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DE, Please dont let this be it for Oberon, Ash, Saryn, or Mag


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All 4 of these frames have had either half finished or in mag's case, very lack luster reworks, and the majority of the warframe community have viewed them as such. Before you move forward with starting other reworks and what not, can even 1 person at DE read this knowing that these 4 frame still need proper reworks:


The point of his rework was missed, his 4 is still an uninteractive cinematic, but now is clunky, slower, and costs more than twice as much as before, leaving him in the dust of octavia at this point.


While still better than before marginally, his healing now punishes you for playing with a larger squad, especially nekros and nidus, an idea that you should cost more to heal more allies punishing you for doing your job as a support, further more, I feel as though a paladin warframe should have atleast 300 base armor, not 150. His 2 should only require you to be on the AoE to buff allies and debuff enemies, as its too costs and inconsistent to wait for constantly moving thing to get onto your flame carpet thing. Also, why have it so the %hp damage of his smite is divided per projectile, but increasing strength add more projectiles, effectively making damage less consistent.


Crush does nothing, her animations are too long and CC her more than enemies, the armor and shield stripping on her 3 doesnt scale so it does effectively nothing, and pull should be 1 handed. her 2 is fine though, and her passive is pointless since it moves the items to where you just left.


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

DE, as a company, we the fans enjoy your work, but are begging you look back at these 4 frames and help them..!


Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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Oberon does need more work but I'm fine with the others.

  • Renewal needs a flat energy cost.  Like all the other healing abilities...Oberon is the only frame that has increased energy cost for healing more allies/npc's.  All other frames have a flat energy cost for healing health and/or shields.
  • Hallowed Ground should be an aura that travels with Oberon.

With those two fixes I think he'll be in a much better place.

edit: After reading some of the replies below, I'm getting the impression that not many have run Renewal since the rework with a Nekros or Nidus.  In a regular group, the energy drain-per-ally isn't bad...but a full group with even one Nekros or Nidus drains energy super fast.

Edited by Tizodd
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2 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

i see mag and saryn rework being "bad", i skip reading. especially saryn.

"bad reworks" but it's fine you may kindly exit >_> Don't want your non contributing self to be here anyway

Edited by Trickst3rGawd
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Mags 2 needs a better pull, not to the level of vortex, but still more then it has. Crush needs reduced casting time and built in armor stripping (maybe -50% Already in the augment), and polarize needs to have a scaling component (maybe deal the current damage +10% of targets armor/shields). And then your suggestion of a one-handed pull.

Saryn's not designed for a "nuke ult", at the moment she revolves around using spores and the synergies with them. she does need to be less energy hungry though.

Oberon needs a "Max drain" on renewal to stop SoTD or maggots from nuking his energy pool. As he is currently -2 per sec, and -3 per target per sec, maybe a max drain of -14 per sec, equal to healing 4 targets? (that's with base efficiency ofc, so at 175%, you would have a max drain of 3.5 per sec).

His smite could be changed from 35% split between projectiles, to 5% per projectile.

EDIT: as stated, maybe make HG a 360o Arua, maybe at the cost of a slight range reduction.

Ash needs an entire new ult, as its basically a flurry of weaker versions of his 3.

Edited by Elvangreen
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Just now, Elvangreen said:

Mags 2 needs a better pull, not to the level of vortex, but still more then it has. Crush needs reduced casting time and built in armor stripping (maybe -50%), and polarize needs to have a scaling component (maybe deal the current damage +10% of targets armor/shields). And then your suggestion of a one-handed pull.

Saryn's not designed for a "nuke ult", at the moment she revolves around using spores and the synergies with them. she does need to be less energy hungry though.

Oberon needs a "Max drain" on renewal to stop SoTD or maggots from nuking his energy pool. As he is currently -2 per sec, and -3 per target per sec, maybe a max drain of -14 per sec, equal to healing 4 targets? (that's with base efficiency ofc, so at 175%, you would have a max drain of 3.5 per sec).

