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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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then take your own advice.. i have played with him... feels the same for me... there are some little changes when using abilities together... but same as before i didn't like it cuz of energy drain... so i prefer just to play it the old way

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2 hours ago, Jobistober said:

People need to play him outside of Akkad and the simulacrum. I liked Oberon before the rework and I think he got a fair revisit. I never saw him as a DPS frame. He is support all the way. Imo, his kit is all about dealing rad procs, which I find great against endless infested missions (and an occasional heal). He's not useless and he's not garbage.

Then why does his first gets damage scaling?  Why does Reckoning deals more damage to enemies affected by HG?  If he isn't a DPS, why would they put those bonuses to his powers?  Because unlike MMOs, Warframes don't rely on their powers to deal damage, guns or melee could easily do the job better in most cases.  So what is this disconnection of you thinking Oberon is not a DPS Warframe, and DE giving him DPS traits?

If Oberon's powers now has more damage to it thanks to scaling and forced synergy, at the very least they need to make sure it works.  I'm not saying Oberon should be able to out DPS actual DPS warframes, I'm saying don't give his powers damage boosts if they aren't actually going to be effective past level 40. 

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3 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I run a Range/Duration build in an attempt at scaling down how much energy Renewal eats, address Hallowed Ground and Reckoning's reach, and because I don't have any corrupted mods other than Blind Rage, which I don't want to try because of how energy hungry even a base effeciancy oberon has.

So I'm at 100 effeciancy and Power. 178% duration and 160% range 

For me Oberon just needs a few small tweaks with what he has and it'll be great. AS is it's 'useable but energy devouring.'

Energy: Increase to 150 minamum. I'd be happier with 200, but that needs testing. Point is I shouldn't with primed flow have BARELY enough energy at start of mission to cast his 2, 4, 3, and rush to hope to god i can find energy or get punched in the face before his 3 runs out. The whole point of Primed mods I've alwys bee ntold 

First off this synergy business. There is Synergy and then there's codependancy. Right now renewal and reckoning are dependant on hallowed ground, and that is not a good thing to be.

Synergy would be more 'these abilities are OK on their own, and are GREAT if other abilities get used.

Smite: Do. Not. Split. Scaling. Between. Secondary. Orbs. This outright punishes people who build for strength by diluting the damage out. To Complete the 'things do better on Hallowed Ground' theme of the rework, have any enemy hit by Smite take 2x damage.

Hallowed Ground: Lengthen it to 18 or 20 meters base. Anything that DIES on hallowed ground gives Oberon 5 energy (power strength does nothing for this) regardless on wher he is. Anyone standing on hallowed ground get a base 5 (adjusted by power strength) per enemy killed. Additionally Hallowed Ground affects an area up to two meters above it, so enemy can't just step up and be safe or 'oh crap I bulletjumped just over where Hallowed Ground is.' The big thing though? Damage reduction. Base of 30% damage reduction for standing on hallowed ground.

Hallowed Eruption Augment: Refund Half energy cast on Detonation. Cause Double the effects other abilities have when cast on it (so iron renewal would be 400 armor base, Proposed Smite,and reckoning would get a 4x damage Boost. The 'nuke' effect would be less for the 'nuke' itself and more for causing a gurenteed radiation proc that reckoning can use.

Renewal: Give half strength iron renewal if anyone recieving renewal isn't on hallowed ground (so base 100 armor.) Nothing to write home about on its own but people would get SOMETHING. Also for the love of FSM tone down how much renewal costs per ally. Have it cost 1 energy per ally base (you can do fractional units of energy. I know you can, that's how energy siphon works.) This puts Oberon consuming a third less to upkeep a group. However i also want Oberon to be able to heal NPCs (defense targets, rescue hostages, clemmings, etc.) So that balances to an extent.


