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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.2.3


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11 minutes ago, HolyDemon00 said:

Then what's the point of using a frame if you don't use its abilities? You might as well just stick to your starter frame (or Inaros because he has huge base stats)

And, you use the term "Real Limbo player" to address yourself, and you're telling me that you're not a fanboy? Denial much?

Also, a teltale sign of a frame being trash is when its "real player" prefer using weapons to its abilities. Look at weapon-buffing frames (which you should be using, not this piece of trash limbo) like Mirage, Mesa, Octavia, and Banshee, their abilties are used very often.


There's a difference on being a "Fanboy" and a "True Player"

Fanboy = Players who milk the damn frame, and just spam the skills like they don't care about the team

True Player = Players who actually communicate with other players and use the frame's skills correctly and tactically for the benefit of his or herself as well as the benefit of the team.


Since when a person who communicates and uses the frame correctly is a fanboy?

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Just now, AegisArclight1999 said:

Oh, I forgot to add. Undoing the rework is the WORST move for DE to do. It would make Limbo back the way he was again. A trash frame unlike today. Besides, I heard that someone said that they can break Stasis by shooting 300 bullets (which isn't even hard or even take too long to do)

"Stasis is harmful to defense/survival because it prevents shooting" Not unless your team is in the higher levels now, You SHOULD BE USING IT.

"Stasis is harmful in excavation because it prevents your team from picking up battery" Just kill the enemies carrying the batteries and simply Banish the other threats so that way only the battery enemies remain.

"Stasis is harmful to fissure because it prevents your team from picking up reactants" Like I said again, if Cataclysm + Stasis is an annoyance, just the Banish and Stasis combo will do. Since Stasis only affects those in the rift plane, not the physical/material plane.

This is how I use Stasis tactically, while you are there calling me a noobish fanboy.

Great, you're a Banish user, which is even worse, now not even melee can't kill them (what's next? you use rift surge too?). If you say something along the line of a negative range Limbo, I could at least acknowledge that you know what you're doing and focus on protecting objective over cc-ing enemies (which is more annoying than useful to the team)

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4 minutes ago, AegisArclight1999 said:

There's a difference on being a "Fanboy" and a "True Player"

Fanboy = Players who milk the damn frame, and just spam the skills like they don't care about the team

True Player = Players who actually communicate with other players and use the frame's skills correctly and tactically for the benefit of his or herself as well as the benefit of the team.


Since when a person who communicates and uses the frame correctly is a fanboy?

You don't use the frame's skill correctly and you clearly haven't communicated with your teams properly if they didn't voice their annoyance with you.

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7 minutes ago, HolyDemon00 said:

Great, you're a Banish user, which is even worse, now not even melee can't kill them (what's next? you use rift surge too?). If you say something along the line of a negative range Limbo, I could at least acknowledge that you know what you're doing and focus on protecting objective over cc-ing enemies (which is more annoying than useful to the team)

"focus on protecting objective over cc-ing enemies" This is the last time I'm going to say this, higher levels... How can you protect the objective now, if you don't use Banish to remove the higher threats?

You know what? Just wow, the Limbo hate is real. People like you are the reason why the low tier frames are not getting the love. Starting now, I'm going to ignore you. I'm not gonna bother arguing with you since people like you will ruin the rep of others frames and I hope you (DON'T) screw and ruin Oberon's rep too after his rework. Bye bye and screw you.

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1 minute ago, AegisArclight1999 said:

"focus on protecting objective over cc-ing enemies" This is the last time I'm going to say this, higher levels... How can you protect the objective now, if you don't use Banish to remove the higher threats?

You know what? Just wow, the Limbo hate is real. People like you are the reason why the low tier frames are not getting the love. Starting now, I'm going to ignore you. I'm not gonna bother arguing with you since people like you will ruin the rep of others frames and I hope you (DON'T) screw and ruin Oberon's rep too after his rework. Bye bye and screw you.

You put a small range cataclysm over the objectives so enemies outside of it can't shoot at them. Cataclysm field is also small enough so not many enemies are affected by it and your teammates can choose whether to exit or enter. Why Banish is bad? It's a one way street, your team can't not pop in and out of the rift at will. When you banish an enemies, you're actually protecting that enemies from your team (only frame abilities would work, but what if your team doesn't bring nuke frame?)

And geez, you're burying your head under sand now. People like you who don't even understand mechanics are the ones that make every frames they play look bad. It doesn't matter if it's Limbo. You could play Banshee or Octavia and still manage to make them look terrible.

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YYYOOOUUUU MANIACS!!!! LIMBO WAS ACTUALLY A GOOD WARFRAME FOR ONCE!!!! AND THEN YOU CAVED TO LITERALLY ANYONE WHO'S STATUS QUO YOU DISRUPTED WITH THIS REWORK!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!!! On the other hand I still have Oberon to give the finger to people who think he's useless. Going back to limbo though the change in the amount of damage it deals scaling wise I would have been fine with but the nuke to the damage cataclysm can do upon being cast was what made me post this sorry. You done #*($%%@ up something you had right DE, well done.

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8 hours ago, warramssie-EGT- said:

..think about it for a seond... If Limbo could hack while rifted most mission types were trivialized even more than they already are .. I know of some Limbo brothers duo who purposely ruin other tennos mission by locking down an elevator eternally so that the mission has to fail , my defintion of trolling btw  ... but i dont know what you mean by an invisible Loki around ? 

