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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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I play a lot of Oberon, pretty much use him in any mission with a fighter playstyle utilizing Rage. I've already made a post earlier which I felt like it could've garnered some interest with what I suggest could solve most of his issues with his kit and his role in a squad, however it did not. I don't notice all the major energy issue that Oberon has as most people in this topic have said. You can have up to 4 Hallowed Grounds but I never see the point of having more than 2 to hold a point. Renewal is essentially the only energy drain I feel and the drain isn't even that bad if there aren't any Energy Leech/Parasitic Eximi around. Smite isn't worth spamming as damage and at best, only creates a minor distraction among enemies in a small range. The only point where I can see you have any energy problem is if you spam Reckoning which I see most other Oberons do. But since everyone seems to be so on board with Oberon needing a energy return mechanic, which I highly doubt he needs as a fighter and more importantly a paladin, I'd like some one do me a favor and enlighten me where his energy issues lie because I simply can not see it. Take a look at Frost, he has very good CC, high health damage sponge globe, generally useful in many scenarios, but also has only 150 base energy at r30.


Edited by Epitheton
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PASSIVE: Instant revive is neat but only one per mission is not great, personally I'd like to have permanent instant revive for the owner's pet while ditching the stat boosts.

SMITE: Right now it's a bit strange as the main enemy it's cast on doesn't immediately take damage, the orbs need to loop around to hit the main target. It's a bit clunky but the damage it does is fine.

HALLOWED GROUND: Doesn't do enough as it is, please make it extend further and be 360º at all times.

RENEWAL: This one is actually fine as it is right now, it's no Trinity Blessing but that's the point, it's not supposed to be great, just good and this most certainly is.

RECKONING: The damage is nowhere near enough and it's barely worth using for CC however the armor stripping could be handy. If it gets a range to match hallowed ground after the above mentioned changes it might become a very handy armor debuff assuming it can strip all armor in 3-4 casts while keeping the current CC effect as it is. It's no Equinox Maim but if we have to combine 2 abilities and cast our ult several times we might as well get something done with it. These changes would set enemies up for our 1, synergising much better and also supporting the squad with enemy debuffs.

Another handy change would be to lower the drop chance of health orbs but make it on cast per enemy.

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I like that Oberon got at least touched in some right directions, mostly tackling QoL issues. But, as to functionality changes, it's quite terrible, because functionality such as armor stripping and armor buff is restricted to hallowed ground which can't go big, where frames such as Frost perform it immediately. Maybe they don't like copying, but oh c'mon, why do we have Wukong and excalibur in one game?

Without these pseudo-features hallowed ground would be entirely useless, but let's tackle this issue.

Lemme get my stuff out and we'll discuss :

Add another passive - radiation procs increase duration by (power duration - 1)

- Smite - add combo counter for projectiles that didn't find target and found way back to oberon. Ai for smite should change to instead of patrolling for more enemies to come back to oberon and enhance next smite giving extra 2.5% HP/Shield damage and an extra projectile.

- Hallowed ground - allies on HG still receive status immunity, and when downed are getting revived at rate of 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.75 of usual revive, and bleedout timer keeps ticking. HG also amplifies all healing effects including weapon's lifesteal, rejuvenation auras, blessing, devour, etc. Immediately goes down as soon as oberon goes down. Scale down radiation  status slightly to give more risk being revived without actual CC around, enemies like to cluitter.

- Renewal - grants armor regardless of being casted on HG or not. Reminder, that this ability disallows you to obtain energy from pads and trin EV, and orbs when ally is being healed. Armor would, at max level of ability, get buffed by 50-200 (scaling with power strength), depending on allies' HP in range of 25% - 75% (as in <25% you still receive 50 armor, above 75% you cap at 200) , This still allows fragile allies to take extra hit, but they get **regen** in return. Oberon always receives a full bonus from this ability. Bonus armor scales with HG's buff

-Reckoning  - works in range of 20/12/10/8 per allies in squad and around them, scaling with power range, and is global in regard to working around allies, all effects remain same, and add that armor strip on HG but without requiring HG. Enemies , killed during a 2 second duration (scaling with P.Duration) and under radiation effects, always drop health orbs.