His smite could be changed from 35% split between projectiles, to 5% per projectile.

Ash needs an entire new ult, as its basically a flurry of weaker versions of his 3.



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15 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

Oberon does need more work but I'm fine with the others.

  • Renewal needs a flat energy cost.  Like all the other healing abilities...Oberon is the only frame that has increased energy cost for healing more allies/npc's.  All other frames have a flat energy cost for healing health and/or shields.
  • Hallowed Ground should be an aura that travels with Oberon.

With those two fixes I think he'll be in a much better place.

That, and he could use 100 more base armor, to bring him up to 250 base armor, at least.

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The only problem with Saryn is that Miasma has that pseudo-synergy DE loves to add, where the functionality of a single power is spread across several other powers. That and she's extremely gear dependent.

Beyond that she's an exceptionally good and well designed frame.

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You hurt your own case here trying to claim that Saryn's rework was bad. 

Nothing will ever be perfect, I'm not arguing she's perfect. But that's the point. No rework will ever be perfect, and Saryn's was a good rework. Perfectly good enough. 

The rest, Oberon doesn't need as much attention as the others. I still think a lot of the complaints, while a few are valid, are mostly from noberons who have no idea what they are talking about. 

The complaint about Ash is spot on of course, I don't know enough about Mag too comment too much, but I know many others, like MagPrime, find her very useful and powerful still. 

Also, Saryn's nuke didnt' scale before at all really, and now she isn't one dimensional. 

Oberon is stronger, whether you agree with all the changes or not. The question that people can't agree on is, is he stronger enough? 

Mag had the ridiculous scaling of shield polarize nerfed, and I think that's the main reason why many people feel she was "nerfed too hard", but that should have been expected. That easy button was always going to be nerfed eventually. 

Ash is the real loser here. His rework didn't fix the main issue, which was that you spend most of the time with the game playing the game for you. Now it's a little more interactive, but you spend even more time with the game playing the game while you watch the game play the game for you. And it costs way more to do. So yeah, Ash was the real loser here. The rest of this perhaps isn't so well thought out. 

Oberon could maybe use a tweak or too, but the truth is he is in much better shape than all the noberons keep claiming. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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1 hour ago, Trickst3rGawd said:


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

I play Saryn more than anything and I can say with certainty that her rework puts her in a place far above most other frames.  Her 4 isn't even needed for 90% of her damage, I use it mostly as a quick CC or a boost to damage, nothing more.  She is the only frame that does more damage with her first ability than her other 3 combined.

I would love to see her 3rd ability do something with her other weaponry, of course, but it is far from useless.

That said, I don't disagree that Oberon's renewal change was rather silly and forces a very specific playstyle, something I simply cannot get behind.

Mag is great, except her crush is indeed in need of some more attention.  It barely fits with the rest of her kit.  Pull does need to be one-handed, can't argue with that.

Can't argue about Ash's rework either, since it wasn't really even a rework.  None of his other abilities got any serious attention other than a few minor tweaks.  His 4th costing more energy and requiring invisibility to have a decent cost makes it easier to just use his 3rd with augment.  Everyone will defend his 1st ability so long as his augment is there, and his 2nd ability is essential in making his 4th productive.  Not so much synergy as dependency.

Overall, I'd agree with most of what you said if you had not included Saryn in the mix.  Just by looking at your stats, I can only conclude she doesn't fit with your playstyle, and that's fine.  We have other 30 frames, not every one of them has to fit your hand like a glove after all.

I do disagree with the general tone of this thread though, halting progress on other reworks to touch up these 4, (or 3, leave saryn alone).  There are other frames in far greater need.  Even Oberon is and always was at least playable, with all 4 abilities having some use in most situations.  Zephyr, for example, is in way greater need of a total rework than having them fix Mag's Crush or Ash's Bladestorm.

