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Lackluster abilities


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Over the course of playing the game, I have noticed I almost never use certain abilities on certain frames, or I use those abilities for unintended purposes. Here are some examples:


Well Of Life:

I use well of life mainly for locking targets for scanning them, works for synthesis targets when I'm not carrying around the traps. I've never seen anyone use this ability for healing purposes as blessing is obviously the better alternative (Energy cost is negligible as Trinity has EV).


Psychic Bolts:

I frankly haven't ever used psychic bolts for practical purposes. It deals a whopping 200 damage and has a 50% chance of proccing radiation to a handful of enemies. For just a little more energy you could just cast chaos and confuse more enemies for twice the time.


Ballistic Battery:

By the time you have Mesa, your weapons probably deal more than 1600 damage. Enough said.



This ability slowly freezes your enemies on a small space while your speed is reduced greatly and you can't use any weapons. Kind of like a worse ice wave in almost every way. 


What other 'useless' abilities can you think of?


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Blade Storm: Fatal Teleport (it's an augment, but gives more build diversity by using 1 mod over two Efficiency mods that are mandatory for failstorm) does way better job for the same cost of 1 mark (so at high levels it costs a THIRD of the required energy to kill) at dispatching single high profile target, and Smoke Screen with a good melee does the job of clearing crowds more efficiently, with more control and for 35 energy instead of 150 to 450 energy (if it's ten enemies, cost spikes up as you mark more).

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Well Of Life:

I use well of life mainly for locking targets for scanning them, works for synthesis targets when I'm not carrying around the traps. I've never seen anyone use this ability for healing purposes as blessing is obviously the better alternative (Energy cost is negligible as Trinity has EV).

Trinity will be reworked.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Psychic Bolts:

I frankly haven't ever used psychic bolts for practical purposes. It deals a whopping 200 damage and has a 50% chance of proccing radiation to a handful of enemies. For just a little more energy you could just cast chaos and confuse more enemies for twice the time.

You should try Oberon, it's the multitasking Nyx for the moment, but still Nyx suffers like Volt atm that it's not unique anymore.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Ballistic Battery:

By the time you have Mesa, your weapons probably deal more than 1600 damage. Enough said.

It should absorb the damage you do in a time lapse and dish it out on click.

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49 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Blade Storm: Fatal Teleport (it's an augment, but gives more build diversity by using 1 mod over two Efficiency mods that are mandatory for failstorm) does way better job for the same cost of 1 mark (so at high levels it costs a THIRD of the required energy to kill) at dispatching single high profile target, and Smoke Screen with a good melee does the job of clearing crowds more efficiently, with more control and for 35 energy instead of 150 to 450 energy (if it's ten enemies, cost spikes up as you mark more).

Agree, Fatal Teleport is what Blade Storm wants to be. I'd rather have blade storm be exactly what it sounds like and hail shurikens down across an area...

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Psychic Bolts:

I frankly haven't ever used psychic bolts for practical purposes. It deals a whopping 200 damage and has a 50% chance of proccing radiation to a handful of enemies. For just a little more energy you could just cast chaos and confuse more enemies for twice the time.

If this would be a duration based skill what you activate and every sec it sends out those bolts than it might be a good skill.


Also on topic:

Excalibur radial javelin, i could never make this into an useful skill.

Mirage sleight of hand, did anybody ever managed to use this or its augement for anything?

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16 minutes ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

Agree, Fatal Teleport is what Blade Storm wants to be. I'd rather have blade storm be exactly what it sounds like and hail shurikens down across an area...

It'd be better for every warframe to have an exalted weapon, besides Ash could make more use of his inbuilt blades.

And I'm not saying that all Warframe should have melees and guns, but we could get Exalted Casters too and get rid of the warframe powers scaling component for a while.

Edited by giovanniluca
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8 minutes ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

Agree, Fatal Teleport is what Blade Storm wants to be. I'd rather have blade storm be exactly what it sounds like and hail shurikens down across an area...