Synergies? Renewal + HGround will always work in regards of reviving even all allies at once with this combo, with renewal's unfluence on bleedout duration assuring bullS#&amp;&#036; added onto HG to work, also fix renewal to affect downed allies. Also, more regen, orbs are amplified via HG. Smite, apparently, is something devs want to leave aside.

What do we get? All abilities work to their full potential without strictly requiring eachother, however each ability helps other ability.

What do you think?

Edited by pavlo555
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23 minutes ago, (PS4)fullblast35 said:

I have found a youtuber who actually figured it out. Good Job DE : 


This isn't anything new and in fact confirms what I have been saying since the rework. At the end of the video he too says that he needs an energy gain mechanic. He had energy issues even with a 2 Red Veil weapons and Sahasa Kubrow bringing him energy.

He is literally saying what I have been saying since the rework came to be.

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34 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

Agreed. I have 4 ideas regarding it that I've been pushing.

1) Smite projectiles generating energy per enemy hit while Oberon is on Hallowed Ground

2) Gaining energy per second on Hallowed

3) Gaining energy per enemy killed while you are on Hallowed Ground

4) The usual Reckoning only needing to hit the target then having an increased chance of dropping a health orb mechanic for Equilibrium.

How about recknocking dropping energy orbs too?

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Oberon, with all of his synergies, is a really energy hungry warframe. Most of the warframes that have to use multiple powers to be effective have some way of replenishing energy (Nidus, Saryn, Octavia and Limbo Limbo all have it in one way or another). I think there are at least two ways Oberon could improve on that:

1. Make enemies affected by reckoning  have at least 25% chance of dropping  health orb on hit (instead of 50% on kill). This way we could use build that would include equilibrium and health conversion, giving Oberon a reliable way of getting energy. 

2. Each time an Orb spawned by smite hits an enemy that's under radiation effect Oberon gets 5 energy. The important thing here is that we take doesn't matter if the orbs will hit 6 different targets or if they will all hit one enemy, the energy gain will be the same! 


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14 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I stay energy starved not because of Reckoning, I stay energy starved keeping Renewal up. I run with primed continuity/flow, and rage. i should be FINE for energy, but I'm not.


I find the 'oh you're doing it wrong DE did it right' crowd rather insulting. I'm not asking the moon here. I"m just asking for oberon without relying on primed mods like the video guy or corrupted mods, also like the video guy, to have a way to reclaim energy.

I find it even more presumptuous of you for accusing me of insulting you at all. I only had ask where the energy issues lie but you likened to escalate it to an insult. I never said you were wrong at all. I only said that Oberon doesn't need the a bigger energy pool.

As for your problems, it still seems you haven't even taken a look at my feedback/suggestions because hasn't been mentioned at all. If you had read, I suggested Renewal to be a wave the grants a health regeneration buff. This way it'll have none of this energy drain issue it had before and after rework. This should make energy management significantly better. This way you WON'T need more energy.

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18 minutes ago, Jochcio said:

Oberon, with all of his synergies, is a really energy hungry warframe. Most of the warframes that have to use multiple powers to be effective have some way of replenishing energy (Nidus, Saryn, Octavia and Limbo Limbo all have it in one way or another). I think there are at least two ways Oberon could improve on that:

1. Make enemies affected by reckoning  have at least 25% chance of dropping  health orb on hit (instead of 50% on kill). This way we could use build that would include equilibrium and health conversion, giving Oberon a reliable way of getting energy. 

2. Each time an Orb spawned by smite hits an enemy that's under radiation effect Oberon gets 5 energy. The important thing here is that we take doesn't matter if the orbs will hit 6 different targets or if they will all hit one enemy, the energy gain will be the same! 


There seems to be a few consistancies on what Oberon mains want changed to potentially salvage this rework

1) Hallowed Ground given more detail, I have yet to meet an Oberon player who wouldn't like mystic grass and plants from the Silver Grove to not only show his more natural side, but also make Hallowed Ground easier to see (Credit to the Warframe YouTuber Rob from AGayGuyPlays for this idea)

2) His utter lack of energy management. Moderate energy pool with high energy prices for the true effectiveness and no way to get energy back without energy pizzas or preying to RNG for energy orbs. There are too many different ideas to list as to how he could gain energy. 