Even Chroma needs it more.  Literally 3/4's of his potential is wasted since most play him as Ice.  Rarely there will be a heat chroma, and I've never seen a toxin or electric one being played.  Nor has any Chroma I've played with chosen Range over minmax duration.  Not to mention his utter lack of a passive, passing off his energy color as a passive is nonsense.

Of course, my opinion is greatly peppered by my play style and lack of experience in some aspects of the frames I dislike, just as yours is.

For instance, I cannot stand Limbo, pre or post rework, I simply cannot get a handle on how to play him.  While you clearly prefer him to most others.  

Edited by Xekrin
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1 hour ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

All 4 of these frames have had either half finished or in mag's case, very lack luster reworks, and the majority of the warframe community have viewed them as such. Before you move forward with starting other reworks and what not, can even 1 person at DE read this knowing that these 4 frame still need proper reworks:


The point of his rework was missed, his 4 is still an uninteractive cinematic, but now is clunky, slower, and costs more than twice as much as before, leaving him in the dust of octavia at this point.


While still better than before marginally, his healing now punishes you for playing with a larger squad, especially nekros and nidus, an idea that you should cost more to heal more allies punishing you for doing your job as a support, further more, I feel as though a paladin warframe should have atleast 300 base armor, not 150. His 2 should only require you to be on the AoE to buff allies and debuff enemies, as its too costs and inconsistent to wait for constantly moving thing to get onto your flame carpet thing. Also, why have it so the %hp damage of his smite is divided per projectile, but increasing strength add more projectiles, effectively making damage less consistent.


Crush does nothing, her animations are too long and CC her more than enemies, the armor and shield stripping on her 3 doesnt scale so it does effectively nothing, and pull should be 1 handed. her 2 is fine though, and her passive is pointless since it moves the items to where you just left.


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

DE, as a company, we the fans enjoy your work, but are begging you look back at these 4 frames and help them..!


i love it how everyone was so bothered with ash, but mesa exists, give me a reason to use ash again

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4 hours ago, Elvangreen said:

Prime will deal with that.

Broberon Prime may have more armor, but that's not a good way of dealing with that issue.

If they brought regular Oberon up to 200 base armor, then decided to give Oberon Prime 300 base armor, that's fine. But throwing the regular frame to the side and making the prime better by implementing changes that probably should have been on the non-prime anyway isn't a good practice.

So far, all the primes that have gotten more armor than their non-prime counterparts, were not frames that really needed their base armor increased to make the frame better, and bring it more inline with the frame's theme.


More base armor has been asked for in Oberon reworks since before his very first rework was anywhere near implemented. It's very clear that the community feels that Oberon's Paladin theme is incomplete as he doesn't quite feel tanky enough. Oberon's only ever received one increase to his base armor. It was raised to 150 base, which if I recall correctly, was only 50 extra armor from when he was first introduced into the game. The community was glad for the buff, but 50 extra armor isn't, and wasn't, enough.


Edit: It seems that Oberon had a base of 65 armor when he was first introduced, meaning that he received a buff of 85 armor in his very first rework. I had forgotten how low his armor originally was. Though, that doesn't change that I still feel he needs some more armor. Granted, after re-reading through the most recent rework stuff, I can agree that he has to jump through too many hoops to get decent armor at too high an energy cost.

Given the above in the edit, I'll say that I'll probably be content with Oberon Prime if they at least give him 200 or 250 armor. Really, that should be enough, and while I'd love to see non-prime Oberon be roughly the same, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
Correcting info, making my opinion a bit less 'radical'
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Im personally fine with Saryn's kit right now. She has decent damage and wide area, but personally i was expecting toxic damage to scale a bit with enemy health (and maybe ignore some toxic resistance), so she will be useful at higher level. With how Saryn currently works, any toxic eximus and ancients will render her useless in missions, and nullifier will negate her use completely as usual. Which means she is bad against Infested, Corpus, and Corrupted. Kinda sad, dont you think?