I would need more details to say if your idea is good or not. Frankly after reading a lot of "Ash 4 rework/tweak" concepts, and pitching 3 of my own (two of them, the earlier ones, s*ck titanically once you stop to think on the details, the third one is almost perfect and solves everything) I came to the conclusion a 'Stance Ultimate' (like Exalted abilities, but actually requiring skill and tactics rather than mindlessly spamming the melee key) is the "path of less resistance" to actually adress the frame's problems (provided it's done well and not a lazy sh*t like...well... current failstorm)

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13 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

I would need more details to say if your idea is good or not. Frankly after reading a lot of "Ash 4 rework/tweak" concepts, and pitching 3 of my own (two of them, the earlier ones, s*ck titanically once you stop to think on the details, the third one is almost perfect and solves everything) I came to the conclusion a 'Stance Ultimate' (like Exalted abilities, but actually requiring skill and tactics rather than mindlessly spamming the melee key) is the "path of less resistance" to actually adress the frame's problems (provided it's done well and not a lazy sh*t like...well... current failstorm)

That does sound good. Kind of like a Predator mode for Ash? Like how Blade Storm feels like it is going to be when selecting targets?

20 minutes ago, giovanniluca said:

It'd be better for every warframe to have an exalted weapon, besides Ash could make more use of his inbuilt blades.

And I'm not saying that all Warframe should have melees and guns, but we could get Exalted Casters too and get rid of the warframe powers scaling component for a while.

I don't know if it would technically be exalted or more like the stance  Nazrethim was talking about, but that would be good.

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Physic Bolts are meant for cheap replacement when you cant cast chaos, also benefit most from her passive, because multiple bolts home on single enemy. Also dont underestimate Pacifying Bolts augment, they can lock enemies in bending down animation for good 15 seconds and you can cast it while reloading, jumping etc. Of course if it will actually manage to work, sometimes it dont.

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2 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

[Ballistic Battery] should absorb the damage you do in a time lapse and dish it out on click.

That's what it actually does, but the cap on maximmum damage you can store is 1600, which is absolutely puny and, in my opinion, could easily be 10 times more. Look at Equinox, she can literally store 2 billion damage with her 4.

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1 hour ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

That does sound good. Kind of like a Predator mode for Ash? Like how Blade Storm feels like it is going to be when selecting targets?

Kind of, it's more of a "super mode".

You can read it on this comment of the Ash Megahread:



Disclaimer: I don't like to do self promotion, I just share that because it's easier than explaining all over again. :P

1 hour ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

I don't know if it would technically be exalted or more like the stance  Nazrethim was talking about, but that would be good.

1 hour ago, giovanniluca said:

It'd be better for every warframe to have an exalted weapon, besides Ash could make more use of his inbuilt blades.

And I'm not saying that all Warframe should have melees and guns, but we could get Exalted Casters too and get rid of the warframe powers scaling component for a while.

I think "Super Mode" would be a more appropiate word. I wouldn't like for every frame to have a super mode, but some of them may benefit from it. Atlas, for example, I've seen many players requesting for "Rumbled" Conclave Augment to be made usable in PvE, the Augment replaces the Golems by turning Atlas himself into one, complete with rock punching and rock throwing and superior damage absortion (500, rather weak for PvE but a very powerful boost for PvP). And they request it even if it's just for flavor!

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

That's what it actually does, but the cap on maximmum damage you can store is 1600, which is absolutely puny and, in my opinion, could easily be 10 times more. Look at Equinox, she can literally store 2 billion damage with her 4.

This is the problem, some warframe have caps and some do not.

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On 7/12/2017 at 0:39 PM, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Over the course of playing the game, I have noticed I almost never use certain abilities on certain frames, or I use those abilities for unintended purposes. Here are some examples:


Well Of Life:

I use well of life mainly for locking targets for scanning them, works for synthesis targets when I'm not carrying around the traps. I've never seen anyone use this ability for healing purposes as blessing is obviously the better alternative (Energy cost is negligible as Trinity has EV).


Psychic Bolts:

I frankly haven't ever used psychic bolts for practical purposes. It deals a whopping 200 damage and has a 50% chance of proccing radiation to a handful of enemies. For just a little more energy you could just cast chaos and confuse more enemies for twice the time.


Ballistic Battery:

By the time you have Mesa, your weapons probably deal more than 1600 damage. Enough said.