3) A recent development has been a way for Oberon to drop Health Orbs easier connected to the ability Reckoning, being one of the only 2 Warframes which can do this semi-consistently. This would also help his suitability with his moderate armor of 150 through the mod "Health Conversion" as well as mod set diversity. 

Edited by Phalian
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well, its hardly a rework imo. stuff got swaped out and a pseudo-synergy inbetween them has been done. he will still be on cleaing duty in my ship dressed in a maid costume.

logically speaking the synergies arent even great tho. ranges dont match each other to actually make it really work, energy amount he needs is just silly and the effects u get arent worth it either compared to other frames. he still can do a bit of everything but nothing to an extend where it rivals frames which are one trick ponies and do it right. he needed a REAL rework, not some swapping and tweaking.


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Just now, Xydeth said:

well, its hardly a rework imo. stuff got swaped out and a pseudo-synergy inbetween them has been done. he will still be on cleaing duty in my ship dressed in a maid costume.

logically speaking the synergies arent even great tho. ranges dont match each other to actually make it really work, energy amount he needs is just silly and the effects u get arent worth it either compared to other frames. he still can do a bit of everything but nothing to an extend where it rivals frames which are one trick ponies and do it right. he needed a REAL rework, not some swapping and tweaking.


Are you talking this thread or the in-game?

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After today's few runs with Bro, I concluded that he desperately need some mechanic to get energy back, that I was sceptical before. Current Renewal is great, sometimes its hard to get allies to stay on carpet before casting, but 80 hp/s is ok to facetank non Trooper enemy in sortie 3. Why my opinion changed? Because of energy per target.

I had a run along with Nekros and Nidus. Renewal affected both shadows and maggots, sucking out of energy faster than Resonating Quake at 20 stacks. Oberon's pool is not big. That crippled me a lot. As renewal target every ally, specters, pets, minions makes it unusable.

Either remove cost per target or make some mechanic for Oberon to get energy back. Not to mention that his carpet is still too small.

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10 minutes ago, Phalian said:


2) His utter lack of energy management. Moderate energy pool with high energy prices for the true effectiveness and no way to get energy back without energy pizzas or preying to RNG for energy orbs. There are too many different ideas to list as to how he could gain energy. 

Every solution has its pros and cons: 

-Simply increasing his energy pool won't save him form running out of energy, it will just take a bit longer 

-my first suggestion makes Oberon a lot more tanky (thanks to health conversion) and gives you a bit of room for personal preference (power strength or duration isn't mandatory) but makes him spam reckoning which could be both good and bad thing 

-my second suggestion encourage the use of hallowed ground and don't require you to pick up orbs or use specialized mods (equilibrium, h conversion) but it forces you to have positive power strength (less than base 6 orbs and you will only gent back the energy required to cast), it will also have problems with ancient healers since enemies around won't be affected by radiation proc (but they are priority targets anyway so it's not that big of a deal) 

I don't know about other ways Oberon could be more energy efficient but I'm sure they also have some drawbacks (or they could be just Op but then what's the point of even suggesting them?). 

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5 hours ago, Koed said:

This is my Valkyr build. I slow enemies in 36,25m radius by a whopping 75%, I grant allies 115% armor buff and attack speed and I can go invincible on command. I run with arcane energize.

Now, are you telling me that can't be considered a JOAT just because I can't heal my squadmates (I can heal myself though)? I CC, Tank and damage buff. 3/4. Oberon can CC, "Tank" and heal. 3/4.



Average Cc cooldown of 23,25 seconds that can be cast once without a constant stream of damage, what's kinda in conflict with this whole Cc idea, giving a whooping 172,5 armor to frames with the average armor rating of 150 -ash, volt and the likes, 74,75 armor to nova and limbo with a armor rating of 65 aso...

Percentual armor does nothing for frames that actually need it but ok.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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8 minutes ago, Jochcio said:

I don't know about other ways Oberon could be more energy efficient but I'm sure they also have some drawbacks (or they could be just Op but then what's the point of even suggesting them?). 

