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So, how has the Design Council Alert been treating you?


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Did you finish it?
If so wich Frames did you bring?

Cleared 6 waves with a Frost,Ember and two Equinox, after that my Laptop overheated.... i guess all the flashing lights are a bit too much for him to handle.


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Atterax and Naramon is the way to go. Takes care of those pesky nullifier bubbles and osprey sappers.


Brought Frost prime. Cast bubble on the objective. Squad just stood back hiding in the snowglobe bubble whilst I basically just solo'd the mission for them.


Finished it first try no problems.



Edited by AzurePrower
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5 minutes ago, AzurePrower said:

Atterax and Naramon is the way to go. Takes care of those pesky nullifier bubbles and osprey sappers.


Brought Frost prime. Cast bubble on the objective. Squad just stood back hiding in the snowglobe bubble whilst I basically just solo'd the mission for them.


Finished it first try no problems.


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13 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

We are a bunch of Sado-Masochists, how could we do that to ourselves and to the rest of the community?

MLG/10 we will keep doing Alerts like that.

And if you check the poll in the design council, those are not the enemies we have voted for (except for the good ol sarge)

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'Challenge' is for Corpus could be no-energy, nullifiers, bursas, comba/scrambus, sappers spam. I guessed it will be Nullie-spam and picked Zephyr. Guessed right, as it appears to be.

Did it first try with pugs (two rhinos and mr5 excalibur), dealing the most damage with Sobek.

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30 minutes ago, KingOfNightmare said:

And if you check the poll in the design council, those are not the enemies we have voted for (except for the good ol sarge)

What did you think DE would have put? The moment I saw it was going to be Corpus and level 100 Challenge... CHALLENGE, the first thing that came to my mind was "Nullifiers" and "Sapping Ospreys".

The fact that they were Eximus was the part I did not foresee.

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Went in in an Inaros/Supra Vandal/Atomos and Zenistar w 3 Specters (Shield Osprey, Ancient and Shielded Bombard, I dropped them around wave 4).   Spawned in, whole team was dead.   Tossed out disk, threw some sand around, revived the 1 that didn't leave.  Others came in and left a couple times.   In that first wave, think we had a total of 7 or 8 players.    But, after that it settled down.   Ended with a Rhino P, Mesa and a Nezha along with myself in the Inaros.   Spent my time CC'ing, Healing, knocking out bubbles and reviving while they killed.  And keeping the Disk over the pod.   Rhino stomped and roared, Nezha flamed like Nezha does, and Mesa shot up stuff, revived, shot up stuff, revived etc.   Had a glitch on the next to last wave with a Mine Osprey getting inside one of those large rectangular objects around the pod.   Nothing could hit it but it could hit us.    Host Alt F4 and came back, fixed the problem.   Overall,  cruised right through it.   

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I got lucky and cleared it the first time with randoms.

Frost with ignis (magnetic/gas). Spray, pray, and keep the bubble up.

Volt with 4th skill augment. Beautiful cc and overshield.

Cant even remember the other 2..

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Ran with my nyx and random pub. 2nd run to it, but was really fun. (it was an valkyr p, trinity and nidus. If i recall corrently.) 

Knocked down and destroyed the saplings balls with sonicor and kept controlling the crowd with chaos and mind control for extra buffs. Kicked to space crowds of enemies and nullies when i had the chance too.

It was really chaotic but nothing impossible. I feel that sapplings were the biggest problems on this kind of runs, since they cover a ton of space with no down falls at all and apparently an infinite supply of blue balls.


Seriously had me screaming of excitement when i saw that boss at the end, too bad it ended pretty quickly. 

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Honestly, I didn't enjoy it.

Way way way too many Osprey mines everywhere.

People getting dropped left and right.

If you'd try to rez them you'd probably get dropped too.

1st run we lost in one of the final waves when the pod got destroyed. 

2nd run we pulled out a win, but it wasn't fun.

Not because "oh noes it was hard" but because b.s. enemies aren't fun.

Maybe we needed someone with an Ignis I guess to keep the area clear of mines? And maybe people need to learn to "dodge" a lot more and GTFAway from the Sapper mines.

But the whole thing just seemed like one big Cluster-Frak.

Honestly, I think I'd have rather have fought all Nullifiers than any of those darn sappers. =p


And just so it doesn't seem like I'm salty because I didn't "do well" (and I don't say this to brag, just for perspective!)

I did 49% of the damage and 364/689 kills. =p

I used Atlas built almost purely for "durability and efficiency" and used my 2 forma Supra Vandal and the Sonicor.

And I punched pretty much anything that wasn't inside of a Nullifier bubble that got close to the pod on Run #2, heh.



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This one was supposed to be hard? I did p.much all the killing. We had a mag, a nyx and myself as an octavia. We beat it fairly easily the first try and the end was a disappointment. Was expecting like a dozen hyenas or something that'd instant rape us.

Edited by Cmdr-A
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After repeated tries with various tactics, we finally passed the mission with 2 Inaros players, one of them being me, and one Limbo and one Nekros Prime. The Nekros player couldn't do much, but the guy was only MR5 so I didn't hold it against him. The Limbo used negative range to cataclysm the pod and prevent us from insta-failing. He and the other Inaros took turns reviving people, and it was my job to slaughter enemies.

I used a max range, maiming strike-crit build with Orthos Prime and Naramon. I ended up dealing 80% of the total damage with spin2win.

We cheesed the mission: after we survived a round, the limbo put the last enemy into stasis while we waited for the cryopod to heal a bunch. Impatience led to a couple of close shaves, but by and large, we got through by only waiting for 10k-ish health regenerating.

I feel like if we had a squad of four inaros players and shadow step with a decent crit melee the mission would have been passed much more comfortably.

My opinion on the challenge: reflecting afterwards, it was kind of fun, and truly challenging, but mostly I was rather upset. Cheesy enemies does not equal good design, and while I could even somewhat forgive the nullifier eximus spam, the Sappers were unforgivable. Having giant auras of "no powers for you" is annoying, but that in addition to giant auras of "instant death without tons of eHP" was vexing.

I really hate how the sappers' orbs are invincible for some time after being launched, and can only be killed once they dropped to the floor. Once deployed, they should be vulnerable.


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