This ability slowly freezes your enemies on a small space while your speed is reduced greatly and you can't use any weapons. Kind of like a worse ice wave in almost every way. 


What other 'useless' abilities can you think of?


soul punch

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If they make it faster and give an armor strip ability around 20-50% it will be fine with that damage what does. Maybe they can scale the damage since they seems changing frames to scale well with end game. (Crush)

Titania's lantern also lackluster because it is not a locked fixed position and if that fly away then you wasted a lot of energy into it. Only one benefit is the PoE update because you can see that nice lantern in the night time on Cetus. (romantic).

Limbo's third seem useful but I could say it is also lackluster.

Rhino Ironskin is nice but need some touch up or itself rhino needs more armor up to 300 at least.

Chroma's first ability could be useful but if some mobs facetank you or attack from range then you just fked up your mobility and not really hit targets. Also not scaling with the enemies level.

Hydroid undertow and Wukong's cloud walk, these abilities are could be useful for hiding if there are more friends in the match because they can take the mobs attention and you can safely came back but other wise these needs tweaks or changes.



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9 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Titania's lantern also lackluster because it is not a locked fixed position and if that fly away then you wasted a lot of energy into it. Only one benefit is the PoE update because you can see that nice lantern in the night time on Cetus. (romantic).

A silent forest, a cold small river nearby.

Lovers sit next to a cherry tree in the moonlight on the night of love watching a grineer grunt floating across the sky.....so romantic.

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On 7/12/2017 at 0:39 PM, (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337 said:

Psychic Bolts:

I frankly haven't ever used psychic bolts for practical purposes. It deals a whopping 200 damage and has a 50% chance of proccing radiation to a handful of enemies. For just a little more energy you could just cast chaos and confuse more enemies for twice the time.

I was talking about this ability with my brother, who adores Nyx but feels the same way about Psychic Bolts. While extra damage never hurt anyone (except your enemies), the complete lack of zest in them makes it easy to forget they even exist.

However, we came up with this idea that Psychic Bolts would be made leagues better if it just dramatically increased the threat rating on each enemy hit. This would combo Psychic Bolts brilliantly with Chaos, allowing Nyx to influence groups of enemies to specifically target each other. It would also be a huge help to Mind Control, since you could influence that Bombard you tagged to hit the targets you want it to hit.


... but while we're on the topic of abilities that feel useless: Sleight of Hand.

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19 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

Chroma's first ability could be useful but if some mobs facetank you or attack from range then you just fked up your mobility and not really hit targets. Also not scaling with the enemies level

I made a nice suggestion but my thread was completely ignored:sadcry: so I'll just post it here


Hitting 1 would start up the ability as normal but:

-Now angled up a bit more so it's mostly shooting straight, also the cone is narrowed up a bit. Status is reduced to 30% and max base damage increased to 350-400. This would give the move more of a focus on damage on your immediate targets.

Squeezing the shoot button will cause the cone to expand to a 90-120 degree angle and 1.5x the range, creating a nice blanket of elemental fury as most dragons do. The major change here is to it's function though, damage is halved but status chances increases to 80% giving this form a focus on spreading procs.

Rolling would also function as an attack by coating Chroma's roll with wheel of his element, it causes knockdown and a proc to only the first enemy he hits. This attack does an unmoddable 400/600/800/1000 damage with a 50-50 split between impact and element.

Completely optional extra: rolling also leaves behind a thin elemental trail on the ground he's rolled over. This trail has a 100% proc chance, lasts for 2 unmoddable seconds and deals no damage, damage based procs will deal spectral scream's current damage.


Not optional: Chroma's pelt wings extend while he's wearing it during spectral scream :)

-Afterburn- (now "Dragon's Gunfire") Replaces the larger cone with a chargeable elemental energy blast.

Squeezing shoot will cause chroma to begin charging an elemental blast, the longer it's charged the bigger it's blast radius and higher damage. Each second (min: 1, max: 5) accumulates 100 damage and ups the radius by 2m with a base of 200 dmg and 5m radius. Each blast carries a 100% status chance and is about the size of Chroma's head, the focus here is to give Chroma a bit of burst dmg and allow for ranged procs

Edited by (XB1)naruto1171
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