1) While on Hallowed Ground, Smite generates X amount of energy per enemy hit by the projectiles it creates.

2) While on Hallowed Ground, Oberon gains X energy per second and gain Y energy per enemy killed.

3) Reckoning generates healing orbs from enemies that die soon after being hit by the ability. <--- Equilibrium required

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22 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

...I had a run along with Nekros and Nidus. Renewal affected both shadows and maggots, sucking out of energy faster than Resonating Quake at 20 stacks...

Wow that's pretty interesting.  Probably something overlooked by [DE].  Hopefully someone takes notice of this thread and initiates some changes.

edit: An easy fix would be for Renewal to have a set energy drain rate for the ability rather than being based on the number of targets affected.  The way it works now would be like Peacemaker, Quake, Wof, etc. draining additional energy for each enemy hit.

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Oberon need a better carpet which is much wider lets say 20*20 in area at base he needs an update on his energy pool like 175 on max level or better. Need plus 50 armor and an energy restoring mechanism like nidus or octavia's energy regain when the power is active.

Also when his renewal on the trinity cannot give him energy in order to get some energy from a nearby trinity he needs to cancel his ability. His ultimate could be a nice energy restorer or in the form giving energy orbs too with the same chance as health orbs drop or a vaccum mechanism which take some energy call a number 10-15% from the affected enemies. Directly not saying when killed an enemy because the ability on higher level won't kill so much enemies and it locks oberon to play lower level missions so that's why I feel it would be nice a percent energy regain from affected enemies or energy orb drops. 

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19 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

After today's few runs with Bro, I concluded that he desperately need some mechanic to get energy back, that I was sceptical before. Current Renewal is great, sometimes its hard to get allies to stay on carpet before casting, but 80 hp/s is ok to facetank non Trooper enemy in sortie 3. Why my opinion changed? Because of energy per target.

I had a run along with Nekros and Nidus. Renewal affected both shadows and maggots, sucking out of energy faster than Resonating Quake at 20 stacks. Oberon's pool is not big. That crippled me a lot. As renewal target every ally, specters, pets, minions makes it unusable.

Either remove cost per target or make some mechanic for Oberon to get energy back. Not to mention that his carpet is still too small.

Not to mention the fact that A. you need to cast hallowed grounds to get the armor buff and B. to use the armor debuff of reckoning on enemies you need to spam it a ton both adding to your energy consumption I could not agree more.

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Seriously, so many complaints are really there because people do not know how to use the reworked character. They try playing him like before. He is different now, learn his mechanics.

This Youtuber goes over the rework and why it is Amazing.


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i mean as it currently is ingame sorry. was an indirect /agree with u on the basic part that he needs a change still. i agree with ur ideas on the part of adding onto each other but still being usable alone. especially the part where reckoning is used around allies. BUT for that to be nice it actually has to do more than a bit of cc and mediocore dmg. for example targets under the radiation effect get that effect removed and 150% damage dealt directly to health, % scaling with power. that would be something neat imo, still just an example of what id call useful.

i would add a % max health dmg buff to smite the more smite projectiles hit an enemy during radiation time instead of the shield/health part. like targets affected by radiation receive 10% of their total health in radiation damage increasind by 5% for each subsequential projectile. capped at 25%. would be a late game monster with that dmg but on the other hand it wouldnt be an insta wipe either. just an example ofc so numbers might be bit high.

as he currently is to me at least the "rework" was a total waste of time in this state. if i want heal i pick trinity, if i want damage we have many other options even vs grineer which radiation is prolly best suited against.



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3 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

The problem there is Equilibrium depends on oberon being at max health. Then again this would allow me to not have rage if I can consistently get health.

Thats only the 3rd suggestion, it in conjunction with 1 of the other 2 would be optimal.

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Just now, Phalian said:

I just watched Mogamu's most recent video. It seems that we have more fuel for the fire to hopefully get DE's attention. Both Mogamu and Tactical Potato bringing up good points about Oberon's glaring weaknesses. 

Both of them are sources I wouldn't necessarily trust. There is a great video above from Meme Sage that shows his view, I suggest you check that out and let me know what you think. I watched all 3 vids, btw.

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