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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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Pretty sure that a Cleric and a Paladin are basically the same, except the Paladin is more based on combat and the Cleric is more based on support and defense. Crying out loud, in some editions of DnD (I haven't played in ages), they get a lot of the same extra skills, even, such as Turn Undead.

The way Renewal used to work was more like a Paladin than a Cleric in that it felt more like a Lay on Hands, but it suddenly working this way doesn't suddenly shift what he is. If we're operating on DnD tropes (and we really don't need to), he's still closer to a Paladin since Paladins get divine spells... just at a slower rate.

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How about making polorize a shield that works like the sentinels u are immune to a damage type for say 10 secs or something kinda like the borg from startrek universe. Heck they could even use a blue electric glowy aura around mag...and make it a group buff.

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The Oberon Prime trailer just was released and in it, his Hallowed Ground looked simply fantastic. Is there any way that his second will receive a similar appearance to the one in the trailer? I think that it should be added because it seems to suit Oberon well. The picture's a bit blurry, but you get the idea..waCcGui.jpg

Edited by rexvonzombie
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4 hours ago, (PS4)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

Oberon more of healer/dps type, offence and healing rather as a tank role, try compare his defense with warframes like Volt or equinox.

lol Oberon is more of a healer +1 but he is never about DPS, now Smite could perform well against certain Corpus boss, but other than that he still can't deal any serious damage in a sortie level. I'm sure even Equinox can outdamage him...  and Equinox can do better CC with the ability to set up melee finisher.

I'll be fine if they dont want him to deal direct damage, but what about giving him a way to set up melee finisher? (knock them down with Reckoning for ground finisher? but the knockdown only last 2 second and ground finisher does not deal finishing damage) Eepecially since now he's more of a tank, and he's a paladin, I feel he's more suitable for up close melee, maybe change how Reckoning's blind effect works? @[DE]ScottP

He's codex says "Equally adept at healing friends or striking down the enemy, Oberon embodies the balance Tenno are sworn to uphold." yet his defensive ablity apparently outshines his offensive.

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On 5/30/2017 at 1:22 AM, Music4Therapy said:

People that have trouble with Oberon's energy fall into one of four categories:

1) They place too much emphasis on Strength and not enough on Efficiency.

2) They keep Renewal toggled on for too long (you can turn it off prematurely and still benefit from Iron Renewal)

3) They keep Renewal toggled on because of Phoenix Renewal and there is a Nekros in the party (Guardian Derision helps with this by pulling aggro to yourself and allowing you to stay topped up via Rage) This problem also doesn't exist if you have Arcane Energize, but its not necessary.

4) Similar to the first, they are modding Oberon incorrectly. Vitality+Primed Flow+Rage with max efficiency will allow you to stay topped up in energy. Add in Phoenix Renewal for a 90 second safety net (keep in mind that once every 90 seconds if you die you come back to life with essentially max health and energy)

I agree completely, If played correctly you should never run out of energy or have to toggle off renewal (for phoenix renewal of course). Only time I have any issues is ONLY with a nekros but then I just make sure to get renewal on them before they get their shadows out and I'm good for the match.

Unless I back into a nullifier......... @(*()$ nullifiers.......

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On 5/30/2017 at 11:05 PM, Darkvramp said:


Oberon does too little for too much energy

This argument is inherently flawed because Oberon is capable of spreading his durability to his team. Assuming most players run Quick Thinking (which scales with armor) or Vitality, the total EHP you bring to your team would be a better comparison. Same argument can be made for Trinity, who can provide a team wide 75% DR. The main difference being that Trinity provides Energy, Health, and DR and has different builds which cater to either/or while Oberon is stacked full of utility including being a walking 4xCP

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49 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

This argument is inherently flawed because Oberon is capable of spreading his durability to his team. Assuming most players run Quick Thinking (which scales with armor) or Vitality, the total EHP you bring to your team would be a better comparison. Same argument can be made for Trinity, who can provide a team wide 75% DR. The main difference being that Trinity provides Energy, Health, and DR and has different builds which cater to either/or while Oberon is stacked full of utility including being a walking 4xCP