Mag need some more looking into compared to Saryn. Pull needs to be changed to 1h ability so she can at least cc when reloading to improve her survivability. Polarize doesnt strip enough armor for it to be useful against grineer, especially high level ones, and crush is basically a cc applied on herself. She used to be good against corpus but nullifier render her useless as well. So right now she is bad against everything. I dont think i ever see her outside of some low level corpus missions. Maybe once or twice on corpus sortie with enhanced shield.

I cant really say much about Oberon, only that he doesnt have any damage to speak of, and very energy inefficient on his healing. And im not even talking about healing spawned units. His Hallowed ground finds some use with the forced synergy with renewal, but with how renewal drains so much, he needs to stop quite often to get his fix (A.K.A. energy pizza). Only use i can think of for Oberon is the radiation proc, which clashed with Nyx's primary function. Even his reckoning is similar to Mag's crush. Its good that DE wants to fix Oberon, but i dont think being heavily dependent on gear like some addict is a good direction. Maybe have his Smite to spawn energy bolt that seeks allies and recover their energy instead? Maybe with less energy restored compared to ev, and acts like energy orb (can recover channeling frames) can differentiate him enough from Trinity.

As for Ash, personally i would prefer if they remove bladestorm entirely from his kit. With teleport (+augment) and covert lethality, bladestorm is 'meh' at most, useful only for invulnerability when cast. Only reason why I still use bladestorm is because some enemies just doesnt trigger the finisher at all. Personally I prefer if they give Ash a new ability for his 4th. Why not some toggled ability that enhances his current ability? Toggling the ability on will mark enemies much like the current bladestorm 1st press, but now he can use other abilities for it e.g. Shuriken (with increased energy cost obviously). Casting shuriken will launch shuriken to all marked targets. Casting teleport will cause Ash to spam the ability to all marked target (similar to current bladestorm, but that also means they have to give innate fatal teleport augment). Casting smoke screen will apply the ability to all allied in range (again, new augment needed) or apply the ministun to all marked target. Pressing 4 again will deactivate the toggle.

But then again, what do I know? Im just a filthy casual sitting in front of my computer playing games all day.


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22 minutes ago, Lucavee said:

With how Saryn currently works, any toxic eximus and ancients will render her useless in missions, and nullifier will negate her use completely as usual. Which means she is bad against Infested, Corpus, and Corrupted. Kinda sad, dont you think?

Agreed.  Also her extreme reliance on range rather than power strength is a little odd, but whatever.  Personally I've taken to using toxin/radiation builds as rad will negate the links between infested and shield ospreys (or I have to manually target those).  Overall though, despite needing little tweaks, she is still far more stable than many others.

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1 hour ago, GhostSwordsman said:


I don't want to get into an extended debate about what is or isn't great, or what does or doesn't still need work in regards to Oberon's rework. 

However, I just want to point out something here. The solution to Oberon needing armor (they did give him a way to get armor, although it does require a lot of forced synergies, but that's irrelevant here) -- the point is that the solution is always going to be ability oriented. 

The Prime gives him a small boost, but DE NEVER gives the kind of stat buffs you are asking for. Not even close. They just... don't. Even with primes the buffs are somewhat marginal in the grand scheme of things. Volt is still the most extreme example of a buffed prime, and it wasn't even close to the kind of number you are asking for here. No offense, but it is simply unrealistic. DE has never fixed warframe problems by heavily changing actual stats the way you are asking for -- especially on vanilla versions, they almost never touch vanilla warframe stats even a teensy bit.

Maybe Oberons armor buff should be a little easier to acquire and keep up on the go, but base armor? Don't expect that to happen to the extent you are talking about, and if you did, you never should have expected it to happen -- to be blunt, you were setting yourself up for disappointment. And I'm not even arguing whether they should change warframe stats that heavily or not... just that they don't, so I don't expect them to ever do that. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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2 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

"bad reworks" but it's fine you may kindly exit >_> Don't want your non contributing self to be here anyway

Problem is, they're not bad.

