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The defense mission issue


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So.. I suppose we have all tried it.. After the 5th wave, someone leaves at the last possible second and leaves the rest of the team to fight for themselves.. That can cost a team of weaker players the entire fight.. And I really hate to see that happen.. I hate to see these trolls leave the newbs after 30 min, costing them all their hard earned xp and loot.. So I suggest a change to the system as it stands now.. I think it would work a lot better if players could simply opt out, kind of like in survival.. If the player runs to the exit marked location, they can leave.. That lets the rest of the team decide for themself, and no one gets left to lose because a troll got bored.. 

This idea is just off the top of my head, so it will probably have some flaws, but let me know what you think


Edit: Also posted on steam - http://steamcommunity.com/app/230410/discussions/0/1291817837628800127/

Edited by Dreaper23
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I mean, I hate it when people do this, too, and I make a point to call them out on it before they fully disconnect from the party, but all that really needs to happen is that when someone leaves, give the remaining party members 5 more seconds to decide if they want to keep going. Keep doing this until everyone leaves or one person is left in the mission.

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I get a good laugh when people do this because in most cases I'll survive the 5 waves solo anyway.  They don't realize that while they're skipping off laughing, they've cause me no harm and I'm laughing at their childish attempts to troll me, which unknowingly to them - have failed.

I do understand where you're coming from though - leaving behind low levels puts them in a bad spot and its been a problem since the beginning.  When I'm gonna leave a mission I press the button right as soon as the timer starts so they have the FULL time to decide to stay or not.  It's the courteous thing to do - but even sometimes I change last minute not to troll, but because in that 15 seconds my mind put something at higher priority than staying longer.  

I both like and dislike the idea of an extration point... people already abuse it in Survival - all it takes is 2 scrubs and 2 good players, both scrubs go to extraction and end the mission for the high levels who weren't done, enticing us to play on private versus public, because public means we suffer premature extraction.

I've had people start the timer to extract at 19 minutes, only to have us extract literally seconds before getting another reward - it's frustrating to say the least - so one solution only opens the door to new problems.  I mean how much of a bummer would it be to get to wave 39 and 2 guys go to extraction while the other 2 are desperately trying to finish that last wave, only to be beaten by a timer?

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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21 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

I mean, I hate it when people do this, too, and I make a point to call them out on it before they fully disconnect from the party, but all that really needs to happen is that when someone leaves, give the remaining party members 5 more seconds to decide if they want to keep going. Keep doing this until everyone leaves or one person is left in the mission.

out of all the suggestions mentioned in the past, I'd be totally down for this.  It's not fair for the rest of the team to suddenly have to adjust to one less man in the squad - some teams can't adjust on the fly like that.  It takes a mental second or two to decide whether or not the next five waves is feasible with 3 people or less

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Can you be matched with people you have on Ignore list?

I mean it is a poor fix, but if some people think it is fun to troll / attempt to cause pain to someone else they are clearly on what i would say a ignore list.


Then of course that only works if you are never matched with Ignored people, and it would also at best be a band aid fix.

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When it comes to leveling in akkad for example, and i know most players have very weak weapons to level and leave at 5, i just laugh.  most of the time it's ignorance of how tenno affinity works and they prefer doing 5 waves all over again, when logically the tougher the enemy the more XP you get.  there are other cases where players just dont like to be around certain frames or the use of certain weapons like the simulor, banshee , nova, nidus, mirage etc...soon oberon.  nobody now know that n the early versions of the games your lrevives had a cool down.  if you didn't wait for that cool down or rush it, the next mission you get in you'd have just 1 life to live.  So I'm one of those players who doesn't kunderstand why revives are so precious to certain players, and i dont think teammates are selfish enough to not revive you if they can.  As for survivals well,  a lot of players are either unlocking the mission for the first time, testing their new knowledge on builds or farming something specific.  Its still frustrating but there nothing you can really do.


