himself.

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1 minute ago, DenoDagor said:

Am I the only one that thinks Limbo's rift portals/tears left behind when going into the rift are just annoying to the user himself? I've already lost count of how many times I try exiting the rift with a dash and just run into one my old portals and go right back in. 

I'd vote for them to not affect the Limbo that made them or maybe even ANY Limbo, because he can already go into the rift if he wants, no need to have those affect himself.

QoL changes for Limbo are yet to be added, there are more that just these problems. But yes, i agree with you, i had the same problem.

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I am a Limbo main. My experience with him had pretty much been the same as everyone else. Most of the changes I like, but the new rule of having to be in the same plane has thrown me off and my old play style absolutely won't work anymore. I haven't had much time to adjust because the update came just before I have to leave for the weekend and most of the time was spent with network connectivity errors and Octavia leveling. However, after some thought I think I might approach limbo with a high range high efficient build and focus on using stasis and cataclysm. I'm hopeful that in the end DE will tweak things and limbo players will adjust to make him awesome again. As far as this new Limbo? Challenge accepted!

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1)allow banishing from rift-plane 

2)a way like ivara and vauban to switch between multi and single banish

3)Rift surge to be an aoe ability that affects enemies in range instead of having to target

Edited by Evanescent
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I actually got used to it, you can use it for some quick shots (get into rift, get out by backstepping, shoot someone fast till you reach the safety of rift again). But yeah it's not a good idea as a whole. I'm more annoyed by the fact that I can't use banish on enemies in the real plane if I'm in rift myself.

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Just now, Praxxor said:

I actually got used to it, you can use it for some quick shots (get into rift, get out by backstepping, shoot someone fast till you reach the safety of rift again). But yeah it's not a good idea as a whole. I'm more annoyed by the fact that I can't use banish on enemies in the real plane if I'm in rift myself.

Yeah not being able to manipulate enemies in the other plane seems kinda counter to Limbo's old logic of pulling enemies to his side to save friends without putting himself in a 1 v 10 with Cataclysm. But maybe thats just to balance him out? Idk

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6 minutes ago, Evanescent said:


1)allow banishing from rift-plane 

2)a way like ivara and vauban to switch between multi and single banish

3)Rift surge to be an aoe ability that affects enemies in range instead of having to target

I really like this ^.

(EDIT: Before anybody asks, I /am/ following this thread obsessively.)

Edited by Frenjo
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Just now, DenoDagor said:

Yeah not being able to manipulate enemies in the other plane seems kinda counter to Limbo's old logic of pulling enemies to his side to save friends without putting himself in a 1 v 10 with Cataclysm. But maybe thats just to balance him out? Idk


Well, honestly, Limbo is so good right now that the nerf is not really too bad. He has insane CC and damage (Cataclysm collapse damage scales with enemy HP , WOO HOO)

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5 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

I really like this ^.

(EDIT: Before anybody asks, I /am/ following this thread obsessively.)

I'd also like to add that giving him an ivara/vauban style toggle makes everyone happy since they can keybind whichever they like to activate on tap and hold.

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50 minutes ago, Rythiman said:

I am a Limbo main. My experience with him had pretty much been the same as everyone else. Most of the changes I like, but the new rule of having to be in the same plane has thrown me off and my old play style absolutely won't work anymore. I haven't had much time to adjust because the update came just before I have to leave for the weekend and most of the time was spent with network connectivity errors and Octavia leveling. However, after some thought I think I might approach limbo with a high range high efficient build and focus on using stasis and cataclysm. I'm hopeful that in the end DE will tweak things and limbo players will adjust to make him awesome again. As far as this new Limbo? Challenge accepted!

I've done some more thinking and it's occurred to me rift surge forces enemies into the rift. Combined with cataclysm quick toggle I think you might not even need banish anymore....

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I played the limbo last night in Sortie against Kril, and I can say the rework is in part totally frustrating and in others a great idea.

I like the idea of dashing in and out of the rift, although I'm so used to rolling around this got really annoying fast! I think you need to change it so a hold/double tap to the roll button will dash in and out of the rift and a tap will do a normal roll. I think this change would sit better with the player base who's first though when tapping the button is to roll.

The number should be used in the rift, but caused me to get down endless times when I dash out and place enemies in the rift, the frame is so squishy that even that second out of the rift meant my death. I was quite happy with the single target banish as it worked well and left the limbo well protected against high level environments, The number 1 change is the main thing that needs to be fixed.

I love the stasis ability! I could play with that all day. Although when people are walking into a cataclysm bubble they seem to bug a little.

Cataclysm, I'm pretty certain before (I could be wrong) that enemies shooting into a cataclysm would have their bullets stopped when trying to shoot through it, this causes so many problems when trying to deal with a large group of enemies in close quarters and makes the cataclysm less suited for any type of defence. Not sure if this is a bug but this is generally very annoying! This is even when you have stasis on. Your bullets get stopped by the rift but theirs seem to pass right through.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

I'd recommend double-tap for the dash - again, thinking as a console peasant, the crouch and roll commands are the same button (probably on PC too but I don't know): hold to crouch, tap to roll. It should probably, if it was changed, be a double-tap to keep it clear. 

On PC (if left default) crouch is Ctrl and run/ roll is Shift. :)

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Just now, Kamoenix said:

On PC (if left default) crouch is Ctrl and run/ roll is Shift. :)

Ah. Yeah, console controllers just don't have enough buttons to map everything (in default configuration, for instance, console controllers have no alt-fire...you have to replace some other command to have it available). 

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