Most players of Oberon I have helped or assisted tend to not use Quick Thinking though that mod used to be considered ideal for some Oberon builds in the past. If you get near empty at the wrong time, that Quick Thinking is going to result in you being stun locked in a stagger animation until you die. Oddly, Hallowed Ground and status resist type moves at one point resisted that! Honestly though, Oberon isn't going to be among the most tanky or damaging but has decent damage and crowd control mixed with his other strengths. You will usually do decent with Oberon in many missions and as you said can help make your allies more difficult to take down while helping himself. Trinity, that is different kettle of fish since she by design caters to both high instant healing within affinity share range and energy refills with Energy Vampire. Oberon will help with damage, healing/status, and crowd control but never be the measuring stick for such roles.

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On April 27, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Xekrin said:

Agree on this, don't agree it should be a complete circle.  It is difficult to tell due to the vfx being so hard to see but my "angle" is currently 240.75 with 175 power strength, that is nearly a full circle already.  Having the angle scale with PS is a great idea and I wish other cone abilities did the same.

Also don't agree it should have a self aura buff.  You are sanctifying the ground, not yourself.  As much disdain as I have for the "Faerie King" to be a holy paladin, it makes sense to leave it on the ground.  

Although and again its hard to tell right now, but it would be nice if it traveled across the ground's elevations.  It can be cast in mid-air, does that leave the sanctification in the air or does it travel the ground up and down valleys and such or is it a flat effect that could levitate in the air?

Agreed here, the duration based is just silly.  This ability was the only 'faerie' effect that I actually liked.  Motes of energy or willow wisps as it were that traveled the air regardless of range to reach allies anywhere made it so neat.

Also I tested it just now and it no longer increases bleedout timers on allies.  Bug?

It can be a complete circle just needs 235 range to get angle to 360*.

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His range could use a tiny increase.. just a tad.

His 4th ability should have the ability to produce orbs on kill removed since it can't kill anything high leveled.

His passive should be replaced with "enemies killed while under radiation effects have X% (20% maybe?) chance to drop health orbs"

His passive change alone would open up new build options


Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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I've been playing more with mag this week, thinking on what you guys said. I believe she definitely needs 3 minor things:

1) Her pull needs to be more reliable. Not just randomly ragdolling. Something that could be used as a little disable that doesn't send enemies flying everywhere, so the squad won't be asking you to stop casting it. One of my clanmates suggested it could be similar to Valkyr's Prolonged Paralysis augment, but not as slow.

2) As someone suggested on this topic, Crush should gather all the enemies affected in the same place. It's perfect to chain Magnetize right after. And even Polarize after it. Also, with the long casting time we could either use a bit less of time, or, being able to start casting in the air.

3)More base energy. definitely more base energy.

The only skill i'm not sure how to improve is Polarize. Clearly, DE didn't wanted it to scale. So, if we can't ask to make it scale.... then what? I was thinking it could become a more supportive tool instead of damage. Perhaps It could give overshields to the entire team, but it would be a bit redundant with her augment. It could do a little, short CC. Like a knockdown (helping casting Crush or magnetize afterwards).But i'm not sure what would be better.

Anyway, i feel It's not a long stretch, is (as a couple of people said here) that her rework feels a bit unfinished. Not underpowered, just a couple of extra tweaks and we'll be there :)

Edited by Arandabido
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Players also have forgotten or have never played in the era where focus schools didn't exist. The fact that he does so well without Zenurik is a feat in itself. Typically frames with channeled abilities aren't don't have as much ability usage as him, Ember is the one frame that I can think of that is similar. She keeps up her 4 like Oberon does his 3, and uses her 2 to buff her damage/kit similarly to how Oberon uses his 2 and 4, and uses her 3 for area denial similar to how Oberon uses his 2. Also, both their 1s have the capability to function as buffs through the use of augment mods.

Oberon doesn't need Arcane to sustain his energy pool, though.

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1 hour ago, giricahunik said:

"Just need 235 range?" sacrfice -60% STR only to make a circle? there is no one need those angle thing tho

Actually, with max range and decent power strength, you can carpet a large area with hallowed ground for nice cc. Stack a few of those out and the damage does start to build up.

