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why banshee , limbo should be nerfed hard


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i like to accualy play warframe and not stand around watching paint dry because someone thinks its cool to dominate the board with sound quake leaving nothing to do . since oberon prime has launched i havent been able to play a decient game .  then there is limbo who wont let anyone do anything if they are anywhere near limbo . whos briliant idea was it to take troll limbo and make him ubertroll limbo should have their future opinions ignored . congrats on making your game unplayable digital extremes unless your limbo or banshee . i have been a daily player since the game launched and i have no problem throwing money at the game because it was fun . now it seems that i should find another game to throw money at that doesnt say that its team based then makes one toon that dominates leaving the team to do nothing . im not asking to make me happy and do what i want . i am asking to make the game playable for everyone .

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How do you figure that Resonating Quake, which is what make people spam Sound Quake, means Banshee should be nerfed?
And if they nerfed this (Limbo has already been nerfed, bigly) people would just find another way to clear the map real fast. Like Saryn, Nezha, Excalibur etc. I'm not trying to say though that you should give up and never say anything (you should always speak out <3) but just stating "This is boring I demand change" (which is counter productive), suggest changes. If you don't have any, open up for discussion with players instead.

Oh and the game is not unplayable unless you're Banshee/Limbo, might I guess that you say that because you want to deal top damage on mission results?

P.S: Banshee needs to be nerfed, but not for the reasons you mention. Her Sonar is just to freaking strong and useful xD

Edited by (PS4)ExetSM
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Limbo already got nerfed, if you don't like him then i guess you don't like a variety of other "troll" frames including but not limited to:





List goes on; Limbo is fine where he is, there is no need for any more changes to his setup/kit. Banshee doesn't need changed either, these frames suit their roles, i've seen so much whining recently that i'm starting to think that these players have actually never played Limbo and are not aware that it is possible to go out of the rift and to break Stasis, it's ridiculous.

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Clearly doesn't play banshee because it takes an excessive amount of energy to play resonating quake builds.... and it's not the only viable build for banshee....

Limbo catabombs (still being done because strong enough for starmap.... this needs to be stopped by DE imo) are annoying visually due to the flash and stasis is annoying in the way it restricts you to melee (hell it even stops zenistar disks) but apart from small maps you can usually just leave limbo alone.  Personally I don't want stasis nerfing in power, just a change to the way it works...freezes enemies not our bullets.

OP strangely neglects to mention ember with world on fire active......hmm..... personally I see that far more often that banshee and limbo and that is far more annoying in the grand scheme of things than pretty much any other frame when playing the star map plus it moves with you so you can't get away from it so easily.

If you want to nerf things that ruin the game for others... best get on with nerfing saryn, equinox, slowva on defence, frost globe on infested maps, excaliburs exhaulted blade as a laser (that wooshing noise gets annoying pretty quickly).....

Edited by LSG501
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Sound quake have two main builds. DMG and CC. 

While the DMG can wipe whole Def. maps its really energy hungry and user can still die to flying enemies.

The CC build can be annoying but it do almost no dmg....so you can just run around kill stunned enemies.

Sure it can be boring in low lvl missions where you can easily kill enemies with simple weapon but some missions are better if you can avoid the fight.

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39 minutes ago, cheneryx said:

i like to accualy play warframe and not stand around watching paint dry because someone thinks its cool to dominate the board with sound quake leaving nothing to do . since oberon prime has launched i havent been able to play a decient game .  then there is limbo who wont let anyone do anything if they are anywhere near limbo . whos briliant idea was it to take troll limbo and make him ubertroll limbo should have their future opinions ignored . congrats on making your game unplayable digital extremes unless your limbo or banshee . i have been a daily player since the game launched and i have no problem throwing money at the game because it was fun . now it seems that i should find another game to throw money at that doesnt say that its team based then makes one toon that dominates leaving the team to do nothing . im not asking to make me happy and do what i want . i am asking to make the game playable for everyone .thanks again de for ruining your own game .

translation: "waaaah I can't get kills because of people who know how to use Banshee and limbo waaaah".

that's the price you pay for going public. there' going to be someone who does stuff you don't like, and your choices are to either A: deal with it, B: leave the game or C: whine about it on the forums thinking other people will actually care, and clearly you chose option C. also, don't claim to speak for everyone, we may have different opinions than you.

in the off chance you actually quit, good luck with your other games.



