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Kuva in the Kuva Fortress??


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So in yesterdays Dev stream (#92) the Kuva in the Kuva Fortress question came up, to apparent confusion on implementation... which I was a little confused on as it seems obvious to me...

If the Worm Queen is collecting Kuva would it not be logical that it's kept in a vault(s) of some sort in the fortress?

Would it be out of the realm of possibility that we could theoretically find and crack said vault(s)?

The spy missions on the fortress are somewhat laborious (Lua level laborious) to undertake already, I don't see why we could not have a random chance when entering any applicable Fortress mission that say, 2-3 of the spy hacking tiles to be present, and after hacking all of them, somewhere in the level a vault door defence goes down, allowing for a final hack and a treasury of say 6K Kuva to be collected on mission end, maybe a specialist mod or 3 as well at random. Doing all this during a survival or something would be pretty hilarious and a challenge I think, also hits on the multiple objective question asked in the same stream.

Something like that would defiantly give me incentive to head to the fortress more often, and as far as I can tell it's not lore breaking in anyway.



Edited by Carnage2K4
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My personal preference would be:

Typical spy mission, but if you hacked all 3 w/o raising a single alarm while hacking, there's a good chance Lotus will notify that one of the data contains specifics of a kuva vault/container in the area, thus changing the objective of the mission from "hack 3 consoles" into "break into the vault/steal the container(probably cache styled)".

That would end the "but its a KUVA fortress!!" argument while keeping the current kuva syphon/flood missions relevant because afaik people hate them spy missions.

Edited by Lucavee
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6k is a lot of Kuva, and if you CONSISTENTLY get that, there'd be no reason to do Siphons. Maybe if you lower the amount (Significantly) and drop chance, while allowing other things to drop in its place every other few times, it'd be more applicable.


But I would not be opposed to more ways of obtaining Kuva, as it does seem obvious they would store it in the Fortress, hence it's namesake.

Edited by (XB1)ALG Minuscule36
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lower the drop chance? why even have a drop chance if its the KUVA FORTRESS to begin with? how does that make it better than the kuva siphons which are guaranteed missions of ~ 600 kuva and 1200 for a flood.

have a static spy mission with a balanced amount of kuva that is always available as guaranteed one of the 3 rewards from the vaults. added to that you can then have tiers of kuva as the rewards, . so you can have like 400, 600 and then 800 and then have a drop chance between those three. but you should always get at least one of those as a reward from the spy vault in the kuva fortress. so 400 would be the most common, 600 would be uncommon and 800 would be rare etc etc. if those values are too high then fine, i can compromise but you cant implement something in a manner where ppl wont play it because there's another mission that is more rewarding/efficient/easier etc. lets learn from archwing and draco rite?

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Afaik, Kuva Fortress Assault gives no end of mission reward. Just make this drop 2.4k kuva. Suddenly this mission that had tons of assets thrown into it now has a reason to be played.

Albiet, for kuva alone and considering the length of the mission, i would still stay away.

Edited by Pyus
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1 hour ago, Church002 said:

have a static spy mission with a balanced amount of kuva that is always available as guaranteed one of the 3 rewards from the vaults. 

Sorry but irrelevant of how much Kuva is obtained in the mission, that is the most boring implementation, don't we see enough of this already? Just jamming it into the static spy reward pool is possibly the dullest way to have Kuva as a reward, at least put some variability into it.


I'll always be partial to a more 'derelict vault' like mechanic as it at least provides some slight interest and possibility of not appearing.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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1 minute ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Sorry but irrelevant of how much Kuva is obtained in the mission, that is the most boring implementation, don't we see enough of this already? Just jamming it into the static spy reward pool is possibly the dullest way to have Kuva as a reward, at least put some variability into it.

yea no.

your request for variability is already fulfilled with the kuva siphons. go play those if you want variability. further to that, you're free to suggest a brand new mission type for kuva in the kuva fortress tileset but based on how the infested salvage went down, i dont see that happening soon. dismissing my suggestion and offering nothing in return is ignorant.

and since spy vaults already exists in the kuva tileset, its easy to implement kuva farming in this tileset. like someone said before, they praised the lighting and gfx and all the time and work they put into the kuva fortress tileset but lotsa folks dont play it because there's nothing to go there for.

some even find the map and level design tedious and unreasonably complex from what i gather. i think the layout is pretty decent but i also dont go there because there's nothing there for me that i require. put some kuva in the spy vaults. or make an exclusive vault mission type that does not suck.

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12 minutes ago, Church002 said:

...if drugs are called common sense...sure. its great to have common sense. 

apparently its also uncommon. but w/e.

Not really has your response was somewhat nonsensical, my OP was the "return offering"... Your response used a non-variable system to suggest variability (the Kuva collection is the same in every mission) and then you used an unrelated mission type as the reason that.. what?... 'new things don't work'? which is a false equivalency, only to finish it off with calling me ignorant for not providing an alternate idea.. to which my thread ultimately started with and is not really in the area of "ignorance" anyway ... somewhat ironic... Then some unrelated stuff on the level design...

Dude, your post was nonsensical from start to finish, hence my ROFL while reading it... I don't even know how to respond to it...