But I do like the idea of extracting separately. it opens up the possibility to extend or bend the spawn-in-mission rule delay, giving players the chance to get in after 5 waves.

Edited by (PS4)fullblast35
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

I both like and dislike the idea of an extration point... people already abuse it in Survival - all it takes is 2 scrubs and 2 good players, both scrubs go to extraction and end the mission for the high levels who weren't done, enticing us to play on private versus public, because public means we suffer premature extraction.

With the syStem change I had in mind, this won't happen.. Only the players that run to the exit will leave.. That way, the team or a single player, can go on for as long as they dare

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Thing is, alot of the time it isn't trolling, its getting disconnected due to bad connections etc.    I have a general rule, I don't stay if I cannot solo or carry.  

And players doing 5 and outs in DS sectors are playing for cash, not affinity, affinity is just a casual gain for them while earning credits.

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1 hour ago, _Vortus_ said:

Thing is, alot of the time it isn't trolling, its getting disconnected due to bad connections etc.    I have a general rule, I don't stay if I cannot solo or carry.  

And players doing 5 and outs in DS sectors are playing for cash, not affinity, affinity is just a casual gain for them while earning credits.

The ones that disconnect are of course not the ones that I mean.. But I always keep an eye on the screen, and I see that they change to leave right before the countdown ends.. Also, this was not about the cash farmers :) This is about the ones that take newbs in there for xp gains..

But still, with an open exit area, none of this would ever be a problem again.. Someone DC's? well we can leave if we wish... Some $&*^head left us to die? well we can leave if we wish

@CarrotSalad That would mean that the ones that would wish to continue, could not do so :) not good either

Edited by Dreaper23
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8 hours ago, (Xbox One)Tucker D Dawg said:

the reseting the Stay/Leave timer to 5 seconds seems like an easy solution. and while your at it cap the number of times someone can change their mind - 3 at most.


yeah.. problem with this is trolling people for an extra 15 seconds at EVERY wave of defense by switching back and forth, you know if this applies to everyone you could be on that screen for 45 seconds waiting.

The better way is lock any decision to exit below 5 seconds (can not be undone), and reset the timer to 5 seconds each time someone moves to exit. Period. If you moved to exit below 5 seconds you are out. From that point players can only change to exit (not back), and the time resets so you are only adding a second or two in most cases. Bonus perk - since you can't move back below 5 seconds, if everyone clicks exit, the mission ends at the 5 second point (everyone locked).

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Maybe a better way to do it.. would just be to make the rewards stay even if you fail that 5 waves. That way at least you're covered for host migration fails etc too. Since those tend to happen a lot for me at about wave 13/16 where the host migrates and the game splits the party in two, leaving me and one random alone to clear out another few waves duo. 

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1 hour ago, LuckyCharm said:

Maybe a better way to do it.. would just be to make the rewards stay even if you fail that 5 waves. That way at least you're covered for host migration fails etc too. Since those tend to happen a lot for me at about wave 13/16 where the host migrates and the game splits the party in two, leaving me and one random alone to clear out another few waves duo. 

That could work, but would it not also encourage people to just try going past where they can win, since they would get the reward anyway?

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5 hours ago, Shockwave- said:

yeah.. problem with this is trolling people for an extra 15 seconds at EVERY wave of defense by switching back and forth, you know if this applies to everyone you could be on that screen for 45 seconds waiting.

The better way is lock any decision to exit below 5 seconds (can not be undone), and reset the timer to 5 seconds each time someone moves to exit. Period. If you moved to exit below 5 seconds you are out. From that point players can only change to exit (not back), and the time resets so you are only adding a second or two in most cases. Bonus perk - since you can't move back below 5 seconds, if everyone clicks exit, the mission ends at the 5 second point (everyone locked).

You misunderstand.  If someone leaves an additional 5 second timer appears for the remaining members in the mission.  It won't add time everyone changes mind.  That suggestion is actually pretty good.

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