Reckoning: Give it more armor stripping by default since spamming oberon's highest cost ability is... not helping his effeciancy issues. I don't really see upping his damage as nessicary since he is a support frame. The damage at low level fissure mission farming is nice, but the big thing here is the crowd control from radiation/blind. So give Reckoning its pre-rework range, double the base blind radius, and if at all possible enemies that hae been slammed by reckoning should have a fifty fifty chance to drop health orbs if nothing else will drop. If that is not possible, then just scrap the mechanic altogether since as is it's too undependable due to Reckoning not being a good damage dealer and the effect is somethin dependant on damage done right now, which is bad.

Passive; current passive is 'fine.' However it'd be better if Oberon had a passive Rage and an innate guardian derision effect regardless of what melee he's using. That would allw him to taunt enemies to go away from the really squishy important things, focus on him, which fuels his powers which causes him to go full on area control and then punching everything to death with bullets.

This is very well thought out and I have to agree. Granted the bonus armor I would prefer be on Hallowed Ground rather than Renewal like it was before the rework but that detail aside, I agree 110%. 

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It feels like a buff IMO as a member of the Glorius Deer Lord Master Race.

Smite- Although it still isn't a good damage dealing ability, you still have all of the CC and debuffs that the original Smite had.

Hallowed Ground: I admit that not much changed here, but what did change was good. It now has a decent range compared to the rectangle it used to be. Also, it can now do some CC with it's decent Radiation proc chance.

Renewal: It's so much more comfortable to use. You just cast it once and leave it. This helps make it much better as a HoT as you don't need to constantly spam it. Armor buff is amazing, I get 825 armor with current build right now and feel really tanky. Also, for all the people complaining about the range nerf, guess what? Allies only need to be within range when the ability is first cast to get its effects and then they can go as far as possible from you while retaining the effects.

Reckoning: Not many changes. I understand that people are upset that nothing changed with its range or how it drops health orbs and I agree that something should be done about those. Also, for all those people complaning that Reckoning can't fully strip armor, remember that Reckoning is one of the few abilities that strips armor at all.

Synergies: Iron Renewal: Great Synergy, really helpful, increase survivability of entire team by a lot.

Reckoning/HG Armor Strip: I understand why people are upset and I would be fine with it getting buffed. However, I don't agree with the people instantly dismissing it as trash.

Overall Grade: 7/10:

Great Rework Overall, however, two of the effects that people were most excited for (Smite Scaling and Armor Strip), were actually the weakest part of the rework.

The rework greatly increased his survivability and healing effectiveness, but didn't greatly increase his damage. I feel that this is the reason people are upset because the scaling was hyped the most. Personally, I feel that Oberon has changed a lot for the better, but not in the areas that people were expecting which is the cause of their salt.

Edited by thewhitepanda1205
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I would say that while Oberon has a bit more utility, the energy required to gain that utility cut away any progress as the 'Additional Utility" is through his synergy (though it's more like dependence and not synergy). He has only a moderate to low energy pool while having no innate way to regain energy while many previous warframes who have synergy DO (examples: Saryn, Nidus, Limbo, and Octavia). 

Edited by Phalian
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How about since damage falls off in the late game give him some actual scaling with Reckoning.Increase the range of the ability(why is it so short to start i have no idea) increase the range of the blind and the blind duration.Also make armor stripping not require enemies standing on hallowed ground but if they are maybe increase the % of armor stripped

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12 hours ago, Teshin_Dax said:

"Quickly lifts enemies into the air and then hurls them down with conviction. Enemies who are affected by this power have a chance to spawn a Health Sphere."

I dunno Tenno, this seems a little unnecessary. With his updated 3 healing at the rate it does, I already leave the orb drops from his 4 all over the place. More orbs wouldn't really do anything for me.

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Well with all of the complaints there is bound to be more hotfixes. Although people should take the time to explore the character before they go making harsh judgements.

For example:

Use Iron renewal + Rage, Oberon's health and energy never go down.

Another Example of Oberon's new lasting survivability 


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1 hour ago, DxAdder said:

Still Mastery Fodder and sadly there going to waste there time giving it a prime.