But as for offering possible oberon adjustments, (I've said this in other threads) but I really think his passive should say "enemies killed under the effects of radiation have a 20% chance to spawn health orbs"

This would make him sooo much better imho and would have synergy with his kit.

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18 hours ago, Alusdrann said:

Yeah. It's disappointing that DE hasn't addressed the last bit of nudges he clearly needs. The armor and energy buffs on prime are definitely welcomed, if still underwhelming, but...

  • Smite still has issues with P.Strength
  • Reckoning's orb drop is still a gimmick that rarely gets triggered, and is also redundant with Renewal
  • Renewal still costs obscene amounts of energy compared to other channeled skills, with a healing potency that doesn't justify the cost
  • Hallowed Ground is still a bizzare shape
  • The base ranges of his skills are still bad
  • Passive is still trash for the majority of players
  • Hallowed Ground still looks like garbage, and has rendering bugs


It's nice that he's not absolute garbage now, but come on, DE...

I've been streaming my Oberon in Mot/Sorties if you want to check it out sometime or join me. I've been able to find something that works for me and maybe we can give eachother pointers? Add me in game if you'd like

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1 hour ago, Music4Therapy said:

I've been streaming my Oberon in Mot/Sorties if you want to check it out sometime or join me. I've been able to find something that works for me and maybe we can give eachother pointers? Add me in game if you'd like

Now Oberon can definitely do well in high level endless mission and sorties, I just solo sortie 3 Jackal with a tank build Oberon Prime without shooting a single bullet, just activate Iron Renewal and cast Smite again and again and Jackal will die within 1 minute. Now he's viable for endgame, but what Alusdrann said is true, Oberon's skill set still has something unpolished, and his Augment mod needs some love too. 

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1 hour ago, Doomerang said:

Now Oberon can definitely do well in high level endless mission and sorties, I just solo sortie 3 Jackal with a tank build Oberon Prime without shooting a single bullet, just activate Iron Renewal and cast Smite again and again and Jackal will die within 1 minute. Now he's viable for endgame, but what Alusdrann said is true, Oberon's skill set still has something unpolished, and his Augment mod needs some love too. 

I wonder if anyone would be interested in me uploading a vid? I can upload one of my streams to youtube then post it here just so people see where I am coming from, because I seem to be one of the few people on the opposite side.

None of the popular youtubers have taken Oberon into difficult content, they just say he's fine and do some crap in the simulacrum.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Zelisius said:

Actually, with max range and decent power strength, you can carpet a large area with hallowed ground for nice cc. Stack a few of those out and the damage does start to build up.

But as for offering possible oberon adjustments, (I've said this in other threads) but I really think his passive should say "enemies killed under the effects of radiation have a 20% chance to spawn health orbs"

This would make him sooo much better imho and would have synergy with his kit.

make that passive: Enemies killed while under the effects of radiation, return 1% Energy to Oberon.  This way when he wrecks an entire room of mobs, he will restore a decent amount of energy.  10 mobs, 10%, of 638 energy, 63.8? energy restored.  Will keep his #3 goin' a little longer.  THen repeat that over the course of a mission. 

Honestly, that "health orb" drop thing goes largely wasted since he has healing of his own.  I mean, if we could stock pile them in a "healthkit" sort of way, consumables that we store up, and can press a button like an ability and trigger the healing for however much we've stored, then it would be useful.  Kinda like a Survival, where we are at 100% air, and air pods drop like water, and we go loot the ammo and waste the air pods....if we could stockpile the air pods, or "overcharge" the air supply to 200%, that would be something. 

Edited by KnightCole
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12 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

You mean equinox's ability? While it'd be appreciated he is getting compared to being 'a worse equinox' enough as is. Given how radiation centric his kit is, something where he gains x amount of energy per irradiated enemy killed' would fit better.

Given how hard hallowed ground was pushed to tie everything else together? I'm surprised they didn't give smite any hallowed ground interactions.

You know what... it's been so long since I've played Equinox, that I forgot that's her passive. 

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