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Banshee is fine, and if u think she needs nerf pls look at Ember lol, at least Banshee cant move around when she uses 4, but Ember just runs and automatically kills everything around her. Limbo is a bit of trolling but I'm fine with that. IMO they're not as annoying as pre-patch Blade Storm.

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Banshee can't do that alone and its situational also because she can't move nor stun airborne targets... so chances are you are joining  a session with at least 2-3 players wanting to play in a certain way..Really different from miarge simulpr for example.

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56 minutes ago, cheneryx said:

i have been a daily player since the game launched

You're just now realizing certain frames have the ability to stop your fun?

You've watched the game change time and time again and you call for nerfs without providing a solution you think would be right?

I agree limbo's kit is pure cancer for unorganized team play, and that his 2 & 3 should be changed.

But if you're playing public on a banshee popular map you shouldn't be surprised to see banshee and go LOL NERF if you've been playing this game daily since launch.

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13 hours ago, cheneryx said:

i like to accualy play warframe and not stand around watching paint dry because someone thinks its cool to dominate the board with sound quake leaving nothing to do . since oberon prime has launched i havent been able to play a decient game .  then there is limbo who wont let anyone do anything if they are anywhere near limbo . whos briliant idea was it to take troll limbo and make him ubertroll limbo should have their future opinions ignored . congrats on making your game unplayable digital extremes unless your limbo or banshee . i have been a daily player since the game launched and i have no problem throwing money at the game because it was fun . now it seems that i should find another game to throw money at that doesnt say that its team based then makes one toon that dominates leaving the team to do nothing . im not asking to make me happy and do what i want . i am asking to make the game playable for everyone .thanks again de for ruining your own game .

You can go solo if they are too much of a problem with you. I only see people taking a quake banshee on a defense or interception mission to make it faster. on every other game mode I see a sonar banshee. as for limbo, I give him a chance to not be annoying before just leaving.

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Maybe they do, but you failed to mention anything other than them that can also do it.

1. Mesa Peacemaker spam in the middle of the room.

2. Ember WoF.

3. Miramulor.

4. Nezha Javelin spam.

5. Nidus spam.

6. Rhino Stomp dps build.

7. Mag on Corpus missions.

8. Volt ult spam.

9. DPS Saryn.


They've been here since forever and you've just now said that certain frames could "ruin" your game?

By that logic, let's just nerf almost every AoE DPS frames now?

I personally think that the only real problem mentioned in your post is the stasis, which I agree as a Limbo main, is really annoying to use even for the Limbo.

Edited by Jangkrik
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To OP:

do you realize that at higher levels Banshe's Resonating Quacke takes enough time to kill stuff that it mainly works as a CC to let her squadmates murder enemies easier?

I can understand your irritation if it was in low level missions, but anithing with armor over level 30 dies faster to weapons than to her #4.

Limbo... well that frame unique mechanic is a problem in public missions, but in a group is very useful.

Try them both before crying for nerf, you might be breaking someting you could have liked

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2 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

Not really, I saw some people using it and it still works (although not as efficient as it was).

u know what bit odd? if u put HC on ogris and fire it with hall of mirrors the rockets can collide and with extremely badluck blowup right in your face

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26 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

5. Nidus spam.

Nidus at least has a legitimate reason. Without stacks, he has no 3 or 4, nor his passive. He's required to make excessive use of 1 and 2 to set the frame up to play as intended.

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