Edited by Carnage2K4
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12 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Not really has your response was somewhat nonsensical, my OP was the "return offering"... Your response used a non-variable system to suggest variability (the Kuva collection is the same in every mission) and then you used an unrelated mission type as the reason that.. what?... 'new things don't work'? which is a false equivalency, only to finish it off with calling me ignorant for not providing an alternate idea.. to which my thread ultimately started with and is not really in the area of "ignorance" anyway ... somewhat ironic... Then some unrelated stuff on the level design...

Dude, your post was nonsensical from start to finish, hence my ROFL while reading it... I don't even know how to respond to it...

"not knowing how to respond to something", but giving it a go anyway.

you got more time to waste then? if i write this here, are you going to respond?

"oh look at me, i'm the OP. anything written in my thread that i don't agree with/cant understand is non-sense that i'll berate just because I have nothing better to do with my time." 


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13 hours ago, Church002 said:

yea no.

your request for variability is already fulfilled with the kuva siphons. go play those if you want variability. further to that, you're free to suggest a brand new mission type for kuva in the kuva fortress tileset but based on how the infested salvage went down, i dont see that happening soon. dismissing my suggestion and offering nothing in return is ignorant.

and since spy vaults already exists in the kuva tileset, its easy to implement kuva farming in this tileset. like someone said before, they praised the lighting and gfx and all the time and work they put into the kuva fortress tileset but lotsa folks dont play it because there's nothing to go there for.

some even find the map and level design tedious and unreasonably complex from what i gather. i think the layout is pretty decent but i also dont go there because there's nothing there for me that i require. put some kuva in the spy vaults. or make an exclusive vault mission type that does not suck.

Comparing this to infested salvage is hardly fair, seeing as the only decent reward from it is a nidus part, which is worthless once you have your nidus.

But if you're referring to the discontent of the warframe community regarding that mission in particular (aside from the reward) that im not aware of, i apologize in advance.

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From the stream, I gather that all the devs were in agreement that Kuva should be available from the Kuva Fortress. Which I really like the idea of. SInce I haven't really had any reason to go back there, I haven't really done so, but I really like the tileset and missions made for it! Dark and sombre, the terrain rewarding skill in stealth and mobility. And The Assault mission, I really like! A long, grueling mission that combines many different skills, it really makes me consider my loadout and tactics and make me feel like a serious operative.

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There should definitely be vaults in most of the missions to get like 3000-5000 kuva. I like the fortress tileset, just like most missions its to easy. 

I dont want to have to play-2 hours + to get to level 100+ enemies. 

Start the levels at 70-80 for the entire Kuva Fortress tile set. 

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Could implement it in 4 ways:

On Survival/Assault/Exterminate missions you have hidden Kuva Caches you can locate, these give low amounts of Kuva but otherwise do not require much besides exploration.

On all mission types there is a chance for a void style parkour vault, where you need to be quick and precise to get a decent amount of kuva and a chance at rare mods.

Successfully obtaining data from 6 spy vaults allows lotus to obtain information on the location of a major kuva vault the player can assault, gives large amounts of kuva available once a week.

Implement a mini-event where when the Kuva fortress collects a certain amount of Kuva a special mission opens up where the community can go raid the Kuva fortress for very large amounts of Kuva until the vaults are emptied. Set it up to take maybe a couple weeks to build up.

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my proposal: Kuva Hijack

works exactly the same as Ceres Hijack, but instead of a Formorian Core, the tram is holding a massive tank of Kuva, the more damage it takes, the less Kuva you get at the end of the mission. alter tram route/produce new fortress tiles as necessary and boom, you've got a co-op centric mode that awards plenty Kuva and gives the fortress a purpose. putting it in caches and adding it to endless rotations there would also both make sense and help a lot.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

my proposal: Kuva Hijack

works exactly the same as Ceres Hijack, but instead of a Formorian Core, the tram is holding a massive tank of Kuva, the more damage it takes, the less Kuva you get at the end of the mission. alter tram route/produce new fortress tiles as necessary and boom, you've got a co-op centric mode that awards plenty Kuva and gives the fortress a purpose. putting it in caches and adding it to endless rotations there would also both make sense and help a lot.

Sounds great...but if the fortress defenses targeted the Kuva tank, you might be seeing a loss in a few tanks

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Just now, The_Masked_Man said:

Sounds great...but if the fortress defenses targeted the Kuva tank, you might be seeing a loss in a few tanks

it could be made so that you have to take out Defenses in the next room before the tram comes in, you'd ideally have 2 people guard the tram and power it with their Shields, and 2 people taking out turrets and fending off Grineer. if DE actually put work into something like this, Kuva could actually become a joy to farm for.

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Just now, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

it could be made so that you have to take out Defenses in the next room before the tram comes in, you'd ideally have 2 people guard the tram and power it with their Shields, and 2 people taking out turrets and fending off Grineer. if DE actually put work into something like this, Kuva could actually become a joy to farm for.

then we have Nidus/inaos coming to say Hello~~ to the tram, and nothing moves, but yes i want Kuva Hijack


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