I'd suggest learning to mod and play them correctly.

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7 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

"bad reworks" but it's fine you may kindly exit >_> Don't want your non contributing self to be here anyway


7 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

Don't be selfish, they all still need work. Don't make this into a "MAKE ONLY OBERON BETTER" kind of thread..

-makes post expressing opinion

-tells people with other opinions to leave, or calls them selfish, rather than bothering to discuss it with them at length.


- Ash's rework was not intended to make him more powerful, it was intended to stop Bladestorm spam, and in this regard, it succeeded. they did however break their promise of removing the cutscenes. if they made it so that only Ash's clones did the Bladestorming while the player themselves is still free to run around, that would have solved the problem. they could have made it sort of like the trainee Assassins in AC: Brotherhood: you call them (or in this case, cast your power) and the clones go out and kill whilst you do whatever. it wouldn't encourage spam because it would still take time and a lot of energy to do.

- i'll admit I've yet to get around to using Oberon again, but I was playing with a friend who used him, and he supported me brilliantly: I was never left wanting for health or armour. I don't really get most of the hate, though he could have arguably been buffed a little more. at least his useless old passive is gone though.

- Mag was hit pretty hard. to me, she still fits fairly well as a corpus curb stomper, and she's sometimes handy to have in boss fights with her Bullet Attractor, as I can focus less on pinpoint accuracy and more on moving and avoiding incoming attacks. she could be better, but with her, it's a matter of how you use her, same with Ash.

- Saryn is perfectly fine, capable of dealing with very large groups of enemies with the right build. Regenerative Molt gives her all the survivability she needs, and whilst the "3 power nuke" takes a little setup, it's worth the payoff. her 3 is also fine and useful, great for if you're forced into melee with a sub-par weapon.



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I will preface my post with the knowledge that I have played Warframe off and on since Beta. (let me tell you I have seen some things!) I was away for a little over a year (been back for about a month) so some of these changes are still a little raw to me. I will offer my suggestions here as someone who loved each of these frames at different times for different reasons.


I miss my Mag for so many reasons. The Greedy Pull/Mesa days sent Mag to a bad place, where most players either hated her or misunderstood her appeal as more than a farm-frame. I understand the rework was intended to open her toolkit, but it only seemed to focus more on one ability: Magnetize. A few specific changes to her abilities would bring her back to a better place.

1) Pull (and Greedy Pull!) - This ability used to be a CC staple for Mag. Remove the "shard" generation from Polarize and add it to Pull, with each enemy effected by the ability dropping "shards" of armor that are ripped off. Update this ability to do increased damage to enemies effected by Polarize. Greedy Pull needs to be changed so that enemies Pulled have an increased Drop Chance for loot. (See Pilfering Swarm)

2) Magnetize - Make this ability spawn at the reticle location instead of forcing you to use an enemy as an anchor. The damage on this ability is great now; however, this would allow it to be used in a more tactical method for covering doors/entrances. Remove the energy refund and the Explosion damage. Add increased damage to enemies effected by Polarize.

3) Polarize - Change this ability to reduce the total armor/shield enemies have by a flat percentage (20% max?) while effected. The initial pulse will temporarily reset any enemy shields to zero for a few seconds. Remove Shield Restore as a default function of this ability and update the Shield Transference aug mod to provide stripped armor/shield restore/Overshield to you and your team up to a certain percentage bonus based on the amount stripped. (scaling!) 

4) Crush - Turn this ability in to a toggle. When toggled on Crush slows everything in range by a flat percentage amount and does pulsing Physical and Magnetic damage to anything in the effected range, plus increased damage to Polarized targets. This area of effect would center on/travel with Mag and would drain more energy the longer it was on. (the same as Hysteria)



Saryn is one of my favorite frames to primary as Melee (I may not be playing her in the "Meta") and she is incredible in this role. To a point the OP is correct that Miasma tends to be power hungry, but that was the point DE has made with most of these reworks. The 4th ability is meant to be a really significant and not just "spammed". Her kit overall is very good and with a few functionality updates it would be great.

