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New player - how much platinum do I really need?



So I'm still relatively new. Mastery 7 now, slowly working my way towards unlocking the last planets. I have few frames. I particularly like my Valkyr, and I'm also testing Ivara. I also have some prime parts from relics and some alright weapons/mods. Nothing special, really. 

I got a 25% plat sale a while ago, and with that I bought some frame slots and a lot of cosmetics. As far as cosmetics go, I'm pretty much set. Only things I really need are probably prime parts and good mods. 

So now that I got a 50% plat sale, I was wondering how much I should buy. Will there be enough stuff for me to buy to justify getting the silver (2100 plat) pack for €45? A friend recommended it, but it seems like a huge overkill. 1k plat at €22,50 seems a lot more reasonable. Also, are the mods included in either of the packs any good?

Edited by Veandra
Fixed a typo
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Warframe still has one of the most fair f2p models on the market - as long as you are willing to farm corrupted mods (40-50p for good ones) and syndicate rep (10-15p per mod), not to mention farming new prime access items on day 0 and selling them for hundreds of plat, you don't need to buy ANY plat. So I'd save money in case you really want some prime accessories or tennogen items, as these can only be bought with real money and not plat.

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You won't ever to done with FashionFrame, so reserve plats for future items. The plats amount is dependent on how much of a collector and how much time you have/want to play/grind. Collector needs a few thousands for warframes, weapons, and Riven slots as well as arcane helmets and other things. If you lack time or effort for grinding, then you'll need another thousands or so buy maxed mods. The example is an extreme case. By all mean, it isn't meant to be done overnight.

My suggestion is to have about 1000p as a reserved. Then you can comfortable play like normal, level up mods, and collect parts to sell/buy. Purchase slots and cosmetics as you go. 

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depends on what you're interested in, you can get lots of slots with 1000 plat, if you want rivens the more plat the better, if you don't want to farm for stuff, once again the more the better, if you are willing to farm and only need neccesery stuff like slots 1000 will be enough, and the mods are good, but not a must have, and you can get them easily ingame

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Well, I'll put it this way: If you're sticking around, you're gonna need a lot of slots if you want to reach MR30 (whenever it becomes possible) and keep all the weapons. If that's important to you, then I would recommend the more expensive pack. But it's not exactly necessary because you can sell stuff for the slot plat pretty easily. It's up to you, really.

As far as the mods go, Animal Instinct (in the silver pack) is useful to have because it frees up potentially two slots on your frame. Loot radar and enemy radar are pretty handy, but not usually handy enough to take up frame slots. Enter Animal Instinct.

Seeking Fury (in both packs) is pretty useful too. Some shotguns have slow reload speed, and the more powerful ones often have pitiful magazine size, to balance damage output. Seeking Fury helps alleviate both of those, with the increased reload speed and the punchthrough, which lets you take out clusters of enemies more quickly.

Bottom line, it's really up to you at the end. Getting the plat now means you won't have to worry about selling for it later, and the mods are useful. But you can get both the mods and the plat without spending a dime. I just takes much longer for most people. So it depends on how long you're willing to wait to get those things.

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honestly, you can get most things (mods, weapons, frames) for free in warframe, if you really want a specific item that you can only get with plat (rare mods, cosmetics, hard to get primes) then what I suggest doing is simply farming prime pieces and selling them. (also the mods that the bundles give you aren't worth too much, you should be able to find em in the trading channel rather easily)

now onto your main question: what can I do with 2100 plats that I cant with 1000? most things that you'll want at your level should be under 100 plat or so (in the case of primes, less then 100 plat per piece) however, mega bundles can sometimes be tempting to get (they can be quite nice from time to time). but otherwise, things should be rather cheap so for 1000 plat youll get lets say 600 plats worth of stuff from the market (a frame or two, and maybe some cosmetics) and 400 plats to spare on either ridiculous amounts of formas/potatos or the trading channel (careful not to get scammed!). With 2100 plats you'll be a little more confidant, you'll spend a bunch more on the market (maybe get a bundle or two) or take part in the more expensive items in the game (like arcanes or primed mods)

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people say you dont need plat, but it severely limits your gameplay options without it.

that said, what you REALLY  need it for is slots.  good thing is slots are relatively cheap.  so all you have to do is use trade chat when you get things to sell.

This is sort of a catch 22, because if your new,, those things your trying to sell you could probably use.  just weigh your options, sometimes its more important to get the plat then to have another weapon you cant use because you dont have slots for it.

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You don't really need much plat but it helps a new player get a jump on the game.

Booster, Slots, Catalyst, Reactors, Forma. All these things come over time for free but it's a matter of how much you mind waiting. I don't really think you'd need more than 1k plat to jump start your game play and get to a point where you can start making plat and have your game play support itself but it also depends on how often you play and for how long you plan to play.

Some players buy plat cuz they don't have the time to deal with it. Some players like myself save the money for Tennogen instead.

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Back in time when I got platinum discounts I bought 26-32k platinum with 75% dcs but that was years ago and I have still saved platinum. 2-3 k for slots is needs if you want to experience a lot of weapons the rest is cosmetic and maybe some for potatoes but those can be farmed aswell. Another option is the trading but of course there need peoples whom will pay for platinum.

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for weapon and warframe slots about 3-3.5k i guess

it's a rough estimate since i'm too lazy to count weapons/frames manually and google didn't yield much answers

it's the amount that you arguably need for playing purposes, not fashion frame

Edited by Pro3Display
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Wait for 75% discount and get 1k plat for slots, boosters (farm when you can so you won't have to do it later) and possibly sales like recent Darvo offer.

If you can farm a frame, go straight for primed version. Check which characters can't be re-farmed if deleted and consider getting them if you like their theme/style. 

Trade with people in chat. With incoming filters it will be much easier but watch popular demand and try sell common parts cheap. It's a good habit unless you keep parts for ducats which some players do. Some give a good price for the "junk" which can be another man's treasure but not often.

My point is, you have a reliable source of plat at any time - other players. Trading, sharing, gifting - all are a part of bigger exchange spectrum. Learn what can be bought only from the market asap.

As for the mod packs - NO. Never buy them. It's pure gamble and results are never worth it. Make some friends and ask them nicely for basic helpful sets, they can sit on tens if not hundreds of duplicate mod you currently hunt for hours.

Good luck!

Edited by Sannidor
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In my opinion you need exactly 0 plat. I have never spent a dollar in this game and probably have easily totaled 4k plat by selling items. If you are going to buy plat 1k is perfectly fine. However, do NOT spend it all in one place. Use it to get things you need but you can also use it to buy sets and re-sell them. Trust me, once you have plat it becomes easier to get it.

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Only if enough people buy platinum, other wise there is no platinum trades. I suggest you to use the 75% discounts if you can afford to pay other time you can get platinum via trading but it is more certain thing and you help the devs too. Only buy plat if you have at least 50% - 75% discounts the other options are not viable.

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