Like i said everything around is in the rift including other players that should also interact with everything. No room for trolling. And i mention invisible Loki that can do whatever he wants, just in case balance arguments comes out.

Adding more to this; i think Banish should be a free tool to switch between planes (like before rework), stasis should be a Cataclysm passive*, and his 2nd skill change should be reverted so he can roll again.

*i know, i know, the idea was to freeze projectiles and release them, it's cool, but... can't we just melee everything?

Edited by Sebith
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3 hours ago, Cheeky_Kitty said:

"A stasis that doesn't do the stasis thing"
Just remove him from the game already, like Trinity, at this point.

5 hours ago, --Blame-- said:

This would ruin my simaris farm points on mobile defenses incursion, hope they keep statis this way

Prevent him from freezing Allied projectiles only, not his own or enemies... Its extremely annoying when your trying to kill an enemy and suddenly your shots dont hit it.
In just a few weeks of his rework, i have had so many issues during missions where i try placing my Zenistar to defend some specific area near the objective and i am prevented from because the disk freezes in mid-air and vanishes without even activating because of Limbo.

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7 minutes ago, Sebith said:

Like i said everything around is in the rift, including other players that can also interact with everything. And i mention invisible Loki that can do whatever he wants just in case balance arguments comes out.

hmm... no they cannot interact with evrything , pretty much the opposite and i still dont get the Loki reference ... 

for all the others just chill , we saw it coming and be grateful for what we still have...just use Limbo now as the new  Telos Boltace can opener and evrybody is happy ...

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So rather than repeatedly casting Cataclysm, we now have to let it sit there for its full duration while the team members constantly shout "TURN THE GODDAMN BUBBLE OFF" ?

I mean, sure. I can do that, I guess.  I prefer to banish all enemies and keep them in stasis, anyway.

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1 hour ago, HolyDemon00 said:

The f you're talking about, Stasis Limbo is far more cancerous than Nuke Limbo. And Rift Surge Limbo is pure Aids.

I know that stasis can be very dificult to use without be harmful, but  is dificult to use it well, not impossible.

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22 minutes ago, warramssie-EGT- said:

hmm... no they cannot interact with evrything , pretty much the opposite and i still dont get the Loki reference ... 

for all the others just chill , we saw it coming and be grateful for what we still have...just use Limbo now as the new  Telos Boltace can opener and evrybody is happy ...

I know they cannot interact, that's why i said they should. In my first post. There is/was a believe that Limbo limited interactions are there for balance. That's why i said about Loki who can do whatever he wants being invisible. I said it to counter the balance argument.

Edited by Sebith
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I'm glad Limbo's 4th has been toned down. I've never really used him for that even though I can definitely be one the main guys to blame for showing the potential.
Also glad that it was fast enough so we don't have to hear "veterans'" brilliant opinions trying to make an excuse on why this was a bad change

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15 hours ago, Meentlegen said:

Can someone explain the Nyx change to me? It seems like a nerf, but I don't play Nyx, so I'm not so sure. 

Oh no, it's a buff.

Absorb/Assimilate are terrible for damage (in the spoiler).
Due to the enemies having many times more HP than players, all that friendly fire did was zero your energy in half a second flat, if a teammate so much as grazed you with a shot, whether on purpose or by accident.

Without friendly fire, Assimilate is now usable in a team setting, again.


Absorb stores incoming damage, and then outputs it in a radius. So friendly fire charges you up and you blast everything nearby, right? Sounds good, no?

Sure, except for a few, small problems.

* Absorb costs 4 energy per second it's up, and another 8 energy for every 1000 damage you take (before eff.), so there's a hard limit on how much damage Absorb can do. (I did the math somewhere, it's about 76k damage at absolute best case scenario.)
* However, that damage is magnetic damage.
* Further, that damage is applied in a 5 meter base radius, half of Absorb's - and the sole lowest range ult in the game, bar none.

Oh, and did I mention that using it in that manner leaves you with 0 energy?

Edited by Chroia
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1 minute ago, anyse said:

ah...so limbo now back to nobody-love-megusta-frame mode ? RIP :crylaugh:

I like how is limbo now, i know how use it because i have been stayed a lot of time learning how use it better and he is one of the warframes that i use most, and one of my favourite warframes

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I am disapointed they gived in to the Nyx Augment "fix".

Absorb needed a overall tweak and not this things as solution.

What about make it a switchable toogle like Ivaras and Vaubans Abilitys, one absorbing Friendly Fire, the other doesn't, this way the normal Absorb whould get more love.

Why is it people cryed only about the augment but never the normal Absorb able to get trolled out of it then? Spoiled community, sorry.

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17 hours ago, Dj-cyrix said:

Ya now limbo is useless again.

If you only use Cataclysm then you dont know how to play Limbo.

17 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Nyx Changes:

  • Nyx's Assimilate Augment for Absorb no longer Absorbs Friendly Fire.

thx DE <3

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4 hours ago, rchl said:

This. Prisma as a prefix sounds better than as a suffix.

First was the Mara Detron and the Wraith Twin Vipers which weren't too bad, but seeing 'Shade Prisma' just looks weird to me. Might just be cos it's my favorite sentinel and I'm so used to seeing Prisma Shade though.

It is kind of weird that these changes happened after quite a long time when players get used to the names.
Maybe the syndicate weapons would get the same treatment in the future.
Tigris Sancti, Lecta Secura, Hek Vaykor, Cernos Rakta...

Would everything going to be changed to use suffix?

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