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New "Priest" Warframe is offensive to my Catholic faith


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As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

Edited by (PS4)SB-PHUNKS
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A whole lot of religions/cults/confessions/mythologies use the features you just described, as a catholic this warframe does not trigger me in any way. It's like shouting "hey, I like cooking, this game uses knives and even tridents to kill people and this offends me!"

I do not think that it does reference to christian religion in any way.



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4 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

As part of the Catholic faith,

i want to express my dissatisfaction with this new priest warframe that has alleged abilities and appearance that mock the Roman Catholic Church. I understand DE wants to make cool, new, and exciting warframes but this warframe crosses the line by having a "Priest" like appearance and alleged powers such as self sacrificing like Jesus. Not to mention the Thurible/Censer that is used by respected members of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Priests are well respected and shouldn't be represented by killing aliens and shooting guns. This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures. Please take this warframe off the roster or re-create it in a way that doesnt make a mockery out of my religion. Thank You

Oh boy.... get ready for the hate comments. 

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So Nezha/Wukong as deities is ok?

Special pleading detected.

In any case, why is a priest Catholic only? Could just as easily be Lutheran or Protestant.

EDIT: Even though I went to a Catholic high school, I have no idea if Lutherans or Protestants use the same imagery. Just the title of "priest" seems to be a link to me.

Edited by Magneu
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Then i guess we also insult things with Novas Deluxe Skin, or Oberons Natural Skin, Druidic and all.

Its a game, get over it, why do politocs and religion to talk about it?

Get your head out your closeminded view on the world.

Can't we just enjoy games how they are instead of interpretation things into stuff.

Its thematic, its THEMED of things. Please do yourself a favor and delete your account.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

This specific warframe is different from a nezha or an oberon in which they are mythological creatures and not religious figures.

Google Nezha/Wukong. They are obviously deities. Isn't identifying religious figures in foreign cultures as "mythological creatures" just a tad bit presumptuous? I fail to see how anything but the number of adherents (which would make Islam number one, IIRC) makes any one religion more true than another.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

being that im talking about religion in the world of the internet in which mostly atheists dwell im ready 

Everyone, go home. This is just a joke thread.

Edited by Burre.png
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1 minute ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

being that im talking about religion in the world of the internet in which mostly atheists dwell im ready 

It gets better. Mostly atheists on the internet? Considering that estimates range from 2% to 5% for both the U.S and world (obviously this varies from region to region), that is a frankly hilarious presumption, unless you believe that the internet is some sort of atheist club.

Joke thread detection. I hope.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SB-PHUNKS said:

being that im talking about religion in the world of the internet in which mostly atheists dwell im ready 

Personally, I wouldn't waste my time in the forums with complaints like this. It's best to privately message the developers, else you'll just have to listen to this cancerous community. 

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4 minutes ago, Magneu said:

Google Nezha/Wukong. They are obviously deities. Isn't identifying religious figures in foreign cultures as "mythological creatures" just a tad bit presumptuous? I fail to see how anything but the number of adherents (which would make Islam number one, IIRC) makes any one religion more true than another.

i wouldnt know what other religions believe or what they consider religious since i follow The Catholic Nicene Creed in my religion therefore i only see how this warframe makes a fool out of the religious figures i look up to

Edited by (PS4)SB-PHUNKS
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