Getting really sick of pessimistic comments like these.
How about give DE a chance to fix things? They want Oberon to be good

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22 hours ago, Reefermun said:

Don't be an apologist, Zeclem. We're just trying to make Oberon the archetype he should have been from the beginning.

Currently the ultimate is a lesser version of Avalanche in pretty much every way. All these powers are dependent on Hallowed Ground, which does practically nothing outside of being a pre-requisite to get the full effect out of the other powers. Hallowed Ground and Renewal ought to be combined into a single ability. This would essentially turn it into a channeled HoT version of something like Iron Skin. As for an ability to fill the empty spot, how about some kind of power to take advantage of all the radiation procs? Maybe some sort of energy regen power based on the nearby radiation effects.

so im an apologist for stating facts? that you also clearly deny?

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What Specifically do you like and/or dislike about the new rework?

What has been improved?

Are there mechanics that bother you?

What do you think about the synergy?

What do you think about the new passive?

If you have problems; What specifically do you think would improve Oberon overall?

Please be specific and do not go into a pessimistic rage rant. 

Edited by Iccotak
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You COULD go with a regen tank build thing. Where as long as you are getting shot you have endless energy for endless regen.

Didn't build for Smite because the ability still isn't worth using (Tested it out and the damage isn't worth it unless it is spammed in which case just use your melee weapon) Reckoning is fiiiiiine but the base range is really low.

but if your not getting shot enough you run out of energy
and if your getting shot too much by enemies that actually matter (Sortie 2/3) you die.
and your using 5 forma on Oberon
and your not just playing Inaros.

Oberon Prime would need More Health, More Armor AND More Energy to compete poorly against Inaros.

Edited by FreezerFlare
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1 minute ago, Chipputer said:

Oh yeah, a guaranteed knockdown, radiation proc, and staggering other targets with puncture/rad procs is totally not worth using.

If it was an AoE Knockdown maybe.
But any weapon that's worth anything can just oneshot any enemy that matters in the time it takes you to press 1.

And even then Atterax/Galatine Prime cleans up enemies faster than spamming 1

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Just now, Iccotak said:

Well could you go into detail on that instead of being snarky?

1 still doesn't do any real damage

2 is next to useless since nyx does it so much better and still effected by duration bug

3 is effected by range so next to useless since people don't sit on top of you and trin does it so much better

4 is still the only skill you can use and it's not that good


passive is useless since most people don't use pets and the buffs are laughable at best

Edited by CelticMoss
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I like Renewal now,
I like the Shag Carpet's interactions WITH Renewal

I just feel like the numbers with both the abilities and his base stats are too low to compete with other tank/utility frames.

The Armor is neat but it isn't enough to help him because his base armor is too low (When you spend two abilities + a ton of mod space just to hit Valkyr's BASE armor I feel like it could use a little help)

Like I see a place for him as a Hyper Regen tank, but Nidus eat's his lunch in that regard

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As far as touch-ups, I'd say Oberon's pretty good thus far, but I think his 4 can be better. Just a couple changes: possibly scale up the damage after a certain amount of enemies are picked up, and past that certain number, add that extra damage in based on the amount/size of the extra enemies. Also, I'd like to see his armor debuff go up to 40% like Frost's so people can get that sweet 100% armor debuff in their builds. Thanks for all ya do guys, btw. o/

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1 hour ago, Iccotak said:

Well with all of the complaints there is bound to be more hotfixes. Although people should take the time to explore the character before they go making harsh judgements.

For example:

Use Iron renewal + Rage, Oberon's health and energy never go down.

Another Example of Oberon's new lasting survivability 


the thing is with the drain, try going against a level 110 heavy gunner when you're healing all of your allies and their companions:/


but dont get me wrong i dont want oberon to be a laughing stock i love this warframe and have been playing it since release. i just want to take it in high levels instead of casual only

Edited by cookieknife
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