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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Be able to hack console through the rift would be nice for the replacement.

20 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

* Rift Surge becomes old Rift Surge again (aka a weaponbuff for self), but also causes a radial debuff on enemies. Enemies killed while debuffed explode for X damage, which deals damage across rift/reality freely. Ability is recastable.

I'm having different idea. Instread of weapon self/buff, Why not make all the enemies takes more damage base on power strength?

Otherwise, I would agree


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I would like to fix datamass/life support problems and if scaling is getting some sort of tweak, i would probably like scaling from power strength, since initial damage is trashy, let the bubble's scaling damage scale off of power strength. People still will be able to spam it, but it will require a good positioning. Cataclysm will not cover whole tileset, while Limbos will be able to keep oneshotting groups of enemies.

Like, you know, power strength = 100%, cataclysm damage = 20% of enemy HP.
Power strength = 50%, cataclysm coevers more area, more enemies, but deals 10% of each enemy hp.
Power strength = 200% - cataclysm damage = 40% of each enemy max hp in damage. 

And so on...
Maybe even make this number expenential, but that can get out of hand.

Btw, cataclysm damage nerf will not harm Limbo too hard. Had that 20 min GoL survival with ease with 100% range and 90% duration, with no cataclysm cheesing, was great.

Also, i would really like rift surge to make enemies share some damage recieved (AKA reverse trinity link). That would cover speed problems and that initial mislead that happened.

Edited by Quanlain
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To remove scaling damage from cataclysm or to add energy penalty to cataclysm kill, no QoL improve are the worst case about the cataclysm change.
Being the feedback filled with voice of cheers from ppl who hate current Limbo is the worst case about next feedback (or hotfix) thread.

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3 hours ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

The true Limbo lovers never cared about Catacylsm in the first place. The Limbo 'lovers' you have in mind however, are just the usual cast of meta users that go by the rule 'use it just because it's the new meta'. Once Limbo is done with, they will just ride the next train.

This exactly. It's so evident with the cries not to nerf his Cataclysm. It's ridiculous that players would even go as far as defending this garbage, but it just goes to show you..

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I'd just make it a DOT. Instead of doing the damage all at once, it could be spread out, doing more damage as the Cataclysm shrinks. For example, 1-2% of each enemy's max health/shields per second as damage. It still deals a lot of damage, but it's now spread throughout the duration of the ability so you can't spam it. 

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I think the damage should scale off how long the enemies are in the rift. I.e. you have to wait around 10 seconds to get the full damage.

My personal idea would be to make it when you kill one surged enemy in the cataclysm, the rest take damage based on the hp of that enemy you killed.

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1 hour ago, LittleArachnid said:

I don't know enough to say it needs a huge nerf but I don't enjoy a Limbo player spamming Cataclysm, I'll use it for defense targets and Stasis

DE's problem doesn't seem to be Limbo's damage output with Cataclysm but rather how easy it is to use. There's no set up required or synergy with the other abilities. He just casts it and it goes so players spam it repeatedly with no consequence.

I wouldn't mind if they remove the damage if they at least let us use consoles or life support while inside Cataclysm. Or even stepping on LoR floor discs or break crates. They already let us pick items when inside Cataclysm. There's no reason Cataclysm would restrict players from doing anything else if the "area" itself is in the rift.

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I really dont get the nerf its not like he can nuke enemies at any level instanlty most enemies with armor will survive his attacks unless theres a huge number of enemies hit by the cataclysm,on the infested side any ancient will pretty much negate the damage done,i havent tested it against corpus maybe it does better against them.

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43 minutes ago, SquidTheSid said:

I'd just make it a DOT. Instead of doing the damage all at once, it could be spread out, doing more damage as the Cataclysm shrinks. For example, 1-2% of each enemy's max health/shields per second as damage. It still deals a lot of damage, but it's now spread throughout the duration of the ability so you can't spam it. 

Ah, I see you're forgotten his 4th abilities Augment. =w="

As long as you have a steady stream of enemies entering the cataclysm and getting killed (looking your way, Infested) his Cataclysm could last for minutes at a time. And if you add a growing tick clock for each enemies health, assuming it doesn't reset as soon as an enemy is dead and pulls it from the ticking damage pool, you could create a Literal Kill Zone of unstopping death. Throw a Speed Nova into that party (With a Disarming Loki for non Infested enemies) and the Enemies will just be sprinting for that certain Doom.

(Would make Akkad a literal joke...or, more than it is.)

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For every enemy in the rift, Limbo will take damage reflecting 10% of their current shields + health if he is inside Cataclysm when it collapses.

Nothing like insta-killing yourself to stop the giant bubble spamming close to home.

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13 hours ago, DEATHLOK said:

Well, I quit any squad with a Limbo in it. I won't get trolled by one again. I'm not the only one doing this.

DE can man up and fix their mistake properly.

I understand how you feel man but not all limbo's are trolls. Their's a small number of us who are true gentlemen and gentlewomen who don't use limbo to troll. I usually play solo with him ever so often I jump in pubs. When I do join a pub game I just rift walk and banish targets who are really dangerous after that kill it. If its a defense mission I put on narrow minded to make cataclysm cloak the pod. Again I don't blame you bro. 

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28 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

For every enemy in the rift, Limbo will take damage reflecting 10% of their current shields + health if he is inside Cataclysm when it collapses.

Nothing like insta-killing yourself to stop the giant bubble spamming close to home.


May as well lose 1% hp/s if he rift walks too.


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9 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Using stasis also freezes him too.

Make it a duration ability with energy drain.

I think Rift Surge should surge Limbo and ally players too. If he tries to exit rift, he goes back in. If enemies kill him, surge transfers to nearby allies.

To make it fair, Rift Torrent gives enemies bonus damage against surged players.

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35 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

I think Rift Surge should surge Limbo and ally players too. If he tries to exit rift, he goes back in. If enemies kill him, surge transfers to nearby allies.

To make it fair, Rift Torrent gives enemies bonus damage against surged players.

One of the complaints about prerework Limbo was that he didn't feel like he's the Master of the Rift. I think a warframe that's called Master of the Rift shouldn't have any disadvantages compared to anyone else when he's in the rift.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

One of the complaints about prerework Limbo was that he didn't feel like he's the Master of the Rift. I think a warframe that's called Master of the Rift shouldn't have any disadvantages compared to anyone else when he's in the rift.

Its a joke.

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IMO what DE should do is instead of a flat out nerf or removal of the damage of Cataclysm colapse it should deal the % damage with a build up with damage dealt inside cataclysm.

In other words you cast cataclysm, people fight inside it and when you colapse it deals damage based on all the damage dealt inside of it. If damage dealt inside it reached a certain amount it will keep dealing the % damage. Kinda like how you have to build damage on miasma.

This would solve the spam, Limbo would still scale well and would also make you use his kit rather than spam 1 skill.

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6 hours ago, Koyaanisqatsi said:

Yeah lets buff limbo then players will use him.
Yeah lets nerf limbo then players wont use him.

DE. When nerfs let your game less funny you loose players, and i think it will be te fifth limbo nerf.

Maybe it's time to search other game to play.

He had nerfs before his rework. After the rework the Cataclysm nerf is the first one and is justified since it was outright broken. 

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