1) Spores - Make this ability a Point-Blank Area of effect ability on cast instead of target-based. Move the Toxic Lash "spread" function to Spores: infected targets have a 100% change on melee strike to spread the infection. Change Venom Dose to apply a Viral (not Toxin) bonus for allies.

2) Molt - No changes needed! (so good)

3) Toxic Lash - Double the duration and add a Damage multiplier to targets effected with Spores. This damage bonus applies 100% to melee strikes and 50% to all other weapons. Update Contagion Cloud to be a 5m cloud that automatically procs the Corrosive effect on enemies that enter it.

4) Miasma - Update Miasma to also include a mechanic that "bursts" all current Spores with an initial knockdown of Physical damage. (otherwise the damage/range on this 4th ability is great)



I have spent the least amount of time with Ash after the update and I have to say I am not a huge fan of the Blade Storm changes. His kit overall seems somewhat dated still based on current game mechanics. (I realize most of these probably aren't new)

1) Shuriken - Increase the amount of total thrown to 4 at Max level. Update Seeking Shuriken to allow the stars thrown to be automatic Headshots along with the current bonuses.

2) Smoke Screen - Triple the base max duration to 24 seconds, make Ash silent while under the Smoke Screen effect and add a buff that increases movement speed by 15%.

3) Teleport - Change the function of this ability to apply Lethal damage (the same as the Covert Lethality mod) to the single target. Update Fatal Teleport to return half of the damage done as health.

4) Blade Storm - Change this ability back to press on-use. The updated Blade Storm throws a burst of Shurikens hitting all targets in range, marking them for death. The initial burst damage is Slash damage but also automatically applies a bleed proc with high DPS. All "marked" targets will also take increased damage from Melee attacks from Ash. For each marked target killed Ash gains a "Shadow Clone" buff that increases his chance to dodge incoming damage to a max percentage, no matter how they die. (up to 50% dodge) Update Rising Storm to increase the Melee Combo Duration by 4 seconds per kill as well as the Melee Multiplier bonus by 200% when a Marked target is killed.



Oberon has always been a bit of a niche-play for me but overall I enjoyed playing him in the past. (bad memories as the "Dracobuffer" still makes me twitch though) I love the changes to his Hallowed Ground and overall I feel like the changes are headed in the right direction. That said here are my 2-cents.

1) Smite - Update this ability to be a group buff with a duration that spawns a burst of "Smite" orbs whenever an enemy is killed. The spawned orbs apply Impact damage and a 100% rad proc when they touch living enemies. Reduce the number of orbs spawned to 4 at max per enemy killed.

2) Hallowed Ground - Change this to a toggle (like Nekro's Desecrate) that pulses an aura of low-damage radiation in an area of effect around the Oberon. This aura travels with the warframe. Make the base range the same as Reckoning. Any enemies killed in the range of the aura have a greatly increased change to drop Health orbs and all status effects against the Oberon and his teammates in range of the aura are nullified. Update Hallowed Eruption to reduce enemy armor by 15% when in range of the aura and any Melee kills by the Oberon extend the duration of the Smite buff by 4 seconds.

3) Renewal - Update this ability to slowly drain Health instead of energy while toggled on. Remove the initial burst heal and increase the heal-over-time by 100%. The Oberon cannot receive direct heals but can pick up health orbs while this ability is toggled on.

4) Reckoning - Remove the blind effect. Targets of Reckoning that are effected by Hallowed Ground take increased damage and reduced armor values. When an enemy dies from Reckoning the Oberon gains an flat armor buff with a max value based on targets killed. All enemies killed by Reckoning have an increased chance to drop Energy orbs. (instead of health) Update Hallowed Reckoning to extend the Armor bonus Oberon gains from Reckoning kills to his teammates as well.

Edited by DataThief
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